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Everything posted by abbyzenn

  1. I thought it was pretty lousy show. I was looking forward to it for Allen Leech but even he couldn't hold my interest, in fact I so lost interest that I didn't even watch the last two episodes. Anna Paquin was like sleepwalking through the whole thing - can't believe how bad her acting was. And every time I saw her I thought couldn't the make up department afford to wash your hair? It will be interesting to see how it does on WGN.
  2. Isle of Wight - that man was annoying. What I also thought was strange is that they talked about her mother's Parkinson's and staying with them so I'd think you'd want a bedroom for her on the first floor - won't it be hard for her to go/up stairs? But I think the only house with bedroom on the first floor didn't have "that wow sea view" you had to look out over the rooftops to see the sea. I wonder what this guy was like 21 years ago because I can't imagine meeting someone and marrying them in 8 weeks unless it's George Clooney (looks, charm, money, sense of humor). Kinda late responding on the NY guy to Berlin but I didn't think he or the realtor was that bad - have seen a lot worse on this show. One of the things I don't get is when someone raves over having a balcony off the master bedroom - morning coffee! we can have cookouts here! I wouldn't want my guest to trample thru my bedroom to get to the deck.
  3. The outrage of the panel regarding those working for Trump - why would they resign? If they really had scruples or disagreed with Trump they wouldn't have taken the job in the first place. Why would the Gary Cohn give up his idea of tax reform - $700- 800 million isn't enough - why give up the chance to reform the tax code so he can pay a lot less in taxes because one thing you can be sure of any tax reform isn't going to benefit those of us making between $50,000 - $100,000. Maybe Mattis and McManus think they need to do it to curb trump's security impulses and lack of knowledge which I can sorta see but Kelly no way - he's not in a security matter job. I haven't really had any strong opinions one way or the other regarding the statues of Lee, etc but to equate those statues with Jefferson and Washington misses a major point. Celebrating Confederates is celebrating people who fought against this country. Jefferson and Washington are founding fathers of this country. Following trump's logic should we rip up the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution since white men who owned slaves wrote them and/or signed them? The video they showed of that white supremacist was really scary.
  4. Wow - there were so many plots and counterplots this episode. I have a hard time deciding who is my least favorite character. Arnold and his wife deserve each other. Curious to see what Mary Woodhull will do with her new info. Still don't understand why she's at the camp rather than her house.
  5. While watching this all the discussion this morning on health care issue (which I was surprised lasted as long as it did) I was yelling at the tv. Joe & co. kept saying that repubs have to repeal/replace Obamacare because that is what they've run on and won on for the last 7 years and that's what their constituents want.. So if now people don't want the repub plans and want to keep their Obamacare - isn't this a real disconnect or just an example that people in red states will vote repub no matter what. My only comment on the tweets will be: I don't hold Mika/Joe to the same standard as someone in the Oval Office. I would think with all the issues facing this country, the man sitting in that office would have more to do that tweet insults. His tweets (and not for the first time) are beneath the dignity of the office of the President.
  6. I didn't actually get why George and Elizabeth left Geoffrey Charles at Trenworth. I know George would like to be rid of him but until this time Elizabeth did seem like a caring mother. Does George have even one redeeming value?
  7. Watched today for the first time since last week (I think it was last week) when Mika went through trump's iowa rally and pointed out all the lies. I was just so depressed watching those lap dogs in the audience and feeling so down about the direction of this country. How can these people not realized facts? It's not like something where I say blue is the most beautiful color and you argue that red it. So today Joe is going on and on about how it's the red states and trump voters who are really going to be hurt by the GOP health care bill and it's going to cause so many Reps to lose their seats. No Joe it won't cost any of them their seat. These people are just too dumb to see what is good for them. They'll say they hate Obamacare while of course using it. I'm almost to the point where I hope the Repub bill goes into effect. Reap what you vote for! Note to Mika - bring back your scarves! My favorite panelist is Steve Ratner. Love the charts. Take that Andy Card.
  8. Only watched about the first half hour of the show, but I think today's word was naïve. This is the kind of thing that just so annoys me about this show (which I admit I don't watch every day). I think it was close to the very beginning of the show - Joe/Mika/Willy/Halperin are talking., topic trump meeting alone with Comey, this group is talking about how trump is so naïve, that he's not used to Washington ways, he's talking like a New Yorker,etc. FINALLY Jim Van Der High (not sure of the last name) says forget naïve, you don't have to know Washington ways to know that you don't meet privately with the FBI director and ask him to drop an investigation. He's talking sense - brings up about how trump knows this, knows it was an issue during the campaign regarding the Clintons, etc. Then of course Joe has to interrupt him (God forbid someone else can have the limelight for more than a minute) and Joe says of course he knows, blah, blah, blah completely reversing his earlier story that trump is not used to Washington ways. With all their talk about trump's way of doing business in New York as a builder, it makes me wonder just how corrupt is that industry and even more annoyed that there are so many tax breaks for these guys.
