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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. If they had kept Tommy, Nicole would not have been thrown the HoH. (Cliff never had a chance) Tommy might have won the HoH, then if Blockhead (and not Tommy) won Veto, he would have evicted Nicole (or Cliff?) tonight.
  2. Julie is nailing Cliff. It's like she's reading this board 🙂 I admire his composure. I was hoping for some "homina, homina, homina..."
  3. Put a sock in it Holly. Cliff is pathetic. Blockhead is so full of shit. Then he campaigns to Cliff as he goes out the door.
  4. What a baby! Eat shit and die Blockhead. What do you expect Cliff to do, kiss your Old Spiced junk? GFY
  5. But I love his Christie hate. He looks so much better with Tommy's haircut. His $50 barber should be worried.
  6. And Christie, and Anal, and, well, all of them.
  7. Jury reminds me how big an asshole Jack is. Jess is still stupid. Kat, you can do better than Nick.
  8. "Go Fuck yourself!" Thank you Nicole. Cliff's stupid knows no bounds.
  9. Sure we can. Of course he deserves to win. So what. Others who deserved to win didn't win.
  10. Holly somehow beating Blockhead would be almost as much fun as Paul losing. Go Nicole. Boot Blockhead and tell the jury: "I slayed the dragon" over and over.
  11. Yep! 10k is US average. Mississippi is 4k, NY/NJ/CT is 20k. c-sections are at least double. Stupid Cliff has a F2 with everybody and a F3 with Nicole. Dumbass
  12. Bye Cliff! You threw Nicole under the bus not evicting Holly. You'll get what you deserve. Will Blockhead squirt some phony tears when he evicts him tomorrow night, or not be able to control his laughter.
  13. That's what my 70 yo friend tells me. He was a public administrator so I assume he knows this stuff.
  14. I'm not buying Cliff's whining either. Big Oil pays lots of money to overseas employees. He's doing a lot of pandering for $25K My individual Cobra was $600 back in 2009. Today I pay $550 with a $3K deductible, and the $25 copay for office visit. Most diagnostic stuff is covered by the ACA. A no frills baby delivery averages about $10K. Also, Medicare is not free. An automatic deduction comes out of the Social Security payment.
  15. The money that goes in is "tax-deferred" meaning you pay no tax on the current income that goes into the 401k. You can also buy a Roth IRA with after-tax money, all later earnings from that are tax-free. No 401k penalty after age 59 1/2.
  16. You pay income tax based on the amount withdrawn, then a 10% penalty on top of that.
  17. Thanks. I knew it had to be more than just slapping on some white gloves. Did they ever say what is exactly wrong with the jet-ski? I did a little digging and it seems they use 1.5 liter 4 cylinder, 4 stroke engines, probably with electronic ignition - no spark plugs. Priced from $10K to $20K. If you run out of oil though, the engine will seize 🙂
  18. A one-eyed man is King in the Land of the Blind. The competition wasn't exactly "stiff", at least in game play.
  19. Perfect. I don't "hate" any of the hamsters. It takes too much energy 🙂 Now hoping flesh-eating bacteria find some of them.....well.
  20. Micromanager Sandy really got on my last nerve tonight. From "jelly" Sandy (eye roll) to the white glove whining to the constant hovering was too much. The white gloves are tacky Sandy. They looked like mitts. Nice job by Aesha to forget to mention how jacked Sandy was about it. She had a point with Jet-ski J-Wow. Out of gas? No? Check the plug and battery. Takes 2 minutes. Just do it in front of her. Really dumb to get in that fight with Sandy. Guests had a good sloppy time in the water with all the toys. The only thing they complained about was Ben taking forever to get dinner ready. Bad communication and timing on the breakfast service. I feel for sleepy girl. I don't like egg whites either. Just scramble it up into a little naked omelet. Travis managed to go out and not get plastered. Impressive! Typical work outing. Everything is the fault of the people not there. Ben can whine all he wants, but Hannah doesn't care about his problems.
  21. In that situation, I'm Go Holly! I would fall off my chair laughing. Like when Paul lost. Blockhead might just explode on live TV 🙂 *not that I think Holly is worthy. At all. At least vile Josh cleverly gamed his goodbye messages.
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