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Everything posted by charming

  1. Newsflash Erika- when you call LVP a sniper from the side on camera to another castmate that's not saying something "in confidence". Since you also smugly stated that LVP loves being Bobby Fischer will you now drop the phony act that you never watched the show before? I howled as Yolanda, Eileen and Erika trashed LVP as being a horrible person/friend as Mo & Shiva were excited to see her while setting up the pony house. Yolanda has managed what I thought to be an impossible task find more suckers to try and take down LVP. She thought she would win this time be hiding behind Lyme, a "popular" Eileen and the new girl. It's like looking at the loser table.
  2. Is this new show and Kim's behavior on it all Kyle's fault too or nah?
  3. Meanwhile I'm sure Kim and her defenders will say it's all Kyle's fault. She forced her to wear heels causing her 100% pain.
  4. Her entitlement never ends. She hasn't learned a damn thing.
  5. Erika was trying to plant the seed that LVP was a manipulator who wasn't to be trusted. I'm glad Kathryn told the other women. Erika has mostly kept her contempt for the others to herself so this is probably the first time LVP is hearing it.
  6. All things considered Yolanda has gotten off easy when it comes to the other women on this show. They could have been airing her ass out all last season and this season too. She thinks she's untouchable because of her Lyme shield.
  7. I don't know how LVP kept her cool during that lunch with Yolanda. I wanted her to smash a glass Rinna style. I wanted someone to wipe the smug smirk off of Yolanda's face as she saw Kyle was getting upset. What difference does it make to Yolanda if Kyle & LVP consider themselves close friends or not. Her hatred towards LVP is off the charts. I liked Kyle not backing down when Yo sneered that she "holds a lot of information in the vault, honey." The nerve of this condescending bitch sending an email scolding Kyle like she's a Non-Gigi is unreal to me.
  8. From LisaR's blog that was linked. Gold star my friend. LisaR might be the one to point out Yolanda's inconsistencies and quack doctors at the reunion if she can keep her own crazy under control.
  9. Yolanda hates Lisa Vanderpump and tried to take her down again using her children as weapons. It was fascinating watching her play the victim. Notice how she didn't have any Lyme fog in that convo. She was firm and relentless. She didn't use her "I'm sick baby voice" either. I cannot stand her. Lisa handled that the best she could keeping calm and sipping her tea. I'm sure that wasn't the reaction Yolanda wanted.
  10. Maybe someone will ask Kyle about this. I've only heard Kyle vigorously defend Faye and her character. She doesn't want anyone to say anything about it because it's "so painful for Faye" and it happened "a long time ago" so it should be forgotten. Faye, as far as I know, has never once expressed regret about cashing in on her dead friend so uh yeah my opinion of her still stands. I don't think it's an "impossible standard" to not exploit a murdered friend's private life or be friends with someone who does. Sorry.
  11. The prevailing thought I had while watching is fuck off Faye Resnick and anyone who calls her a great person. 20 years ago, 10 years ago, 1 week ago the disgust still stands. If your "good friend" is murdered and you ink a book before her body is even cold in the grave to out every salacious detail of her life you're scum, period. I saw pictures of a now 30 year old Sydney in the Daily Mail and I felt so bad for her. She's tries to remain out of the spotlight and you have the vultures circling her for ratings/money/clicks. The last thing anyone needed was to have so a called best friend cashing in on a double murder. Being labeled "morally corrupt" is the kindest words about Resnick that were ever uttered. You want to speak out about domestic violence, great. But you know that this murder would cause pain for her kids and family. Why add to it? Why just be another parasite picking at the bones of this woman? If you were a good friend, wouldn't your instinct be to protect the dignity and privacy of this poor slaughtered woman? I guess with Kyle's logic, if her or Mauricio were to die tomorrow Faye has their blessing to write about them for money. Every sex partner, affair, drug or illicit party would be up for the tell all, no hard feelings, right? Won't little Portia have something nice to remember her parents by. It doesn't surprise me that Kris Jenner is BFF with Faye. That woman sells out her own family 24/7 and prostitutes her teenage daughters to grown ass men. But I thought Kyle held herself up as being better than that. For her to go out of her way to exalt the virtues of Resnick is worthy of disdain. So go ahead, Kathryn. It's too bad you froze at the dinner and let Faye be a condescending fake. If she's going to attempt to stick her superior smug ass on the show at least make her a little uncomfortable. Love that she ran away from LisaV at the party. Keep running right off my tv screen.
