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Everything posted by lizzyp

  1. I think this is one of 'TV's Most Affecting Death Scenes' for me. Henry Blake on MASH, Mark Green on ER, Edith Bunker, Denny on Greys, William. I am not going to be okay for several days.
  2. They have done a masterful job of finding music that was ubiquitous but anonymous. Truly the soundtrack of the time. That song was familiar but not so known that it pulled me out of the moment, which seems like exactly what the music should do.
  3. I have to defend Sophie a little bit, because I was lucky enough to get to spend a few years in England as a child- the character she was using for her workshops was a dead on compilation of some kids show hosts. I agree with everyone about the Italian. She was consistently bad, and her accent was so thick that you'd have thought it might cover some of that up but actually made it even worse. I've never listened to the commentaries, does Rogers talk about her at all?
  4. I was a little confused about how they could be so entrenched in this 'epic battle between good and evil' yet Stone could take 2 months to go to Shangri La to train?
  5. Do we know if there will be a season 4? I do not understand TNT's PR for this. Why so much promo for the last half of the season?
  6. This is sort of where I am with the show as well. The first season introduced us to characters with baggage. Since then most of the baggage has just disappeared and we're veering into sitcom territory - Jones and Stone go out and do some Laurel and Hardy stuff and then one of the adults bails them out of their jam. Cassandra goes back and forth for me, but I'm disappointed with how the brain grape became a non-issue for almost 1 1/2 seasons, then comes barrelling back in as a huge issue that gets resolved in 20 minutes. The comparison to Leverage is pretty natural because of the shared DNA - that show was what brought many of us to this one, and we were hoping that this one would give us the same richness of characters. I feel like we're not getting that right now, and I wish I could say it was because Rogers left but it started last season for me. Even though we didn't know all the backstory on the Grifters, we could infer things from their consistent behavior and we're not getting the consistency. Remember the lovely speech Stone gave to Cassandra when he told her that nobody he grew up with knew about him? I would like more moments like that, from all of them. Baird didn't get to be who she was by accident, and I'd like to know more about what drove her there. I'd really like to know how Jones became the world's greatest thief - a few flashbacks, some old friends, references to family - something to help me understand what led them to the Library and how the Library is helping to fill the holes inside them.
  7. Right??? It also seriously undercuts what had been a pretty interesting debate between Stone's "No magic!" and Cillian's "Magic is already in the world, why can't we use it for good!" I loved the running gag almost as much as I loved Jenkins random phone thing. It looks a little like they've expanded that gag to include computers and other devices, which is fun but sometimes hard to catch. I was wondering though if that wasn't deliberate, because this episode was the first time I heard one of the the Librarians refer to the door as 'a magic door.' So maybe the whole argument is headed front and center and they're all starting to recognize that they've already been using magic. If that's where they're going, then I once again would rather get the scenery on the way. The LIT's went away in between seasons and came back fully developed and missing most of what made them really interesting characters, and now the big question- should magic be used or was it contained for good reason may be already resolved and we didn't get to see how.
  8. What was it Lamia said? "I don't break out the katana for just anyone! You're special, cowboy." Something like that.
  9. I really miss the Jenkins goofy phone gag.
  10. Was that supposed to be some kind of 'meta' apology to the fans who have complained about Flynn's hamming?
  11. I can see where it feels like in 'developing' the characters and letting them learn the job they've lost some of the initial definition. I can't remember the last time Cassandra even referenced the other senses coming into play when she starts solving something, she just goes straight to the invisible chalkboard and if someone hadn't watched the first few seasons they might not even know about the brain grape, which was a pretty significant character point.
  12. That must be why my brain heard the words "BOX OF MYSTERY!" in Parker's voice. I love how Baird is morphing into Charlene. When she heard that Jones lost the little spinning thing the first thing she said was "Do you know how much those things cost????"
  13. Did I see the infamous "Box of Mystery" from Leverage's Top Hat Job, also? The two big guys squirting Silly String at each other- that was one of the weirdest things I've seen. Kinda wondered if they'd progress to slapping each others faces with dead fish.
  14. A few years ago I saw a 10 news report here in Tucson, I think it was January. We were having a cold spell so the reporter was down around all the college bars interviewing a group of young ladies. My daughter and I made bets on how many were wearing shorts and Uggs with their sweatshirts. 3 of the 4 girls had shorts on while complaining about the cold. I would prefer the black tights. When I went to the U of A I used to dream of the sound of flip flops at night.
  15. Maybe it's just that I really hated Falling Skies, but it seemed like they promo'd the snot out of that, and the Dallas reboot and yanked Leverage around and barely promo'd the last season. Rizzoli & Isles gets a decent amount, but their efforts have never seemed very evenly divided. This season it was ALL about Good Behavior, and there were some spots for The Librarians, but they had a subdued feel to them that made me almost not notice them. Considering I was looking for them, I can't imagine how many new viewers they attracted. Obviously, I'm still mad at TNT.
  16. Not much advertising, but I did see some. Nothing on the level of what Falling Skies got. I think Kane was unhappy about it because he tweeted something about TNTPR doing the worst job ever. Considering how they yanked Leverage around that's saying an awful lot. Kane seems to be a team player in the pr department so to see that little mention really stood out. On a slightly related note, Rebecca's live tweets are hilarious. She keeps sending out 'FACTS' that are just too funny.
  17. Jenkins - "it makes me want to go 'hhmmmm'" made me release a most unattractive gigglesnort.
  18. Your comment reminds me of early X-Files. The Monster of the Week shows were more fun than the long, drawn out conspiracy arc, except for when Krycek and Maria pushed Smoking Man down the stairs. The only thing I really enjoyed about the conspiracy was the Lone Gunmen.
  19. I hope they've heard from enough people that the majority of their audience seems to prefer a team focus, not THE FLYNN SHOW. I don't hate him, but it makes me uncomfortable to see a pretty decent cast standing around like extras while the STAR hams it up.
  20. I was cleaning out my dvr last night and found it surprisingly easy to dump season 2. It hit me all of a sudden that the second season veered into soap opera territory.
  21. I loved Season 1 because of the brutal presentation of just how easy it is for a person to completely sell themselves out for any number of things. Acceptance, love, fame, success, money, whatever. And seeing so clearly how the cycle of abuse repeated itself - Chet used Quinn, Quinn uses Rachel. Seeing them weaponize people to achieve their own selfish ends. And the underlying damage and weakness that allows people to be so manipulated. I was fascinated by such a frank presentation of power and abuse dynamics, and the fact that it was dressed up with some pretty people and pretty scenery made it more enjoyable. I didn't really give a crap about the sexual relationships, I was more interested in the various needs that characters seemed to be meeting in unhealthy and self destructive ways. The strongest of all the abuser/victim bonds was Quinn and Rachel. It was the most complex because the rocks in Quinn's head so perfectly fit the holes in Rachel's head. Rachel needed a mother figure who she thought really cared about her, and Quinn needed a daughter figure/ protegee to validate her choice of career over family. They threw a giant wrench into that relationship in Season 2 and that's where the wheels fell off for me.
  22. Ahhh. Fantastic character, Gnar. I snarfed my beverage when he said "Oh no, I don't get out of the tub for a cherimoya' the first time I saw that episode.
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