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Posts posted by islandgal140

  1. What is Demetria's role in this show? Is she a friend of? Jr housewife with training wheels? I really don't know and wonder why I should care about some peachless chicks so-called relationship. What the hell is this episode where the major drama is between 2 people that have barely been introduced to the audience?


    Every time I hear Roger Bob I think Roger Rabbitt.


    I wished someone would dunk his ugly ass into THE DIP!

    • Love 6
  2. How I have missed these fools! 


    Congrats to Christine on the weight loss.


    True that Kody does seem overly concerned with his girls purity but the one thing that I loved that he said to Maddy was that her body belongs to her even if she is married! I am always surprised by how so many people don't know or believe this, so kudos to Kody. 


    So I take it Mykelti isn't going to college? Is she going to some type of fashion and design school or is this potential internship the extent of her continuing education? Never knew Mykelti was so into fashion design. If she was so passionate and felt it in her head and heart, why wasn't she more in the mix when the wives were having those monstrosities made for the vow renewal last season? I was embarrassed for her during her meeting with the designer.


    Sorry, not sorry but the designer's fashion aesthetics aren't exactly all that great either. By the looks of his designs, his customers must be of the Golden Girls variety. His design strikes me as very dated and appeal to the retirees in the state.


    As usual, I remain awed by the Browns seeming complete disregard for any type of fiscal responsibility. Two separate graduation parties days apart? Granted, I understand they go to separate schools and have different sets of friends but it strikes me as stupid to have done it that way given their financial situation.


    I am dying to know what kind of, if any, medical coverage they have. With Truly's recent illness and Dayton's recent accident, those medical bills would be high!


    For a company with little to no sales, I too want to know what is occupying Robyn's time so completely that she can't even begin to entertain the thought of having another child. I know they aren't filling orders.


    Maddie: "Get out. Get out. Get out." Well done.


    Maddie basically 'bye Felicia'ed her own parents. Maddie is a woman of her word. When her ass says she was out of there ASAP, she meant that shit! The ink was barely dry on her diploma and she had all her shit packed, in the driveway and ready to go. I think Maddie not only didn't like LV, she wanted to get away from the family entirely. It must suck to never have a chance to be alone with your thoughts or have a space of your own. I can't imagine. I will not say that I am an introvert but I really do value time to myself without interference.  


    I thought the Maddie video was actually kinda cute and sweet. Glad she seemed to enjoy it.


    I hate to compare to the Browns to the fabulousness of the peanuts gang, but Kody, Meri and Christine dancing outside at the party reminded me of the dancing from the X-mas special. Kody was damn near almost doing the dance the boy is doing below, he just needed a bit more neck action.



    • Love 12
  3. Lima Bean stating that her and JJ had been through so much together was a head scratching moment. Did I miss the storyline where one of them held the others hand while they were being administered a chemo drip to fight a potentially fatal tumor? Were one of them run over by a car and in a coma for some period of time? Did they help each other through the loss of a parent or sibling? Or even a friggin' dog? I am not even saying that they need to be through a tradegy to get close but I don't remember any good times or defining moments that said to me - these two need to be together. Or better yet, I see why these two or into each other. I see no reason aside from the physical that JJ would be so into Lima Bean. I absolutely loathe when the show tries to con me into thinking there is an actual meat and pototoes (i.e. a complicated and fought for history to the relationship) to a couple when there clearly isn't.

    I really hope Ari Zucker is well compensated for playing the role of Nicole because what a thankless damn job! She is basically Salem's porta potty. She gets all the shit stories where every character gets to dump on her and she never truly experiences true happiness. She has no real deep abiding friendship, no confidente on the show and no family. Even Theresa has it better than her. At least Theresa has Ann, a sibling, extended family with deep roots on the show and will be 'rewarded' with a baby some time this year. I am tired of watching Salem lift its leg on Nicole. E-fucking-nough already.

    Hate to be nitpicky but Will's yelling 'cool' from the bedroom when Sonny came home was one of the worst line deliveries I think I have ever heard on the show.

    Shallow note: wardrobe choices for Mel are horrible. Its like Stevie Nicks got thrown up on by a Laura Ashley showroom.

    • Love 12

    Dan and racoon Jen aren't together anymore so there's absolutely no reason why he needs to tell her about going on a date with Nicole.

    This had been grinding my gears but you know I think this is serving a greater purpose. Both Dan and Nicole made a big deal out of both not being on the rebound and going into the 'relationship' emotionally unencumbered. Both seeming to mutually agree that the ghosts of their exes wouldn't haunt whatever they are about to have with each other. I think Dan being able to discuss his personal life with his ex and having a cordial (albeit slightly awkward) relationship with Jen is meant to show that Dan is actually the only one going into this thing meeting the pre-determined floor they set for the relationship. Nicole is still obsessing over Eric and his new lady love, while Dan really does seem to have moved on from Jen. Although, I suppose I could still be super pissed because again, Dan is being set up to be the good guy.


    I really wouldn't have a big an issue with Mel if it weren't for all her acting quirks. It seemed as if she was drying to tamp down on them upon her return but she is full-fledged back to everything I originally hated her fiercely for. It is like she is going for a Betty Boop/Shirley Temple mash-up and it is beyond not working. 


    Wow, Grimace has been looking really beautiful these past few episodes. Not only that but as boes has mentioned the actress seems to be coming into her own. Just in time to be written off. Of course.  


    Could someone please muzzle Ken Corday?  That fool is giving interviews again.  This time he is saying even though he doesn't believe in super couples, Ejami became a super couple.  He also says AS and JS' departures left a void in the show.  This annoying idiot had several months notice AS and JS were leaving so if there is a void in the show, it is his damn fault.