  12. The said thing is come reunion time or subsequent interviews nobody will ever ask her these questions or challenge her timelines at all.
  13. So because she rightfully called out Kim for her alcohol/drug use she's happy her Father died so she can cry on camera? I think Kyle was also accused of wanting Kim to die so she could do the same. Kim wasn't sober for 3 years and nobody was obligated to pretend like she was. It doesn't mean someone wants their parent to die.
  14. Yeah they should have just thrown wine in her face, slap her, insult her marriage, kids and business.
  15. Ken was at an event honoring Lisa in the Hamptons and at their restaurant. How's that unusual?
  16. How much empathy and compassion did Yolanda have for Joyce or Adrienne? I can't stand her arrogant ass. The more the women tried to get LVP to talk about her lawsuit the funnier it got. She's so good at this and wouldn't give them an inch. They didn't have the guts to go all the way so once again she wins. So if Eileen and Lisa R want to talk about Kim they're not coming from a good place. Even though they defended Kyle all last season as Kim threw out insult after insult towards her, including how superior Kathy as a sister is. Now that Kim's been arrested a million times Kyle only wants to talk about it on camera with Faye and Beth? Alrighty then.
  17. Gigi and Bella aren't superior to the Kardashian's. Kendall and Gigi are joined at the hip. Gigi's been pimped out with her 3rd tier teenybopper coked out boyfriend Cody Simpson who ironically dated Kylie Jenner. Then a Jonas boy and now coked out Zayn from One Direction. Bella's with the Weekend. These girls are following the Kardashian gameplan to a tee. Call the paps everyday and date famous guys.
  18. Kandi and Don Juan are getting roasted on Twitter. I can't get on board with Kandi's outrage over the non payment to Todd considering how she let Kim Zolciak rip her off for tens of thousands, insult her to her face numerous times and still cried over their lost friendship. Nor can I take her seriously by being insulted on Todd's behalf via the Don Juan's exaggerated retelling of his overheard conversation. Kandi sat back and allowed everyone to talk trash about Todd including her own Mother saying Todd was the product of a Pimp and Prostitute. Or when her beloved Don Juan didn't want her to marry Todd since it might interfere with her money and all the shady things he said about Todd while they were trying to produce her failed play. I'm surprised about her complete lack of empathy regarding the Apollo situation. Apollo treated Phaedra terribly, disrespecting her at every turn. Kandi and Todd defended him all last season. Funny she doesn't remember all the times they talked about the Nida marriage on camera. I think the final straw was Kandi saying Phaedra should take the kids to prison. Dummy Porsha had to explain that even if you hate your husband you're still dealing with a lot of emotions as your marriage comes to an end. Kandi came off to me as being jealous that Phaedra had other friendships outside of her not upset about Todd not being paid. Todd should be paid what he's owed for the work he did but he went about it the wrong way.
  19. I was hoping Erika would be her own person but it looks like she's going to be Yolanda's attack dog this season in place of Brandi. Is she really expressing disgust that they were shocked her husband was almost 80 years old? Surely this isn't the first time she's gotten that reaction. I bet Dana/Pam was weeping watching her flash that $189,000 ring.
  20. I just saw the super trailer again. I forgot about this little nugget. They're sitting at a table and Yolanda sneers "I have a lot in the vault" and Kyle responds "Are you threatening me?" If this is not edited misdirection - I would love to know how Yo remembers secrets of the other ladies in her vault if she has no brain function?
  21. Girl, she might not make it another season. What have you heard on the Taylor Armstrong shady boots scale from 1 to 10.
  22. Yes! Yes! Yes! I was rewatching some epsiodes from Season 4 to see the take LVP down plan again and you nailed it. I find the show within a show fascinating to watch. I totally agree with you about LVP and Kyle. It was smart of LVP to make sure to show how many times she texted Yolanda and Bravo aired it. Of course Yolanda is going to say it doesn't matter if you text me, you should have called me. Then if you called her, you should have visited the condo. You have to admire Yo's persistence. Hell, she even tried to get Mohammad to trash Lisa on camera and he refused to do it. She needs to accept she's never going to win this battle. LVP's no dummy and she'll win the Game of Housewives.
  23. I'm happy the previews of the Vince/Eileen lunch were misleading. She seems to love him but he reminds me of a gambling irresponsible man child and I'm not sure guys like that make the best husbands.
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