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Posts posted by islandgal140

  1. I dislike when they use poor, homeless or disable people to teach a main character a lesson. Probably see this more in older show reruns but it bugs none the less. For instance, during Christmas or Thanksgiving episode they might feature a homeless person or family. Sometimes I know it might be meant to enlighten people but sometimes I think it views as implying that at least your life doesn't suck like theirs. I maybe dating myself but I remember definitely feeling that way about a few episodes of Different Strokes. They had 2 or more episodes which featured a girl with a birth defect that was wheelchair bound. I really felt like she was meant to embarrass Arnold about an issue. At the time it just seemed like the show was saying, buck up, at least your life doesn't suck like hers. 


    When 30 minute comedy sitcoms have 'very special' episodes dealing with very serious issues.  I know it can't all be laugh and prat falls but yikes are some of them bad. I think back on one of my favorite shows The Golden Girls and all my least favorite episodes fit this category: Rose's AIDS scare, Sophie being asked to help a friend commit suicide, the jacket with the lottery ticket which ends up at a homeless shelter, teen pregnancy, etc.


    Christmas episodes based on A Christmas Carol or It's a Wonderful Life.


    Hookers with a heart of gold. 


    The Rashomon trope which involves various characters providing alternative, self-serving and contradictory versions of the same incident. Great movie but often missed in the sitcom format. I've only seen it done and done well on an episode of Mama's Family and All in the Family.

    • Love 1
  2. Did we already address the elephant in the room: Aiden and Nichole have waaaaay more chemistry than any of the couples currently being propped.  He and Hope do nothing for me.  Or each other, for that matter.

    Aiden and Nicole do have chemistry but because they are both single people they have no obstacles to being together so they will never be 'the couple'. I have come to the conclusion that that is the main if not sole criteria of what couples to write for according to Days writers. Otherwise, why make returning Eric a late in life priest that no one bothered to even mention before he showed up? Didn't he just show up in his priest garb? I am sure Nicole was just hoping he was horribly out of fashion and just wearing a Nehru jacket but ooppps, he wasn't. Otherwise Eric would have come to town and not have a reason for hooking up with Nicole which he did have a history with. JJ and Paige go together because of the Jen vs Eve thing. Etc., etc. Sami and EJ, although terrible, were put in each other's orbit because of their families' history of ugliness. 


    The show would only go with Aiden and Nicole as an obstacle to Hope/Aiden. 


    I know it is terrible to wish time away but I am so looking forward to EJ's last day 10/10.  It is already 9/22 so I do wonder what they are going to do with him for 3 weeks. They slapped together an ejami reunion which pretty much nulled and voided any kind of good feelings and like I was developing for Sami. I hardly think being a drug kingpin will play well with Sami but she seems to fall for all of EJ's BS so whatever. Given that Sami is gone 3 weeks after makes me hopefully for a well deserved EJ demise but I wouldn't put it past this show to give make it a fake out and give Ejami a Carol & Doug ER type ending, which I would hate and despise.

    • Love 3
  3. One positive tonight: Nora was proactive and independent, took out some strigoi, saved Fet, etc.

    The only thing that annoyed me about Nora was more of a wardrobe/behind the scenes thing. When they were initially going down into the subway entrance, the camera panned downed and I got a glimpse of her footwear. She was wearing platform boots with a stacked heel.  It fucking annoys me so damn much that the vast majority of times on these types of damn shows, no matter what a female character is doing she has to be wearing some type of heel. Hello vampire apocalypse!! Your ass may have to haul and book ass out of a spot right quick. Appropriate footwear in a such situations are sneakers or military/Doc Marten type boots with reinforced steel toe box if you can get 'em.  


    Gus had me a tither in those apartment scenes. This show has me just as terrified about getting a worm from vamp 'blood spray' as an actual bite/scratch.  I was afraid Gus would step in the vamp ooze and it would worm its way into his boot or while fighting it would get on his skin somehow. 


    That was one narrow ass tunnel. I guess your more well fed vamps are shit out of luck.  


    Interesting to see Abe lose all his common sense and rationality when getting within striking distance of the Master so I guess they all have their foibles. 


    For a minute there I thought the Master was going to give Eff one of his special orgasmic worms. 


    The Master takes me completely out of the show, which is terrible since he is the big bad. After the reveal, I now find the recently turned vamps and his German henchman scarier (speaking of which where the hell did he go?). I wish they had gone the more traditional Nosferatu route i.e. the movie of the same name of Salem's Lot. 


    So I guess Dutch really did leave?


    I really need someone to head butt Eph. Hearing your wife's voice in what you now know is vamp HQ is not a good sign and isn't something you should be running towards.


    One more thing I remembered: boo to the show for the lame takeout with Zach approaching Mariela with her back turned. They didn't actually wan us to be concerned that she'd gotten infected, did they? That would have made no sense.

    I am Not here for low budget Rita Morena. I was getting a very Psycho Nora Bates mom reveal moment in that scene which I immediately knew was a fucking fakeout because how the hell would she have gotten infected? The kid had locked all the doors and it was daylight so even if she had gone out to stand at the metal gate there weren't any vampires around. Just a ridiculous time waster and dumb! They might as well have had a shrieking cat jump out. 