  9. Joe is tiresome. Is there anything he hasn't done? Has he ever been wrong? Why doesn't he set up the Joe S School for Congressmen? I really liked Elise Jordan's comments today regarding Saudi Arabia - thought she was spot on with everything she said. Sometimes like today she is like a breath of fresh air and I do think she speaks from the heart. In reading the Washington Post today re the Saudi vs Qatar it was stated that the reason we have such a large military base in Qatar is that Saudi kicked us out of there. Surprised no one on the panel brought that up. I too noticed the pro trump commercial today. While I thought there were a lot of odd things about that the thing that struck me most is I can't recall ever seeing such a commercial outside of an election campaign. That would be a good topic for the show.
  10. Actually I thought Ratner was the best on the Pruitt interview. Willie and that other guy (the heavy set one - I didn't get his name) were also good but I find Joe to be irritating. He is a one note guy and in this interview it was only trying to get Pruitt to say trump doesn't believe in climate change. At least Ratner had some facts regarding employment, regulations, etc. (especially liked that he called out Pruitt for making it seem his employment figure was only coal miners but Ratner reminded him that category included other jobs such as copper miners, loggers, etc) Watching Pruitt made me really sad - because an interview with him really shows how low this country has gone. And then that doctor - where did they find him. Yeah right a doctor is going to leave half his day unscheduled to take in walk-ins. There was also something he said which struck me at the time but I can't quite remember what it was but he seemed to fail to grasp the need for specialists. One of my diseases is a rare one (it's one the listing of World Rare Diseases) and you have to go to a specialist for diagnosis and treatment (it's a chronic incurable disease). So many others in my support group spent 1-3 years being misdiagnosed. I just find Joe more and more insufferable. Someone above was right he does seem to have a word of the day and that's his talking point. WIsh I could mute him out and just listen to the others. I'm also tired of the politicians that come on this show. I'd much rather see a discussion of issues without a politician.
  11. During Joe's rant about why do these guys keep lying about their proposals - in this case the medicare cuts - someone on the panel tried to say something but Joe just kept going on. I would have liked to here someone else's take. But when Joe finished they went to commercial and no one else had a chance to speak. But Joe I'll tell you why they keep lying - because it gets them elected. So they can get away with it and will continue to get away with it until, possibly, their plans actually go into effect which might just now happen since they control the White House and Congress. Oh and of course during his rant Joe had to bring up Bill Clinton. I turned the show off when the ad came up that next guest would be Rumsfeld. Talk about liars! Why ever would we want to hear from the architect of the Iraq war?
  12. I really enjoyed this show - although I'm not sure enjoy is quite the right word. It was eye opening and covered a bit of history that we don't learn in schools. I don't think Lucy should become a dominatrix - she'd end up killing every client. Was surprised how quickly Emily Lacy's house took off - it was certainly busy and looked a bit higher class than Margaret's. Although I'm glad she got her children back I can't root for Harriet. She was so cold to Margaret in the last episode when she threatened to report her if Margaret didn't give her the money. I felt sorry for Charlotte, I think she feels betrayed by both her mother and Marney. Jessica Brown Findlay is a wonderful actress and so beautiful. In some of her outfits she was absolutely stunning. The judge's murder was quite surprising and thought at first it was something Margaret had arranged with Nancy. Hoping for a second season.
  13. I love this show and think it doesn't receive the attention it should. While I find some of the stories incredibly sad, rarely do I actually cry (I can still tear up about the early story about Jenny and the old Vet living in squalor) but last night I did with Wilma's death. She just seemed such a delightful person and I chuckled how excited she was about her job - I could see her being a great sales woman. I thought the storyline would be about a conflict between her and her husband when he found out about her talking the pill so I was shocked at the turn it actually took. I really like Barbara and hope that just because she isn't living in Notalus House next year they don't write her out or limit her appearances. Trixie seems to have plenty of money to spend on fancy clothes so I wonder if its just that Barbara is so used to being frugal. Loved that everyone chipped in to help her buy a wedding dress. And it was so sweet that she asked Phyllis to be her bridesmaid. I actually thought the Sheligh birthing scenes went on far too long. They just don't make enough episodes of this show and it's far too long between seasons!
