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Everything posted by lizzyp

  1. Rewatching The French Connnection Job, and 'Gar Slabdash- the 'n' is mostly silent' is quite possibly my favorite character note from all their aliases. It is so perfect to that character. I've never quite figured out where the 'n' should be, though. That's what makes it even funnier to me.
  2. Nate's little speech in the first episode set the entire tone for the series. "You all know what you can do, but I know what you can all do" or something to that effect. It may have been right after he said "and I'm the one with the plan" It sent a clear message that he knew their strengths and knew how to use those strengths to maximum advantage. Flynn is resistant to using anyone's strengths to build a better team because he can't really see them as anything other than 'less than' him.
  3. I'd still love to see Kane do a guest spot on the Lethal Weapon show as the Busey.
  4. The Librarians has most of the elements, but then carries them to the extreme. Cassandra is too much - too quirky, too wide eyed innocent. Jones is too cocky, and too self centered. Flynn is too hammy, etc. I stopped at Flynn because when he's in The Library he takes over the entire episode, and that's all you see. It feels like the others are considered pale substitutes and they 'make due' with those characters when the Amazing Flynn can't be there. Even my mom watched one of the Flynn episodes (her first time watching) and thought it was a shame the other characters had so little to do. I also feel like the characters in The Librarians were all based on the Leverage characters, then 'tweaked'.
  5. I had assumed from the beginning that this was the case. I can't see Rachel actually poisoning someone, particularly after Mary. Rachel has a very complicated relationship with medication and drugging, so I really can't see her tampering. I can easily see her setting up a situation where the super pretentious tramp who is apparently obsessed with sleeping with as many of her ex's as possible can 'accidentally' screw herself over by eating too much of something that has unpleasant effects. I think Rachel would see it as 'if she's too stupid to know what she's eating, or what it can do, that's not my fault." Likewise, I have no problem believing that the pretentious tramp would immediately assume that someone had poisoned her and that she was a victim. Regarding the Quinn/ Rachel dynamic. Finding out that Rachel was raped as a child and then constantly re-traumatized by her mother makes sense. It's trite, but it makes sense. And individuals who have been abused but haven't dealt with their resulting issues, or even those who have, tend to have a hard time establishing assertiveness. It is too new and too uncomfortable so they frequently overshoot and land on aggressive. That's where I see Rachel and Quinn. They are so intent on rebelling against whatever emotional baggage they're toting that they landed in defiantly aggressive.
  6. Mixed emotions here, also. The show works better for me when it's the LIT's functioning as a team. When Flynn is around it's the ALL FLYNN ALL THE TIME show. My mom has only seen one episode- it was one of the Flynn episodes that aired around Christmas and she was left wondering why they had the trainees at all. She's in Oklahoma, so I told her the guy playing Jake is from not too far away, and her exact words were, 'he didn't seem to have much to do...' On the other hand, Noah was a big part of the movie success and the reason this show exists, so maybe other people like the character more than I do?
  7. I never got that, but for the first few episodes I watched I thought they were calling him Artisan - I assumed it was his hacker name. Should have been.
  8. I just saw an article on Daily Mail- there is a reboot of Lethal Weapon planned, and our favorite (okay, second favorite) BAMF Mr. Quinn will be taking on the role of Det. Riggs. I'd watch the heck outta that. Can we get them to cast Kane as the Busey character? That would be darn fun to watch.
  9. I suppose there would be SEC issues as well, since many of their clients are publicly traded.
  10. How long do y'all think it would take Hardison to hack into the San Bernadino iPhone? Run it, Hardison!
  11. I see this: http://www.abc15.com/news/region-west-valley/glendale/pd-victim-stabbed-with-fork-while-sleeping-in-glendale and I wonder what Parker is doing in Arizona.That is the lasting impact of this show. Phrases or situations that come up in real life that are so closely tied to a character or situation in the show that it becomes an automatic connection. I call it the Seinfeld effect.
  12. That's hilarious! Hearing all this, though, makes me kind of glad we didn't meet her. This way she can be what each of us wants her to be. That's how I feel about never getting Sophie backstory. She's the perfect actress/ grifter this way because we have no idea what was true and what wasn't.
  13. I wouldn't hate that by any stretch, because Nichols is the bomb, but I always had a funny little idea that she was a little tiny Asian woman. Like the mother of my best friend from high school. Sadly, folks, I did not win. I will have to sell off some body parts to make this happen. I love your character, zahdii! I want to know her!