    The cigarette plotline was infuriating but I get it. You need at least one dumb kid moment a la Carl of Walking Dead to make it all official. 


    That kid playing Zach continues to bring his Saturday morning kid commercial style acting to the role. Seriously, he acts like a kid in a pop tart or cereal commercial while delivering his lines. He is a cute kid that was cast in the wrong role. I can see him on a Disney show with a laugh track, getting slimed on Nickelodeon but the boy ain't primetime drama material. NO. WAY. NO. HOW.

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  4. I do agree that you can't always bring the foreign versions over and would do well,

    The greatest crime against humanity was when the US tried to do a version of Fawlty Towers, with John Larroquette entitled Payne.  First of all everyone knows that the American version of John Cleese is John Lithgow so giant fail going with Larroquette even though I do like him as an actor. Secondly, American producers and creators seemed unable to grasp that none of the characters in Fawlty Towers were meant to be likable. A lot of trouble with some (not all) of the American adaptions is that Americans are unable to fully commit to the fact that a lot of the British versions of the characters are irredeemable and unrepentant assholes who will always be assholes and will never have that teachable moment where the violins play and they discover their humanity. 


    Maybe I'm misunderstanding, but it sounds like your saying that Americans will only watch other Americans and only in American settings. I just don't think that's the case anymore. Plenty of Americans did watch the British version of The Office and not only liked it, but preferred it to the US version, they just had to work harder to find it. I can easily imagine it being shown on NBC and doing rather well also.

    I have to admit that I stumbled on the UK Office by accident and was about to switch the channel but got caught up because I couldn't figure out whether it was a sitcom or a true documentary. I had never seen any of the actors before, never heard of Gervais, and kept wondering to myself, "Is he for real? Is this shit for real? There can't be a real live person in the world this ridiculous."  It really had a more pure documentary feel throughout that I continue to love. 


    Count me in on the Joan Rivers dislike. I watched Fashion Police only during Awards season and Joan was always the worst part of it. I hated the long set ups for her jokes and how the rest of the panel seemed contractually obligated to laugh at all her unfunny. George was the worst because his laugh sounded so fake to me. I hated the way she consistently fat shamed Adele. It is interesting to me that this past year or 2 Joan was at her meaniest and nastiest and now the whole world is mourning her loss. 


    My unpopular opinion is that I never hated Melissa, in fact I kind of liked her and never understood the vitriol directed at her.


    I fucking loved Michael Landon. I loved all his diabetic coma inducing sweet, sentimental, sappy, schmaltzy and cheesy shows. 


    Outside of their stint in the movie Bridesmaids I don't find either Kristen Wiig or Melissa Mccarthy remotely funny or interesting. 


    My hate for Patricia Heaton is everlasting and boundless.

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    Day of Our Lives- Can't remember the last time I watch but whenever I did, I hated Ej and Sami for the fact that he raped her once himself and then got the doppelganger to pretend to be Rafe and sleep with Sami and no matter how tptb ignore that it's still rape and I refuse to support that shit.


    So much this!!! My confession is that at one point I was a big time Ejami fan, even after the rape. I finally turned on the couple after EJ kidnapped his own daughter and made Sami think she was dead. I stopped watching years ago but only after it became clear that the show was again toying with the idea of putting them together as a true love forever type couple. I started watching again this season when I heard both Alison and James  were leaving the show (yippeee!!!) and Kate and Sami were teaming up to take EJ and Stefano down.  


    I wish soaps were more about friendship, family, businesses, intrigue, sex, money, murder and mystery than supercouple true love angst.


    I love Walking Dead but it is an incredibly repetitive show. I feel like the same thing happens over and over again. Group finds a safe spot, shit goes down, place no longer safe, group is splintered during their escape and spends the season just missing each other until they don't. I wish the show would start filling in some blanks about what happened to the military, the government, the situation in other states/countries, or even the physiology of the zombies or the zombie virus itself. I don't need the show to explain its origins or even solve the problem - just build the world up a bit. Even a few throw away lines would go a long way for me right now. My fave episode was the CDC one because it widened the small world the group existed in. 


    I was one of the 2 people actually shocked to find that Sophia was in the barn. I literally gasped. Never for a moment thought they wouldn't find that little girl alive and well living in a log in the forest somewhere because yeah, she was a little girl and I didn't expect the show to go there. One of my fave reveals.


    I don't think Walking Dead has been as good or riveting since the season Shane was killed. Boy may have been unhinged but he sure as hell made the most sense out of all these fools and quiet as it has been kept all the group members seemed to move closer to the Shane way of thinking as the seasons have progressed, especially Rick. Sure no one is maiming people to throw to the walkers as they make their get away (poor Otis) but everyone is learning you can't be a bleeding heart and you have to made some tough calls that may not be morally correct.


    I want to watch the Tudors but I cannot stand the sight of Jonathan Rhys Meyers. I don't know what it is about him but I have an irrational hatred for him.


