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Posts posted by islandgal140

  1. In the latest SOD JS confirms he knew when he signed his contract in May 2013, it would be his last year on the show.  He told Corday again officially in September 2013, and AS told Corday officially at the end of October 2013.  TIIC had months to write an exit SL for these two, and this is all they could come up with.  Pathetic.


    Sami's supposed to have scenes with Lucas next week.  I wonder if she will ever have any with Brady.  I wish they would have done something with Sami and Theresa before AS left.  Roman should have called Eric or Caroline to come be with Sami.

    This just confirms for me that the real sneasel here is Ken Corday and his writing team. They had a year to prepare for these exits yet Ken Corday said he wanted a story line "that would have fans throwing their sandwiches at the TV,"  and danged if that wasn't what we got. Ali Sweeney has been on the show for 21 years, seems to me like the head dude in charge would want to illicit a gamut of emotions from the audience not just  inspire the hate watcher to chuck their Reuben on rye at an LCD screen in anger. Besides which Days can't afford hate watchers. This ain't no Shonda Rhimes joint. This ain't Mad Men. What Corday doesn't seem to get is that it doesn't make any sense to fuel hate watching in a dying genre, especially since most of the people watching now have been watching for decades and do so either out of loyalty or habit. 


    As for Friday's episode? I thought AS was very good during her more quieter moments and being kind of out of it and believing that EJ would be coming home with her. I will probably be the lone dissenter and say that I just can't with AS in full hysteric mode anymore, even if purportedly well done. I.JUST.CAN.NOT.  I think it just of case of overload. I have seen her do this too much and too often to the point that I am immune. But other than those scenes, I thought she did well. I also really, really surprised myself by how much I liked her interactions with Rafe. GG usual flat effect finally worked for him in those scenes. Damning with faint praise I know.  


    The death scene did happen rather quickly. It was jarring especially when compared to just a few days ago John damn near took a whole damn show to spit out 4 doggone sentences. EJ is shot keels over in a cloud of dust like pigpen and dies on the scene from a shot to the abdomen during the commercial break. I wish the show would commit to this death and have EJ be dead dead and have Sami go off with her kids. Everything about this story has been a cheap copout. Months of Kami revenge only to be undo in moments with no looking back. To have EJ turn up alive after all the anvil dropping telegraphing EJ's demise would be more of the same so I fully expect it.  Corday is nothing if not fully predictable.


    If that prediction is true than the fallout from all that amounted to what exactly? Kate will be left holding the bag while Sami skips off to wherever with a not dead EJ,  Abby can't get a job, looks for places to get it on with Ollie, acts in righteous indignation with Chad and attempts to re-beguile him with the power of the Horton mystical vagine. 

    • Love 7
  2. OK, that was the most half-hearted attempt at reviving someone I have ever seen.  It was actually comical.  EJ is looking at Sami, then she turns to talk to Rafe while the EMT's go to work.  30 seconds later, Rafe looks over and they are just squatting there looking at EJ.  Rafe looks at them and they kind of shrug.  I'm guessing these guys are not bonused on actually saving people.

    Welp, Flav of Flav is proven correct. 911 is a joke. 

    • Love 4
  3. When the show started and black screen stated Jupiter Florida, Mr. Islandgal said "Florida,of course!" LOL!!


    Also regarding Carnivale, I was sort of hoping that one or two of the performers there might end up here but I guess not.



    One has. Twisty the clown is being played by John Carroll Lynch who played Varlyn Stroud on Carnivale. Stroud was the murderous convict working for Brother Justin. It was driving me nuts during the show trying to figure out who the clown was but I finally figured it out during the bus scene that it was him. Did it all on my own too without the aid of google {pats self on back}.


    I have a complete immunity to clowns. Don't find them either funny or scary so Twisty was a big fat meh to me with the exception of his intro scene. The scene with the woman and her boyfriend at the lake was effective because of the juxtaposition between such a glorious idyllic day, doing one of the most romantic of things: a picnic; 2 perfect people, perfect place; not a cloud in the sky and here comes this monster out of nowhere and murders one of them in the cold light of day in the most brutal manner possible.


