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Everything posted by khyber

  1. I've really enjoyed this show. I hope it is renewed for another season.
  2. Hard to figure out the time arc of the story. But I'm glad the actress character is dead. She and Ray were an uninteresting couple.
  3. I guess Showtime requires some gratuitous sex even though it doesn't contribute to the story line at all. The actress story-line is boring and I care less about her than I ever cared about the kids, which isn't much.
  4. That's the part that chaps my ass. In the few instances (many years ago) when I wrote a check at the grocery store I had everything except the amount filled in while the scanning was taking place.
  5. I was the trustee on a family trust and not telling someone they are the trustee or what the terms of the trust are is all kinds of wrong. During their life my mother and step-father contemplated various iterations of the trust for their total of 5 kids. I told my mother it was their money and they could do what they wanted with it. My only requirement for acting as trustee was that they couldn't set it up in a way that would make any of the siblings hate me. Otherwise I would decline to act as trustee. So they went for an even split and it was handled without trauma. However I am also trustee on various cousins and aunts/uncles trusts because that one branch of the family is incapable and has issues. I expect those trusts to be a pain in the ass as various people find out they aren't getting any $$.
  6. This season has left me flat and cold. The judges manipulation is so much more blatant than before.
  7. khyber

    Tennis Thread

    Very happy for Sloane and even more happy that she didn't fall to her knees or onto her back. She just took in the win. I hate it when they interview random celebs in the stands during the match.
  8. khyber

    Tennis Thread

    Fortunately I have ESPN3 so I can watch the del Po and Thiem 5th set live. I understand Roger is THE star but focusing on his 1st set vs the thriller on the next court is all kinds of wrong.
  9. khyber

    Tennis Thread

    Is it too much to hope that Shreikapova loses? Heart medicine for everyone!
  10. khyber

    Tennis Thread

    I'm enjoying all the upsets, its really making for a "what will it be today?" vibe.
  11. khyber

    Tennis Thread

    The amount of pandering she was doing in the after match interview was epic. I took an instant dislike to her.
  12. In my experience when a parent or grandparent buys a relatively small life insurance policy for the kid or grand-kid it is usually meant to pay for funeral expenses. My step-father had a life insurance policy as a baby that his dad bought. Of course, in the 1920's I'm sure that a lot of infants did die. I really hated that old woman. The financee did pay for the funeral with the proceeds. The alcoholic landlady ex-lawyer was just all kinds of sad.
  13. That bullet to the head shocked the heck out of me.
  14. I found this last episode fascinating. I'm enjoying the heck out of this series.
  15. khyber

    Tennis Thread

    Thank god for the mute button. I hate it when they interview random celebrities in the audience. I'm here to watch tennis.
  16. Why don't these people just have "Pleaseeeeeesssss Look at Me" tattooed on their foreheads?
  17. I can see a decommissioned nuclear plant from my living room window. They really have no idea what they will do with all the spent fuel rods that are stored there.
  18. I turned to Mr. Khyber and said, "she needs an IUD now". I'm 100% sure that the "church" marked this as a donation. No taxes for them, just us working slobs.
  19. Just watched episode one. Enjoyed it, interesting to see where it will lead.
  20. khyber

    Tennis Thread

    I'm hoping to watch Shapovalov and Zverev for years to come.
  21. Looking forward to this being high quality.
  22. I was distracted by her shoes. In the old movies they never would have had black tap shoes with that dress.
  23. Yup, Mr. Khyber said, "I wish they'd get rid of the other crap and just show more dancing'" Also, I don't are about the judges reactions while someone is dancing. Don't cut away.
  24. Mr. Khyber said, "Why doesn't he just quit the church and become a policeman, since that's what he really likes to do"?
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