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Everything posted by jkitty

  1. He was scary to look at. It started off reeking of producer set up, and then he just went unhinged. I think he is pissed Landon (allegedly) wants Shep and not him.
  2. Thanks. I am gonna wait for the receipts on this one. I am not saying it's impossible, but to me it is a huge accusation and I am not going to cosign unnamed internet sources. Based on behavior alone, to me, Thomas seems like the much more likely suspect to fail a drug test. But we have no (current) evidence of that either.
  3. Patricia reminds me of the horrible "Princeton Mom." She is so awful.
  4. I haven't looks at all the links. Are there actual documents showing the failed drug tests or is it just based in the word of "sources"? Just curious.
  5. I think they are bleeping "fucking." Sounds like an "ing" at the end. I actually didn't know what a "twinkie" was and had to google it. (I thought it was making fun of Dorothy's weight gain or something.) I can actually see how - if it is the kind of thing that Dorothy would joke about - Morgan might mistakenly think it was ok and not that bad. But this is one of those things what you err waaaaaay on the side of caution on. Not good, Morgan. Not good. Still hate Bianca though.
  6. Color me stupid, but how can Reza and Adam's ambush wedding be legal? How could they get a marriage license without Adam? Those things don't have an indefinite shelf life so I don't think the old one would be good. The whole thing -besides being stupid - reeks of "fake."
  7. We can agree to disagree. I think that a misogynistic attitude that permits someone to speak to Tiff the way Bryan did - basically demanding sexual acts from her ("get over here and sit on my thumb," "we haven't even made out yet, but I am thinking about fucking you," "if you are gonna be a hood rat bitch like that...") are very much on the sliding scale of sexual intimidation that could lead to rape and part of a culture that readily permits rape. I never called Bryan a rapist. I said I see a common thread in Bryan's attitude toward Tiffany and the attitude that leads to rape, particularly on college campuses. I did not call all frat boys rapist and abusers, but was implying that the ones that are (and the ones that share this attitude of sexual entitlement) do not take responsibility for their actions because they do not see their views of women as wrong. This attitude and approach to sexual relationships is very much part of rape culture. It denigrates women, positions them as objects to be taken rather than individuals who must actively and enthusiastically consent to participation, and who can and should be insulted and threatened when they do not readily comply with the man's sexual demands. Simply because it did not escalate to a physical situation does not mean Bryan's behavior was not sexually aggressive and symptomatic of rape culture. As long as men like Bryan believe they can demand sex from a woman, "convince" a woman to have sex with them (i.e. threaten, drug, force her into it), or take sex from a woman because she can't say no, rape culture will very much be a thing and this will very much be the foundation of it. Bryan didn't take her parking spot or cut in front of her in line. He was threatening and demanding in a sexual situation. Bottom line is that "guys who are jerks" in this manner are the problem. Edited to add a link to Bryan's twitter feed...blaming all the inappropriate things he did in last night's episode on booze (with a passing, half-assed apology to Tiff). https://twitter.com/BryanKattenburg?ref_src=twsrc^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^author. No hint of personal responsibility or reflection...because he really doesn't think he did anything wrong other than how it impacted him by making him look stupid.
  8. Agreed. Because she was friendly and was playful with you, she should be dumping her bf to bone you? That is a huge jump. I hate when people take friendly, even flirtatious interactions and extrapolate them beyond what they are into much more. We saw the same thing with Danny and the kilt girl. Just because she is nice to you and has fun with you, doesn't mean she wants to have sex with you. There is a whooooollllle spectrum of interactions in between that.
  9. Yeah, really. The attitude Bryan displayed, as HunterHunted perfectly described as trying to bully Tiff into sex, is the exact attitude that men who perpetuate rapes have. "I am entitled to have sex with you." No one said he actually raped Tiff, but the underlying misogynistic attitude is the same. And then these frat boys blame their entitlement on binge drinking and hook-up culture, not a lack of respect for women and the laws of consent.
  10. I partially agree with this. If it was reversed we would definitely have been commending him. But, the problem was not that Bryan drunkenly wanted to hook up with Tiff (although I agree that consent would have been sort of impossible in his state). It was the vile things he was saying to her and about her, which expose his blatant lack of respect and misogyny while trying to hook up with her. I doubt a very drunk Tiff trying to hook up with Bryan would be calling Bryan a hood rat bitch, telling him degradingly to sit on her thumb, etc. Moreover it would be almost impossible for her to speak that way about Bryan because our culture does not have an inherently degrading and disrespectful lexicon about men, being a man, or things that men do. In contrast, implying a man has a vagina is apparently the worst thing you can say to him and all female-performed sex acts are inherently considered subservient and degrading (i.e. "suck my dick," "getting fucked/banged" as opposed to being the one fucking, or sitting on someone's thumb(???)). Bryan treated Tiff like an object he was entitled to use rather than a person, just like Brock Turner the Stanford rapist.