    I think more than anything Ken misses beating that dead horse and recycling ejami plotlines from old scripts. Sure made the so-called writers lives much easier. I am sure if they hadn't left, either Sami or EJ would be hiding a huge secret threatening to ruin their marriage. Rinse and repeat. Ken is also probably missing the zealotry of certain factions the very vocal ejami fanbase. Love them or hate them (I hated them) but ejami was probably the only couple on the show that generated a lot of fervent and passionate debate both for and against. I was exhausted by it so frankly, I was clicking my heels when the announcements of the actors leaving because I couldn't take another rape debate. I don't miss either actor and frankly am resentful that AS has already threatened to come back for special events. LOL!! Ejami also were always clearly the A story and both the actors were the show leads. I don't think anyone on the show now qualifies. However, I will say that with the exception of Abby's airtime, the show feels a lot more balanced without ejami.

    • Love 4
  5. I think the only reason we got a new episode on Christmas is because Days has technically been an episode behind since they were nationally preempted for some breaking news (can't even recall what it was. Ferguson??) a while back. 


    I was focused on the weirdest thing during that Horton get together. I couldn't take my eyes off of that awful looking bowl of pink punch. WTF kind of punch was that anyway? Looked like pepto bismal. Well, seeing how Abby, Julie, Doug, Jen, Mel and various other annoying characters were all in the same room that was probably a wise preventive measure.


    Jen and that struggle ponytail/braid - Girl no!!


    Such a minor thing but it drives me nuts to see characters in short sleeves and backless dresses in the dead of winter in the midwest, even if they are indoors.


    Doug and Julie always make me uneasy. They always seem like they are on the verge of breaking out into a song and dance routine complete with a soft shoe routine and jazz fingers. They are both so damn extra. Like 2 ex-vaudevillians that haven't realized that the curtain came & stayed down 40 years ago.


    I think Paul is shaping up to be a great casting decision. I am not entirely sure about the direction of the story but he has been solid and his scene with Dan today clinched it for me. He does anger well which I think a lot of the younger set usually don't get right. I too didn't expect the you will never pitch again angle to be played. Seemed like there would be more bang for the buck if he was actually in the major leagues or about to sign when he either was outed or came out. 


    I can't take Theresa mooning after that lug. Something must be wrong with me because I didn't want to vom at Brady and Mel being a potential couple. I don't hate it - yet!


    I just don't get why Brady is getting so much story and so much tail. 


    Selena is playing it so cagey whenever anyone mentions what she has been up to since Africa. Hmmm...


    LOL when Roman said to Rafe that he could see from the expression on Rafe's face that the letter was true. So good to know that those that have been incapable of facial expression for a decade are still able to do that. I rolled my frigging eyes at Rafe being fired. The Brady police department is just ridiculous. They couldn't catch a criminal if he walked in, handcuffed himself to a radiator and confessed. They are shady as hell themselves and now they want to get righteous?


    How is it that Gabi, who is supposed to be in prison looks better than Melanie? I've never been a huge Gabi fan but damn have I missed her perfect tresses. I don't know what the show is thinking about with regards to Mel's styling. She is styled like a cocktail waitress from an 80's mafia hangout. 


    How nice that Show allowed Nicole to make cookies successfully.  They don't let her get much right.  Time for that to change too.

    That was actually one of the most refreshing things that happened this week. At one point, it seemed liked no female character under the age of 40 was allowed to know how to cook. It all somehow had to result in hilarious (but actually not) hi-jinks and unwise cracks about the character's lack of cooking skills. I particularly remember the running gag about Sami's bad cooking. Plus I seem to particularly recall a sad attempt by Mel to bake during the holidays in Maggie's old kitchen that ended badly. 


    Why is the wardrobe of this version of Will so freaking ugly?


    It is just tight ugly vest, after tight ugly vest over an impossibly even uglier shirt.

    Chad and Theresa would have been great together so that will never happen, or if it does, Corday and the idiot writers will manage to ruin it right out of the gate.

    So much word to this. The show has to have Chad lust after and long for a 'good woman' that hates his gangster life and family. Days writing is built upon lazy built in, same old same old basic soap 101 tropes.  

    • Love 4
  6. I was watching this with a group of friends and they were quite impressed with how he argued the love question, he deserves the green card just for going through with this.

    He was quite Bill Clinton-esque with this verbal manuevering. Extra impressive because English is not his 1st language. 


    That was a whole hour of nothing that makes the Sister Wives reunion look hard hitting and probative. Half the show was clips and the other was soft ball questions. Not even softball. They were snowball questions in a 90 degree F room. WTF kind of questions are: is 90 days enough, anyone here for a green card, are your relationships real? Seriously if there is only one obvious way to answer a question than don't freaking ask the question! Answering some of the questions the wrong way could potentially land them in trouble with INS.  F's all around. 


    Hate to give Danny any credit but I will say that I caught some of the 1st episode and he described Amy perfectly. She is an incredibly graceful person and that grace makes her even more beautiful. The grace wafting off her is frigging palatable. All I know is that she is a better person than me because I couldn't with that old nasty racist father-in-law. Does he really have to try so damn hard to warm to a graceful angel like Amy? Worse yet, he has been 'trying so hard' and still isn't treating her as a daughter. F him.


    I legit now believe that something is clinically wrong with Danielle. She is on some kinda spectrum somewhere in the annals of medicine or in someone's medical journal. I will endeavor not to stay anything about her because I just can't pick at someone I think has a true medical/pyschological problem. The face hiding was beyond the beyond . 


    I almost forgot Jason was there. 

    • Love 11
  7. Wow, this show was actually an hour this week. No tacked on WWHL.


    I am done with Kandi.


    So Todd pressed the pause button, which could amount to a stop button considering Kandi's age, on the baby issue and NOW is suggesting that they spend holidays separate and apart from each other? Kandi' response??! Basically respond that everyone has to eat whatever shit Joyce is serving. She refuses to curb that rabid, mushroom wig wearing pitbull of a mother of her. What kills me is that Todd isn't even asking her to wrap a choke chain around her neck (probably wouldn't hurt though) or have her put down but stop giving her fucking Scooby snacks and snausages (i.e. a house) every time she shits on the rug and bites someone.


    That separate holiday suggestion was a cry for some action from Todd. He was giving her one last chance to squash this shit and make Joyce feel consequences for her bad behavior. A test which Kandi failed miserably.


