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Everything posted by shesajar

  1. So do Nicole's boobs get their own listing in the credits now? Because, damn, Nicole in that dress yesterday...
  2. I normally don't let these things bother me, and I admit to two things: 1)I don't much like Caroline and 2)Everyone at that table had the right to celebrate Stefano's death, and I don't begrudge them that, but it seemed weird that Caroline actually gathered them all together to gloat about it. I would have liked an extra episode of each person finding out about it and then this episode, where they all instinctively gather at the Brady Pub to process and be with one another. A planned celebration just seems above Caroline, even if it was Stefano! But, I could not have loved the ending, with Stefano conducting more. I'm going to miss that old bastard. And, oh, Victor. You're a special kind of slime to have me feeling badly for Kate. I cringe every time they throw Kate's prostitution in her face like he did, and like he does with Nicole's porn past. Exploiting women isn't all that funny, Victor.
  3. I liked Belle there, too. And I can't believe I'm about to actually type these words, but DH did a decent little bit of subtle acting in that scene. John was looking at Belle as she said that, and there was this smile, a sort of a look of pride on his face. Maybe it was gas, I don't know, but I'd like to think it was a father's pride. Was underwhelmed with Joey's confession to Kayla; Joey needs to work on his boo-hooing if he's going to keep this up. But I do love Kayla and she was great. Even though it's completely ridiculous, I'm hoping that they find out that Ava didn't actually die from having a pillow shoved in her face, but from some other, totally random thing, so that Steve (and Joey) will be exonerated. Sort of like they did with Bernadi. I know, it doesn't change the fact that Joey did mean to kill her, but I'm very morally flexible when it comes to Salem.
  4. I like that Theo's autism isn't a big deal. I'd rather they not try to write anything too autism-specific, as I'm sure they'll totally muck it up. If the writers were capable and in touch with reality, and their rape-a-day storytelling style tells me all I need to know about that, it'd be a different story. I'm pretty sure it's accidental, and they're just trying to minimize his autism rather than presenting it as a normal way of being, but it's pretty realistic. It's just who he is, and most autistic people I know have the same struggles in relationships that everyone has, just w/an emphasis on communicating. Now, no one on this show communicates worth a damn, so I don't see how telling Theo's story would be different than anyone else's! I think, at least with Ciara, it's not something they'd need to delve too much into, anyway. She knows him, and understands and supports him as a friend already. Someone new to him might be more complicated, though. But, again...writers.
  5. Yeah, I know Roman is still alive. I'm saying that Abigail, unlike Ava, hasn't killed the father of the woman whose husband she had sex with. Abigail may have deserved a slap or two, but she's no Ava, and the circumstances between her and Sami are nowhere near as complex as the one between Ava and Kayla.
  6. Because Steve is infinitely > EJ, even with the crappy writing surrounding what went down w/Ava.. .Abigail didn't rape EJ, manipulate Sami's son, or kill Sami's father. Kayla showed more restraint than Ava deserved.
  7. I hope so. I figure there has to be a reason we didn't see more than we did. It's highly unlikely that they'd suddenly develop some tact or good taste and not show it for that reason.
  8. Why bring Will back, though? Will, even when played by CM, was horribly under developed and did little other than provide drama for better characters. His character was never assassinated, because he was never written as anything other than a spineless brat. I'm hard pressed to think of a storyline where he was the most compelling thing about it (other than his coming out story, but even then, I only found him interesting in relation to his family and the support they gave him) He's my Abigail: a self centered, annoying character who didn't live up to his lineage. Keep him dead, please.
  9. Right?!? It hit me yesterday how much he's improved. He was good with both Belle and Claire, and I loved his reactions to Fynn's bumbling explanation of what was on the videos. Oh, and I always watch the next day, too. I do it between dropping my daughter off at school and the time I have to leave for work. You know, instead of doing dishes or whatever Andre and those "To Catch A Predator" vibes he was giving off with Chase! I was more than a little uncomfortable, even though I didn't actually believe that they weren't going down that road. It just goes to show that the same tactics work whether you're trying to seduce a teenage boy or just put a bomb in his backpack. I am really liking Hope and Ciara in mother/daughter mode. Their relationship is quite the contrast to that of Belle and Claire.
  10. Maybe giving Belle the money is Sami's way of compensating her for that time she kidnapped her and tried to sell her. I don't like Belle much, but at least she's more interesting this time around. I'm trying to remember how old everyone was when Belle/Shawn/Phillip/Mimi marriages and embryo swapping businesses all went down, but they were all pretty young. They could address that and have Belle feel that she settled into family life too quickly or something; it could help to explain Belle's current all around screwed-upness as a sort of mid-life crisis. Or they could just go the route that she's a lousy human being and it's just now really becoming obvious.
  11. I'm enjoying Andre because I do love me some camp, but I'd have preferred it TP had returned as Tony. He was such a great, layered character.
  12. They are. They got married days after she graduated high school in 1986. They also became super Conservative born again Christians. So, yeah. It's a weird tale.
  13. I had a friend in high school who started dating the son of the woman her father was dating. Both couples ended up marrying, the parents first. I remember them struggling to word the kids' wedding announcement in a way that wouldn't sound awkward. They failed. Oh, and my friend intentionally got pregnant so the parents "had" to let them get married. So...weirder stuff can happen even outside of Salem, I guess. Look, I've got no love left for Philip anymore, but a dead girl in his hotel room? Really? Though, I half expected the girl to be not dead, but underage, which speaks to how creepy I find this guy.
