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Everything posted by Oldernowiser

  1. It’s really sad how sheltered this kid is. He’s like a five-year-old just discovering there is no Santa Claus. Sweetie, there’s this thing called the internet and despite how much your mother insists your family is perfect and Jesus loves you bestest, people aren’t going to agree with that all of the time. Or even most of the time. And when your mother trots out this self-aggrandizing bullshit, some people are going to call her on it. Seriously...these fundie parents cripple these poor kids and then let them flounder. It’s heinous.
  2. This may be a distinction without a difference, but calling her Prop or Publicity to me is a snark on her parents and how they are constantly using her on SM to add to their brand, not a snark on her. I wouldn’t call her an actual name, not even FP Junior, for the reasons you mentioned.
  3. If Jinger were pregnant, RFP would have been pawing her abdomen in that Valentine’s Day photo...unless they’re completely bypassing what is possibly the most sacred of all Duggar traditions.
  4. I wonder how you say “take your play bag of fake medical crap and get the eff out and stay out” in Mandarin...
  5. I’m sorry, I know I have baby blindness and all but that is not a photogenic child.
  6. So where the hell is Jinger during that “interview”? I am completely mystified as to what either one of them has to say on camera, especially since RFP is keeping his Chockful O’Hatred religious training way on the down low. ”Los Angeles sure is big.” ”Los Angeles sure is different than Arkansas.” ”Lissy sure is growing up fast.” ”Nice weather.” ”No I don’t miss my family.” Seriously....what else? They are vapid. Also vacuous. Also venal, at least Jer is. I still believe Jinger is just that clueless.
  7. Yeah, but since in their wonderful world of whacko the time lapse between first kiss and first penetration is maybe twenty minutes, twenty-five if they have some ice cream at their parking lot reception, it’s really the same thing.
  8. Wait, JILL is putting those captions on those posts, “can’t wait to kiss you”???? That is just creepy AF.
  9. She looks like she put on her makeup six Budweisers down. In the dark. And then staggered back to the Dew Drop In Bar ‘n’ Grill to grift drinks from lonely truckers and then fall asleep slumped over the bar while the stoic bartender wiped down the bar around her and hoped she would wake up before closing. In short: that is not a good look.
  10. “When I am with you, there is no place I’d rather be.” But when he’s not with her, all bets are off?
  11. Jessa has a streak of awareness and self-preservation most of the brood doesn’t. She’s just smart enough to know that big fish in little pond > minuscule fish in enormous pond. I keep wondering when Jinger is going to figure out just how invisible she and RFP really are.
  12. Me, too. He’s scarable and lazy. Throw some junk food in the RV twice a day and tell him to stay in there or else. Jill is insane and therefore impossible to reason with. She’d just keep following me around trying to convert me and that is NOT happening.
  13. We’re going to need to start posting warnings for those... 😱😱 😱😱😱😱😱😱
  14. Every time I see Nathan it’s like he has a cartoon balloon over his head that says, “Immagonnagetlaid! Immagonnagetlaid! Holy shit, Immagonnagetlaid!” Poor dumb awkward schmuck...his penis hasn’t figured out that getting some will include having Jill as a pathologically over-involved MIL for all eternity.
  15. They’re unable or too befuddled to get the hell out. Those people are pushing 100.
  16. Dude needs a haircut. And a comb. And a mirror.
  17. Wow. I didn’t see your post that way at all and it seemed to spark what to me seemed an intelligent and interesting conversation. I hope you’ll stay around?
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