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  1. I have literally no memory of this person at all… I swear I’ve watched every episode, but apparently this is reaaaallly a show I keep half an eye on while doing other things 🤷🏼‍♀️
  2. Again, where is the 🤮 reaction choice? Blech…
  3. Urgh… all the choices they now give us and there’s still no throwing up reaction? Sigh, these people
  4. That was legitimately the best Dorit has ever looked in my eyes - well done, her
  5. Dear lord, Riley… I have rarely seen such a strong case for the effect hair and facial hair has on attractiveness 😳 Maybe the horrible stuff Matthew McConaughey does to himself? How can someone so good looking look so bad? I really do love the feel of this show - it’s very Schitt’s Creekish in its underlying goodness, despite all the snark and calculation.
  6. They said that she put in money and sweat equity, which I took to mean she worked on the actual construction with him. I dunno, odd that the whole jury (minus one convinceable member) was immediately convinced he was innocent, but those phone calls were still really sus to me. Who calls that much for absolutely no reason, especially pre-cell phones…?
  7. Me three! I was thinking maybe he *didn’t* really do it and he had somehow conspired with his mom in his whispering to protect the real killer or something, but no… It was just completely incomprehensible? 🤷🏼‍♀️
  8. I think he was the new guy who ridiculously pretended to be a maintenance worker/janitor on his first day in the office - I obviously pay no attention to the revolving cast of characters on these shows either, because I thought he was the new cop from Chicago PD who just had an episode about his family/hood. And then I was all confused about why he was in foster care when he lived with his grandmother… 🤷🏼‍♀️ It doesn’t help that I’m usually reading as I ‘watch’ these shows, but they really are all blending together for me.
  9. Dear lord, this ‘collection’ is the saddest, first-person-aufed-on-project-runway horribleness that I’ve ever seen… One thing that I really enjoyed about this show compared to all the RHs out there was how organic it seemed, with them relying on the super exciting location and all the adventures they could have for content - well, that seems to have ended. From the Margaux and Victoria v Anya, Adja, and Emily ‘overheard’ ‘mockery’ ‘misunderstanding’ and split to the really bad clothing that somehow needed to be fully designed and sewn in a New York minute, down to the wire… oy. The producer fingerprints all over this are making it so much worse. Sadface
  10. I’m wondering what the rhyming slurs were, too… smh
  11. I’m not prejudging Whitney’s potential past abuse, though I do sideeye everything about her saga-ing cleanser ‘therapist’ - if it is true, I feel really bad for her. BUT… dear god, what is that talking head look? I was watching a fb video today about hairstyles of the past that had a big 80s look, and it’s all I could think of. That was like Olivia Newton-John ‘Physical’ cosplay - eep.
  12. It’s so interesting that this is a rare occasion where they actually go to a cast member’s *own* magnificent retreat rather than a rental property. Margaux’s dad sure seems to have done well for himself with his original biz and then his retirement into art dabbling… We should all profit so much from our fun little interests 😁 Margaux needs to take more notes from her conversations with him, to help with her artist’s representation/fashion design/whatever next week brings.
  13. Haha - it’s worse than six figures, she wanted to make sure it *stayed* in the six figures… Implying that there was a chance for it to get to seven. If that plain-ass basement rec room cost $900k, well… Maybe it was built by military contractors, with the $23,000 toilet seats and all that?
  14. That’s what we were just saying! It’s a luxury!
  15. Yeah, these guys all seem to seesaw between whatevs and annoying, which is a big improvement on my hate-watch of so many other Real shows… I can definitely stick with this one to hear the French and see Paris and burn with jealousy once a week! At least until the seesaw comes down more on the annoying side… I’ll fully admit *I* am crazy jealous of the more financially blessed of these guys - darn it, why didn’t I have a Paris apartment bought for me or a fashion internship fall in my lap? Also, for F’s sake, Emily, put your freaking mask over your nose in a work situation… sigh
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