    After watching The Office UK I find the Office USA unwatchable. Same thing goes for Being Human. Does that make me a snob?


    I hated April on Parks and Recreation. I didn't think she was funny or cute. She was a bratty immature bitch.


    I could not stand all the Jerry hate on Parks and Recreation. It darkened an otherwise wonderful show. Tom, whom I liked otherwise, seemed to be the worst offender to me. Just once I wanted Jerry to haul off and punch him dead in the face.

  6. Tamara's been atweeting the last 20 minutes or so. She says she's "not going anywhere".




    I didn't think she was. As scheming and duplicitous as Tamra has been this season I didn't see anything that rose to the level of Bravo wanting or needing to fire her. She is the perfect reality show bad guy where I think that most people love to hate her (including me) as opposed to someone like Aviva, which most seem to just hate (again, including me). 


    Plus she has good potential for story next season what with ratty Ryan knocking up, moving in with and being engaged to his gun toting and selling mommy substitute; Ryan as stepdaddy to 3 girls; Tamra becoming a grandmom; her rift with Vicki; seeing how she and Shannon's relationship develops after Tamra's betrayal; Eddie continues to saute ground turkey in a skillet.


    Next to Vicki, Tamra is the most senior member of the cast. They could bring in someone new and hope and pray they get a hit like Shannon but how likely is that? Or they could bring back an oldie but goodie like Lauri or Jeanna. Lauri was so meh and I was reminded how unsavory I found her. Jeanna comes with that smirky thinks she is cute daughter of hers and her douchetastic son. 


    When it comes to Tamra vs Simon, my sympathies is with the children. I can see Simon having some controlling attributes but I don't think he is the complete dictator and douchenozzle that Tamra tried to paint him to be. I can't feel too sorry for Simon though. I think he is one of those types of men who has a taste for the 'trashier' types and he got that in spades with Tamra so whatevs. Can't help but recall his reaction to Tamra wanting to reduce her boobs. He was so against going smaller  and was worried she wouldn't be as attractive to him with a smaller set.

    However I willl say that I see a parent wanting to keep their child off of a Bravo reality show in a more favorable light than one who is lobbying hard to get their kids on the show. YMMV.


    I don't watch NJ so I am in such a HW drought right now. Can't wait for BH and ATL to come back.  Which show is coming back soon?

    • Love 3
  7. Palmer and Fitzwilliam are the live action version of Montgomery Burns and Waylon Smithers of the Simpsons.  Just me?


    I'm probably in the minority on this but I thought that the Kelly actress did a good job. It was kind of subltely creepy with the slight head twitches and confused, painful looks at what was happening to her and around her.


    I thought so too. It has been the only time so far this season that I found Kelly interesting. It was kinda interesting to see how 'the change' occurs.  My main issue with it was that she didn't see to manifest the grotesque facial physical changes and the timing between infection and transformation seems to be all over the place. Seems like some people take hours and for some it takes a day others still more. Kelly and Diane still had their luscious locks. I mean seriously, how much time could have possibly elapsed between Diane and her son getting bitten and Eff and his wig wondering into their home? They were already nesting full formed vamps with the tongue and everything.  


    I for one was glad to see Diane go. I couldn't stand that horrible fake ass New Yawker accent of hers.


    Seriously, is the kid that plays Eff's son related to someone behind the scenes? Matthew Weiner's son looks like a Barrymore compared to him. He is one of the worst child actors I have ever seen. So much so that when next I re-watch an episode of Walking Dead and complain about Lizzie, her sister or Carl, I will stop myself and think upon how much worse it could have been.


    Dutch for some kind of tech genius sure seems like an idiot. Is it a case of being book smart and street dumb? I am not as enamored of her as others but she is better than Nora and Eff but not by much.  Eff has a right to his sentiment because she was an instrumental part of what is happening, however, him voting himself as leader based on his CDC credentials was the height of buffoonery. Out of the whole bunch, I like Eff the least, but Dutch did a terrible, terrible thing and got pissy when she really does deserve some level of anger from every member of the human race.


    I for one really wanted to know more of the particulars of what her plan was. I am not a tech person but I really wanted to know why she could only correct the issue at Palmer's offices. I thought her and her techs worked remotely? Whatever the case, it was stupid that she would think she could just stroll in their and gain access to what the computer room via the exec cafeteria? Also, it was my understanding that she and her crew slowed down the internet not shut it down which is why every once and a while people can make calls or have internet access. Hard to believe that would cause such an economic downturn.


    At the time of airing, I wondered if all new vamp converts got the personal 'welcome to vampirism' special hello from the Master himself, but it makes more sense that the Master is cultivating her specially because of her connect to Eff who is connected to Abe.


    WTF happened to the Vamp Squad, rocker dude and Regina King? I'd settle for just Vamp Squad though. Sorry Regina.

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  8. True Detective - I feel like this show was the opposite of the saying 'the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.'  In this show's case I thought the sum of its parts were better than the whole. 


