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Everything posted by Tess23

  1. Dr. Pepper looked completely over the whole thing. Jasmine has brainwashed Michael with her constant yammering that marriage is such hard work, they've done so much work, they have more hard work to do. Mother of Pearl, I married my husband at age 21 with no hard work being done beforehand, and here we are 38 years later still happy and still liking each other. Maybe consummate that marriage, kids, and see what happens. I like Steve.
  2. Tess23

    S01.E07: Foie Gras

    Between sweet Alice falling in love and dear Mr. Rogers consoling Julia, I'm smiling while crying. I remember watching The French Chef when I was a tiny girl (because...3 channels) and always thought she lived in exotic France. What a lovely, delightful show this is.
  3. Mother of Pearl. Who told this newest generation of adults that saying 'Like' every other word like a demented Kardashian is cute and attractive? Looking at you, Lancaster and South LA HH. I subconsciously subtract 10 IQ points every time they use it. I'll see myself off the lawn now.
  4. What a fun episode. I've been cheering on Jackson No Taste/Smell, and am planning on having lunch at Huso next week in NYC (hoping for a Buddha sighting), so was very happy with their win. Both plates looked like something I'd love to eat. And Wiley! You handsome dog! Loving the short hair and scruffy beard.
  5. The Salem husband is probably my favorite house hunter ever.
  6. Ahem, Project Runway interns? It's me again, Tess23. THIS is why I watch PR - to see pretty pretty gowns and no drama. Such a fun episode - I'm so happy for Chasity and her gorgeous gown. Also, yay for Katie and her positive call out - what a cute dress that was totally in her design wheelhouse. When we old timers reminisce about our favorite looks in seasons gone by, we remember Andre's rain gutter gown (my favorite look ever), and Leanne's petal-inspired clothing - not street wear or whatever other boring challenges PR seems to love lately. JMHO, but I tune in to see fantasy wear and red carpet looks - not athleisure that I can pick up in my local Old Navy.
  7. Because I just know that Bravo has their interns checking out the forums and reporting back, I'll throw this out there, based on the first couple of this season's horrific PR episodes. While in real life, I care deeply about injustice, be it racial, ageism, etc., when I'm tuning into a tv show, I want escapism, pure and simple. Sobfest back stories leave me stone cold, thank you very much. I lost my mom to cancer in February and was myself diagnosed with breast cancer 3 months later. The real world can be crappy and scary and cry-worthy enough - please don't bring it to my favorite shows. Bravo destroyed the Real Housewives New York franchise with their special form of bs this season and they're super close to finishing off Project Runway for the same reasons. Does anyone at that network have an iota of common sense?
  8. This season is just crap. I slogged through the first 1/2 hour of the episode and hit delete. I yearn for the good old days of PR. Guess I'm just not woke enough because I'm bored to tears with these designers and the current fabric of the show (see what I did there?). Love Christian but am missing Heidi.
  9. One more contrived episode like this (bratty kids up to hijinx, co-lister nightmare), and no more LA for me. New York is more fun anyhow.
  10. Thank goodness for the Chiefs/Ravens game - just a quick flick of the remote whenever this in between categories nonsense comes on.
  11. Floating home. We rented a 27-foot pontoon last weekend for our family, including our 5-month old grandson. The gentle rocking of the boat lulled him to sleep for almost the entire day. Hope the Londoners had the same experience with their baby - it was crazy how relaxed he was.
  12. Frankfurt husband had such a lovely, deep voice. Yeah, he could convince me to move to the country.
  13. Ft. Collins. His parents cannot be happy.
  14. I adore Dawn and Shota - hoping they're the final two. I've watched every Top Chef/Top Chef All-Stars/Top Chef Master episode at least 4 times and remember back in the day that contestants would get reprimanded by the judges if they cooked 'their' cuisine every single challenge - now it's celebrated. I don't care one way or another but thought this particular challenge was interesting since Shota absolutely rocked a Japanese dish - with cheddar cheese. Genius. Am thinking Shota is getting the Paul Qui season 9 winner's edit - after the Texas season was over and aired, Tom admitted that they had to 'dumb down' just how good he was so the season wouldn't be a bust.
  15. Racking my brain to think if I've ever seen a bigger douche on HHI than Mr. Thailand. Mingle, my ass.
  16. Let's play a drinking game. Every time a prospective buyer or realtor says 'light and bright,' cheers!
  17. Hey Maria? Why don't you take a big seat on the self-pity train. Little too much drama right there about being in the middle for what appears to be fairly lackluster food. That said, I know she was a James Beard semi-finalist and I'd happily eat anything she would care to serve me. Just no more whining, please. Also, talking with sounds as an adult woman is cute for maybe 2 minutes tops, Jamie. Bye. Those were my only two beefs with what was a really fun episode, and a smart way to have the public involved in judging during a pandemic. Gabriel doesn't even bother me. He's tame compared to previous TC 'villains.'
  18. I'm not going to lie. Am having a little PTSD after watching the last episode unfold. I got home from visiting my daughter in NYC on March 12. Walked off the plane, drove home, and self-quarantined for 14 days while the world proceeded to go to &*#$. Watching it happen all over again on tv was hard. Eddie saying he didn't think it would last more than a couple of weeks...
  19. Women who describe themselves as 'people pleasers' with just a hint of proud martyrdom make me think they deserve what they get in terms of being run over by their kids.
  20. Oh my gosh, YES. I thought the exact same thing.
  21. Ian in Dallas, I would have bought condo #2 with its enormous fireplace just to spite your BFF Hayden.
  22. Just one thing, Lisa. When they were growing up, there were days when my kids were mad at me or tired of me, but not once did they go to bed and wonder if they were loved, which seems to be your night time mantra. Good grief, woman, priorities much?
  23. I thought the Houston couple was a hoot - liked them a lot.
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