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Everything posted by charming

  1. I'm so happy they're finally questioning Yolanda. She's had no problem attacking, judging and belittling others every season. Then used her "illness" as a shield from criticism in a very Kim Richards type of way.
  2. I need Kyle to have several seats. Your sister Kim terrorized most of the cast last season and then proceeded to get arrested a million times. She's going to be talked about and you know that as a reality show veteran.
  3. I'll make one more comment and bounce because I rarely post in the RHoA topic anymore and don't want to lose my log in over the uber annoying Kenya. My original point was I think someone had the nerve to praise Phaedra for being a good Mom. I haven't watched every episode this season but I don't think Ayden's ever been shown acting like Melania. That's why it seemed (to me) like there was a purpose behind the friend of a friend post who knows that Ayden is an out of control brat at preschool. Just like it seems like every effort is made to refute everything Kenya does because a friend of a friend says she's just playing a "character" and it's not the real Kenya so you can't criticize her. There just seems to be different "rules" for different personalities on the show and that makes it difficult to participate without walking on eggshells.
  4. If you want to trash 5 year old Ayden so be it. I can't say too much since you're a moderator and I'm a peon but let's be real. Kenya's defended constantly. Any negative remark about her rarely goes unchallenged. You have super secret sources who tell you how wonderful and nice she is. Any negative behavior from her is because she's playing a character for fun or the producers ordered her to do something. Funny that Phaedra and Nene never play characters they really are that! evil! as are their kindergarten aged children. Maybe that's why the participation in the ATL threads are much lower here. It's like you can't really voice your opinion without fear of being reprimanded.
  5. Thank you. Considering the source is a friend of a friend by an avowed Kenya lover/Phaedra hater, well.... I saw a preview of Ayden and his bow tie going to school next week.
  6. Yolanda only cared that her daughters were models. She didn't want them to be possible lesbian volleyball players with big bodies. Anything that would achieve her goal for them would be acceptable. Extreme dieting, plastic surgery, hanging with drug addicts and known party people is perfectly fine with her as long as their pictures are in magazines.
  7. I said faking/exaggerating because she contradicts herself constantly. The lies flow so easily from her mouth regarding not driving, not getting out of bed for 3 years, not having brain function, not being able to read or write. When there have been cameras capturing every vacation, party, workout, argument, lecture and party! I think as problems in her marriage grew she's been upping the sickness ante. Last year more people were calling her out for being perfectly fine when filming then suddenly not being able to handle the reunion shows. Or not blogging to answer some of her filmed behavior specifically regarding her BFF Brandi. So now she's 100% in pain on the show. She could very well be making herself sick by all the different starvation diets, pills, IV injections, etc. This has been a long time coming. Totally different than the Brooks situation imo.
  8. This was a fun episode. Jury's still out on the new girl. She's so goddamn tacky and full of herself. She doesn't look as good as she thinks she does. How old is her husband? It was very Anna Nicole Smith. Loved the Lisa's going to see the tiny pony. LVP is such an animal lover. I sort of wanted her to take that pony and give it a wonderful life because it looked as though she was suffering. The party was fabulous. I loved the flowers and table setting. All the ladies looked beautiful especially Eileen. I think this was the perfect amount of Taylor. Obviously they needed an "outsider" to start the Yolanda is faking/exaggerating discussion. Now the other ladies can pick up the ball and run with it. I'm so happy she's being called out on her b.s.
  9. I remember David trying to talk to Yolanda about Bella and the source of her issues. He basically implied she was suffering from middle child being ignored syndrome. Yolanda completely dismissed him. One of the rare moments where her "My King is amazing" facade slipped.
  10. This is what I was thinking as well. For the past 3 seasons she's been perfectly fine filming and traveling with her King. Then come reunion time she would deflect all her bad behavior on Lyme brain. She's been using this as a get out of jail free card against any criticism of her antics and Brandi bonding. I'm not forgetting that shit. She can fake cough and be hooked up to an IV drip all she wants. I'm not buying it. She even said people in her own family didn't believe her.
  11. I wonder if Yolanda will still have Lyme and no brain function as she searches for a new husband. I am already seeing comments about how much of a scumbag David is to leave her while she's "so sick". I've long suspected her constant publication of her "treatments" in various hospitals were to shame David into staying for appearances.
  12. Shamea was invited by production. Kenya knows this and is being extra as usual. She should be grateful that someone was there for her to fight with since that's the only "value" she has on the show.
  13. I thought Kenya was all about positivity and uplifting other women? So why did she try to say Kim Fields was 50? I can't stand her fake do nothing ass. She has nothing to offer except going after other women then acting like a victim when they don't want to interact with her.
  14. She's lied so much she can't keep up. The others shouldn't let her get away with it. I'd roast her every time I had to film with her.
  15. They started selling that stuff. Vicki and Brooks are absolute trash. I can't believe Vicki had the nerve to insult Shannon on the show and as the season was airing knowing she was LYING.
  16. This quote is why I think it will be difficult to ever look at Vicki the same. I don't care about "buyer beware" and all that. Even if just one desperate person believed what they saw on tv and decided to try Brooks juice treatment I don't know how Vicki or Brooks could possibly live with themselves.
  17. Vicki tried everything to excuse her behavior. - Her Mom died - She was afraid of Brooks - She's been abused by Brooks None of which explains why she tried to shill juice as a cure for cancer. They saw the cancer as a money making opportunity and a way to rehab Brooks' image. That's downright disgusting and crossing the line. She even tried to use the rest of the cast to legitimize this nonsense. Good for them for not being afraid to call her on the b.s. Like someone else mentioned if she started having doubts then why has she been bashing the housewives all season on social media and interviews?
  18. After Vicki had time to cool off and gain perspective she still said in her TH that Shannon got what she deserved. So yeah I can see why Shannon is not eager to forgive.
  19. The Girth Brooks remark is not a new revelation. Brooks oozes sleaze from every pore. I bet when he's drunk and sloppy it gets even worse. I don't blame Briana for wanting nothing to do with him. Even though Vicki's an adult and her Mother it still must be frustrating watching her get involved with someone like that. Of course it's easier to see the flaws in others than you're own but that's an entirely different topic.
  20. I didn't think there was anything wrong with what Vicki said regarding Hailey. She was an entitled teenager with no direction, didn't go to school regularly, didn't work, was disrespectful and lazy but was rewarded with money, cars, & other perks. Even Meghan who was claiming "outrage" at Vicki said in a TH that she couldn't correct 17 years of parenting "mistakes" that were made. You can look at Lynne Curtain's daughters as an example of permissive parenting. Kids need rules. That being said, I did feel for Hailey being preserved on tv forever as a bratty teen being an ass to her dying Mom. I was happy to hear that Meghan's advice to Hailey was it's not too late to apologize to her Mom. I'm happy she did.
  21. Does Heather really expect anyone to believe she's been knee deep in feces? Come on honey we know you have a ton of help. The nannies do the work as you sip your champs.
  22. Taraji Henson is considered a VERY large woman? Oy.
  23. I'm loving it. Wow for Heather really going there. For once there's going to be new information at a Reunion. I'm already planning my wine and snacks.
  24. I randomly watched the episode where Vicki confronts Lauri on the mountain over the threesome allegations. This is what reality tv is all about. It also highlights how worked up Vicki gets when she's outraged vs her meek "I was out of town" responses this season.
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