    I can't say that I am riveted by Jessica's character so far but I am open. The fact that she is German, seems to have some kind of obsession of Marlena Dietrich, has an affinity for 'freaks' and lost both her legs has me intrigued. I just hope it isn't Nazi related. If it turns out she was Josef Mengele's mistress/girlfriend/relative or whatever I will roll my eyes.


    Will say that Evans is a vast improvement. Couldn't stand what they did to him in Coven. The tupperware party was a laugh riot. Completely unbelievable but interesting. A bunch of mid-century Florida housewives letting some lobster clawed dude take diddle them in the master bedroom. Really? Strangers things have happened I guess.


    The conjoined twins. The CGI got really weird and cheap looking around the time of the stabbing otherwise they were the most intriguing characters. I thought for a moment when they heard the reports of the murders in the area that they were going to pin it on the mystery murderous rampagers.


    I am adopting a wait and see philosophy right now but I was a bit underwhelmed. Or maybe it should be the opposite - overwhelmed. Doesn't Ryan usually present with a portrait of the real world and turn it upside down with some surreal shit. This time around episode one he is bombarding us, or at least me with all the crazy and fringe society shit ep 1, hour 1 out of the gate. I will continue to watch and see where this goes.

    • Love 1

    On a show full of dumb men, Brady really is exceedingly stupid even compared to some of them.


    The trouble with Brady is that he never, ever, ever gets to have a turn with the Salem brain. Everyone seems to get the chance to show that they are firing off some neurons every once in a while but not Brady.  When you think about it Sami is just as stupid as Brady for getting back with EJ. However, she escapes looking as brain dead as Brady due to the fact that she gets to scheme once in a while. Sure, it all winds up going to shit in the end but at least we know if we put our ears up to Sami's ear we wouldn't hear the ocean. Not so sure that would be the case with Brady.  I'd like Daniel to test him on the Glasgow coma scale.


    One thing that always bothered me about Brady was why we never see him in a business suit. He runs Basic Black right? Is some type of highfalutin' business type, yet he is always dressed so damn casually like he should be waiting tables at the cafe or something. EJ lives in suits. Aiden wears suits as a lawyer. Recurring characters like Victor, Stefano, heck Lucas wear suits. Why not Brady? And this is something that goes way back. 


    I think the writers have no grasp on the character at all. He is just a puppet that goes from manipulating situation to manipulation situation. 


    It is just raining anvils on EJ. Subtly thy name is Days. 


    Days did some amazing casting with Chad. Finally something to be complimentary about. 

    • Love 5
  5. I used to watch SYTTD a lot but I got tired of all the fat girls with their back and arm fat squeezing into these corsetted, strapless gowns.  I have yet to see a Pinina gown that does'nt make the girls look tacky with all their bows and rhinestones.



    The definitive and illustrative episode for this is the bride that was known as 'barrel bride' on twop. This was an older episode. I don't know if it was a Pnina gown but it was most definitely a mermaid with a lot of bead work and she looked in it exactly as the nickname implies. Her consultant and even Randy tried to gently talk her out of it and into a more flattering gown but she would have none of it. On the one hand, I admired her confidence, not giving a phuck what anyone or society thought about what was or wasn't ideal. She thought she looked good and that was all that mattered to her. On the other, just damn! Girl, that ain't your dress. 


    Who remembers the spin off for plus size women? That bordered on offensive what with all the ripped fabric sound effects and bride stuck in dress storylines. 

    • Love 2
  6. Damn my ass is bitter. I really need to either stop posting in this thread or stop watching.


    Bitter that Abby will seemingly never be revealed to be the aggressor in her affair with EJ. I've stopped hoping that Sami will pull out a receipt (i.e. videotape) showing what an aggressive strumpet Abby was. Tired of everyone treating her like the victim. You would think she was the one who was actually engaged to EJ and cheated on. I hate that Days makes me feel this way because it makes me sound like a woman who longs for the old days when women were branded with a scarlet letter. That is not the case at all. I just want Days to stop telling me that the sky is red when it is actually blue. 


    Abby's half ass attempts to take the blame doesn't help matters either although I think the writers intend them to show remorse and her taking responsibility. It would be helpful if the listener didn't immediately brush them off as sheer lunacy. Plus, she only seems to do this with people she knows will kiss her ass and stroke her feather. She never took 100% responsibility where it counted with Sami. 