    Walking Dead - the characterization of Michonne has been a disappointment. I like the actress just haven't been impressed with the material given to her.


    Fargo - I'm surprised by all the love for this show. It wasn't awful but I don't think it was the marvel that critics claim it to be. Lorne posing as a practicing dentists for how long? was some WTF'ery to me. The show was just okay to me however, I despised the ending for Martin Freeman's character, Lester. It has been a long time since I have actively hated a character that much.  So, I wanted him to be caught, exposed for the human turd stain that he was and become a prison sex puppet passed and bartered around like a blunt. Needless to say I found his apparent demise less than satisfying.


    Supernatural - I prefer Sam over Dean. Blasphemy, I know. I don't care about Castiel one way or another.  Truth be told, I watch this show now out of habit and love of eye candy as opposed to genuine interest. 


    I love The Strain, warts, worms, bad wigs and all. Just mindless summer fun.


    I only really enjoy the first couple of seasons of I Love Lucy. With the exception of the stomping grapes in Italy, Lucy on the train pulling the ER brakes and Lucy trying to pass off a block of cheese as a baby on a plane I hated when they started doing all those damn road trips. Ugh, and those Westchester episodes aren't even worth commenting on.


    I love and loved Skyler from Breaking Bad and Betty from Madmen.


    New Girl - I hate CeCe and Schmidt as a couple. Like them individually. I think Cece is arguably one of the most beautiful women on tv right now. 


    Six Feet Under - decent series, one of the best series finale sequences that I have ever seen but I still found the show to be a bit of a snooze overall.  Love Frances Conroy but shit was Ruth annoying as fuck! Claire was my second fave character after David but gawd did I hate her art school drama and friends. 


    Truth about me - I could live off of old reruns from shows from days gone by like All in the Family, Married with Children, The Jeffersons, Good Times (before James' death) Roseanne (pre-lottery win) , Sanford & Son, Mama's Family, Simpsons, etc., and not be bothered with current primetime outside of a couple of shows.

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  9. Gee I went to look at the "ridiculous" comment and all I got were pictures of Heather holding up her child's stool sample.  I guess their idea and my idea of a memory book differ.  BTW no way this woman changed diapers or potty trained the dogs, http://instagram.com/p/svssoBPZ8h/

    I literally guffawed because I spy a towel rack warmer (how plebeian) in the background of Heather's instagram photo.  I am sure this one in the rental home is nowhere near as life affirming or fulfilling as the heated towel drawers in their original home but I can picture 'Hedy' and Terry gathering around it every so often and singing Barbra Streisand's Memories

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    Brooks and Vicki were talking about Vicki buying a house, him moving in and paying rent and her giving him a lease agreement.  Then he said something about "and if we sell the house a few years down the line ... I'm not paying rent for nothing, and we'll share the investment", at which point Vicki gave him a "ya think so?" look.

    BWAHHHH!!! And they say Todd from ATL was an opportunist, but at least he was marrying Kandi and he did sign a prenup. Brooks wants a percentage and all he is doing is filling up a love tank every once and a while and getting free teeth. My guess is he is proposing that he isn't paying rent but his payment should go towards being considered putting equity into the house translating into an ownership stake and if the house is sold whatever amounts he contributed as 'rent' would be turned into a calculated percentage which he would be entitled to at closing.  If I could advise Vicki on one thing it would be not to do this. I just don't trust him. Hell, if Vicki lets his ass move in for free I can see him being the type to claim squatter's rights when it came time to kick his ass out or even claim some type of palimony when they inevitably break up. Brooks is that bitch!


    Can't with the DuBrows. Heather and Terry probably look at their property value estimates on zillow and compare them to their friends and the poors as foreplay to get in the mood. Their children were probably conceived on a pile of construction blue prints. How can a piece of land and a pile of cement be your end and be all when you have children and purportedly a loving spouse? Not saying a house isn't important. I don't doubt that most people have an idea of what their dream house will look like. Hell, I've got an account at Houzz with my fave looks that I go to and dream and say 'some day.' So I don't begrudge Heather and Terry taking joy in what they created. It is a feat most people don't get to accomplish once let alone twice. However, speaking for myself, when I picture my dream house, it usually centers around not only the aesthetics but the potential ways my family will use it and the memories we will create there. I think about having a chalkboard wall in my kitchen, the holiday dinners I will host for friends and family. Not to mention dinner parties and background BBQs. What floor plan would be most conducive to fun and happy family gatherings. Where the family X-mas tree will be put. I think about what kind of staircase I want - one that is kid safe but also will look nice when decorated with garland and I can see them running down the step to go to school or rush down on X-mas day to open their presents. I just can't fathom being only misty eyed about the building itself and not even take into consideration the occupants and/or the memories/activities that actually make residing in the house worth living.  The Dubrows sole consideration  of what happiness and self fulfillment is seems to be 'being the Joneses.' They want to be the object of envy. Full stop! I don't think they care if they are comfortable in the house or suits their and their children style of living only that it is bigger than everyone else's, more expensive with the grandest materials & features. FULL. STOP. They look around to see what everyone else in their set has and try to outdo them. 