  11. He would be lucky to make that. Based on the law school he went to and average Charleston attorney salaries, he would probably be making between $60-85K. (Even new attorneys in larger cities like Chicago are lucky to make much more than that unless they went to a top tier school or graduated at the top of their class from a "regional" school.) He probably has debt and the show is a better prospect for paying that off (and a more fun one) than actually being a lawyer. Gotta love our tuition system... He needs to pass the damn bar though.
  12. She said he put her on "modified" bed rest, not complete bed rest. A google and review of pregnancy message boards shows that this has a fair amount of variability from doctor-to-doctor and based on the individual patient. From what people are describing though, a relaxing, mostly reclined or seated spa session, or a meal, would not be out of the realm of modified bed rest. Neither would walking short distances (like from the door to the car).
  13. To me Danny is creepy because of the level of attachment he had to Morgan does not seemed to be justified by their actual interactions. She was nice to him, sure. She sat up and talked to him...ok. There was some weird drunken hugging by a rock (maybe a peck, which I still can't see). Even if Morgan was a little bit into him, we did not see her gushing to people about her "connection" with Danny. We did not even really see her pursue interactions with him at all, only "politely" receive his attention. (In fact, when they were all sitting up talking to him at the dinner table and he said he had to go so everyone else could go to sleep and he could get is work done, she did not protest one bit. She was like "ok, peace. Hand hug.") But then the captain tells him can't give her a cheesy ass poem and he is crying like he found out his wife has cancer. It was weird, and disproportionate to the situation. To me, it conveys a sense of entitlement and self-importance, imposing his will on the situation rather than seeing Morgan for an actual person. It is like he is chasing a "prize" ... not building an actual relationship. Essentially it comes down to him objectifying Morgan to use her to create an image of himself and the situation as he wants it to be. There is a mental disconnect from the reality of the situation that I find unsettling/creepy. Not sure if that makes sense.
  14. Conspiracy theory: Bethenney is actually trying to help Sonja by picking a fight with her. Bethenney has said repeatedly that she is not "worried" about Sonja's brand as competition but is annoyed that Sonja used her for publicity. If that was true, wouldn't she STFU about it and refuse to talk about it on the show, thus denying Sonja the much-needed controversy to stir up press for her (let's face it, highly likely to be crappy) booze? I think B struck a deal with Sonja before the season started and is actually doing her a favor here. Or not, but it's fun to speculate.
  15. This. Isn't just amazing how the woman he wrote his name next to on the preference sheet just happened to be the one he had a "connection" with? What are the odds?? In all seriousness, he has maj stalker vibes and I am so not a fan. Like I posted earlier, I did not see Morgan kiss Danny. I saw them awkwardly hugging by a rock. Maybe a peck occurred, which she could have very much felt pressured into (especially if she was not very sober). And maybe she liked the attention at first, but I did not see her really pursuing Danny at all. I saw her give him an air kiss on the cheek when he gave her the much maligned poem...not pulling into her room for a clandestine smooch. Dan took a little flirtation and built it up into a life-changing romance in his head. Dude has problems.
  16. Did I miss the "kiss"? I watched it again and all I saw was awkward nuzzling behind a rock. And then Morgan only air kisses him on the cheek after that (like when he gave her the poem). Not exactly the actions of soul mate fueled by a passionate connection. If this was real life I would feel bad for Morgan that some creeper was on her jock (TM Bethenney Frankel) the whole charter … but Morgan is the only kilt girls' name I know so, mission accomplished? Daniel seems seriously unhinged though. It's disturbing. He also has some MRA "Nice Guy" entitlement vibes to him.
  17. Danny is a hot mess obviously. But I was super annoyed with Bryan's comment that being emotional is not very "manly." Bryan can take a long walk off a short pier, bro. His misogyny is showing and it's not a good look. Danny is beyond emotional. Guy is a disaster and wildly inappropriate. Such a massive creeper.
  18. Exactly. That is a rule to live by and always makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.
  19. This. I want to know why Brendan said it. Just a rich kid living abroad without a job should not be enough to trigger that rumor in those circles. Maybe for a middle class person with average, working parents living in Japan without a job would spark rumors, but Morgan (for example) seems to have never had an actual job and no one is calling her a hooker. Something else had to be going on there to make people think she was a hooker. I want to hear Brendan's side. It also seems like he thinks this was a very serious thing (not wanting to discuss it on camera), not a silly rumor for TV fodder.
  20. Yes, that scene was disturbingly "bro-y" to me. His response to his employees bringing strangers on to the boat and drinking alcohol reserved for guests (both a liability and an expense to the owners of the boat) was very nonchalant, "I got your back." But then Jen gets reamed out for not asking for a potty break? There is a disconnect there for me. Add that to Bryan inserting himself into Hannah's conversation with Tiffany and I see a pattern where Bryan really likes to exercise his "authority" over women, but sees men as his peers/equals.
