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S04.E03: If You Can't Jump, You Plunge
HelloOutThere replied to greekmom's topic in 90 Day Fiancé: The Other Way
Something about Danielle’s energy reminded me of Irene from Real World Seattle (the one that slapped the dude). I think it’s the way she seems to get off on instigating by saying bitchy things. I think Jeymi may not be gay and I think Nicole’s boy is. -
S12.E20: Silence Is Golden
HelloOutThere replied to jewel21's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
I still don’t see how most of what Rinna claims Kathy said is worse than Erika calling all of the other women (EXCEPT RINNA) bitches and CU next tuesdays as she stormed out of Kyle’s house earlier in the trip after the “victims” conversation. And it was caught on camera! Separately, I found Kathy quite articulate in her apologies and her dealing with Rinna. The “unkind” line was perfectly delivered and conveyed so much in so few words. 👌 -
S07.E03: Don't Take Me For Granted
HelloOutThere replied to greekmom's topic in 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After
I think she is a legit authentic nut job (she has crazy eyes) but not in an inherently bad way. Being with Ed is probably the worst possible person to be with. He’s just feeding her craziness with non-stop toxic drama. If she were with someone less toxic she’d still be nuts but not in a dark way. I think her friend who met Ed in the episode knows this. As do producers; I bet she will have some of the most explosive meltdowns if they continue in the 90F “universe” much longer. -
S12.E18: Rocky Mountain Bye
HelloOutThere replied to jewel21's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
When Kyle screamed “Burning Benjamins!!” during setting the hat on fire while obviously filming a vid for social media - TACKY. TRASHY. SAD. She is just such a…tool. As messy and outrageous as it all is, this Aspen trip is one for the books. It is a SHIT SHOW. And certainly delivering on drama. And each new chapter just ruins Kyle’s “special trip” to her “happy place” even more! Score! -
S07.E02: Truth, Bitter Truth
HelloOutThere replied to greekmom's topic in 90 Day Fiancé: Happily Ever After
May I just that Libby’s decor taste is tack af. That backsplash and all that brittle gold everywhere! 🤢 Looks worse than standard builder grade. And I don’t get the random stone wall in the interior hallway? Modern cookie cutter homes are getting strange. -
Looks like Bilal’s son is the once with the dance moves this season! He was dancing his best life away. It was just sad seeing Big Em’s dad thinking “shit now I have to work another 3 years” and mom thinking “now I’ll never get that trip to [anywhere but Salina]”. Immediate evidence of the MAJOR collateral damage Emily causes her family. But you reap what you sow! I find it sad when parents let one child run the family. And I say this as an only child! There were times when my behavior would veer into Em territory and I would be corrected QUICK. Her disposition at the dinner telling the parents about the pregnancy was the exact opposite of what it should have been. She should have been mortified and groveling. Like Kobe was! Instead she’s like “ooops! lol! yolo! Dad can just keep on working and mom can keep dying inside!” Wouldn’t be surprised if the sister rightly hates her. Liked sis’ bit of shade about Em’s outrageous behavior.
BTW pretty sure this is also the back story of the tallest member of Yves’ “squad” (the one who was wearing the Candyman trench coat during the fire ceremony)
S12.E11: The Weight of Words
HelloOutThere replied to jewel21's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
Can we talk about Kyle’s latest TH “look” with the crimped hair and (I think) yellow blazer?! She’s giving Candice Bergen in Murphy Brown circa 1993! I literally gasped. I think it’s a more recently filmed set of interviews since it first popped up when she was talking about the Kathy visit. So funny that she owns a clothing store bc Kyle really has NO style. -
The moment at dinner when Temperature was (paraphrasing) saying African women show their men respect, and Big Em said “I do show him respect!” and Temp looked her in the eyes and said “Do you — really?” 👀 PRICELESS. You could see in Em’s eyes that she realized there was an imposter at the table: someone who wouldn’t buy her BS and kowtow to her “independent, strong willed” personality. She is nothing more than an immature spoiled child. She is like a cross between Veruca Salt and Violet Beauregarde (inclusive of the scene in which she starts uncontrollably “turning violet” and expanding into a huge mass) And I blame the parents, especially dad, for never reigning her in. And now he gets to pay for her entire life, probably forever! They should kick her out for the second pregnancy but you know they won’t. Out of control kids become very reckless adults when they are enabled every step of the way. Hasn’t this family seen Willy Wonka? 🎩
S12.E08: It Takes a Villain
HelloOutThere replied to jewel21's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
I think Kyle was more LITTTTTT than Erika at Garcelle’s party. She seemed wasted at the Diana / Sutton sit-down; I wouldn’t be surprised if she doesn’t remember being there for that convo at all. Anyone wonder HOW Diana misspelled Garcelle’s name? I vote “Garcel.” I’m surprised they didn’t show the text on screen, if nothing else for dramatic effect to illustrate how long it was, especially since all the ladies received it. Heck I’m surprised Rinna didn’t wrap her car in a screen shot of that text. Also Asher looked like a little girl with her mom in those ghastly matching coats. -
I’ve been binge watching “The Nanny” on HBO Max. Ari’s dress at the fight looked like something Val would have worn. In 1996.
I can’t remember the last time a somewhat normal-on-the-surface cast member was as universally reviled as Emily. And rightly so! Of all the scum to pass through this show she is one for the books. And production doesn’t have to stage much because she runs her mouth and is just a nonstop nagging bitch! She also reminds me of Broom-Hilda. Also, someone get the female fighter on Pillow Talk! Would love her opinion on Ari’s outfit in that scene.
S12.E03: There's Sutton about Crystal
HelloOutThere replied to jewel21's topic in The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills
Icing on the cake was Kyle booking it out of the restaurant and running down the street like a spooked horse 🤣🤣 -
Miona sitting at her makeup mirror triggered an old memory of an illustrated children’s bible book I had and the story of Jezebel. I wonder if she shares the mirror with Jibri when he needs to apply his lipstick? 💄💋 Big Em continues to be the most repulsive person on this show. I am a Virgo and mortified she is one. A person with true stereotypical Virgo tendencies would not let themselves look so excessively sloppy and dumpy on TV. They’d be at Jezebel’s mirror getting their makeup perfect. Virgo is NOT a reason or synonym for “spoiled rotten controlling bitch.” I can already see her lying to Dr Now after 2 more kids and 10 years lying in bed (“because it’s easier to pump lying down and my identity is breasts!!!”)
S09.E06: If I Have To Turn This Car Around
HelloOutThere replied to greekmom's topic in 90 Day Fiancé
I thought I’d post a positive comment for once. Binyam’s body looks great! I think this was the shape he was in when Ari met him (he apparently had lost some muscle mass when she visited him in their initial segments since the first thing Ari spit out was a disappointed “you’re so skinny!”) Meanwhile Ari looks a HOT MESS and I could not believe how wrecked she looked during the NYC visit. You have a nanny and are on GLOBAL television! There is no excuse! …….well, I STARTED with a positive comment. Progress!