    Does anyone think here that Heather is a super involved mom/parent? I don't think Heather is as hands off as Tamra alluded to (who said Heather's idea of taking care of her kids is writing out a list for the nanny's) but I do wonder with the nanny's and chef what she does most of the day. Last season with the Terry isn't supportive BS she sorta played that she was doing it all on her own with no help from Terry and I balked at that. Especially after Heather's 1st season when she I got he opposite impression, meaning Heather came off as a delegator. So I don't know which it is.

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  11. Not really a wardrobe thing but didn't think it would be appropriate to ask this in the main current plots thread. Did the actress who plays Nicole get breasts implants? I don't recall her being so well endowed in the past. I noticed it when she was wearing that light colored slinky dress and was like woah, where did those puppies come from! 


    I am in the minority but I thought Sami looked great in that flower number on her lunch date with EJ. It was a bit boobalicious but I think that was the point. I thought it was the best she has looked in forever. I think that Ali is one of those types that look their best when they have on minimal makeup and are styled simply. She doesn't have the face that can handle a lot of makeup, which is not a bad thing. When makeup and wardrobe overdo with the fussy outfits and the vampy makeup they just make her look kinda ridiculous and she winds up looking uncomfortable to me. The worst was that wedding dress. It was bad in the front but even worse from behind. Girls is in killer shape but suffers from noassatall. 


    I agree that the styling for Sami is the most inconsistent but at least she has some hits and home runs. Jen is damn near all air balls. Out of all the women, I think Jen is the worst styled from head to toe. Hate the hair and 90% of the time the clothing choices are all wrong. There is this older lady/young girl styling clash going on that is giving me Whatever happened to Baby Jane vibes with her. Most of Jen's outfits would be better suited for Abby or Paige. The wardrobe thing would be easy enough to fix but I don't know what the solutions for her hair would be. Cutting, darkening the shade of blonde, layering, deeeeeep conditioning would be a damn good start but I have no idea what style of cute would be suited to her.


    I hate when red dresses are paired with black hosiery and shoes so I hated Kristen's look of a few days ago. Just terrible.


    Will looked like Howdy Dowdy in that red checkered shirt with his hair brushed back. 

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    There's no way any magazine worth a shit would pursue Will or that editor.  The concept of those two as competent professionals is almost as unbelievable as the idea that Abigail is hot.  She's bizarre looking, and that's being kind.

    Journalism is dead!



    There's absolutely no reason why Lucas should be this concerned about Tamiflu.


    Lucas up until today has been playing as an advocate for Jordan and Rafe but I felt that there was more to their scene yesterday. It may just be me, but I sorta read that scene as Lucas being interested in Grimace for himself. All that you are a beautiful woman, who deserves happiness with anyone that can give it to you - notice he didn't say Rafe. I got the sense that Lucas was submitting his application as possible boyfriend material. I am not adverse to this because Lucas needs a story and Lucas/Grimace would be more interesting than Rafe/Grimace, which is not to say that Grimace/Lucas have better chemistry. Just that Rafe and Grimace are like being served cold oatmeal in bowl made out of wet cardboard. Lucas and Grimace would be oatmeal with hot sauce. Neither is particularly appetizing or appealing but at least one has the hint of flavor.  If I had a say, I would rather see the possibilities between Anne and Lucas.


    Kate and Sami were the best part of the show. However, I feel I may end up hating Sami if she goes back to that ball of grease known as EJ. That look on Sami's face as she look on as EJ talked with the kids at camp made me want to retch.


    Why is it that EJ is in a suit 24/7 and Brady who is also a 'bidnessman' walks around in JC Penny casuals and sweats all the time?


    Ollie suffers from the same affliction as Brady - overgrooming. Ollie doesn't have any hair on his torso or his arms. However, I think Ollie is kinda worse. His eyebrows are better shaped and arched than mine or any woman on the show - and I keep my shit tight!!! Ollie must live in a threading salon. I just don't find that look at all appealing. Give me Tad who looks like a human being and not like anime. 


    Kristen and Eric? Ugh! Well it is at least interesting to see that Days treats rape just as horribly & irresponsibly when it occurs to men, but I doubt Eric will fall in love and procreate with Kristen so there's that.


    Abby is no great beauty but I thought she looked the best she has in a while today. I do wish they darkened her hair a bit as I don't think blond really goes with the actress's coloring. Other than that, I got nothing with her story. No idea why they have her randomly think about EJ while making out with Ollie and kinda don't care. 

  13. The WTF sex in the ex-wife's bed while awaiting to see if the ex-wife would arrive home either in human or vampire form was some annoying shit but I also have to say that Fet and Dutch seemingly lounging around her apartment like they had all the time in the world while they let the old man and the kid stew in a bread truck at night while vampires roam the streets in roving bands with a fatwa on the old man's ass was pretty fucking terrible too. Was the driver side door even locked?  No idea how much time had elapsed but it seemed like more than a little which is too much for me.


