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Everything posted by vb68

  1. That seems very subjective on Jeff's part making Owen go back on the balance beam. I've seen many, many players do that through the years.
  2. Why is Sami so taken with Karla? He's lucky she didn't take HIM out.
  3. Please someone turn the tables on Cody and Jesse please. Anyone.
  4. I was just about to say the same thing. Nobody was going up at to him at all in the goodbyes. It was very telling. And awkward. The monologue made me so uncomfortable, mostly with how much it focused on Jews, that it was a little hard getting into the rest of the show. Sarah's bit in Update helped a lot. She really is her own thing. I don't think there's ever been anyone on the show like her.
  5. So no episode next week. No idea what happened there. I guess they will make it up in the Spring.
  6. Her line that "she's as straight as Michael Che's Update Persona" had me howling. I also really liked the last sketch with Molly. I couldn't believe they got Kornacki. When did he possibly have time to do it?
  7. I didn't care for Chappelle's monologue this time. He seemed overly self satisfied.
  8. I also thought it was a good episode. It almost feels like classic Mothership again. It's not all the way there yet, but it's getting closer. Shaw is so good in the police half that it's hard to remember now that it was Bernard last year. I hear you about Rodgers especially. I miss her. But I was glad that Dixon had a little more to do. I miss the way Van Buren would know how to zero in on something that would invariably help the case or point the detectives in the right direction. Her line about shining their shoes because they were going to a restaurant that charges $3700 for dinner was very Anita-like. And they have have done a good job fleshing out Maroun lately. This was the first episode where I really found her likable and easy to cheer on. Price remains something of a cipher. My biggest complaint was that judge was something of a dolt. I did wonder if we were suppose to think the judge was drawn into Miller's charm for the lack of a better word. Both Mark Feuerstein and Alysia Reiner were good in their roles. Feuerstein always seemed like he was on the verge of breaking out for bigger things, but it never really happened.
  9. I have no idea why Sami discussed a Ryan vote with Jesse and Cody.
  10. I think he showed his ass right there trying to force Owen to not do the challenge.
  11. Jesse's ego is about to burst from his cockiness.
  12. Now I think Owen is going with this focus on his background all of a sudden.
  13. That's not cool at all that Jesse has that without Janine's permission. Not cool.
  14. So I guess it's going to be a tradition that Chappelle hosts the show after big elections. Got it. I just have a feeling this one won't come off like the other times he's hosted. We'll see.
  15. I don't think it's the consensus. At least from the little I've seen. Outside of the Cold Open, I think it's the season's best by a mile. BTW Fall Back guys. 😉
  16. Yeah, I wondered the same thing. I didn't understand what she said.
  17. I love Cecily so much. She is invaluable. "And I'm on Peacock for whatever that's worth."😁
  18. Outside of the horrible Cold Open, I'm enjoying the show. I really enjoyed Amy's monologue. Very warm and engaging. And she totally sold the matzo ball soup sketch. And the Looker parody was hilarious. I can understand why the Covid ad would rub people the wrong way, but the open for me was much worse. The whole idea of it just didn't gel. And they still have no clue on how to write Biden. None at all.
  19. They truly must be having a difficult time booking guests. there's a show next week (or one that was scheduled) , and the name of the host hasn't dropped in the media. Can't remember the last time that happened.
  20. All I know is I can't stand Cody or Jesse. And they can't make me care about Gabler no matter how hard they seem willing to try to make him look sympathetic.
  21. That was disappointing. I hope Cody and Jesse screwed themselves.
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