    Kandi your ass betta get used to that scene of you, your Kraken ass moms, dinosaur Aunt Baby "Not the mama" Sinclair, and shaky voiced aunt  eating fried chicken, biscuits and mashed potaoters and not a veggie in sight, 'cause that is about to be your life. Well, that tremendous weight gain & diabetes if y'all continue to eat like that. Damn, Kandi couldn't even wait for the prayer. But I digress. You about to be without a huzzbin. The only thing missing from that scene was a bubbling cauldron. Kandi telling that story with all that funk in her voice was an ugly sight to behold.


    Todd was really acting like he gave not a fuck about you or your "Mother's Love" problems. I don't blame his ass for not offering up any advice. Look what happened the last time he gave some business advice to Kandi which had her employees up in arms about it. It really doesn't pay to be Kandi's husband. 


    For a minute there when Joyce came into the house jingling some keys I thought Kandi rewarded her with a new car. 



    Kandi is the problem. Not Joyce. Kandi feels this need to runteldat to everyone, then act surprised people are upset. There was no need to Kandi to discuss Todd/Sharon/ToddDad with Joyce, them runteldat to Todd. There was no need for Kandi to runteldat to Joyce, Bertha & Nora about what Sharon said.


    Not exactly. Kandi is runtelldat with shit that doesn't blow back or make her moms look bad. Her ass was quiet as a church mouse about Joyce calling Todd's mom a ho. Todd didn't know about that shit until the show aired. This makes me dislike her ass even more. She is complicit in her mom's nastiness. 


    I like Derek J but I really wish the film crew would stop filming him from behind. Tired of looking at that pack of franks on the back of his neck.


    Anyone else peep the picture of a young Derek J who seemed to be about 50-75 lbs lighter in his salon? I died.


    LOL! Nene coming into the restaurant and saying she was looking for someone with a lot of weave.


    Kenya's buttinski antics were getting on my nerve too (screaming CYNTHIA how many times from across the table?) but damn at Porsha's reaction. 


    Nene's attitude and failure to make apologies for her bad behavior is an ugly sight to behold. Much like Nene in anything backless or in those cut off shorts and heels.

    • Love 7
  8. EggoWaffles: You noticed that Jason's dad had a "massive bulge" ?




    Are you making fun of me? :(

    And to be completely honest, no I didn't notice technically.. my mother did. She kept saying that Jason's dad totally had the hots for her as a joke, and she kept poking it.



    It's the area "That ain't (aka taint) your butthole and ain't your vajayjay." Also known as the Perineum. 


    (And I can't believe that I just defined taint) 


    Lawd this board is life giving. What us gonna do when the show ends? 

    • Love 6
  9. With the exception of the most controversial couple on this show, this episode was rather uneventful but it was good to find out if all the couples went through with it.


    Dani and Mo.. child! Mo got brand new once he got the ring on his finger.  I think mentioned a few episodes ago that Mo could possibly be one of the few spouses that came into the country and is actually in a worse situation than what he came from in his home country. He is not in the USA to be living with no damn electricity.You can't conduct bezness without a computer. 


    I did not think that was Dani's daughter helping Mo. That looked like a grown ass woman to me but I will take you guys word for it.


    I am so completely burnt out on shows like Platinum Wedding and Say Yes to the Dress, that with the exception of Dani and Mo, I found the simple, inexpensive, no fuss, no drama individualized weddings of all the couples rather sweet. Not once was the phrase 'this is my day' uttered and there was no bridezilla behavior in sight. I almost forgot that people can get married without ice sculptures, chocolate fountains and wear the same gown throughout the entire ceremony. LOL!


    That being said, damn Chelsea!! I can appreciate and have respect for her hippy dippy bohemian thrift store life choices, but no ma'am. That sheer skirt that her mom slapped together at the last minute was NOT the business. I do wonder why mom couldn't have finished it ahead of time. Talk about poor time management.


    Seems like mom was doing too much. Food prep and bridal fashions?


    Color me surprised that Yamir's relatives were able to fly in for the wedding. I admit to getting a little verklempt when his mom and perhaps dad were wiping away tears when he was reciting his vows. So sweet.


    Evelin looked absolutely beautiful. For whatever reason, I just can't warm up to Justin, however it was so nice that his family behaved and seemed to really warm up to her. Mom's speech to Evelin was lovely. I really don't think that Justin's mom was the overreaching ogre that so many surmised.


    On the flip side, I guess I now see why Brett needs surrogate moms, his own mom sucks. I never in a million years expected her not to show. I thought she would say her peace but still be present but nope! Damn. That was a crappy thing to do. I don't fault his mom for being suspicious of Daya's motives given her 1st impressions of her. Hell, I thought the same way but I think that it was crappy to wait until the day before to finally and unequivocally voice her descent and then act pissy and not show for such an important day.


    I really wish Daya would ditch the blue contacts. They ain't cute and ain't fooling anybody.


    I really don't have much to comment on regarding Cassia and Jason. She was as tacky as always and he ... well... it has already been said.


    Superficial thoughts about shit nobody asked me about:

    My fave overall wedding was Danny and Amy. Loved the venue, the decor and Amy's dress was my absolute favorite.
    I think I hated Daya's dress more than I disliked Cassia's. I just despise ruffles.

    • Love 8
  10. The thing is, a newspaper in England polled readers and 80% said they were unsatisfied with the ending...That's a huge number. I've got a feeling if they want to draw in the same numbers next season, they have to promise some sort of closure or answer(I kind of rather not have one...)


    Wow that is like in Dexter territory. I guess I stand with the remaining 20% because I didn't mind the ending. Some of this series was problematic but overall I enjoyed the ride and I feel that is what this series was mostly about - the ride. It wasn't wrapped up in a neat little bow but as mentioned on the show the vast majority of missing children cases are not. I just really believe that Ollie was killed. That man had no problem slicing open that girl's throat in the middle of a damn restaurant so I have little doubt that he would kill a child alone with him in a garage whom he felt could ID him later on. Plus, the mayor looked way shaken up after seeing what was in that van.