    • Love 7
  7. Bitter about most recent years rape being used on this show as a storyline tool like it was some average soap story (baby switch or evil twin BS) and little to no remorse is shown by the rapist and the rapist faces little to no repercussions.  When was the last time a rapist really got what was coming to them? Alan? Jack? EJ found true love and fathered another child with his 'victim'. Kristen roams free while Eric takes it out on Nicole. Need to get Antoine Dodson up in here: "Hide your kids, hide your wife, And hide your husband cuz they're rapin everybody out here."




    Bitter about cheap, ugly ass small sets and no more location shoots. I get that money is tight and truth be told the sets do look a bit better than they did about 5 years ago which ain't saying much but damn do I sometimes hate looking at looking at old clips from the 80s just from an aesthetics point of view and comparing them to today. Is it me or has the Kiriakis living room gotten even smaller even compared to 2-3 years ago? 


    Maybe with age my heart has hardened and turned black bitter about but all the couples on this show pretty much sucking right now. Romance being dead on Days. This used to be the supercouple show. Days did great sweeping romances, with great sweeping moments. WTF happened?!?

    • Love 6

    I do not now and will never in the future understand why this show keeps firing Matt Ashford when Jack is a thousand times more entertaining that Jen and DOOL had to sue Missy Reeves over the clusterfuck of her personal life.

    Never mind all the hirings and firings WTF with Josh Taylor playing Roman for what seems like 100 years? I never understood why they kept old stone face around so damn long. He isn't attractive, he isn't charismatic, doesn't have a vocal fanbase, isn't a viable love interest for anyone on the show so why is he still here again? When Guiding Light was announced as cancelled my dream was for the role of Roman to be recast with Robert Newman who played Joshua. I loved me some Robert Newman and I thought he would be perfect as Sami's dad because they really do kinda look like they could be related. Plus, he could actual be a viable love interest for women of a certain age. Hell he could have been mixing it up with Kate, Marlena, younger women, etc. Didn't even have to be Robert but just someone in that age bracket with some acting skills and sex appeal not the face of petrified peel.


    The problems with Days is systemic. Corday keeps hiring these recycled, rejected writers that don't know the characters and can't write nor plot stories. POINT. BLANK. PERIOD. Simple as that. History is never utilized (EJ did what?) when it should be (Eve and Theresa's parents are who?) and when it is you wish it wasn't (Jack is a rapist dontchaknow).  It is like Days is on some old Memento shit but on Days, it is selective short term memory: only remembered or forgotten if it serves the current plot.  


    I wish they would add some flavor to the characters. Like mstaken mentioned - everyone is so damn boring and bland. I think it is worse with the teen set though. I always wanted a Darlene (from Roseanne) or Daria (cartoon) type character on Soaps. Why is it always the prissy oatmeal virgin and the scheming bad girl? 


    There seems to be no satisfaction or payoff anymore. Seriously, every time I challenge myself to think of a time when I was moderately to completely satisfied with a s/l payoff I always have to gas up the DeLorean way back machine, which leaves me wondering why the hell am I still watching this show. Look at the last "big story" with sami/ej and others. What was the consequence after all that? EJ spent a couple of days in jail, a couple of days begging. Then he passed some papers to Rafe and he is in like Flynn. Kate ends her magnificent run with Sami with a simple "Bye, Felicia!" Sami and EJ are back to bumping uglies and literally tickling each other. EJ has his family back. The big fallout there seems to be that now Abby can't seem to get a job. Oh the horror!! 

    • Love 7
  9. And Married With Children did it to Kelly Bundy. It's like she suffered a head injury offscreen, she's so stoooopid by the later seasons.

    I hated how Kelly was so inconsistently stupid on the show. One episode she is completely illiterate and the next she seems to be able to read albeit at a 3rd grade level.


    Speaking of disabilities and Michael J Fox, I have been binge watching past seasons of The Good Wife and I liked his guest starring as Louis Canning. He is a man with a disability who ain't afraid to play dirty and uses his disability to gain sympathy with judges and juries. It is interesting to watch. 


    I am over the nerd trope on TV. We get it.  They are all socially inept, awkward, oddly dressed, sci-fi and comic book loving, video game playing, can't get a woman cerebral weirdos. Heaven forbid a person be highly intelligent and socially adept.