  14. I'm being selfish. I really wanted to see Nana, which would be a contractual stipulation.
  15. So, after I win the PowerBall tonight, I am going to contact Devlin and personally finance a Leverage movie. You're welcome.
  16. I watched this episode with my mom, who hasn't seen any other episodes or any of the movies. I pointed out that Christian Kane is an Okie, as she is. She thought it was "a shame that he and the others didn't really have much to do." That pretty well sums up my feelings about most of the Flynn episodes. When he's on, it feels like the team dynamic is completely lost, and that's what I enjoy the most. The LIT's are growing and maturing, but Flynn doesn't really seem to be, so the episodes that feature him tend to feel hammy and silly. The Happy Endings was the only Flynn ep. I remember from this season that didn't leave me wondering why the others are even there. Final Curtain left me wondering how long Kane and Booth will stick with the show. I don't like that feeling, because I really want this show to work. It's one of the few shows I can watch with my 8 year old.
  17. I thought Parker's writing was a little off early in Season 5 as well. She was sassy, cool and confident instead of badass but awkward.
  18. Beth is in the new USA show Complications. She has a super cute hair cut and I didn't even recognize her at first. Then she spoke, and I knew the voice. She looks great and the show sounds like it's doing well.
  19. Does anyone else read headlines like this and wonder where Parker was on the night in question? http://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/dollar600000-in-art-mysteriously-vanishes-from-boston-public-library-in-possible-inside-job/ar-BBk0OgW?ocid=OIE9MSE
  20. That's what I find so frustrating sometimes about written statements - context has to be filled in by the reader! I never considered the possibility that they didn't want to keep it going, because I didn't want it to end. My brain looked at the season/ series ender comments and assumed it was because they cared so much about us that they wanted to give us a feeling of closure in case there was no next season because of the evil bad network people. I feel like I need some therapy now that I look at it from another perspective!
  21. Yeah, I'm still wondering why a big pile of shoes would be one of the creepiest things I've ever seen, and HOW DID THORNE AND ROGERS KNOW THAT!!!!!
  22. That's interesting, because what I've read from Devlin and Rogers sounds more like they would have been happy to continue, but TNT officially cancelled Leverage about 1 week before airing the finale. Rogers has said that they tried to make each season finale one that could serve as a series finale (because the season renewals were pretty slow to come out with them was sort of implied, not stated) but they both seemed consistent in saying that they would have been happy to have a Season 6 and they had several ideas for stories and guests. We were supposed to get to meet Nana! Devlin wrote a lovely open letter to say good-bye and thanks for watching. I believe it is linked over in the Leverage thread. Back to the Librarians - I have a feeling that for whatever reason, the network is being supportive with this show. They are promo-ing like crazy, and so far (knock wood) they haven't moved it to a strange time slot without really saying anything. I hope it continues because I like the show.
  23. Their programming choices strike me as kind of scattered. Some of that is personal preference, I know, but I will never understand the decision to cancel Leverage while continuing Dallas. It probably wasn't an 'either/or' situation and I'm sure there were a million variables involved in the decision, but the size of the cast on Dallas, and the payroll they must have had make me think it was pretty doggoned expensive to produce. I also felt like they very aggressively pimped Falling Skies when it was struggling early on. I remember gazillions of promos for it, and it seemed to get moved into some pretty good time slots. They still seem to love that show. As I recall, Leverage got shuffled around quite a bit and didn't get nearly that level of promotion. I hope they can settle on something and stick with it for a while.
  24. I don't really see Jones as a Haridson or a Parker- I think he's Sophie. A thief by nature, not bred of necessity or hardship like Parker. He's unrepentent and totally satisfied with his lifestyle. I've read lots of comments here about what an ass Ezekial is and I'm a little surprised because I'd like to see him go all the way. GIve up the 'playful 'scamp' routine and just own his amorality. I never doubted that Sophie was in it for Sophie and if things had ever gotten to the point that she didn't feel like she was getting what she wanted out of the set up she'd have been gone. Again.
  25. I love the commercials with rave reviews from King Arthur, Cthulu etc. If I weren't already watching the show, those would get me interested. Overall, I'm enjoying the show very much. I always liked the movies and I catch enough of the historical and mythological references to feel like I 'get it' and the references that aren't clear get me interested enough to learn more.
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