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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. You are right. Poor choice of words. "Repulsive" was excessive, I'll blame it on the vodka 🙂 Tommy is more annoying, obnoxious, irritating, etc. every week.
  2. BOOM! Goodbye Feely Dan. You finally groped somebody with some power and got your ass handed to you. No jury, no Ponderosa? Just Get The F Out. Sad Elaine was whacked. Janet FTW. She's a badass firemaker 🙂 if it gets there. May the spirit of Extinction Chris be with her. Tommy gets more repulsive every week.
  3. Riley stirring more shit. Her job seems to be "riling" everybody up. Eggs Simone on, badmouths Courtney, then decides she's "hunting" Brian. Please. I hope he throws her overboard. That fight with Kate in the van was senseless.
  4. Exactly why she was cast. "quirky" (as well as loud and obnoxious) has become Good TV for clicks and ratings. If she were wealthy, she would be "eccentric".
  5. Thanks. It sounded very catty to me.
  6. Thanks Dean for truly tanking this season. I usually despise the "loved ones" episode, but this was ok. I like that the family did not have to participate in the challenge. Who made the nasty "matching ensembles" comment? Hmm. TPTB picked Feely Dan's 13 yo kid to come and not his wife. How to avoid an awkward moment 101. Plus giving the groper some sympathy. Screw you. Lots of gloating from the obnoxious winners. I get that Janet picked Feely, but I lost a lot of respect. "Be the ball" Damn. I wanted Lauren out. Dan is such a smug asshole
  7. So basically Janet or Elaine has to win, lol. Btw, anyone totally uncomfortable at Karishma's reunion with her husband, knowing all the shit she talked about him and their marriage, earlier this season? That performance was really over the top. Remember, she's a personal injury lawyer.
  8. Ugh. All that drama for naught.
  9. I want them to buy wrinkle-free fabrics and stop all this ridiculous ironing.
  10. She may have apologized back and the editors cut it out to make her more of a villain. Or it could be a "family tradition" to always be right and never apologize. Very dumb of Tanner to brag like that. You just know it's going to get back to her in such close quarters. I grew up in a very small town. Nothing stays secret.
  11. I was waiting for that red sauce to splat on the white dress. Damn. Sorry Simone, Courtney does service very well and you don't. Just because you are well educated doesn't mean you are good at everything. Kate will simply make her 3rd stew and that will be that. The drunk guest barged into the galley. Kate had no choice but to accommodate her. Kate has been very patient trying to teach service, but service just doesn't seem to be Simone's talent.
  12. The guests are a rather loopy gang. Cave seems like a good idea for the heat, but I wouldn't want to be that close to those bats. Does no one know how to read a tide chart?
  13. Chicken parm? wth? It's not Kate's job to plan Kevin's menus.
  14. Kevin is a douche. Riley is obnoxious. They can go any time. Fighting over nothing is tiresome. I doubt this truce will last. Simone and Tanner are cute. Brian needs to get that knee drained.
  15. Tommy and Dean are the only (apparently) fit young men left in the game + Feely Dan and 5 women. Dean has been a legend in his own mind for weeks, yet he survives somehow. Noura (and a younger Janet) would kick all their butts.
  16. At this point, I want Noura to win. eta: in spite of her bag searching. I have sunk this low this season.
  17. They must hang out with the Big Brother producers, dreaming up ever lamer "twists"
  18. They only showed the second vote cards. All Elizabeth.
  19. IOI - Fun with Sandra and a chicken. Situational Awareness with Lauren. “Im such a people person” aaagh! Being a loner, I try to avoid people like her. Credit for picking the winners. They gave her lots of info on the challenge. Interesting "twist". Hesitation sweetens the deal, again. I'm happy she burned the idol. Lauren and Tommy need to be broken up. Noura is crazy tough. “I’m playing for you guys”. Wait until she finds out she's getting played. STOP THE BAG SEARCHING! Karishma was smart to keep the idol on her person. Was going straight to Elizabeth in front of Feely Dan and Queen Lauren a strategic move? Talk about Situational Awareness if it was!
  20. Boom! Bye Elizabeth! Queen Lauren wasted her idol. Haha I want to know who voted for Janet to force the tie. Karishma is goat queen for the day 🙂
  21. Tanner got a Doctor visit for his "sweet belly" I think he called it. Surprising nobody realized Brian's knee was infected. It was obvious on the TV screen. Lots of nasty bugs in that climate. They should take any small cuts more seriously.
  22. Rhylee is exhausting. So is Pirate Day. Dumptruck mouth and wheelbarrow ass indeed!
  23. Feely Dan is still in the game, but two of his biggest allies went to jury tonight. It's becoming a goat rodeo.
  24. It appears they are going "duck and cover" followed up with a healthy dose of "Nothing to see here, let's move on...."
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