  14. The best parts of today's show were the segments with Sebastian Junger on The White Helmets and Brian Klass on his book The Despot's Accomplice. More time should be devoted to these segments than the continual Bannon vs Jared or similar stuff which you can read in the paper on see on any of the other MSNBC shows or other channels. Joe was extremely rude with Heilman when Heilman was trying to talk about Bannon. Kept interrupting him. I swear Heilman was only able to get a word or time in at a time. I'm tired of the Obama bashing. Hindsight is great but doesn't cover the context at the time. And at the time I don't think the American public and certainly NOT the Republican congress wanted action in Syria. At that point we had been in wars in Iraq and Afganistan for how many years??? History will always be a what if --- what if the British hadn't carved up the Middle East the way they did back after WWI, what if we hadn't always supported Israel regardless of what they do, what if we hadn't armed the rebels in Afganistan against Russia, what if we hadn't gone into Iraq, what if. I was only half listening thru a lot of today's show but was there any discussion that Assad's air force flew planes from the very airfield we "bombed" just 3/4 days ago? .
  15. I turned this on this morning, saw how pumped up they were on trump and promptly turned the tv off. In today's Washington Post OpEP section, David Ignatius has an essay in which he talks about how trump's wariness on Syria had been like President Obama's and that trump opposed intervening. Ignatius also writes "given that trump's view of Syria was so similar to Obama's, his attempt to blame the latest chemical attack there on his predecessor's alleged weakness was especially dubious." Good point ShuFace88 about why didn't they ask McCain why he voted for the nuclear option if it was so horrible. But then on this show they only bring up such things if its against Clinton (Bill or Hilary) and Obama.
  16. Even on DVR I can't manage to get thru this whole show. Today I lasted about 30 minutes. I so agree with you Eliot - no way is this man fit for the office of President. Isn't it too early to say how Presidential he was yesterday in the Rose Garden - doesn't it matter what he does not what he says? So he's appalled at the use of chemical weapons because it was used on "even beautiful babies"? Does that mean if they were ugly he wouldn't be?
  17. Glad to see this show back but it's been so long that I spent most of the show figuring out who was who and their story line.
  18. While I was a bit bored with this episode I was glad to see it back on TV because even it's worst episode is so much better than most everything else. usually it seems there are 2 or 3 baby stories but this one just had Trudy's story or did I black out? I thought Trudy's story was also a good reminder of the state of women at the time - her husband had the upper hand in a divorce and why would a man that just got out of prison, even if it wasn't for child abuse, be more eligible for custody than a wife who had a "problem" years ago. I too was shocked to see the hair of the actress that plays Sister Winifred. I'd like her to have more air time. And Delia has so little air time I don't know why they even bother having her on the show.
  19. Just caught up on the first five episodes. I enjoyed the first one but it's been downhill since then and I'll admit I only half watch except for Eddie's scenes. I don't recall ever seeing Anna Paquin in anything since the Piano and I'm not impressed with her in this. When she's on I'm so distracted by the dirty hair and the dull delivery of her lines. I can't believe it took Allen Leech a year to find an acting job since Downton and this is what he came up with - doesn't bode well for a future career.
  20. Mumbles - you're right that the requirement for members of Congress to buy insurance from an exchange was thrown in to derail the bill. I guess it depends on which exchange your eligible for as to what is available for you. I can't believe the only one available to Mulvaney has such high deductibles. Congressional staffers I believe are still eligible for the federal employee program. Oakland - I'm a retired federal employee. There is a broad range of insurance plans available to federal employees - some are nationwide, some more local. I've had friends that moved and had to get another plan because their current one wasn't available at their new location. The plans are at a variety of costs (I pay over $300 a month) and have different deductibles, copays, etc. When you become a federal employee you are eligible to select an insurance plan and once a year (in December) there is an open season where you can change plans. I believe if you don't sign up as soon as you're hired, you have to wait for the next open season. So you can't get hired in May, decline insurance, get sick in September and then want to sign up. You'd have to wait till December. Of course if you move during the year you can change plans otherwise you have to wait for the open season. None of the plans can have penalties for pre-existing conditions. If you leave federal service before retirement, you lose your insurance (you'd have to get your own plan). To have it in retirement you must have been enrolled in the insurance program for 5 years prior to your retirement. There are set rules on retirement like 30 years of service and be at least 55 years old is the most common one but it varies such as for federal law enforcement officers (50 years old).. I'm glad to see Mulvaney is taking heat for comments he made on Morning Joe concerning meal on wheels and saying the single mother in Detroit and the coal miner shouldn't have to pay for certain things but should for defense.