    I am used to being on the outskirts. I am one of the few who didn't love Fargo all that much. I despised Martin's Freeman character so much that I thought his demise was far too easy on him. I wanted him arrested, publicly shamed and loathed and passed around the prison system like a carton of cigs to the biggest, scariest inmates that ever lived. 


    Malik was a heinous character.


    I found the run around they were getting from every damn person with potential information incredibly tedious. Everybody wanted something in return or had to be blackmailed to help. 


    I think Tony just lost his shit. Period. Being consumed by his son's disappearance was his life for 8 long years. The guilt of it was his life for 8 long years.  These things were a coping mechanism he seems to have developed as a way of dealing with the trauma of Ollie's disappearance. Even if the body had been discovered he would have found something else to obsess about, like who the actual killer was. He probably would have become obsessed with the Romanian crew. YMMV. 


    During the opening credits, I always wondered what was the significance of the four legged animal walking through the forest and I guess now I know. 


    I just finished watching the series yesterday and I don't know if anyone else has mentioned this in another thread but does anyone see the striking resemblance between the woman playing the female detective and Tatiana Maslany from Orphan Black? It kept thinking it is Tatiana. I was almost uncanny and it is not like Tatiana isn't talented enough to pull off a French accent. 



    This was a really hard series to watch (and that music has invaded my brain) but I think the ending was so much more honest than The Killing.


    • Love 8
  11. I just started watching the episode and damn I can't hear shit. Why is the music so loud that it is drowning out all the dialogue. I am about to switch on the closed captioning just to be able to figure out what the people are saying. WTF TLC?!?

    • Love 3
  12. I don't know why Cynthia stays shading Phae lately. It is not a good look for Cyn. I am sure Cyn is privy to some diss about the marriage as Apollo seems close to Peter and Peter is a gossipy bitch so Cyn asking why Phae wasn't happy to see Apollo and saying Phae's slip was showing kinda pissed me off. Cynthia should think about the times she was 'happy' to see Peter after Petra emptied her bank accounts without her knowledge and went out and brought cars and buildings and multiple that by about 1,000. That is how 'happy' Phae was to see Apollo. 


    Can Todd read Joyce or can Todd read Joyce? You would think his ass was in the room when he asked if she used her sick, tired, reedy weak voice. 


    No words for that troglodyte Joyce. Kandi is the one that has a reason to beef with her but Joyce is the one acting mad and not speaking to her. Manipulative much? I really, really, really want to know what Joyce meant by Kandi not appreciating the things people do for her. Just WTF does Kandi need to be grateful for? Does Joyce expect Kandi to be jump for joy that her no count man ripped all the bathrooms apart down to the damn studs, left the whole house in a complete shambles so that it can't even be put on the market? Should Kandi now be thankful that she now has to come out of pocket for tens of thousands of dollars to fix the problems that Joyce and her piece single-handedly created? Not only did Kandi have the joy of buying that hobgoblin a new house, she now has to fix a once perfectly fine house that Joyce wrecked. 


    That being said, I can't even begin to feel sorry for Kandi because she falls for that old okey doke hook, line and sinker like a damn fool. Kandi is probably out now buying her a Rolls and diamonds to soothe Joyce's amarism. 


    Joyce looked like she was doing the Elaine Benise (Seinfeld) dance at the cookout.


    Don't like talking about the kids so I will just leave it at, yikes to Riley at the cookout.


    That whole Roger Bobb shit was a waste of my time. Scripted to the damn max.


    Kenya's figure looks great this season. Looks like she lost a few pounds, not that she needed to. I don't know if she had her ass implants removed or reshaped or the weight loss had an effect on it but her ass is looking decidedly less boxy and fake this season. Her hair is slaying me.


    WTF did Claudia have on at the photoshoot. That ugly long ass blouse over black shorts and heels look not only cheap as hell but dated.

    Speaking of dated fashions, Nene is hawking some ugly shapeless clothes on HSN.


    Nene looks like she was wearing a platinum hurricane spin mop on her head.


    • Love 9
  13. The only story for me that is clicking is Aiden and I am not even a fan of the couple, but I am intrigued by whether or not he had something to do with his wife's death. It almost feels like it is being written by an entirely different set of writers that pen the rest of the soap. I feel like aside from the romantic aspect (those 2 hopped into that windy category 2 storm bed too soon) it is paced just right & hitting all the appropriate beats. What the What?!?!


    Some of Paul's interactions with TMZ bellhop and Will play like a higher end gay porno. Not that I know anything about that. LOL!


    I swear they must reserve all the male ugly shirts for Will. 


    Maxine has the worst taste in people. She dislikes Nicole (why?), Ann and Theresa but she is so far up Dan, Jen, and Abby's ass that if she inched up another centimeter it would be considered a full colonoscopy. Find any polyps Maxine?


    Eric, some key piece of advice for you. If you don't want someone in your life or your business, don't go up to them and say hi. 


    Nicole has no chill. I wish Nicole knew how to be alone. Saying you are not on the rebound is kinda like pyramid schemes. If you have to say it isn't a pyramid scheme, its a pyramid scheme. The fact that she had to run over to Dan and kiss him after finding out about Serena and then having it out with Eric, than yes Nicole you are rebounding.


    I am not as in love with Theresa as some are. I don't dislike her but I can't unabashedly root for her either. Sure she is eons more palatable than Abby and Melanie but I just can't with her delusional ass sometimes. She really doesn't know why her life is in shambles? She really thinks that Brady would take her side in any argument? She borders on being Kirsten-lite to me and I can't. Sure she hasn't raped anyone, stolen babies and fetuses but she lives in a weird world in her head where she thinks that framing Brady for Jawn's near murder is just so last season and everyone should be over it by now. Then she stands around mooning over the missing link Brady with big watery animated Disney cartoon woodland creatures eyes (which are beautiful, BTW). I wish she were more self-aware and an unrepentant bitch a la Kate or even frigging Nicole. 'Til then, Girl bye. 


