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Everything posted by movinon

  1. Margamo, This is funny as hell - also not intended as sacrilege. This is looking like a good day - everyone is ready with the snark and wit today. I can't wait for the show, and it's been SO LONG since I felt this way.
  2. I am in Texas. sitting at my desk, looking at the most beautiful snowfall I ever saw. The flakes are huge, the roads are melting, so driving is safe, and everything else is covered. The pool is the only thing that isn't white. Keeping my great grand-daughter today, so life couldn't get much better than this. Hope everyone has a great day.
  3. LOL - I can't stand that man - he's right up there with Victor on my hate list - Nikki must have been very drunk.
  4. Really? I am a GH fan and I thought it was funny, and so did several of my friends. I enjoy the references to other shows and current happenings. JMO
  5. I'm a fan of both shows and I thought it was funny as heck.
  6. Cricket is already a major demon - lol. I'd just like her to go away, FOREVER....she makes Paul even more unlikable. JMO Edited to say I think your entire post is funny, especially the Vic/Jack one.
  7. I know that site and I seriously believe those fan threads are really only about five people with about ten identities each. They are obviously quite young, and probably fantasize about being blond and rich. They are probably having major weepathons over Austin, since they love him too. Edited to add I know weepathon is not a word.
  8. This was hysterical - I love the way GH puts those jokes in their storylines. I should put this in unpopular opinions over on that thread, but I LOVE Franco - party of one at my table. Edited to add I love Ian more, of course.
  9. Foghorn, I think I remember seeing Abby pour that vial of perfume down the sink the the lab while Ashley watched. Of course, that doesn't mean it's the only one she had, but Kelly seems genuinely devastated that no one believes her. She is really around the bend and imagined the whole thing, (Ashley?????) or it really did happen and she didn't set it up. I think it all goes back to Victor, but I just don't understand what he has to gain - maybe putting Jack in a mental hospital or something like that? Everything bad always goes back to Victor, but it's usually business related in some way, at least with Jack. With Sharon, it was totally cruel and personal, so maybe that's becoming his MO now - just destroying people for the fun of it. Yep, I can believe that, I guess.
  10. I have to take a break, too. I was so hoping Adam was going to leave him to die in that fire, and 1/4 of the problems with the show would be solved. But no, Adam has been made stupid, too, and he drags him out and now we still have to look at him. They promised that one main character was going to die, and since we all know it can't be Victor, Billy was my choice. I would choose Devon, but he just doesn't matter to me. I loved Billy Miller, the actor, but that wasn't enough to make Billy an upstanding lovable guy - I know we need Abbotts, but I don't see replacing the actor as the solution. Delia's death could have been made a turning point for the character of Billy, where he accepted his lack of responsibility and maturity, and became a better person. This brush with death could be used in the same manner, but I'm sure that has occurred to nobody in power. They need to make him better, send him away for a couple of years, or kill him off forever - I just can't with this guy anymore.
  11. I agree with everyone who is talking about this and we are all sort of saying the same thing - it appears that Jack, Kelly, or Phyllis or maybe all three, are all being messed with - or maybe not. Most of us don't like Kelly or Phyllis, but the storyline is causing sympathy for both of them. I just hope it's not Jack being an ass - he really is my favorite character on the show for years, and I can't stand him becoming the kind of character he was when Terry Lester played him. He's not perfect, but nobody is. I'd like to blame it on Victor (as always) but I can't see what he has to gain from this. I am totally confused - maybe it's not an unpopular opinion, after all.
  12. This is kind of a staple on any soap, but you are right - it does make them look stupid. I have to agree with you about the hatred for Kelly, although I hate her, too. If we're going to feel sorry for Sharon being mentally unstable, then we should also feel sorry for Phyllis and Kelly. I'm not sure I think Phyllis is mentally unstable, but everyone else seems to think so. Mariah is the one person who has the right to be mentally unstable, with her past, and seems to be more mentally balanced than the rest of the women on the show. JMO
  13. This re-cap is full of good stuff, but this is my favorite. Kelly gives new meaning to "off the rails" - and she is becoming better at acting crazy all the time. Great job, peach - love this one.