    I don't hate or strongly dislike Nora but I seriously wanted to brain her for mouthing off to Fet the way she did. Yeah, Jim should've been killed by his friends but his friends wouldn't and couldn't and time was of the essence so please STFU!!


    So funny to see Nora and Eff give a semi eulogy to Jim while roasting Matt on an open fire. LOL! Had to laugh at them saying Jim always put others before himself. I guess that was in between him selling out humanity for what amounts to chump change in retrospect.


    I'll chime in and add that yes, the Master's appearance was disappointing. It looks like something the FX department picked up at Party City, which probably came with the wig they have poor Corey sporting. Two birds 1 stone.


    Bring back the Vamp SWAT!!!

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  14. I really, really don't want a pregnancy story with Theresa and Brady. Please just no. Let the poor child move on to someone else. I do wonder if them having consummated the marriage might make the annulment now impossible. 


    It was slightly funny when Theresa was talking about what high hopes she had for her marriage in the beginning before they came back to Salem like walk in closet, being able to buy whatever she wants and kicking Tammy Fay Maggie out of the mansion. LOL!


    Very annoyed with Brady for going over to Kristen's and fanning the flames of her crazy. EM's chest heaving as Kristen touched his chest was so damn eye-rolling and ridiculous considering all the shit Kristen has done. It just makes him look so damn incredibly dumb. If John is a 7 on the coma scale, Brady must be 3. He is the most brain dead character on this show and that is really saying something. When Kayla was explaining that on the coma scale John came into the hospital at an 11, dropped to 9 and now is at 7, I immediately jumped to the conclusion that that was probably because Marlena and Brady were killing all his brain cells with their inane stupid chatter. 


    The whole crazy delusion bitch hears 'I love you' every time a character she purportedly 'loves' and did heinous things to type storyline have just run their course with me. To top it off, they are just beating a dead horse now with Kristen. They killed it, turned it into a zombie to squeeze some more life and drama out of it but it has since been shot in the head and decapitated. There ain't no coming back from that. Just stop it show.


    I've always thought that Eric Marstolf should've been cast as Brady instead of Eric. EM just looks and plays so, so well against AS, as Sami, especially when he first came on the show. However I don't think I could have seen EM as a priest. They don't have a lot of scenes together but when they on rare occasion do, I always lament EM being cast as Brady. Now I think Greg Vaughan should play Brady. I think he seems more plausible as John Black's son. I would love it if they could switch roles for a week or so and see if my instincts are right. 


    What was with the stilted way Kayla told Daniel "You have to see it now" or whatever the line was when she came into his office. She was looking off to the side, but Daniel was directly in front of her. Then she stumbled a bit when she leaned into his desk. I thought for sure that Kayla was  drunk or having a stroke. I love MBE, but was she reading cue cards?

    That was indeed awful and so shocking coming from a vet like that. I literally cringed when she weirdly banged her hands against Dan's desk. Even Shawn seemed slightly WTF about it. Everything about it was stilted and awkward, even her entrance. The actress playing Anne had to do this weird move to get out the door because MBE didn't seem to leave enough space to exit properly. 


    I really, really like Anne. I know she is supposed to be a character viewers find loathsome, but than again TPTB don't exactly have their fingers on the pulse of the gen pop since Abby is supposed to be the rootable heroine and Sami the devil's concubine. I just love that she gets to call out the hypocrisy of all the Dudley do-rights. I wanted a glass of champagne to celeb Abby and Jen's embarrassment too.

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    I don't watch Walking Dead, so I got a vibe of Stephen King's "The Mist" from this ep.

    Yes OMG The Mist. I surprisingly loved that movie. Half of that was due that I watched it with no idea what it was about - mystery, horror, romance - NONE! I went in totally fresh and unspoiled. It looked a bit hooky at first and I wound up watching but wow did I find it riveting and harrowing all at once. The ending was non-traditional and my everything. This eppy and the movie also have the thing in common of 

    1 chick deciding to make a run for it and actually making it. Coincidentally, it was Melissa McBride of Walking Dead.


    Anyone else wondering about Nora's mom? Did they leave her alone in Abe's secret room? Doesn't she have dementia? She seems liable to burn shit down or at the very least release whatever the hell he is holding as trophy or for safekeeping that was shown like episode 1. My guess it is the heart or something of a prior master or maybe the Master's wife or other family member.


    Was a bit surprised to see Sean Astin bite it, since he is a major actor, but I couldn't help wondering that The Lord of the Rings money must not be that long and strong if he is doing this show.


    Hope Regina King shows up again and stays awhile. 


    Heather's joke about being the Real Housewives of Guadalajara:


    Yeah this ain't as overt as 'no scratchie the woodie'  or 'chinky chinky chinaman' but it sure as hell ain't good, cute or funny. Is the inference here that a person has to be Mexican to slam down tequila? Your ass ain't in Versailles, even though you are trying to re-build it in California, but I still see your pretentious non-French ass guzzling down the champs. But I guess being from France is more 'appropriate' and 'acceptable' or maybe just because champagne is seen as the beverage for the rich and well-to-do. Ugh!!!