    The maverick in his field (doctor, lawyer, detective, etc) who gets to verbally and emotionally abuse everyone in his immediate environment terribly simply because of his/her oh hell lets face it his (damn you sexism) ability to solve whatever problem is at hand. 

    • Love 2
  10. Daniel Sunjata - I watched Rescue Me because of that man. Not a terrible show but I can only take so much of Dennis Leary. Plus the characterization of women on that show made me want to stab things. To make matters worse there were far too many Dennis Leary sex scenes on that show. I have Leary's O face blazoned in my memory. I think shock therapy may have been invented for just such a thing. 

    • Love 1
  11. I love Orange is the New Black but I absolutely loathe the character of Alex. Hate her more than Jason Biggs character, Larry. Loathe Piper and Alex together. I hate Piper for even entertaining the thought of getting back with the woman that betrayed her not once, but fucking twice. How much of a damn doormat can you be. Just damn!!! I hope Alex gets shanked and killed minute 3 into episode 1 season 3 so I don't have to deal with piper/alex. 


    The character of Vee on the show was amazing but I absolutely hated how it fractured the relationships between the black inmates on the show. Wasn't worth what it did to Poussey, Suzanne, Taystee, Cindy and all the rest. The ending of the s/l and Vee was also so unrealistic. 



    I'm a straight chick as well and I thought Jan/Eve Plumb was prettier than Marcia/Maureen McCormick from day one.

    This all day. 


    Peter Brady was a hot piece too.

    • Love 4

    To be clear, I watched Susan/Kristin back in the day, and I know she's meant to be campy...but she was also written as a three dimensional human being back in those days, and she's now a BIG part of EJ's personal history, and the show has seemingly ignored that altogether.  She raised him, right?  He grew up with Susan and Edmund, correct?  I can't imagine she'd send him to "boarding school" the way all the other kids on this show are.  So no...I can't account for his disdain over his mother's presence.  Far as we know, he grew up in her loving (if odd) embrace with his kindly step-dad nearby.  At some point (feel free to tell me if I'm missing some of his persona history here), EJ learned he was Stefano's kid and abdicated to Salem to become Mr. EJ Wells....and never said a bad word about his mother from the time he arrived on this show, right?

    I have always been confused by EJ's history. I mean he is a race car driving lawyer, mayor, business executive, drug kingpin for goodness sake. In the beginning the story seemed to be that he was snatched out of Susan and Edmund's arms as a babe or a young lad and raised exclusively in the house DiMera. Raised by nannies, sent to boarding schools and daddy had such high expectations. That seemed to be the story he kept feeding to Sami and others at the very beginning. Particularly, during the pregnancy and his fake paralysis following the birth of the twins. Later it was retconned to seem as if he was raised by Susan and Edmund in a loving home. So I think it is just the usual case of the show not being able to keep its story straight. 


    Coincidentally, I didn't always used to hate Ejami. I used to love Ejami and consider the time around EJ's fake paralysis its heyday. I turned against EJ and Ejami with Sydney and all that mess. I found him irredeemable when he kicked that child out of his home and told Johnny that his mother didn't love him. After that I just could never found him attractive or romantic lead anymore. just nope.

  13. Decent episode. The best thing about it was that the group was able to get rid of the albatross around its neck known as Nora's mom. Another great thing was the tidbit that clued us into the master's plan for world domination: the shipping container full of vamps bound for overseas. Also yeah to another sighting of the vamp swat team!! Boo to it being for 2 minutes with no further exposition of what/why/how!


    That being said, I am getting a little worried about the finale episode. Not that I don't like the background info of Setrakarian and Eichorst but I feel like maybe a bit too much time is spent on it. It was interesting that in the previews for what happened in prior episodes it showed Kelly being infected so I expected an update on Kelly but I guess they used that to draw a parallel as to what happened to Abe's wife. Now we finally have confirmation that it is her heart in that canister.


    Nice to see that Bolivar is able to keep that wig on his head after his transformation.


    I think they have been doing a great job with Nora. I slowly see her becoming able to survive and fight during the vampoclypse.


    Eff continues to be an asshole. WORST. PUBLIC. SERVICE. ANNOUNCEMENT. EVER. What a disjointed mess. Might as well have let anyone of the other members of the group have done it. At least they would have been more succinct. Hell, I've been watching the show from the beginning and even I had trouble following WTF he was trying to say. He didn't say convincing or authoritative. 


