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  1. Look I try and not kinkshame but dear god people keep in your bedroom your kid has enough going on in his life without being possibly scarred for life because of it, Max maybe old enough to hear about the bird and bees but please even if he was adult learning about all the kinky stuff from his parents is going to be embarrassing for everyone. I have found she has been annoying the crud out of me the last three episodes and is getting to the point that I would love to see her get punched, And I don't get why she keeps bothering Ben does she want him and Kate to get a divorce because lady even if they did I highly doubt Ben would go cosy up with the woman who ruined his marriage and life, I have to disagree with the sheriff because good or bad Kate should know because with the way Darcy's going on she going to have the town and Kate think that she and Ben had a full blow affair, Also I fully ambit I want to see Kate beat up Darcy for lying about Ben kissing her when she was the one to drunk kiss him.
  2. Anybody else got the Vape ad with the medal thing and thought it was Jordan rebuilding himself,I love Sir Justin and can't wait to see him come back with Winged Victory and his full strength,I really actually liked Rick not killing Grundy because depending on version Grundy is like a big dumb animal just doing what his master wants but yeah I do hope his path to wherever he goes doesn't have people in between,I am with thuganomics85 there has to be more to the return of Starman than what it seems though I did like that at for me they tricked us at first because I thought it was Sam and something to do with the lockets like there was more than meets the eye about them or we would seeing what his real "career" is.
  3. I know what you mean when he in normal form he does look like he could pass for Courtney dad and an article on TV guide talks about how Icicle will develop feels for Courtney's mom but first I don't think CW would do the ick factor of having Courtney get flirty with her unknown half brother and second Even if he had Brainwave mess with her mind to have her forget him you would think it would show even a little if he knew who she was. Here the article I was talking about. https://www.tvguide.com/news/stargirl-neil-jackson-interview-icicle-courtney-mom/
  4. When Hourman takes Miraclo a pill he invented which grants him super-strength and endurance, but only for one hour.
  5. No I think he going to Courtney's love interest because of course she have to hit it off with the son of the man she hates the most.
  6. I think in every episode post someone who is lucky enough to have DC universe should tell us what we missed,Again I feel like with how hard they are pushing Starman is Courtney's father that her father is a super villain,I keep trying to figure out which characters are which villains I mean Sportmaster and Tigress are obvious and I was thinking the guy with Icicle was the Wizard just because he had a sort magician sort of look but now know is the Gambler so thank you Readster,But the others are a little harder like I think the principal and senator might villains because how long they were focusing on them and just the though that Courtney's mom might be in middle of a chat with bad guys and Pat saved her without ether of them knowing it.
  7. Okay am I the only one who thinks Courtney dad will turn out to be a super villain just because they were pushing Starman to be the father and the fact that her picture of him is blurry,Also When Pat and her were talking about her dad with how writers change things about characters when they put them in shows was anyone half expecting Pat to say that Starman was gay and that's why he not Courtney's Father,Damn their was a lot of ads at least for me and it seem like every time I was getting really into the show and want it to keep going there would a damn ad.
  8. Prairie Fire know that if I awake up screaming tonight because of that ad I will be cursing your name.
  9. I hope it will be next year that it comes back,I am the only who hopes that part of Hank finding himself is looking for his and Dean's mom and damn it we better see her,Other than what we got how do you think the Monarch reaction to learning he and Doctor Venture are brothers ? and how do you think Rusty reaction.
  10. When men do it it's sexiest and those men are huge pigs who demeaning that young woman but we do it we are be empowered and turning the tables so it okay when we do it,There needs be sarcasm text so it easier for other people to tell when your using sarcasm.
  11. Why am I both surprised and yet not surprised Rusty might have be a clone,With all the crazy stuff that happen to him as a kid it kind of makes sense that some would happen to him as a kid. I could have sworn that Dermot called Doctor Venture Dad in front of Dean and Hank so why does Hank think that Dermot's dad is special ops or black ops. Why is Monarch and Gary arching St. Cloud last we saw them he was arching Billy and Pete. Gailileo908 I think your right about the mom Venture thing because wondering who his mother is. When red Helper was showing the newspaper what was the story about Jonas saving a woman in the arctic or some else cold because I feel like that will become important in the future.
  12. This possible love triangle is going to end badly,Why can't Dean get a girlfriend of his own my vote is for a super heroine or a super villainess who turns good because for her to someday Mrs Venture she can't be 100 %normal. Anyone knows who voiced Victor von Helping it's not on IMDB yet and I was wondering if anyone know. Also we need more Jared/Brown Widow because he is awesome.
  13. Makes you wonder if the reason the Rusty Venture from end of "Bright Lights, Dean City" was happy sane and all Doctor Quest looking was whoever is Rusty's mother deiced to take Rusty as far away from Jonas as she could. I want to question why Jonas gave Vendata a Good and Evil switch but with him I really don't want to know.
  14. We all know Jonas was a bastard but trying to shove his brain into Vendata there for killing him than trying to kill him when their in that weird mind space and more than likely slept with his "friend"'s wife and fathered the Monarch. I wonder if it is true how Rusty and the Monarch are going to reaction,I am hoping for a Luke Skywalker like NO!!!!!!!!! from at least one of them. Did we found out if the Fitzcarraldo's plane crash was an accident or if someone cause it?
  15. Well whether you thought it was a good movie or not you got to give Green Lantern a point for the female lead pointing out the silliness of the idea that she would not recognize Hal just because she couldn't see his cheekbones.
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