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Everything posted by allypenguin

  1. I missed the last 20 minutes, but if Nigel actually said that to Malene he can go fuck himself. What an awful and disgusting thing to say to somebody. I'm very sad to hear that she was eliminated, too. I also didn't hate the Spencer Liff broadway that much, either, but I was nervous throughout the entire thing that they would get tangled up in the telephone cords. Bridget was horrible in the hip hop. It was not hard hitting at all from her. Just ugh. Emilio rocked what he was given though. Luther and Dave Scott can stay. That bombardment of contemporary/jazz at the beginning of the show was so brutal. Can Mark come back and choreograph already? Or maybe Blake Mcgrath, since SYTYCD US is keen on featuring choreographers from SYTYCD Canada. Just new blood. PLEASE. I need a good break from all the Sonja and Travis (even Stacey too) I laughed when Benji said his dance didn't have any story to it, and it was just to have fun. Definitely felt like a playful dig at the show, haha.
  2. Three of my idols are on this season of Amazing Race, I'm so excited (Rex, Meaghan and Natalie)! Yes! Love Rex! I always thought he was great as a judge on SYTYCD Canada, and I'm glad to see him on my TV again :) Plus the dude is one hell of a dancer. As someone who cried great big tears of joy when Team Canada won gold in Sochi, it's impossible for me to not root for Meaghan and Natalie. And Meaghan rocked that high tea challenge too, so, my crush is increased tenfold. I totally related to Cormac when he said he was starstruck, I would not be able to deal. Also noticed that Meaghan's hand was still broken, or at least taped up, since she played with it broken in Sochi.
  3. Kashia really was unbearable this episode. Her ability to blame anybody but herself is so damn flustrating. Also, the sketchiness of the lying to Ramsay about Melanie and miscounting the lobster tails and then getting yell-y and pouty with the rest of the chefs. I will not miss her incoherent screaming episodes. Oh Scott. You went through the trouble of getting advice from Andi last week (good move) and did the complete opposite thing this week by melting down at Gordon instead of letting it go like she told you to. Jason continues to be gross.
  4. Ugh I dunno. I just have SYTYCD ennui or something because I just didn't get excited for like 90% of the show, and I felt myself eye-rolling at so much. Another episode, another string of cringeworthy moments from Nigel. I like how he congratulated himself for creating SYTYCD so Ricky and Jessica could dance on TV. Good lord. And Jason Derulo. I fucking hate that Wiggle song so much. Maybe it's because they were in pairs so there were automatically more Important!Contemporary pieces, or that there were so samey looking dancers, but I just was not feeling it. (Haha let's be real though, I'm just bitter because Yaya got cut). I really miss the idea of having 2+ groups of dancers for the Meet the Top 20 Episode, though I realize the show would be shorter, but it's fun to see different formats and groupings, and there's more freedom in the range of choreography and combinations I guess. I thought the Bonnie Story choreography was lovely though. And the Sonya routine was a nice surprise. The Travis routine was so same-y. Ugh. I wasn't all that impressed with any of the ballrooms, though, mostly because I unfairly compare every ballroom done by dancers in their own style to Black Mambo by Benji and Heidi. I continue to love Emilio <3 I hope he makes it really far. As for the ballet, I noticed that Jourdan fell out of some of her attitudes or something and it seemed to mess with her timing or confidence for the rest of the number. That being said, I love ballet and I love seeing it on the show, and wished we got more of it.
  5. I loved Johnny Waacks too :( Even though I missed his audition episode, what I've seen of him doing his style is so cool! Also mourning Silky. Rudy to me looks like a super young Hoodie Allen. I don't really care for Jessica or the girl with the dead dad, but I know they will be pimped by Nigel. For some reason the casting of so many contemporary dancers this year is bothering me more than ever. On a side note, it was awesome to see 2 of my favourite ladies from last season on the show again, Jasmine H. and Makenzie! Also, I would love to see Twitch judging way more, he just seems to love dance so much.
  6. I'm actually devastated about Yaya :( She is such a joy to watch and I don't think her proficiency at ballroom/contemporary is any worse than some past contestants', like Cyrus for example. Would love to see how all those contemporary and ballet girls would fare at Krump??? Plus no hip hop girl this season, right? Ugh. Rooting for the tappers and Emilio I guess :/
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