    Plus, I feel like everyone is mad at her for the wrong reasons. The pregnancy thing is just a stupid thing to go on about. Whether she didn't or did fake it is kinda a moot point being as how she was pretty much found out the same day she told Brady. It wasn't some long protracted con that ruined his life. In soap time it probably amounted to 3-5 hours of his life. Theresa told him, they skipped off to the hospital for some tests which came back negative rather quickly THAT SAME DAY. Be mad about the Jawn thing not that stupid shit. Brady thought he damn near killed his father for months.  I just feel that the show has everyone harping on the pregnancy because it is the only way to keep that dumb ass story alive while Eileen skips off to do Y&R for a few months. 


    And someone refresh my memory: What exactly did Theresa do to Dan and Jen that was so heinous?


    Serena 'is that that time' Mason is sure making the rounds isn't she? The show has been really about as subtle as Godzilla strolling through downtown Tokyo during rush hour about where she falls on the good/evil spectrum haven't they. She has been in town a week and has already been roundly endorsed by the 'in-crowd' Moral get fresh crew as a great wonderful person. She even got to go toe to toe with the bad girls and win. How nice for her. I'm yawning already.


    Something has been bugging me about Serena and I finally figured it out these past few episodes. Serena has got a case of the crazy eyes. Not all the time but in some scenes she looks to be on the verge of being crazed. 


    I have no frigging idea what the hell is going on with Chad/Stefano/Rafe and I am starting not to care. Chad is a great addition but it is becoming apparently obvious that he is about to be wasted on Abby.


    What the hell did Serena and Melanie have on? Both of their dresses had weird ass cut outs in the back. Look like the Buffalo Bill sewing pattern from Silence of the Lambs. 


    Melanie was wearing the ugliest necklaces I think I have ever seen in my life. 


    Ugh Melanie. The actress's entire acting shtick could be summed up in one photo



    • Love 8
  14. The way Paul acts, I am finding it extremely hard to believe he hasn't been outed already.


    I think it was in the spoiler thread that I mentioned that Paul was so far back in the closet that he was in Narnia. I would like to change my vote. Paul's closet is made entirely of glass.


    Eric a bad boy in Africa? What did he not use a saucer with his teacup? Eschew coasters? Refuse to say 'God bless you' after someone sneezed? Use the words darn and heck a lot? I swear Eric is Days answer to Ned Flanders (The Simpsons). What a drip! He is lucky he is pretty.


    I was willing to give Melanie a chance. I was actually hopeful upon seeing the actress's first day's performance. She didn't seem as toothy and was rather subdued. I guess all that was to lure us into a false sense of hope. She is just as twitchy, toothsome, and 'cutesy' as I remember. Maybe even worse. I hated her during her 1st run and I am getting their fast. The only thing tempering my hate is that at least she isn't Abigail. How messed up is that?


    Where are they going with this Mel/Brady/Theresa mess? Especially in light of the baby on the horizon. I thought we were going to see a bit of Theresa character rehab. I am still waiting for the 'you will feel bad for Theresa' aspect of the story that Jen Lilley promised in her interviews. 


    Eve/JJ/Blank page story is officially a flop for me. Now I am starting to wonder if they just should have left JJ a bad boy with a lust for older women like Eve and been done with it. Eve's motives could have been to drive Jen crazy and then she starts semi falling for JJ but feels bad for robbing the cradle. I know some find the age difference too huge but I don't. Probably would've worked better with Charlotte Ross though. In soap years, KDP could be JJ's grandmom. She seems more like Marlena's contemporary to me. No offense to Kassia. 


    Yes, Marlena SHOULD be more concerned about Eric and his state of being than she is about Nicole. We all know that she's hardly Mother of the Year material.


    Indeed. Marlena pisses me off.  Lecturing Nicole about obsessing. This from a woman who puts a man above all others in her life, including her children. Woman could barely put in an appearance when her son-in-law EJ died. A woman who most recently asked her son not to press rape charges so her man can snap out of his coma and then leave without a backwards glance as soon as he was able to walk. Girl, bye.


    Too many people falling over themselves to praise Serena and proclaim her the love of Eric's life. Normally, I would say that that was a red herring and some evil is afoot but than I look at the shows treatment of Abby and Jen and well....

    • Love 4
  15. Christine Stawecki Felch Mohamed....here is a fun idea...when you can you, should come stay with each of us and get a taste of every state. I am in New Hampshire! Best time is the fall. The leaves are so beautiful here.

    Like · Reply · 4 · 15 hours ago

    Mary Carolyn Sargento-Morales Lol

    Like · 2 · 14 hours ago

    Mohamed Jbali Omg the states is really big I need at least a year to do that lol

    Like · 4 · 14 hours ago

    Christine Stawecki Felch Lol. You have plenty of time. No worries there.

    Like · 1 · 14 hours ago

    Kletter Lynn I don't think Danielle would like that idea, lol.

    Like · 1 · 12 hours ago

    Ricanmami Lopez Who care about dani Mullins u cant tell a man what to do u either trust him or didn't

    Like · 9 hours ago

    Diane L Rozelle I am sorry to only comment to you. Please know that social media is changing our values

    Like · 8 hours ago

    Stephanie Running-Bennett I'll host you here in Ontario, Canada! It a beautiful country that you just have to see!

    Like · 2 · 6 hours ago

    Teresa Klowak Stephanie Running-Bennett you said it girl, I am from Toronto Ontario Canada


    The one that posted the first only posts a head shot of herself - from well above her - total heifer and then look at the flock just go and chime in.  you are right, I feel better about myself!


    This is now officially gross. Shame on Mo and shame on these women. It is highly inappropriate for a married man to encourage and court this type of nonsense in private, let alone on a public forum like facebook. Danielle has her issues but he made a choice when he said 'I do' or rather, 'yea, um, I guess.' These women are inappropriate for acting this way towards a man they know good and damn well is married. I expected better from Canada. These women need to learn how to love themselves. I am sure their alleged husband's wouldn't take too kindly to some stranger coming to stay with them while he tours the provinces of Canada for bezness. Speaking of which, is Mo even allowed to leave the country right now?


