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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. Stir the pot Nat. Sandra "anybody but me" strategy. Can't stand Sarah and Tony. I haven't liked cops since I smoked my first weed in 1974.
  2. Now we're going full sappy. Peachy needs a better mic.
  3. Starting Season 1 getting "voted off the island" became a catch phrase, but some of the best seasons were on the mainland. (Australia, Kenya come to mind)
  4. They had plenty of time to create a better set-up.
  5. I want to see Natalie get back in and win it all. Call it "Reem's Revenge". This season had such promise, and now here we are...
  6. Me too. Parker would have called Katie or Mommy My dad had back trouble forever and he taught me how to properly lift stuff. Chris seems to have missed those lessons. The way he's yanking on those things, one armed, off balance, with previous injuries is just asking for trouble. He's got a great outlook, I hope he didn't foolishly do any long term damage.
  7. Adam isn’t just a dick. He’s a bag of dicks. Jenna is so pathetically needy while polishing her tiara for best gurl ever. Blech. Nice job bitching at GA, humping in the galley while mismanaging your stews. Then going for some midday cuddle time, while leaving the guests shorthanded. Ciera was great to step up and help, and then rat out the princess. Glen was such a mensch. Wiping tables, carrying dirty glasses… Are pajama parties a thing? I haven't owned any since I was about 8. I love Madison more every week.
  8. Jenna is one of those obnoxious assholes who is never, ever, wrong. She's going to threaten Glen to fire her? Right. She'll kiss his ass. And toes. All hat, no cattle.
  9. This is cringeworthy clip-show filler crap.
  10. Nice piece by Amber. She is very comfortable inside her own skin, which, sadly, too many folks are not these days.
  11. When this Extinction comes on, I take great pleasure thinking Sandra was at some nice resort somewhere until filming was over, and now is home laughing her ass off.
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