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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. Jenna, thank you for reminding me what a terrible Chief Stew you are. Cry me a river. That "me so horny" thing just isn't working. Her whining middle schooler routine is even more pathetic. Adam is an asshole, but is he smart enough to drop you like a hot clam? No. Yeah dude, do your work. Madison rules! "Can't you just go suck dick on the bow?" LOLOL. Ciara. A future bunny boiler in training. And Pagggg is still an asshole. You deserve each other. Glenn. Just because you hung out with the toxic couple (who couldn't bother to take care of your boat preseason, but probably kissed your ass), doesn't make them right. And if they take out Parker, they get to do all his work. Won't that be glorious! It's the way morons think. Then poor, poor, disrespected, misunderstood, whiny Jenna just has to whine some more about Madison. "Is Madison going to lose it today?" "Oh! this is the wrong hanger."(channeling Faye Dunaway in "Mommie Dearest") Jenna is so pathetic, I'm sticking with this show to watch her be miserable. And "put a bra on" wtf?. Being a guy, I just don't get it. Is this some kind of girl thing?
  2. Jenna, thank you for reminding me what a terrible Chief Stew you are. Cry me a river. That "me so horny" thing just isn't working. Her whining middle schooler routine is even funnier. Adam is an asshole, but is he smart enough to drop you like a hot clam? No. Yeah dude, do your work. Madison rules! "Can't you just go suck dick on the bow?" LOLOL. Ciara. A future bunny boiler in training. And Pagggg is still an asshole. You deserve each other. Glenn. Just because you hung out with the toxic couple (who couldn't bother to take care of your boat preseason, but probably kissed your ass), doesn't make them right. And if they take out Parker, they get to do all his work. Won't that be glorious! It's the way morons think. Then poor, poor, disrespected, misunderstood, whiny Jenna just has to whine some more about Madison. "Is Madison going to lose it today?" "Oh! this is the wrong hanger."(channeling Faye Dunaway in "Mommie Dearest") Jenna is so pathetic, I'm sticking with this show to watch her be miserable.
  3. Boom. Saw that coming, though. Sandra totally overplayed. She should have voted Tony. Great back-stab Denise!
  4. "Somebodys gonna get back-stabbed and screwed over" It's why I love this show for 20 years 🙂
  5. Jenna gets more pathetic and whiny every week. She's terrible at her job, blames her subordinates for her failures, then whines that humping Adam's leg doesn't get her any sex. Bless her heart. (cough)
  6. Ugh. Are you reading Peachy's mind? 🙂
  7. I think Michelle is being very sly and playing the playahs. Parvati seemed to think she was running that conversation and sucking Michelle in, but I'm not so sure. She's my UTR favorite. eta: Sandra is sly too.
  8. He was certainly a bully tonight with his lockdown decree.
  9. They should have both gotten up, walked to the beach, then circle around behind the guys and listen.
  10. Good job Sophie. Immunity! Almost everyone has vulnerabilities.
  11. Ciara is really grinding on me. Nothing makes her happy. Don’t walk so loud? Because some passed out hammered guests are “sleeping”? “I’m totally self-sufficient” “I’m lonely” “I need my alone time!” “flirting doesn’t bother me” as she pulls out the knife.... Then she sleeps right through the drunken DJ bimbo party. I’m impressed the louts made it to the club and back without any incidents ashore. Tomahawk steaks so the Neanderthals can beat each other with the bones. Too funny! Adam does get in some good lines, but is still gross. And what bar/club closes at 11 PM?, Chief stew. Jenna, your 90’s mean girl yuck face is "palpably repulsive". As if! Props to Paggg for the repair job, minus points for the whining. It was his responsibility to secure the vessel.
  12. It was one of the highlights of the show 🙂
  13. Whoa Madison! This murder story needs some research. She is truly the energizer bunny. Whipping up grilled cheese sandwiches at 3 AM so horny bear can sleep , then gets manhandled by this idiot. Then does it again the next night. So cool of Parker while everyone else was snoozing.
  14. Wow Madison! Amazing job dealing with these assholes.
  15. The voting list: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Survivor:_Winners_at_War#Voting_history
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