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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. I never saw the Chef Leon season, but from reading lots of comments, he was a first class a**hole to everybody. Kiko only pissed off Captain Cranky. And Hannah when his timing was bad. FWIW, the Twitterverse is just ripping on lyin' Sandy. I'm not a huge fan of Captain Lee either. He's ignored all sorts of crap as a way out of making tough decisions, then claims "Well, I had no idea!", but at least he doesn't hover like a drone waiting to pounce for more camera time.
  2. The "you never saw me doing all the dishes" BS.
  3. I think it was a seven course meal for 12, but yeah, he totally killed it (with lots of support). Queen Sandy basically leaked on WWHL that she was gunning for Kiko from Day 1 because he wasn't making pots of stock like chefs are supposed to do and she was totally shocked and disapproved of his approach. As someone upthread said, if I was getting on a mega-yacht and saw her, I would walk away. Glenn. Who started off well but let the whole thing collapse with Adam/Jenna, ending in the ridiculous drug raid.
  4. Bravo is saving that juicy tid-bit for next week. Should be fun after the way she weaseled around on WWHL.
  5. She is desperately lying to try and save her sorry self. "I'm not a micromanager" LOL!
  6. Good luck Kiko!!! Well Hannah, you created that awful menu. I wonder what the guests think after watching this. Not smart to fire the chef mid-charter. Sandy was very lucky he stayed. Captain Cranky simply had to tell him the meal was bad, no more fried food, do what you used to do and drop it. Her management “skills” are horrible. So she fired her nephew. Bfd Now she wants to “build him up” to save her sorry ass. The island is magnificent! I really don’t care much about all the lovebirds. Rob needs to pay attention to his job. Malia is really turning into Sandy Jr., ratting on Hannah. Then of course Sandy has to hover in the galley. I kept picturing a cartoon frying pan to her face. Kiko should tell her to gtfo or he stops cooking. This “entertainment” is really lame. I hope her new chef is worse than (ed) Mila. Would serve her right. But no, we’re going to get this set-up with Malia’s squeeze. ugh
  7. You can't fire me 'cuz I quit! (He's not losing his unemployment $ 🙂 )
  8. Bulent rocks. He comes in unusually humble and the gang jumps all over him. Suzaaaane quickly reverts to her real self. Sara turns nasty and Gwen thinks she’s the Queen of France. Little Jon is firewood boy. The whining gang of 4 are a bit over the top. “I’m sorry. I overslept because I was up all night surrounded by hyenas and failed to come over here in the dark and report to Queen Gwen and her court. GFY” German Shepherds on steroids indeed. LOL “Lift your fat ass up and do it yourself” “Had every opp to prove himself and dropped the ball.” So what have you killed Gwen? I haven't seen her really do much. I was once a fan of hers, No more. That “meeting” was funny. Bulent tells them to f**k off before they get the satisfaction of “banishing” him. He should have stayed nearby the spring water, and built his own blind, but he’s moving closer to extraction. “The wind blew and took my arrow” Waaah!! LOLOL Sara OK Gwen, it’s the blinds’s fault. Kicking Bulent out solved everything. lol Bulent moves on catches a big ass fish all for himself. LOL I was hoping for a few 1000 bee stings, damn! Nice how the Queens and kiss-ass Jon are using the duct tape from the dude Queen Gwen banished about Day 3. And they laughed at him for bringing it. He should have taken it all with him. So at extraction, the gang wants to show some phony respect to Bulent. Barf. They are pissed their "banishment" failed and he survived on his own. So they tell each other how great they are.
  9. I've lived alone for 35 years and do that all the time 🙂 Amos' shelter looks flammable. A spear is not a bad thing to have. Nice job snaring the bunny and getting to it before Mr. Cute Fox. Callie. Spruce brushing. LOL. Down 20% body weight is not good. Good bunny catch! I love Halloween. Kielyn. Getting lonely. I feel bad the Lynx (or something) chowed all her bunnies, but If you need somebody to hold your hand and tell you it’s ok, you are in the wrong game. What did you think you were signing up for? Stoicism. OK. She’s made the final four, but I think Rock House Roland has this in the bag. Amazing how a no fat, no carb, all protein diet is really bad. /s
  10. Nachos. It's not that hard. Mom had this amazing recipe. Brown and drain gound beef, with garlic powder, onion powder and taco seasoning. Line casserole with tortilla chips. Layer on beef, sour cream and cheddar. Repeat until dish is full. Sometimes there was a refried beans layer. Cheddar and taco sauce on top. Bake for half an hour. It's like a Tex-Mex lasanga. eta: forgot the black olives.
  11. Exacty! Hannah should have asked the guests what their idea of a "Vegas night" dinner was and informed Kiko accordingly.