    I get the sense that Mo thinks he's a lot better looking than he actually is.


    The people gassing his head up are basically Danielle clones. He gives them hope.  Is a crumb not a feast to a starving man? Or rather woman in this case. So I wouldn't be surprised that Mo thinks he makes the Hemsworth brothers look like chopped halal liver.

    • Love 5
  16. Just what I needed another reason to hate Brandi and her ass wasn't on but 5 minutes.


    Did I hear right? Did Brandi call Vivica a 'ghetto princess?' To her face? On the air? WTF?!? I wish Vivica would've checked Brandi's ass. Maybe Viv wasn't offended but I have come to hate shit like that. I am just having a problem with a white woman using the word 'ghetto' as an adjective to describe a black woman. No ma'am. I think it is classist and quite suspect. Just because a person is black doesn't mean they are from or about the ghetto.  I would rather a white woman or any woman outside the black race call me a black princess or Nubian princess but fucking ghetto princess? Or better yet, why not just call me a princess and leave all the suspect adjectives out of this. Heffa, you don't know me like that. YMMV.


    Lisa can miss me with her poor me, I have no friends because they don't understand my sense of humor and take everything so seriously.  If someone had 'joked' (but not really) about Ken cheating on her per tabloid spec in front of her kids, I doubt she would have seen the humor in it either. When she does shit to others, they need to get over it and see it as a joke. When they do it to her, the moment needs to be relived, lashings of apologies need to follow along with pledges of undying allegiance.


    I can understand Giggy's skin needing to be protected from the sun but I am always aghast not only by the garishness of the costumes (which is what they are) but by their apparent heaviness and stiffness. Shit looks like it is made out of polyester or some other kind of man made thick material. He is such a small dog and I would think his skin would need to breathe. Why don't they put him in lighter fabrics that breathe?


    So as soon as Eileen stopped working they had money issues? WTH does Eileen's husband do for a living? He strikes me as a trust fund bae? The only job description I remember for him is that he was some kind of tennis pro and something to do with gambling. Nothing wrong with a 2 income family, but it strikes me as odd and dangerous given the opulently fabulous AND no doubt expensive Malibu lifestyle they are living.


    I can see where others think Eileen and her husband's relationship parallel with Adrienne and Paul, however, I don't see the utter disdain and palatable distaste wafting off Eileen like I did Adrienne. 


    Eileen looks way better in her day to day scenes than she does in her THs, which is a bit weird because it is usually the opposite. She looks about 10 year older in the TH and her clothing, jewelry and general styling choices in them are terrible. She looked so great in the kitchen scenes with that thirsty ass niece of hers.  So far her segments have been a bit meh and boring though but I will see if things pick up when she starts interacting with the other girls.

    • Love 10


    There is some aging cow offering to give his brother & friend that are now are in Canada some gifts for Mo when they pass through Toronto on their way to visit him.  Good grief. There doesn't appear to be a shortage of Danielles.

    "There are not enough words of joy for that. I pray that happens for you."

    What is this, a cult of geriatric Facebook leg humping?  Not enough words?  Get a thesaurus and write him poems.  After all, some stranger might see his brother if another stranger bankrolls the trip!

    And the whole bovine herd that is trying to encourage him to come to Canada because Canada is better?  Someone have mercy on me.  I just can't.  I need a hug.


    Bezness is booming!! So much so that more beznessmen are coming to set up shop. 


    Whoever these fool ass women are they are the same types that would marry Charlie Manson or the Mendenez Brothers.

    • Love 4
  18. On the one hand, Peter should be more supportive of Cynthia. And Peter is a douche in general. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure that Nene is one of those exhausting friends who demands complete loyalty and attention at all times. If Cynthia wants to maintain her friendship with Nene, she needs to be prepared to eject anyone Nene doesn't get along with from her life. And she better remember to kiss Nene's ass, and show up at all Nene's events, and never contradict anything Nene says. I can see where being friends with Nene leaves one with very little time or energy for sex.


    I can only guess what went on during the course of the Cyn/Nene friendship that caused it to collapse. Disrespect from Nene? Cynthia letting people (mainly Peter) whisper in her ear? Who knows but some of the shit that went down post break-up I myself would find it hard to forgive Nene for. Mainly the suggestion to Andy, on tv, that Cynthia should be fired. That was downright despicable. I wouldn't fault Peter for bringing that up and reminding Cynthia to tread carefully. My issue with Peter in general though is that he is a dictator in his relationship with Cynthia.  That scene had the stink of, don't you dare rekindle a friendship with that woman, 'cause I ain't having it, no way, no how. You just know that shit ain't reciprocal. If Cynthia dared to crack her lips over who she thinks Peter should and shouldn't have as a friend, Peter would go off on her.

    • Love 2
  19. That was a pretty good damn hour of tv. Plus, they showed commercials for the upcoming season of my most favorite snarkable plural family, Sister Wives. My cup runneth over. 


    Amy looked stunning. Even though the ubiquitous strapless wedding gown is a trend that needs to die a hot, fiery death, it was very pretty on her.  I loved the lace, its simplicity and the flow of the skirt. Her mom and grandmom are super sweet and loveable.


    Danny's brother, Nic, is the worst. He is always, always the one to bring up sex. Seriously, he must not be getting enough of it or doing it wrong if he is that damn obsessed and stuck on his brother's virginity. Glad to see Ku Klux Klan daddy loving the torch passing joke. He damn near busted the seams on his bed sheets laughing at that pile of awkward inappropriateness.


    How can you tell the difference between a Juggalo convention and Danielle's wedding?


    Help me, I'm stumped.

    The Juggalo's take more time, effort and care with their hair, makeup and clothing. Bonus point, Juggalos actually know they are clowns. 


    In Ramadan, you must fast from sun up to sun down- no food, drink, intimate physical relations, smoking, etc., so he's covered since it was daylight when they got married- pretty smooth move to set the wedding in the middle of the day during Ramadan!


