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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. CBS site is still letting me vote unlimited. Not sure if they count :) I'm voting for Cody, though it's like picking which STD you want. Strictly on the fact that he went after Paul and Paul will be pissed if he wins it. He also put up Black Friday when the Paul nomination crashed and burned. He should have paid attention and worked to get her out back then. Jillian wasn't a threat to anybody.
  2. I am voting all Cody for AFP, even though I despise him. It's the classic "on the horns of a dilemma" Faced with a decision involving equally unfavorable alternatives, I think a Cody win has the best chance of exposing the travesty of this whole season.
  3. Is "poser" still a thing these days? He's such a phony. Little troll rich boy wanna be a big man.
  4. My guess is cheap aluminum rings. They look impressive, but are very lightweight.
  5. Thank you CBS for showing National Pancake Day informing us of her compassion and humanity, as long as you follow orders. "I will kill families" Broadcast captions and all. She would make a great prison guard. Poor, pitiful suck-up Alex is blindsided by her God and is so incredibly stupid she would still vote for him. "Ow!" Then she begs. And is kicked in the teeth. "Not Friendship" Here's a quarter. Call the Pope. LOL LOL LOL LOL LOL ....... Paul, spare me the phony tears little scumbag troll. Kevin's speech, whatever. Shut up Alex. Moronic babbling. Of course the King of the Armenian Trolls, decides to split the vote and force Josh to boot Miss Bad Dye Job. So sitting with Julie, she seems to get a clue after having been up Paul's ass since Day One. Cry me a river. So the minions throw HOH to the troll. Nice. Then he throws a fit of phony tears and National Morons Day comforts his troubled soul. Blech. Then he drags it out for Julie some more. Fuck you Little Potty Mouth. Just fuck you. This mess is is circling the drain, but I can't help watching it.
  6. That thing is a mess. It looks like a goat behind him.
  7. Somehow, I get the feeling someone is still going to have to explain it to her. That won't do it. She really is that dense and stupid.
  8. Great post! I think you're onto something. Isn't this about the time Grodner took over? I have watched every season and am so disappointed in this one.
  9. He tried to cover up something else. Somebody here posted pics of him here early in the season without that giant black blob. There's something with an eagle and a snake going on, but I can't figure it out. I can't remember who posted them, but it looked better.
  10. The entire concept was bad from the beginning. Filling the house with morons compounded the error. They all would be happy with second place next to Dear Leader. It's quite the case study in cult formation.
  11. Nine more days, nine more days......... Castro was a lot taller :)
  12. What a great analogy! I must say I am enjoying Alex's suffering now. At long last, the demons are eating their own.
  13. "Arkansassy Assey" LOL Paul is such a vile little troll. Alex is dumber than a floatie for trusting him. XMas the obnoxious bitch. I would hide her crutches. Josh seems to be catching on, but is stuck. "Like a saw the Devil!" Yes Josh, the rest of us have seen this devil since the end of June. Alex gets double blindsided, and is still clueless. Somehow evil Kevin is the mastermind of all this. Right. Sorry Josh. I think XMas would take Paul over you. His loyalty to her will not be repaid. The whole "Revengers" thing is really, really, really really, really, really bad. Frankie as a pink flamingo. Of course. Spare me any more Mr. Pec-tacular. Can we chip in for a bottle of nasal spray for Nicole? Did she and Dan blow all their winnings already?? Is Kevin really trying to win this? Do not defy Dear Leader!! Even though I will always despise him for blabbing about Cody's kid and being totally up Paul's ass, he's still funny as hell. In the end of course Paul gets what he wants. We know how Paul "pulls this off" He's a little cult leader easily manipulating morons. Josh of course does as he is told, but even if Josh took a shot at Paul now, I can't see the rest of his minions voting him out. Whoever he sat next to would go. Alex leaving and taking those stupid kitty ears with her would be just fine. Quote of the night :)
  14. Such a nice young lady. Bless her heart..... Alex has been digging her own hole all summer and now she's stuck in it. Devoted to the beard until the bitter end. Great reading this afternoon, thanks,
  15. This may be the strongest batch of Kool-Aid ever. Wow.
  16. Does the evicted houseguest see any goodbye messages other than the limited ones broadcast on the live show? Fairness tells me they should, but I know this show too well :) Christmas Alex Paul. CAPpy Frankenstein creation.
  17. No Julie, Paul has not "been intricately playing chess" More like checkers with 6 year olds. Bye Raven!
  18. Paul cheats and still can't hit the hole. I hope he falls over. Josh should do the same thing. He'd get a lot closer.
  19. Alex noms Kevin and Raven Stupid and blind to the end.............
  20. Good on Josh for that goodbye message! Then Paulsputin lies his filthy beard off. Jason is very pissed. Bitter jury here we come!
  21. Somewhere out there, this dude is thinking "Whew, I just dodged a major bullet." He should shut down his SM and go into hiding in case she comes looking for him.
  22. Blech! Production even seems to have had it with these idiots. They should have punched, slapped and kicked them all even harder, Paulsputin continues his mastery of the morons. I can't even express how I feel about Xmas' vile behavior. Her "Mommie Dearest" treatment of Josh was quite a performance, It it weren't Meatball Boy being abused, I would care a lot more, but he deserves to reap some of the abuse he has cheerfully dished out. She is the true "good soldier" who will do anything for her commander, no matter how vicious and is extremely proud of it. Josh seems to be getting a clue, but it's not going to matter. Paul is taking Raven to F2. Moynihan did a good job of digging into Raven with the pacemaker = handshake zing and was marginally entertaining. I won't be watching his new show. So he called them out for being idiots in the DR. Big deal. Thankfully, Raven had little airtime. Alex and Jason have brought gullible, blind and stupid to a whole new level. I'm hoping for some insane fits of rage when Jason gets evicted tomorrow, but it won't happen. Paul could convince them he is starving with a loaf of bread under each arm. CBS has succeeded in creating its own mini Jonestown.
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