  12. What exactly is the menu for a “Vegas Night”
  13. I feel bad for Ryan. He was under a lot of pressure. The sleepwalking was scary. He could have hurt others as well as himself. I’m glad they informed us it was spring. Amazing how much the temperature dropped. Bulent always brings the comedy gold. “fucking ducks!” Fails at night hunting. They are relentless, get in his head and they chase him out. Wow Moving toward extraction is not a bad idea, though. Meat goes rancid. Bummer. Hello Mr. Hyena. I would have buried it overnight and maybe use it for bait later. The crossbow is a great idea! They seem to be dialing it in. Production must “discourage” them from making shoes. I would make that a high priority. “I love this group”… and here comes Bulent! Hahahaha!
  14. Bye Joel. How far away was that tree he cut down? He seemed to be wasting a lot of energy. His shelter looks weak, too. Food cache did look vulnerable. Lots of critters can climb trees. Not sure about his fridge, doesn't matter now. Mark has a nice shelter. Karma my ass. He didn't let that fox go out of the goodness of his heart. He knows it's illegal to take them. eta: What would have happened if it was dead when he found it? So the fire is karma too? Rock house Roland is living large. Testicle and snout soup, oh my. And some brain juice on the side. Now that mini cabin is how you protect your food! Kielyn. Her shelter looks good. Ugly weather. She would be set with a moose, if she could preserve and protect enough of that meat. A bounty of bunnies for Callie!
  15. I did 7 days in the Galapagos on a 20 passenger "yacht". We would tromp around an island all morning, go back for lunch, move to another nearby spot and tromp around for the afternoon, then sail all night to the next island. Saw the captain maybe 3 times. Crew was all male. The food was amazing! The only extra charge was for the bar and the tip. Cabins weren't much bigger than these crew bunks. Each had a bathroom/shower, but you weren't allowed to put any paper in the toilet.
  16. "Young, nimble, with a few screws loose" Those were the days 🙂
  17. Malia has to be tough with the deckhands. I like her and hope she will thrive. Then she loses it with Blood on the deck! Panic ensues! She recovers. Ok I find Rob very strange. You don’t want to be Sandy Jr.
  18. Micromanager Sandy, doing her tiresome act yet again. Every week she gets more annoying. Don’t be dissing Kiko!, Sandy. I would love to see him quit as the new guests walk up the dock. He does not need her crap! I can't understand Bugs. It's like Charlie Brown's teacher to me.
  19. Is that Seth coming back? No it's a MONKEY! LOL! I just knew Bulent would trash Set's "blind" and rebuild it. I wouldn't be surprised to see him last the 40 days alone. If his water holds out. Sad to see Wes go. It was a nice kill, but bad news with all the bowel problems. Neat toilet! Interesting point by Gwen that just the 2 of them would have had trouble processing all that meat. Seems more of a curse at this point. I imagine there's not a lot of fat on those critters. No fish? I hope they overcome.
  20. Bummer with Jess’ finger. She really is being a trooper about it. Surprising how the vegan thing really rattled Kiko. He really is a unicorn. Good on Bugs for going to Sandy. She really can’t fire Pete already down half a stew, but she should be putting out the call for a replacement for the next charter. Then Malia dumps all over him and demotes him. Hahaha He really needs to shut the hell up. We'll see how long "Professional Pete" lasts. Juice man is going to be a problem. His friends, too. I’m sorry, I don’t want some stranger unpacking my luggage. It’s not that big of an effort. Micromanager Sandy, doing her tiresome act yet again.
  21. Nice kill Wes. Don't get too full of yourself. The new 4 can banish your ass. Ryan told you he was bringing his tribe of 3 back, Suze is a surprise extra. They are all hard worker bees so I hope it works. Was hoping Seth the slug would be wild dog dinner. As annoying as Bulent is, he sniffed out Seth's uselessness in about 30 seconds. "He can't use me as an excuse" Barehanded killer lol! No bow? No turtle. LOL So Seth manages to finally hit a critter, but can't find it. Bulent will eat his corpse. Bulent don't care. (Yes I know production won't let anybody die) Bye slug! "I gave it everything I had" which wasn't much.
  22. Episode should be titled "Bulent finds a slug"
  23. Ken Kerr drives me nuts. I can't say what I think about him because I don't want to banned from this fantastic forum, so I will STFU. Emily, your dad is an asshole and will always be an asshole. Trusting him is dumb. IANAL, but what he did to that diver should be criminal. Reckless endangerment. I was waiting for the diver to pull himself up and whack Steve upside the head, but Emily came to his hypothermic rescue. Happy to see her toss him over the side. Kris Kelly needs to kick his toxic family to the curb as well. Sean too. I did it years ago. No regrets. His dad is like mine was. Nothing I did was ever good enough.
  24. I completely missed that part 🙂
  25. These guests were so annoying. Best thing about them was Scout. Was Malia really out of range or just busy with the dog? Kiko really killed dinner. Of course Sandy had to get snotty in her TH. Whining about “creativity”. Please Good thing everybody was able to help and worked well together. Alex is a riot. Pete can go away any time. He and Lara deserve each other. Hannah, Rob’s relationships are none of your business.
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