    • Love 17

    "Now I am a bully. . .good lord! she is talking about how she was bullied for her big breast and how rude it was of me to make fun of her. Yes, I said that out of anger after what you said about Eddie and I am sorry if it hurt you feelings. But what makes me laugh is that she told me at Shannon's holiday party and admitted to Andy at the Reunion that she has 300CC breast implants. So if you are so self conscious of your big breast and mentally damaged about being bullied why would you make your breast bigger? Another one of her contradictions and cries for attention!"


    If Lizzie did indeed get a reduction is it possible she got implants with a reduction/lift? A big percentage of women who get reductions also get implants so as to retain fullness and avoid that sunnyside up eggs on a nail look. One of the reasons Bethanny's breast were such a mess her years on RHONYC is because she got implants but no lift. 


    It is recommended that women wait until after having all their children before getting a reduction because their breast will change through each pregnancy. So this may be why Lizzie has to keep getting them redone. Not the smartest and financially correct thing to do but it ain't my money and ain't my boobs.


    Tamra is so fucking ignorant it hurts. 

    • Love 7

    LATER, he sets about putting the wheels from the car with no engine on the car that HAS an engine. WTF?

    That is what I gathered. It only makes sense if the car with no engine was the one that had the wheels. Right?


    I've never read the books so I really never thought the gang would ever meet up with Dutch. A bit convenient that they meet both her and Fet the same evening.


    All hail Fet and his rebar rod. Special shout to the nail gun from Home Depot.


    No doubt in my mind Fet is MVP second to only Abe. I love that Fet just ain't the one. So sweet how tentatively Abe seemed to be interviewing Fet upon first intro and how disappointed he was when Fet told him he worked alone. Abe would have probably gift wrapped and mailed those 2 doubting Thomases off to the Master himself for 1 Fet when the doctors were arguing over trying to save their friend. 


    I did scratch my head a bit at Abe. Funny how it wasn't a good idea to make a run for it until it was - i.e., it was raining fucking vampires on their heads. He knew there were more on the way yet I never saw him trying to think of a plan. It took a techno genius to think about putting wheels on the car with the engine. 


    I did like the idea that there was vampire caste system and Eichorst was on the top of it below the Master. I kinda surmised last week that the Master probably gifted high functioning vampirism only on those he deems necessary and extremely useful in his schemes.  Also interesting that the newly turned will probably evolve more but not to the level of Eichorst. So it is looking like the weirdo vamp avengers from last week probably are vampires - they are likely guerilla renegades who broke off from the master. I just wonder how they severed the Master's ability to see through them. 


    I am assuming Hassan, the convenience store clerk, likely was killed by the vamps or died in the explosion or maybe a little from Column A and B. 

  19. Shannon is the winner of this season and the reunion by a landslide. Tamra and Heather tried to steal Shannon's narrative and paint her as the kooky crazy (insert Heather eye twitch and Shannon over the head arm waving here) OC vodka drunk. Shannon peeped this out mid-season and mid-mind fuck, re-gained control of her narrative by reacting calmly to situations and arguing her point succinctly and logically with a soft voice. Never before have I seen a HW past/present, newbie/veteran accomplish such a feat in one season. By doing that she made Heather and Tamra look crazy. It just seemed so apparent to me that Heather and Tamra were always looking and hoping for a reappearance of dinner party Shannon. That is why I got ragey every time Heather, Tammy Sue and sometimes Miss Turry were talking about Shannon possibly losing it, especially when discussing whether to invite Shannon to Bali or how she would act at the finale dinner. They were banking on that shit and lost. teehee. Well done Shannon!


    So Heather even brings up when she said "if everyone says you're dead, it's time to lie down" yet despite saying that, she comes up with some bullshit excuse/explanation as to why she isn't condescending?


    Damn!!! You can't even hoist this bitch on her own petard!


    That was the most WTF moment for me this entire reunion. The basic history behind this was that since everyone was saying to Alexis that she is pretentious and braggy than she is. In Heather's case, everyone was turning her own shit around on her and saying that if every single fucking cast member and tons viewers are saying she is condescending than she is, but according to her - nope doesn't apply to her and here are the millions of reasons why: "I'm from NY. I usually talk fast but now I talk slow. I talk with my hands - ALOT!! It is the tone & timbre of my voice." Cheese and frigging rice, there is no winning with that woman. She will never concede a thing, never admit fault. She is infallible like the Pope himself. I don't so much dislike Heather so much as I find her insufferable. I hate when she says champs too because I associate that with Edie and Patsy from Ab Fab and that is on thing Heather is not but so things she is - absolutely fabulous.


    Tamra's eyes just got smaller, beadier and more malevolent and evil as the night progressed. By the end of the night, she had black barely open slits for eyes and could have been mistaken for a death eater or a high ranking demon on the show Supernatural.


