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Everything posted by DrSpaceman10

  1. This is so weird. She couldn't or they wouldn't let her do another 10 episodes? Which is what 3/4 months of work? After 7 years? I wonder whose decision it was. The only thing I could think is that maybe she's going to another show and the filming would have overlapped. It just doesn't make any sense right now.
  2. Serves me right for watching a full episode. So. Much. Dinah. And somehow she never manages to have more than one expression, including in the future. Even BS can emote more than that. Is this a preview of what the show's going to be like when it comes back from hiatus, Dinah/Oliver + Rene working on cases at the SCPD? The driest trio ever, imo. And Felicity's "no longer the woman Oliver fell in love with" because she defended herself and him? Since she was doing whatever it took to get Oliver out of prison and no one bothered to help her (which we know the show's never going to address or admit to)? WTF? If they were going to have Olicity go into the hiatus "on a break" they could have at least given us a better sex scene, that one was lame after how long they were separated/are going to be separated. Anyway, back to not watching. At least until spoiler happens.
  3. This is the first full episode I've watched in a while. Now I remember why I don't watch anymore. Felicity is the only saving grace tbh.
  4. How awful that OTA got stuck with Dinah and presumably the rest of the noobs for 20 years, eek. I wouldn't blame Oliver or Felicity for going "missing" in the future timeline, if that's what's happened.
  5. Maya being Olicity's future daughter might explain all of the back and forth this summer over the Olicity baby spoiler.
  6. Whenever I've thought Oliver was being an assbutt, the show's all "she's the mother of his child!", "SuSAn's a gOoD pERson!!!". Now, when Oliver's his most mature, best self, the show's all "he's the worst!". Does not compute.
  7. Yeah, I don't get why they seem to avoid promoting her. If there's a crossover, she's front and center (I think she's crossed over to the other shows more times than even SA IIRC), and if there's a new character that needs introducing/spinning off, they use her. It's odd.
  8. I just want Season 7 to be the last, have like 18 episodes, be chock full of OTA, have no NTA/birds and a have full circle villain (like Tommy) who isn't Slade or Malcolm. And then for EBR to go star in some sort of show like Alias, where she can kick ass and be adorable. And for DR to go star in a show where he can be shirtless all most of the time. Sigh.
  9. I think it’d almost be funny to see KC moved to LoT. It’d also be nice to see another show have to deal with a useless mask, since Arrow’s the show always getting saddled with launching the spinoffs/birds/random WB mandated masks. Plus, at least on LoT you have the time travel/non-grounded aspect, which would fit her character better than Arrow. And Sara’s pretty much just as connected to BS as Quentin is. This is probably won’t happen though since Arrow’s the only show that has to suffer, haha.
  10. It's only Season 6, they shouldn't be this out of ideas yet. They either need to have a major writers/EPs shake-up, or maybe the show should end after Season 7. I'm starting to get the impression that the writers/EPs don't really care anymore and they're pretty much just showing up for the paycheck.
  11. KC's biggest problem for me is that she's robotic (which actually made it pretty easy for me to ignore her), whereas CL seems to play every scene the exact same way (smirk, pursed lips, low/stilted voice). Acting is so subjective though, so where I see a smirk others see vulnerability, haha.
  12. Yeah, this episode is a skip for me. Definitely looking forward to reading all of this board’s snark about it though, haha. Also, is it just me or do 6x12, 13 and 14 pretty much all have the same plot?
  13. This might be an unpopular opinion, but I think that RG, EK, and JH's acting is almost as big a problem as the writing. Rick delivers every line so angrily/bitterly, Juliana only has two expressions, angry or sultry (must be a Canary prerequisite), and Echo just can't pull off the fast rambling Felicity-type dialogue. Add to that the actors' attitudes and there's no way I'll ever like them, no matter what happens with the writing.
  14. As boring and avian as this episode looks, it can't be any worse than the February episodes of Season 2 (lunge/Lance Family Drama), Season 3 (BC arc/Ray), Season 4 (BMD reveal/breakup) and Season 5 (Susan/BC 3.0), haha.
  15. I actually liked this episode, mostly because I feel like I've been waiting for OTA scenes like these since 2B. This is how the team should have been all along. SA, EBR and DR have a chemistry that just doesn't need anyone else, the three of them are the perfect team alone imo. I'm hoping we get to keep OTA forever for a while and they don't rush through this (lame) Civil War plot like they do everything else. How the show is avoiding Oliver and BS interaction reminds me of what they used to do with Alicia and Kalinda on The Good Wife, and that was because the actresses hated each other.
  16. Why is there so much TInah? It's starting to seem like she's getting even more storylines than Oliver. I can't imagine it's the writers' choice to give so much focus to a character they've already done 3.5 times, imo it seems like a mandate that's coming from TPTB. Rene's a traitor with the maturity of a three year old and Curtis is just there to be annoying and take storylines/dialogue from Felicity because they have no idea what to do with him. Looking forward to OTA scenes and Delicity scenes (which will be much likelier without Tinah interrupting). It's getting harder and harder to get excited about the show because so much of it's revolving around the noobs at this point, and they're all so blah.
  17. I should have known, it sounded way too good to be from these writers, haha.
  18. I mean why is an evil Kara/Oliver hookup necessary? It sounds like something Kreisberg would come up with, to be honest. They have some obsession with Oliver hooking up with as many women as possible, it's a little lot gross at times. I also don't see how it's a "dark love story" if they're both NAZIS. I really want to watch this crossover because it's the wedding and I want to see the build up to it, since we've been waiting so long, but ugh. It's so Arrow to give with one hand while slapping you in the face with the other. I think this crossover with go well with wine, haha.
  19. I think the kid's best when he's in scenes with EBR, that's when he's the most natural. SA and the kid's scenes aren't quite clicking for me yet, which is odd because SA's a parent in real life and I thought it would come off more naturally for him. I can't believe I'm saying this, but the Felicity/William/Oliver scenes are one of my highlights of the season so far ?. If only they'd written it like this from the beginning :/
  20. If Earth X Felicity gets killed by Nazis in the crossover, that's gross. It's so wrong to use Nazis for entertainment value. Who enjoys a Jewish character being (probably) killed by Nazis?!?
  21. Vigilante being Tinah's ex-boyfriend makes no sense (even for this show). Vigilante targeted Team Arrow before Tinah even joined, before Team Arrow even knew she existed, before she knew they existed? And he just happened to move to Star(ling) City too? Lame. They must have had a different plan for Vigilante that they changed for some reason. I refuse to believe this reveal was what they were hyping/drawing out for a year.
  22. With EBR suddenly doing all of this press this year, it kind of makes me wonder what was happening during Season 5.
  23. I'd trade a second (third?) wedding for a first dance, haha.
  24. I'm confused, wasn't Vigilante introduced/targeting the team before Tinah appeared? So, it wouldn't really make sense for him to be connected to her?
  25. Me too. I hope I feel that way after the episode too, haha.
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