  14. Parker's paleness doesn't bother me; I actually think he's pretty adorable. My daughter is super pasty and her eyes had that shadow under them when she was a baby (seriously, I pass down the *best* genes!), so I kinda feel bad for him. It's just so jarring in comparison to his on screen parents! But a big fat no to a retcon (of a retcon? I don't remember quite how his paternity reveal went down) that would make Philip his father. I liked the goofy old Parker, but I couldn't see him pulling off that scene in the fort. And I like Chloe (my affection is still running on Ghoul Girl fumes), but what the hell? Could she have seemed more un-maternal during that scene? AZ is great all around and I love how she is with kids, but I don't know how I feel about Nicole once again being a surrogate parent, even if she is better at it in this instance! (And, no, show...that was not a hint to have her knocked up with Daniel's kid!)
  15. I hated the pairing of Philip and Melanie, but I'm just grateful I didn't have to endure it with this Philip. I've revised my thoughts on Victor/Deimos/Dead Fiancee. I'm thinking now that Victor didn't kill her, that it was a suicide, but he planted evidence implicating Demios after the fact. VI played it like he really didn't do it, so unless we're supposed to think that Deimos is just that good of a liar, I'm believing him. I did sort of love that handwave that Deimos gave Philip as they crossed paths in the hallway. No "Hey, your dad's in there, having a heart attack" or anything, just a very "whatever" sort of move. I don't know how I'm *supposed* to feel about him leaving Victor to possibly die, but I liked it. I do not like him with Kate. Her love life doesn't interest me, and her "poor me, I'm the only one here not getting laid" attitude on New Years Eve bugged me. Clyde ruined any good feelings I was starting to have for her. Plus, he's Nicole's and he's going to pursue her the way that Xander appeared to, but without the evil intent. (if only in my mind)
  16. How long is Nicole going to walk around wearing Daniel's coat? I mean, my mom wore my dad's shirts to bed for a long while after he died, but my dad was awesome and Daniel was....not.
  17. That's what I thought. I'm hoping that Victor did it and framed his brother. And everyone finds out and remembers that Victor is actually a really bad guy.
  18. Deimos. I don't like the name, not that it matters, as I was predisposed to call him Lujak no matter what. And can you die of happiness? Because if he and Adrienne have any scenes together, someone needs to know what to tell the ME who performs my autopsy. As a Nicole fan, I am actually pulling for him to be paired with her. I could do without Philip in the Deimos story, but I am curious. Getting all back-stabby and bitchy with Brady is one thing, but going up against Victor (which, I assume is what Philip's doing) is stupid.
  19. I've been binge listening to David Bowie since I was 12! But seriously, was listening a lot last week because the new album was coming out the Friday before he died. Then I listened to that all weekend (It's incredible), and then Monday came, and it's been all Bowie since then. I finally put in a non-Bowie cd in my car last night because I realized I had to stop sometime. It was becoming unhealthy!
  20. Not a fan of the deification of Daniel, but I don't mind the post-mortem focus in comparison to Will's story for the simple facts that those grieving Daniel the most are 1)currently on the show w/no indications that they're going anywhere and 2)they're played by better actors (okay, maybe not a fact, "better" being subjective and all) SR and AZ have been fantastic and their characters are actually going to be around to pick up the pieces, and we get to see it. BD did a good job of conveying Lucas' grief (especially in a really awkward scene w/Hope), but he's not the heavy hitter that those guys are. I don't think he could have sustained that level for long. Sami wasn't even an onscreen character at the time, and her return was very brief; same with Sonny. I suppose we could have watched Marlena and Kate deal with their grief, but that doesn't have the same impact for me. I know, I know...Will was a legacy character! I don't much care about that, given that he was so inconsistent and poorly developed. I suspect that, should Abigail die some day, that legacy character argument would lose some steam around here, anyway! Oh, and look. Victor's back in douchebag mode. Nice.
  21. I consider myself Abigail/KM neutral, but I thought she did a decent job yesterday, both acting-wise and as a character. I think I wasted all of my Days-related hate on Sami for her last five or six years on the show and Melanie for even existing, so KM doesn't bother me much. My rage is long spent! It makes it a whole lot more fun to watch the show. Once again, the time/space continuum confounds me, and that clock passing 3:00 during Brady's surgery did not help. I assume the accident happened sometime after midnight? And less than three hours later, Daniel's heart is being plopped into Brady's hairless chest?
  22. That sucks, QuelleC. My husband and I started a business (record store) 7 years ago, but we both still work "real" jobs. Well, his is real, mine is part time at a grocery store! When I started looking for work again, I realized that I had to downplay my experience and leave off my degree, too. This year, we hope that my husband can quit his job and work at our store full time and I may or may not look for something better then. I wish you luck! (and cats do make everything better!)
  23. John's declaration was pure "Soapdish" and I loved it I nearly fell off the couch laughing, but I loved it! Maggie pulling Nicole in for a hug was nice, even if it looked super awkward since AZ towers over SR. But, that awkwardness made it look real, and I enjoyed seeing both characters allowing the other to grieve. I know a lot of you guys don't like all the death, but if it's bringing out performances like these, I'm finding it hard to find fault.
  24. I'd mentally prepared myself to complain about Nicole, and to a lesser extent, Theresa, not having anyone to turn to with all of this. Then I watched the episode and there was John with his arm around Theresa, and there's Maggie, hugging Nicole (more than once, even!).And yes, Victor even kept his misogynist mouth shut. Nicely done, Show.
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