    When they were going through Tamra's list of face snatching and paralyzing plastic surgery procedures I really wished Andy would have hit her with her own personal Rick James moment on the show. Remember when she went to the youth doctor and wanted every potion and procedure to make her look younger? You know besides the facial terrorism she engages in on the regular to beat back that vile insurgent known as Father Time. Then moments later Tamra wonders why her son, who takes parking lot drugs from strangers to bulk up, can't be happy with himself and the way he looks? Dummy see, dummy do. I really wanted to hear her dance her way around that.


    Tamra wasn't dragged nearly enough for my taste, but then again folks shouldn't go by me. I think at this point after so many seasons of Tamra's nastiness, nothing short of a verbal (and maybe even physical, yeah its that bad) drawing and quartering of Tamra would be enough for me.


    Is it wrong to hope that Lizzie's account of Tamra's rant against her child-rearing and marriage are correct? I say that because that is the only way that Lizzie's crying makes any sense to me. I was sitting there thinking WTF is she crying about? Regardless, or according to Lizzie disregardless, I find Lizzie disappointing both as a HW and as a pageant girl. She needs to find her inner Kenya.


    ZALDAMOWILDER, your definition of intelligence is my everything.

    • Love 17
  20. I don't know how to feel about Heather's shoes. Just a bit much going on. I think I would like them better without the studs. 


    Vicki has a better pair of gams than Tamra. Vicki's dress would have been bordering on perfect for her if it weren't for the deep vee. 


    Glad that David has a healthier diet and is exercising but I think he look a bit cuter with a little more weight on his bones.


    I like this reunion. It seemed fast paced, fluid with minimal talking over each other. Color me surprised that the boys were featured eppy #1. 

    • Love 5
  21. p.s.  now what ya'll can tell me is what a holla back construction site is?


    I don't think there is such a thing. I think Terry is out of the loop, uncool stuck in the past and is thinking about that old Gwen Stefani song Hollaback girl, which is probably one of few pop songs he knows the words to along with Just Bust a Move. 

    • Love 8
  22. The discussion between Kristen and Brady was just so, so anti-climatic. Unless Brady's weird looking flexing pec muscles were shooting deadly invisible radiation rays at Kristen, no Brady, you did not let Kristen have it.


    How can a man be so damn hairless. He doesn't even have hair on his forearms. I don't want his upper body to look like his body is carpeted in shag rug material like John but to be completely devoid of hair is kinda repulsive to me.  


    I don't keep up on Days in the media so I was wondering do soap writers still give interviews? I remember a time back in the day when there were soap mags (dating myself) and writers would give insight into the stories, their thought process and the characters. I really need such a thing now and not from Corday. What are they doing?!? I feel like I am in opposite land. The rootable character who was actually betrayed is the villain reviled by all. The villain who did the wrong is the helpless ingenue victim going around bitch slapping the person she wronged while the whole town roots her on and excusing her behavior. Down is up, black is white. Nothing makes sense. 


    I was so damn livid by the end of the episode that I actually had to take some deep breaths. That isn't healthy! I wanted to reach into the tv and slap the enamel off Abby teeth's. I wanted Sami to punch that wedge shaped nose off her face and then stomp Abigail into wine, pour her into a glass and drink it by a roaring fire enjoying the Kami portrait while she contemplates deep thoughts. I cannot wrap my damn mind about what this show is doing and where they are taking this mess. 


    Jump offs don't deserve anonymity. Jump offs don't deserve protection. 


    I also don't understand how the revelation of Abby as the jumpoff is worse for DE. EJ's plausible deniability nonsense didn't do it for me. The company is run by a shady ass family with ties to the underworld. Steffie and his family are in and out of police custody on a regular basis. EJ steals all Steffie's shit, including DE, whenever he is on the outs with daddy dearest. EJ was just jailed for state tax issues and is out on bail. Kristen was just apprehended and indicted for a shitload of crimes, including rape. According to all this the board of directors should be in a meeting every other day and EJ would never be off the phone with them and always going over this cellphone plan minutes. But no. Abby's name in the article is what gets the board's panties in a knot? OK then.


    The 'confrontation' between EJ and Lucas was far too short. So I guess Victor is gonna get dragged into this clustermuck. Feels like the show is playing pass the blame with Abby being immune from blame of course. 

    • Love 10
  23. There are a lot of implausible things that happen on this show, however, for my money the most ridiculous was the Hobbit being asked to describe the German and him stating that Nazi Vamp Eichorst looked to be about 45 yrs old. Hobbit get thyself over to a LensCrafters and update your prescription fast!!!

    • Love 5

    I may be alone here but I thought Tamra's description of her son Ryan's romance and on going relationship with Sara was quite depressing.  She seemed to make all sorts of excuses for why these two found each other and pursued a relationship.

    The jaded part of me thinks that because Sara has some money and is able to support Ryan, give him a job, etc., makes Tamra able to overlook and excuse all the red flags and sirens going off with that relationship mainly the fact that Sara is so much older than Ryan, has 3 kids and they had only been dating 2-3 months before moving in together & getting engaged. I just find it so hard to believe that self proclaimed trucker with tits Tamra hasn't gone off and even mentioned any of this.


    At the end of the day (tm Apollo) Ryan has a new mommy now.

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