  21. Another nice day without Joe - although I did think the tweets he did were fairly good. Liked that Donny D was back - maybe it's only when Joe isn't there? Anyway, I liked when he told Mika "the buck stops there" when during the discussion of trump's budget and she called it President bannon's budget and that bannon is leading trump astray. Donny was right it is trump's budget. I usually fast forward thru politician guests and today was a prime example of why. That OMB guy is one of the slimiest politicians out there and unfortunately in a very powerful position. After school programs and meals on wheels aren't worth our tax dollar?? I think these people would be happy if the only thing tax dollars funded was defense. As if there is no waste in that area and every dollar spent is worth it! During the discussion of trump's tweets regarding President Obama wiretapping trump tower, Bob Woodward was silly talking about all the people going in and out of trump tower after the election. Trump said the wiretapping was before the election. Plus I never hear in any of these discussions the fact trump's tweet called President Obama "Bad (or sick) guy." Where's the outrage for this? I do like that Mika calls trump a liar. I'm tired of so many of these types pussyfooting around. When someone lies call it a lie. Eugene Robinson writes wonderful columns for the Washington Post but he needs to work on his speaking.
  22. Oakville - I get what the OMB guy was saying - what I was trying to say is that this could have led into a discussion of what he said. He made it sound like he has to pay $13000 before the insurance pays anything. Is this really true? Was this his only choice? If so why? Or a discussion of preventive care vs waiting to go to an emergency room. Their analogy about car insurance discussion was stupid. Isn't there some good for the general population to be healthy? Don't people with some untreated diseases bring risk to those around them? (I can speak personally on that one because a bad case of the flu/pneumonia and I could die). The panel did get into it a little bit about the non-insured person who gets in a car wreck and who pays for that. It also seems to strange to be that this guy was the second or third one I've heard talk about the $13000 deductible which makes me think it's a standard talking point. I just think this show would be better if they actually discussed an issue for more than 3 minutes. Also re the argument that young people shouldn't be compelled to have insurance. Just because your 25 or 28 doesn't mean you don't need insurance. I was 23 when I ended up in the hospital with meningitis. Don't the young have higher rates of car accidents? Not everyone on Obamacare has such high deductibles - the three people I know personally who are on Obamacare don't have such high deductibles. My insurance (which is not part of Obamacare - I'm a retired federal employee) I have a $5000 deductible but I don't have to pay that before insurance kicks - it pays part of every visit/test (a higher percentage than I pay) and once I've reached $5000 the insurance pays 100%. I have an incurable potentially fatal disease so unfortunately I am very familiar with doctors/hospitals. On this morning's show I had to watch the Senator from West Virginia with a bit of skepticism. After all it was his daughter whose company raised the price of the epipen while also raising her salary 3-4 million. I know he's not in charge of what his adult daughter does but such things really effect health care in this country.
  23. I only caught part of today and yesterday's shows but appreciate how much better this is without Joe. Much better discussions among those at the table. I do wish Mika and the more regular panelists would do a bit more homework or have someone at the table who is actually an expert/knowledgeable on a subject especially when they're interviewing someone political. Today with the guy from OMB (I think it was OMB) when he talked about access to health care vs health care - he said he's on an exchange and I think he was trying to say he has a $13000 deductible thereby not really allowing people to visit the doctor and therefore not a good plan (his words). I'm curious as to what exchange/plan this is because I know 3 people on the federal exchange (their state VA did not create it's own exchange) and none have that high of a deductible. All have been seeing doctors and one of them (not sure of the other two) pays $10 copay for a visit. I think this $13000 bit is part of the GOP/trump talking point because I've heard it before. The panel did go into a short discussion on health care is a right vs privilege but I would have liked them to ask more pointed questions at the OMB guest.
  24. Thought today's show was pretty - but I dvr and fast forward thru senators/congressmen interviews. Joe was still down on trump - I think he even used the word "lies". Waiting for his pivot back to (talking ab trump) "this is the man I know." Watching some of this today just reminded me of how stupid too many voters are or that the competition for senator/congressman is just plain awful. Who votes for that Nunes guy??? I loved the clips of the press questions to Sean Spicer. The reporters asked very good questions. But then you have characters like Spicer and Nunes saying don't take trump literally. Well when should we believe what he says? And yes it is a waste of taxpayer money and congress' time trying to find info trump supposedly has. Do I have confidence that Nunes committee will ever issue a report that clearly states trump wasn't truthful - about as much confidence that George Clooney will be my next husband. I swear if it wasn't for the fact that I have three family members on Obamacare (and are three are happy with their plans) I'd love to see a complete repeal and cuts to medicare/Medicaid. That might be the only thing that finally gets some of these red state people to wake up. But then again, they're going to get those great jobs with benefits that trump touts so they won't need any government medical care.
  25. Venray episode - those homes were gorgeous and huge - especially for the rent. The couple seemed nice but I wanted to scream at their demands. Once again she's yapping about wanting a "Dutch" house but wants modern and huge appliances. Laughed when he said if she had her way she'd get a gingerbread house in the woods - like that would be large enough, modern enough and have a gigantic refrigerator. Why do Americans always insist on a HUGE refrigerator - isn't the lifestyle in a lot of these European cities to go frequently to the shops for fresh food. Re: his trucks - those things will cost him a fortune in gas money. Stupid!!!!
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