    Not feeling the Fet and Dutch chem. I actually have to look up her name every time because I can never seem to remember it. 


    This is the 1st time that I was ever really bothered by the darkness of Fet's hair. What the hell was makeup thinking. Black hole's in space aren't even that dark!

  14. I don't think I would find this appalling or sad if even once Kayne and Kim were papped doing baby orientated things with Nori. Have these so called parents ever been pictured taking their child to Disney world or Euro Disney since these tools think France is better and more cultured, a toy store, playground, play date, Gymboree anything? She always seems to be doing something grown. In airports, flying off on adult vacays, to adult locations with her parents and nannies. It is great that she is getting exposed to all types of places and cultures, although with Kimye that is up for debate. Hell, her passport probably has more stamps in it as a pre-toddler than mine does as a grown ass adult but damn let a baby be a baby too.

    • Love 4

    Even the good things about it ended up a disappointment; Sami teaming up with Kate, as awesome as it was has ended in a way that makes me wish it never happened at all. Really, Sami? Choosing EJ over Kate?

    This was one of the things I was thinking about while listening to Sami caterwauling while EJ was tickling her the other day. The other thing I was thinking about was that I need a new washing machine and whatever washing appliance they were using on the show to get the titanic level Exxon Valdez grease stains JS was no doubt leaving behind on the sheets and pillowcases - I. WANTS. NOW. 


    For the life of me I can't wrap my mind around every one behind the scenes knowing the timeline of both the actors leaving and thinking this story would be a good idea. I hate ejami with the force of the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs so don't tempt my tummy with the taste of nuts and honey. Hell, I would rather they had just kept ejami together until the end and just tie up Sami life than do what they did. Don't show me the beauty and perfection of kami united in solidarity in destroying all things Dimera, only to turn around weeks later and end it on a whimper. Seriously, I think the end of it was Sami saying she didn't want to end up lonely and bitter and Kate saying it was every man for himself.  That was it. After weeks of kickassedness we get this farty ending. Next we had Sami making sad, mournful, faces with quivery lips at EJ and EJ assuming his usually bitchmade position - on his knees in front of Sami begging. 


    That ladies and gentlemen is one of Days biggest problems - no payoff. no money shot. Weeks of investment to wind up in the same damn position Ejami always winds up in with no real growth or exposition. That is why they just spit words at each that make no damn sense and seemed repetitive. Might as well have been reading from a teleprompter being fed dialogue from a random word generator for all the import it had. 

    • Love 7

    I don't think Paige is beautiful. Her jaw looks enormous.

    For me it is not just the jaw but her entire head. Her head is freaking ginormous!!! I'm taking Easter Island head statue ginormous. That said I still think she is kinda attractive in an interesting way. Plus she has a great head of hair. I am a sucker for a person with a great head of hair.


    Jen Lilley's acting choices bother me. I do think she is a great addition to the cast but I for the life of me can't understand why she chooses to play her in such an obvious shifty eyed, nervous, fidgety guilt ridden messy way. It is distracting and makes me wonder how the character of Theresa has gotten so far in life being a so-called schemer and opportunist. She telegraphs her guilt with every single look. 


    Can't wait until Theresa is exposed on the poker bashing and we can move on from any hope of her and Brady. I will hate the show forever if they make Theresa preggo with Brady's kid after that one night stand. 


    I am girding my loins for the upcoming Chad/Abby/Ollie triangle. You know its coming. Don't lie to yourself! Might even end up being a quadrangle with Melanie added to the mix. Won't that be lovely.


    I've always hated s/l that had adults messing with kids relationship so this Eve setting JJ up with a hooker thing has my full hate. Trix are for kids.


    I don't give a damn about Hope and Aiden. Aiden is cute and has such a boyish charm but I still don't care.

    • Love 1
  17. Love this show. Can't even pick an all time fave but if forced at gunpoint - the one where Dee and Charlie walk a mile in each other's shoes. Watching Charlie's nightime routine hilarious - eating cat food, huffing glue, jars of piss everywhere. Classic. However, Dee dry heaving while doing a comedy routine? The single funniest moment in the show's entire history. The patron saying "Jesus Christ" in the audience never fails to make me laugh. 