  14. Ninja, I love it when you bash Victor - it never gets old. The rest of the post is great, too.
  15. I am ready to accept this relationship, too, Red. First, since Steve Burton is JFP's God, the storyline should be good, and front and center. He does seem to have more life to him when he is acting with her and I love him with Faith. I'm still very sad about Shoe. I really wanted a chance to put Sharon with someone outside the Newman circle, and he is so epic looking, they would have made a gorgeous pair. Still, it is what it is, and I'll take either one. I would also be happy to have Sharon just get independent and live without a man for a good while - I just don't want her on the back-burner. Edited to add "Thanks, peaches - missed you, too". Too long ago to remember when - VERY!
  16. I have been without internet and TV for 3 days and have really missed you guys. Just popping in to say I am in the DFW area in Texas and am looking out my window at light snow on the ground. It's 26 degrees (I know that's not really cold, but it is here) and only expected to reach 30 today. No shovels needed here, though. lol
  17. I remember this vaguely, and I was so nauseated that I didn't pay much attention. They didn't take it very far - just flirting and crap like that - I imagine the reaction of disgust from the fans was epic. The only thing firmly in my memory is a conversation between Victor and Cricket, talking in riddles, and she walks out. She had the last word this time and it was something like "Maybe someday, you and I will have an honest conversation and admit what we're really saying." That was the end of the whole thing, I think.
  18. I have been without television and internet since sometime Thursday night, and what a treat to find re-caps for Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday in this thread. This is the first place I went when things got fixed and think I'm going to bed and finish catching up in the morning. Peach, all three re-caps are hysterical and I can't tell you how much I missed everyone. I think I need to get a life.
  19. Too funny, bannana - I know I would be looking, too. This is insane - Devon wandering in the wilderness, Neil running off with the map, and nobody trying to build a shelter of any kind. Guess they're just going to wait for Dylan or Gabriel to rescue them.
  20. I really don't mind however you post, just as long as you keep doing it. Even in another language, I'll find an interpreter if I have to. Just keep on doing recaps - I watch the board for them every day.
  21. This is perfect Nick-nonsense. From the beginning of the evening, when he took Faith to Sharon without calling first, to the end where he is making out with Sage, while he doesn't even remember that his parents are buried in the rubble of his fine establishment. No thought given to any of his children - as usual, it's just all about Nick. Gabe and Sage should just give up their chance at the inheritance so that little Nicky can party with Sage. God, I despise this creature from hell.
  22. Of course he does, because there's no possibility that Sharon is busy or out for the evening, right? I would have loved it if she had been entertaining dude, Joe Clark, but I don't think anyone's reading our board right now. By the way, is the print in this recap smaller than usual, or am I going off the rails again? I couldn't find a way to make the font bigger, so I copied and pasted it into a word document and made it bigger there. Just had to have my fix - thanks, peach.
  23. This is a perfect description of Victor's stupid smile. In all the years I have seen him smirk (and that's not exactly the right word), I never knew exactly how to describe it. He does have a genuine smile he uses with children, but this one is so different. Thanks for giving it a name.
  24. Thanks for the re-cap, bannana. It's nice to get them here, instead of having to go to that unmentionable site to read those recaps by Candice or whoever. Sounds like another good episode for the U.S. tomorrow.
  25. It's mostly flat, or seems that way. The Big Bend area has outcroppings and hills (up to 1900 ft., I think,) and there are lots of caverns and caves in that area. I live in the DFW area and there are small hills here, that make for interesting house designing, but the state is basically flat, boring, and extremely conservative. Did I mention conservative??? The beaches are nice, but the sand is not white, just ugly brown. As you can tell, I would probably rather be somewhere else.....I like Hawaii....and Cancun.
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