    Now if only he could move somewhere where it was daylight 24/7. Perhaps Norway in summer?


    Dani and Mo's wedding actually gave me the sads. What a dismal little affair. Not only is there no love there on Mo's part, there really doesn't seem to me much 'like' either. I feel like Dani sees Mo as a thing to have or get. He barely seems like a fully realized person to her if you ask me. How jacked up is it that damn near all her family (save for her daughters, 2 of which seem like mutes. poor things.) and friends see this situation as a ticking time bomb.


    So I think I may have figured out why Danielle's eyes look a bit off when wearing glasses. She is simply straight up cock-eyed. I didn't realize it until her TH without the glasses.


    So it looked like they actually got married at that campground that Dani and Mo toured earlier in the season. I wonder where Mo got dressed. That was quite a large bathroom with jacuzzi tub. 


    Cassia and Jason? Color me surprised it looks like he does actually have friends. Jason is an insensitive clod. I actually have no issue with him wanting to hang with his dude bros. It is an American tradition. The issue is in the execution. He should have also offered to make arrangements to have the ladies take Cassia out. To just walk off and leave her sitting by herself while they sit at another table just feet away from her was beyond rude and insensitive.  


    Jason looks nothing like his sister or brother. Jason must have a different mom than the two of them, who did look like siblings. Jason also has the humor and timing of an 80 year old man that gets all his jokes from a a joke book. "so funny I forgot to laugh." Who even says that anymore. Jason that's who.


    Brett's tux looks like something worn to prom circa the mid '90's. You know when groups like Boys to Men were big. Looks like Brett's mom isn't over the 1st impression she had of Daya. I admit that I have been softening towards Daya the last few episodes but she did come off like a total bitch during the 1st episode. It is possible that she was cranky after flying for a day on a plane but damn you are meeting your future mom with tv cameras for a show to be aired, your ass needs to de-sour and sweeten or suffer the repercussions. 

    • Love 5
  20. I hope he hangs his ornament, too.



    I hope Bollie is hung by his ornament. By the fire. With care.


    Chad - So nice to see a manly chest with some hair on it. Tired of those overplucked, waxed baby smooth toy boys.


    Man they will try every opportunity to show Paul shirtless. December in the midwest. Lets get this pesky shirt off. I don't care if he is indoors. It is just odd. So weird to see him walk into his hotel room on Wednesday's (?) episode and the first and only article of clothing he took off was his shirt. Then he laid on his bed with his shoes on. So gross. For me, shoes are the first thing to come off.


    Paul stalking Sonny is giving me the ughs. I actually grimaced in pain when Sonny called Paul's hotel room, but gotta say the way Paul looks at Sonny is kinda sexy. Like a starving man eyeing a ham sammich. I think the two have more chemistry than Sonny/Sneasel, which might not be saying much. 


    Sneasel peeking around the door of the club before entering to surprise Sonny looked like a gremlin. There aren't enough LOLs about him getting fired.


    Lawd, that Mel/Theresa scene just proved every reason why I hate Mel's acting. All teeth, weird delivery and strange hand gestures served with two giant scoops of ain't I pwecious. Ugh. I have to say that I am team Nobody. I can't get behind Theresa. Just can't. I think the main reason is because I know where the story is going. I hate that she and Brady have a baby together and psycho is coming back to town. I just hate it! I am also stuck on the fact that everybody's main issue with her seems to be that she allegedly lied about a pregnancy test. Seems stupid in light of the fact that that isn't even her bigger crime, which was bopping John in the head (damn near killing him) and saying Brady did it in a drunken/drug induced stupor. It isn't Abby skating for all her shit bad, but it is interestingly weird.


    Forget Paris. The Congo is for lovers. Seriously, I know the location is problematic. The thing is I don't find it hard to believe that people can find love or what they think is love in such an extreme situation. Emotions run high and many seek comfort in sex. There was just something so very arrogant and ugly about how Days presented it. For me mainly because as 2 white Americans, Eric and whatsherface would have been more protected and less likely to be butchered and raped then a Congolese citizen or African in general.  Plus, as mentioned by others, it really didn't take into consideration what a war torn country it is. I don't even understand why the show even went there. I would have been just as easy to have this woman be a love interest when he was living in Colorado, Montana or wherever the hell he resided. Show could have had him leave her for the Congo with a promise to come back and then heard his calling to the priesthood after witnessing all the atrocities. Boom! Was that so damn hard?!? That being said, I can't work up any interest in Eric and his Congo lover. Father Eric in his cast iron chasity belt is such a damn bore. 


    I know Marlena/Deidre Hall gets a lot of crap for all the plastic surgery but I think she looks pretty darn good, especially compared to Kate/Lauren K, who is no doubt more fabulous by nature, but more weird, plastic-ky and 'done' looking to me. 


    In other news Jen is still terrible but I was glad that the story doesn't seem to be going the usual way (yet) with regards to a Nicole/Dan/Jen triangle. I expected the usual Jen spies them out as friends on a date and gets pissy BS. Nice to see them dressing Jen as an adult but I don't understand that helmut hair thing they got going. 

    • Love 6
  21. I believe "THEY" are going to NY for taping.  There was a tweet made by Jason "Just landed and gosh my arms are tired."


    So I guess they are doing a reunion show? Yipee! I wonder if Tamron, who usually hosts Sister Wives reunions, will be doing this one, which explains the NY location. Sounds like a nice paid sight-seeing vacay for everyone. Cassia must really be loving it as opposed to Shady Pines Florida. 


    Once he's in the US, and they are applying for his greencard (called a 485), they have to prove their relationship. This would involve affadvits from friends/family showing that they have a real relationship, are together ect..., they also have to send in evidence that shows the "co-mingling" of assets. I sent in things such as joint bank accounts, leases, my name on health insurance, and life insurance policy.  Having them live separately would put a huge red flag, and I'm not even sure they would ever be approved. They would significantly question at his interview as to why they weren't living together.


    MO is doubly fucked!!

    • Love 1
  22. Sami's character also continues to be destroyed. There's no way in hell she would want Eric to have a reality show done. What reality show would want to do a story about rape?