  21. 1) Truer words were never spoken about TRav. 2) I really wish the scene with Cam and the shrink went on longer. I do not think it is so cut and dry that she does not want children. I think the problem is that people work REALLY hard to build an amazing life, then find themselves in their 30s, in the "baby making window" thinking... "I am supposed to blow this nice world up for the unknown?" In your 30s, if things work out...you are finally happy, married to or with someone you love, have the money to travel, have a career you are developing. If everything is going right, your early 30s are GREAT. Then, as a woman, you hit that wall of "fuck, I need to start trying to have a baby" even if you are not emotionally ready to rock the nice, low-maintenance, low-stress life you have going. Even if you have always pictured myself with kids it can be a really difficult trigger to pull, especially when the dialogue surrounding kids is so negative. All you see on TV, read, and hear anecdotally is how much kids suck, how much everything changes, etc. Kids are the one thing you can't undo and you have almost no control of the outcome (from how long it will take to conceive to how the birth goes to if the baby is healthy to who your baby is). I would have loved to hear more of what therapist had to say to Cam because I do not think it is as simple as "she does not want kids."
  22. I thought the drooling over the model/waitresses was excessive. Sure, they were cute girls, but they weren't Victoria Secret models. They are like, normal attractive people you would see at the beach. Act like you have been there, man. It was pathetic and so ridiculously unprofessional. I am secondhand embarrassed for those guys. I also cannot stand when people in the service industry look down on the people they are paid to assist. It's not your job to judge whether you deem your guests worthy of your service. Last time I checked, you are working on a mega-yatch, not renting it, so you are in no position to judge the guests. If you can't accept that, then you should not be in the service industry. Everyone should be treated with respect, just as the guests should respect you and value your work. It's gross. I am not sold on this spin off yet. There is not enough travel porn, the charter guests have been sort of boring, and the cast lacks that certain something that makes a show click. Hannah is not as witty as Kate, so we do not have the entertaining banter/sparring with Ben or the clever commentary. Bryan is not as funny/charming as Eddie (pre-Rocky debacle) and is way too high on his horse for my taste. I like the second stew but can't remember her name, so that's probably not a good sign. Bobby is blah bordering on annoying. Daniel thinks he is more charming than he is...when in fact I think he is creepy. He also strikes me as lazy under the guise of providing "service" to the guest. He thinks is self-stated stellar personality is worth more to the guests than actual work, which is not true. Jen is insufferable and not in a good way. Hopefully if someone gets replaced it will add new life to the cast. And MORE GREECE please!
  23. Landon is so fucking awful. Every syllable that comes out of her mouth in that grating, up-talking vocal fry is the worst sound I have ever heard. And she giggles like a toddler after everything she says. Actually that's not true. Most toddlers are more self-possessed than Landon. "Um, I placed an order, um, for some disco cupcakes? Hahahaha." SHUUUT UUUP, Landon. Not to mention the pure vile bitchiness that she is uttering most of the time. It's bad when Craig and Kathryn are the two least shitty people on the show.
  24. This article solidified for me what a self-entitled sociopath Thomas is and how little responsibility he takes for any of his actions. It also showed that he had obviously been eyeing Kathryn up since she was a teenager. He mentions they called her "Senate Barbie" when she was a page. That was June of 2010 so she was like 17 or 18. I just think he is disgusting. When I think of grown men, old enough to be the father of a teenager, speaking sexually about a teenaged female employee my blood boils. It is so wrong on so many levels. Also, legal age of consent is what it is. However, just because it is legal for a person 30 years older than a 16-year old to have sex with someone who is 16 does not make it right, nor does it eliminate the power differential inherent in such a relationship. If I had a 16 or 19 year-old son or daughter who was being pursued by a person 30 years their senior, who was promising to "take care of them" and give them "everything they wanted" if they made a baby with them, I certainly wouldn't think "well, it's legal, so my kid must know what they are doing." The fucked up part is that Kathryn said her parents encouraged it. That's why I think she did not have the support system or life skills to really evaluate this and see what it was a crushingly bad choice. She had been raised to believe this is what she was supposed to do.... kind of like the "South Carolina scion" version of a Duggar girl. But she does not have the emotional maturity to handle these poor decisions, communicate effectively, or even successfully manipulate Thomas into getting what she wants. Also, I do not see how Kathryn's prior sexual history factors in here at all. So if a 21-year-old has had sex with enough people to be considered "slutty" by some invisible arbitrator of morality, then it's ok for a middle aged man to lie to/emotionally manipulate her into having a child with him based on promises to provide for her and the child?
  25. . If this was real life and your good friend gave you the message in a large group of people you knew at varying levels, I could see being embarrassed and pissed at her for not telling you privately. But this is housewives so .... Yeah, nothing is sacred. All her anger should be at John.
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