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  1. This show gets real frustrating real fast. I almost lost it at Jamie claiming that he spoke to the guy who manages the bus station, introduced himself, got a promise from the guy to keep his reappearance secret, and got him to drop the restraining order. No. That’s not how anything works. Certainly not a restraining order. Back when I watched A Million Little Things, I said the show should be called Codependent Weirdoes. I feel the same way about this one. These people are nuts and they need help and don’t even get me started on Ethan. He’s always bothered me since the moment he showed up. He tells himself that he’s better than all these people but he’s not. He’s all in on this trauma bonded Borg cube. It sounds like Christian went back to his home planet. LOL!
  2. No what really happened is she threw Mohan under the bus but it didn’t work and Langdon tore her a new one anyway. Then she tried to play it off as a benevolent gesture.
  3. If the show thinks they're redeeming Santos they are quite mistaken. Everything Langdon said was true. Humiliating her in front of colleagues was wrong but his complaints were completely valid. Meanwhile Langdon is so good with Mel. The way he knew picking out the gravel would soothe her shows he's been paying attention and I loved her reaction to that. After losing the little girls, she needed something simple to focus on, I think one of the issues with Santos is that while we've seen her be a complete ass, Robby hasn't. That said I like how he said berating and humiliating colleagues wasn't conducive to learning. A LOT of people in the real world need to realize that. I knew when Langdon told King to keep the lounge door closed so Crosby couldn't get out, I figured there was going to be some action with the rats. Crosby is now my second favorite TV dog. (The first is Betty on Will Trent.) I like the growth in Whitaker's character. I wonder if we'll ever see the street team in action. We saw in this episode that McKay has boundary issues so I assume she's the one who called the cops on the incel's mom. Oh Dana. I'm not sure what I want for Doug Driscoll. Heart attack, arrest or both.
  4. This episode was classic Abbott and I loved it. So much goodness to choose from. Sheryl Lee Ralph looked amazing in that outfit. I've been watching her in roles my whole life and I just love how people are seeing her beauty and brilliance now. The children on this show are so good. Teaching the children with telenovelas is pure Jacob. He loves his kids and he will do everything he can to send them into the world with every advantage he can give them. Also, yes to teaching foreign languages in elementary school. "Last time I saw Sweet Cheeks he was wearing a wig and a pleather vest." I love these random callbacks. The same for Barbara thinking the Olsen twins were in "White Chicks."
  5. This show is always better when it focuses on Robyn helping people and leaves the spy stuff in the background. No talk about the CIA or terrorist sleeper cells. Just rescuing someone who needs help. I think Dee handled business just fine at the beginning. I'd love to see a floor plan of Robyn's house.
  6. Except look what happened with Dahn. He got therapy and ended up married to his therapist.
  7. I'll have to rewatch but I was under the impression that Ellie relapsed when she lost custody of Alfie and overdosed. Also, Baby Alfie was such a cutie!
  8. I was as happy as Mel was when Rita showed back up. Then I thought "Of course she fell asleep in her car! She's exhausted." I just wanted to hug her. I'm so glad Mel and Kiara sat with them and were actually able to help. It was a bright spot in a very sad episode.
  9. I feel like that mannequin is going to make a re-appearance in a future episode.
  10. Exactly. The episode about Faith and her mom was just two weeks ago. My prediction is that we're looking at an Ormewood-centered episode soon.
  11. This episode was excellent. I completely fell for the serial killer fake out. Loved the whole cast being involved. It was a reminder of what an amazing ensemble this is. I lost it when they found Caroline on the floor. The reactions by everyone when they saw how bad off she was really got me because I felt the same way. It bothered me how even though Caroline was conscious when they found her no one asked her to name her attacker. I liked Marion's reaction to her attack. That's a pretty normal reaction for someone who has been attacked by a coworker. I like Raphael so much. I'm going to hate when Will takes him down. Perhaps it's time to discuss how Will being "pathologically scrupulous" leads him to turn on people. Can we get a break from Angie now?
  12. She's a teenage girl in the bloom of first love. Good judgment is a crapshoot from here on out. Confession: I flashed back to some of my own teenage stupidity involving my parents' car so this storyline hit hard. 😃
  13. We found out Viola was bi when Dee was setting up a dating profile for her back in season one. I liked Vi and her date having an honest conversation about what they're looking for in a relationship. That was refreshing. Dee and Cam are a cute little couple. I agree with the poster above. Robyn's reaction seemed off. I have to laugh at how the task force Dante is part of is simply called FTF. The Federal Task Force. They didn't even bother trying to come up with a name.
  14. I don't see a media thread so I'll drop this here. The Pitt’s Isa Briones Talks Playing ‘Someone the Audience Loves to Hate’ and Episode 7’s Big Santos Reveal
  15. So Colter's just fine with torture now? Well I'm not. This isn't the show I signed up for. I was happy at first that Colter had another member of the team but if Keaton's only role is to commit violence, he can fall into a gorge somewhere. Meanwhile we got minimal Bobby and Velma. I hope this means the Gina Picket arc is over. Although I like the actor who plays Gina's sister. It took me a minute to remember where I knew her from. She was Darcy on A Million Little Things. I feel like the show hasn't figured out how it wants to balance the case of the week, Colter's family drama, and longer arcs like this.
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