    Well if Corday and Co., every wanted to get into the reality show biz .....it sounds right up his usual alley.



    Is it law that Kate Mansi be on every fucking day?


    The show has no strong leading lady and they are trying to make her and Abby happen by putting her on every single damn day. If I have to watch one more damn episode of Abby and Ben rolling around on those crusty gray sheets I'm gonna scream. Seriously, has that linen been shown to change every since Abby 1st clutched them in ecstasy lo' those many weeks ago? They could probably stand up on their own and recite a few lines. I really hope they don't waste Chad on her but I fear that is what is coming and has been since he was cast. 


    I keep thinking Abigail is going into think Paul is into her, only to find out...

    She talks to Paul in a way that makes it seem as though she's interested in him, but then she also does that with Daniel.

    Abby would never be allowed to embarrass herself that way. That would be Theresa. LOL!


    This show is also missing a leading male and moral center/matriarch.  


    At first, I was like 'that's it!" in relation to the Melanie big secret. She is a freaking card counter. That is the extent of it! However, upon reflection, I am just glad that it is over. Glad that she doesn't have Chad's secret love child stashed away somewhere or some weird man having her stalked or whatever. At the end of the day, Brady got knocked the f*&^ out and Nicole got to save the day. I'm happy with those 2 things. Now we can get on with the business of getting on.  I had to kinda laugh because when dark and curly and her goon showed the pic of Mel in disguise at the casino, I could barely see her face but damn even with that poor picture quality did I recognize those teeth. 


    I'm meh about Hope and Aidan but I am kinda liking the mystery shrouding the death of his wealthy wife.  Is he a murdering gold digger or a nice great guy with a bitch of a wife who killed herself? It is a bit of a slow burn. I like that it could go either way. For instance, if Hope and Aidan are end game and there is no hope of the actor that plays Bo ever coming back, Aidan can look suspicious for a time and than be cleared. If Bo does come back, tweak the story, have new info come out that paints Aidan as a Klaus Van Bulow type and bam, back to Bo and Hope. Although, you know the show is short-sighted as shit and always fails to use history so I wouldn't be surprised if Bo came back and the story became that Aidan puts on clown costumes during his off time and rapes people in the park.


    What is up with Aidan's son friend? Is that not Theo? Why do they call him Owen? Who is this 'mom' that is picking him up? Lexie is dead. Did Abe remarry? What did I miss?


    I am not minding the Sonny/Paul story. Just fearful of the avalanche of stupid that is soon to be coming my way.


    Have to get something off my chest that has been bugging me since the Sami/Kate merger of marvelousness, but the idea of co-CEOs is so fucking stupid and so very rarely if ever done that is is laughable to see so much of it on Days. Sure it isn't as bad as miracle coma cures but damn it bugs because it is the realm in which I work. Also, the board of directors chooses officers of the company. Kate couldn't just appoint Chad co-CEO. Why have 2 people of equal power run the corp? What if they disagree? Then they have to run to the fucking board to break the tie and make a decision, which is a waste of everyone's valuable time because the CEO was elected to run the day to stuff not involve the board in peddling BS. That is why that is not done.


    Oh Lifetime where every soap actor goes when Hollywood basically wants nothing to do with them. Soap actors for the most part will only get work hosting shows (Alison Sweeney), Lifetime Movies (Camila Banus, Michelle Stafford, Alexandra Shipp, Christian Leblanc), Hallmark Channel (Sharon Case, Adrienne Frantz), Prime time shows (top of the totem pole for soap actors - Michael Graziadei, Billy Miller, Michael Muhney, Thad Luckinbill) or voice acting (Christel Khalil). Eric Braeden was in Titanic but does anyone really remember him in that film?

    I remember Christel Khalil thought she was gonna make it big when she left Y&R, came crawling back to Y&R in just a few short months.


    I gotta say I see James Scott coming back in a couple of years. I just hope Sweeney stays away. I couldn't and wouldn't stick around for Ejami version 2,002 Electric Boogaloo with clone EJ. Just no!!! No ma'am.

    • Love 4
  23. Biggest LOL funny moment to me? Mo in the attorney's office struggling to find the right word/turn of phrase to describe something. That word phrase he was grasping for and wasn't quite sure about? Green Card! Come now Mo. You got to do better than that. 


    Of course Dani, a woman in her mid 40s, would have a bunch of creepy dolls on her dresser and teddy bears at the foot of her bed.Of Course!!  Jeez lady!  Dani is no dummy. As has been mentioned her, she stopped her blubbering and wounded sparrow routine, she had bass in her voice as soon as that door close. It is like she transformed into a pimp named Alabaster. Deal or no Deal Mo? 


    Chelsea and Yamir. Funny that it took her mom breaking it down for her to make Chelsea realize that Yamir had given up everything to be with her in the USA. Girl, it hasn't even been 2 months yet. Had you forgotten? Granted, financial reasons are valid ones but it was as if Chelsea wouldn't even entertain the idea until mom slapped her with reality. Glad that Yamir came up with a compromise they both can live with but I did take note that it was Yamir's idea, not Chelsea's. 


    I find Chelsea odd. So weird that she can travel so extensively, live abroad, far away from a family for an extended period of time in the past but now she needs to live up under her family. No doubt she needs their financial support since she is about to have a dependent husband who can't work until he gets a green card and she is seemingly without a job nor prospects for one so she needs them but damn I wish I could see her make attempts to be independent. She just does not exhibit the personality of a go-getter to me and that is what she is gonna need to be to help Yamir get to where he wants to go. 


    Cassia really does seem into that fool Jason. In fact, she seems more into him than he is into her. What is this world coming to??!?!


    With Justin and Evelin it is hard to become overly involved or invested in their story since I don't know what the source of Justin's issue with his family is? It could be from anything to his mom not letting him eat candy when he wanted to her letting Uncle bad touch molest him. I just can't and won't read anything too malevolent into that dynamic without some kind of proof or the very least hearing it from the horse's mouth. 

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