    The Gang Dances their Asses off is a fave - shut up street rat! Charlie's dance routine. Cricket's bionic legs "Technology has failed me."


    Mac is a serial killer




    Manhunters - the Charlie/Dee storyline in particular


    Frank's Pretty Woman - when Roxy says 'tighter than dick skin' I fall the hell out.


    Dee and Dennis' Mom dies - Dee and Frank asking the lawyer to give the mom a message when she is dead is ridiculous - tell her I said she is a bitch. LOL! Frank's going off in the lawyer's office is my everything. 

    • Love 1
  18. I just can't believe TPTB sat around looking at the Master and thought, "Yep, that's what we're going for! That's perfect!"

    Especially when one of those powers that be happens to be Guillermo Del Toro. The man is responsible for Hell Boy II and Pan's Labyrinth. Granted he likely doesn't have the budget of those 2 movies but I find it so hard to believe that he couldn't find a competent makeup artist to do better than that. The man has an eye for horror. His monsters scare me on the regular.




    I will still be watching but will admit that the show has lost some momentum and the fun guilty pleasure aspect the past 2 episodes. 

    • Love 2
  19. I don't mind reality shows but I can't watch competitive reality shows - dancing, singing, eating weird shit.


    Shows about dating and watching people go on dates. Just makes me cringe at all the awkward.


    Any and all shopping networks - all the inane chatter is mind numbing plus I don't see the need what with internet shopping and all. Plus, I think the shit is overpriced and paying shipping and handling fees is against my religion. 


    Friends, HIMYM, Big Bang Theory, basically any 30 minute comedy show about a group of mostly 20-30 something singles living with each other and/or hanging out discussing their lives and mating habits. IDGAF! Exception: Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia and Seinfeld. I don't think Parks and Rec or Community count because I feel those shows are more about forging friendships in a working/school environment. YMMV.


    TBS 'original' comedy shows


    Anything with DL Hughley. Patently unfunny.


    Don't hate but I know I will never, ever watch  - MASH, Dr. Who, Once Upon A Time, House, Touched by An Angel, Dr. Quinn

  20. Would Walter Junior's cerebral palsy on Breaking Bad qualify? He obviously had some difficulty with walking and speaking, but it was just something he was shown dealing with. And as I recall, more often than not, his CP wasn't really an issue; it was just part of who he was. 


    It would be nice to see more disabilities that people just happen to have. Not debilitating, but showing them dealing with it going about life normally.

    Re: Glasses. It kind of bugs me how TV people take their glasses on and off for emphasis. Besides reading glasses, most people leave them on all day.


    Yes Walter Jr is a good example. I would also add that Ryan Murphy also does a good job of utilizing Jan Brewer, an actress who has down syndrome, on his American Horror Story series.

    • Love 2
  21. The UK Sherlock  show doesn't make much sense to me at all. Seriously, I feel like the extreme fast talking Cumberbatch is doing is to obscure the fact that the crimes his character is solving using his super hero magic logic skillz don't make any logic sense. Like the fast pace, dialogue and editing are just smoke and mirrors meant to trick and deceive the audience. I don't read Sherlock message boards but are a lot of people afraid to say it doesn't make sense for fear of being branded a moron? I didn't even bother with S2 or 3. 


    Days of Our Lives : I may eat my words later but the announcement of Allison Sweeney and James Scott leaving the show was some of the best casting news I have heard in a long ass time.  I have come to utterly and completely hate the sight of this pairing.


    I like Lucy Lawless but I hated her on Parks and Recreation. Ron Swanson with a wife, 2 stepdaughters and a baby is the worst development ever. He needs to stay a single, brunette hair loving, breakfast food loving and meat eating, artery clogged machine. Plus, ugh no more Tammy II shenanigans? Tammy II and Ron compose some of the best scenes and materials on the show. I can't even tell you how many times I see the gif of Tammy II pointing to her blurred out crotch during Ron's acceptance speech I have seen on various message boards. 


    This maybe sacrilegious, but I find the praise for Jessica Lange in the American Horror Story series a bit overdone. Don't get me wrong, she is good, very good at times but I find her to be a bit overly campy, which is probably fitting for the show but I don't know if I would say she is deserving of 3 Emmy  award for it. 

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