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Everything posted by ban1o

  1. Katrina Law as Nyssa isn't even marked as a guest star for any of the upcoming episodes. How can Laurel go to her for training? Unless it's all offscreen
  2. Well he was supposed to be her love interest and all and TEd Grant is a pretty big names in the comics so I'm guessing they had much bigger plans for him. Should have cast a different actor
  3. IF Oliver does train Laurel Blame J.R. Ramirez. He was supposed to be much more of a major character before he was made a regular on another show. Personally I would recast the role but I can sorta get why they won't do that
  4. SIgh. I'm really not liking the whole hanging out with Malcolm thing as if we're BFF's
  5. They aren't really hating on Felicity. They are blaming the writers. You should check Andrew Kreisbergs and Flashtvwriters mentions on twitter lol I posted the producer's preview in spoilers. Is Thea going to freak out when she finds out Oliver is the Arrow. I wonder?
  6. I don`t post on a lot of Flash forums and don`t follow twitter that closely but from what I've I think their logic is "Felicity a non-Flash character get`s her own villain on the The Flash, but they completely half-ass Iris`reporter story-line and don't show her Point ov view on things, her relationship with her father, etc. " Anyone think the twist will be a resurrection of some sort?
  7. From what I see, It's not only shippers but it is Iris West fans as well who feel like she`s being sidelined in favour of other non-POC female characters on the show Anyway Felicity should get a villain on Arrow I guess the ex-boyfriend was her villain but he was lame as hell lol
  8. What do you all think the "MAJOR" twist is in episode 15? I'm with apinkknightmare
  9. from the tv line article 2 parts i thought were interesting
  10. Andrew Kreisberg, no tumblr just twitter
  11. LOL there are quite a few Flash fans annoyed that Felicity is getting her own villain on The Flash
  12. Yeah emily Kinney was a background character for most of the show. Sometimes she would sing though lol. She only started getting more lines toward the end of the fourth season and then in season 5 she was killed off.
  13. Well the sales dropped after Kreisberg took over (probably due to much inferior storytelling imo) so maybe they think making it more like Lemire's run will boost sales.
  14. she didn't call the fandom bullshit She was referring to all the hate as bullshit
  15. They are including a Black Canary Comic as well interesting. I'm glad Kreisberg is gone. Lemire's run was so much better.
  16. I think it might be some sort of meeting between Barry, Felicity and Ray and then they bump into Iris and Eddie there. There were pictures of Barry coming out of the car with Felicity and Ray. I don't think it's a double date.
  17. I know most of has been focusing on the Oliver Merlyn stuff but the Ray/Felicity plotline almost seems like it was taken directly from their storyline in 3x10.
  18. okay Colton definitely said in an interview that Thea and Roy will bond or something over both killing people without knowing so I guess she will find out in 3x15. Unless she already found out and is being really stupid and stupidly loyal to the guy.
  19. oh I definitely agree that it would be stupid either way but it would be less stupid then actually going after him. That would just be very very ridiculous. (but it will probably be the case, I mean the episode is called "Nanda Parbat")
  20. OK now that I re-read the description it says Oliver CONSIDERS saving Merlyn. Maybe he doesn't go through with it and tells Thea what Merlyn did to her.
  21. Agree with everything you said. It's just lying for the sake of lying. Which is just dumb. what episode was being filmed when the TCA's happened?
  22. Does Thea not know what Malcolm did to her though? And she still wants to go save him? I really don't get it. Maybe she hasn't found out yet. I remember that in an interview from the TCA`s (I think it was Colton's it said that she'll find out. What episode were they filming then?
  23. IF Malcolm is really just trying to become head of LOA it would make Oliver look like the biggest freaking idiot on the planet
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