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Everything posted by blueray

  1. Another good episode. I also was confused about the timing. As it seemed like they just beat that guy up, but clearly just won the lottery, so how did any know about it? I forgot that he was in ER, but as soon as it showed the lab coat, yep he's going to pretend to be the doctor. Probably not a call out, but when he was naming random medical stuff as a distraction while moving the guy the bed, it reminded me of Star trek: The voyage home. I always enjoy Elliot and Parker together. But I agree with Parker, I can see Elliot settling down with her and leaving the life behind.
  2. If I remember correctly that was Peter from last season. He however slowly stopped doing it was the season when on. I remember Paul not liking that either.
  3. This is who he plays (he's kind of the Simon of the show...). Anyhow, I do think his criticism of Feya was fair. I recently bought pumpkin chocolate chip cookies from a bakery. I didn't realize to I got home that they were vegan. But they were amazing, the pumpkin made it soft and gooey without any butter in it. So it is possible to do.
  4. I wasn't surprised that it was Maggie that went home. She forgot flour which is kind of basic. That being said, I agree that Paul was being mean for no real reason. She did make a nice looking cake in the show stopper, it just leaked. But clearly took time to make and we the viewer know she remade the one part again. I was glad that Chigs won star baker, as it changed it up and he did do really well. I say right now the bottom is George, Amanda and Freya (the vegan thing may get her).
  5. Me too. I couldn't help but stare at them in every scene he was in. poor guy. In the Madrid episode, I missed the beginning. Where was she from? I spent the whole time trying to figure it out. They said they came from Malaysia, but was she from there? Or Singapore?
  6. I liked this episode, as it's just the guys episode. I do wonder if we'll get the what the girls were doing. But maybe no context is the best. I laughed out loud at the scene were Sophie just starts "dramatically crying". And of course Parker was jumping in from the ceiling behind her. The whole time I was watching James Masters I kept thinking that he is Milton Fine to me, only to look him up after and remember that he was also Spike in Buffy. He really does just play jerks doesn't he. This of course was no exception. Actually Spike maybe the best of the bunch...
  7. Well that was kind of a tear jerker. I am glad they got the scumbag. Though I also was confused about why she didn't go after them or why they didn't go find her (seeing as she never left it would have been easy). She still was in the same house. And if it was because Jo murdered someone, it was defending Stella. Which makes me realize how did Jo get the gun? It fell out of the box and was on the ground. The original version made sense as she was in reach, but Jo came in through the door.
  8. My husband and I were wondering if it was the length of his name. It changed the flow off the game so that it was slower in an awkward way.
  9. I'm glad to say I was not spoiled for this. I have to admit I cheered when the guy got both double jeopardy and I believe she got the first one. I was kind of glad to see them take Matt down. Its also interesting that this was the first game also to be the closest and only one I remember that wasn't a runaway for Matt. I also got FJ. I knew that to be a country that boarders the alps based on the question. And I was able to eliminate Italy and Switzerland right away and knew that Poland doesn't boarder it.
  10. I like Noel actually. He is good at bring the best of out of the contestants when he is just talking to them. It's when he "tries" to be funny when it's annoying. And I also didn't like him throwing the dough. Matt I was hoping would grow on me, but he has yet too. And as other people have said he brings out the worse of Noel.
  11. I've always liked Chloe the character. I watched the show when it was on, and I wasn't a Lana that's for sure. I was (well still am) a nerdy girl who was on the school paper. I think while I can separate the actor from the character, I still wish that she was more like Chloe :(. As Chloe would never do what she did. While it hard to process what the Alison does, I still relate to Chloe the most during rewatches. The only episode I didn't like her was in season 2 (Truth) where she is evading everyone's privacy. But she learns from that and stops. The best part was when she found out about Clark and the two team up multiple times.
  12. Basically Guiseppe had a well deserved run away. He won every challenge and got a handshake. Also can I have his signature dish right now? I agree the comedy bits are getting a bit old. Lizzie's story seemed like the writers were trying match the magic of Rosie's story from a few season ago. But failed at it. What worked with Rosie's was her unemotional response about how "rabbit's just die "and probably wasn't scripted. Though I did laugh at the part when Noel refused to eat garlic and the part where they were talking about Gurgin's (sp) baby in the oven. I was surprised Maggie didn't go home but I guess the other woman (forgot her name) messed up more. Why build a bird cage for that challenge. As the point was to have an obvious loaf of bread?
  13. I was confused by this too. I was half expecting Elliot to be like "idk, you are the one who knocked him out". Unless they didn't know that was him. But that still doesn't make sense as then why would Elliot know or have anything.
  14. I realized that I probably should right after I posted. I totally didn't see that coming lol That actually was a good episode, I'm glad I didn't skip it.
  15. I got about 10 minutes of this episode and I'm not sure I like the premise. So he's a good guy and they are going to trick him? It just seems mean an completely unnecessary. If they wanted to do something with a library it should have been about saving it or something. I'll probably finish this at some point or maybe I'll just skip this episode? Of course this is just airing so I won't know if it is important...
  16. I think they should have gave him the final answer, so he basically spelled it wrong. But it wouldn't have mattered anyway. I was surprised that he bet 6,000 I would have just bet zero as it doesn't matter. For FJ I was thinking the sport where they ski and shoot. So right answer but didn't know the name lol.
  17. It took me a second but I did get FJ. I was surprised it was something that I did know.
  18. ^this. And they tape 5 episode per day. So that would be two weeks worth of episodes.
  19. I have to admit this was the first episode were I kind of wish that it wasn't a runaway. It is kind of boring because of that. I have to admit when the one guy started to make a come back I was hoping he'd go all the way. But then Matt got the daily double :( and it kind of turned the flow of the game back to how it was the round before. Does anyone else feel this way?
  20. I had the polar opposite reaction. That is so relatable and made me like her even more. I love HP and totally have gotten sucked into the movies when I should be doing something else (homework in the past and cleaning now). But if I was her I wouldn't have even turned on the TV and would have been focusing on the competition.
  21. I like Jurgen a lot and he does seem to be the most talented. But the Italian guy is pretty good as well. I think it'll start to get closer as the season goes on (and there are less of them).
  22. I'm thinking the one who said "shrek" didn't read the question correctly. I ashamed to say I honestly had no idea until they said. Then I was like "duh", how didn't I get that.
  23. Was I the only one that was like "peaches..." when she said sometimes grows on peach trees. Which technically is not wrong lol. I was shocked at myself I got FJ. I know little to nothing about music but my husband knows a lot and I guess I've learned from him.
  24. Count me in the group that didn't really see the comparison from Maggie and Prue. They better not do that the whole season as it'll get old really fast.
  25. Oh okay. So that's why my american brain heard some Irish lol. I think there is less (or no?) people from Ireland or Scotland because of the boarders being closed due to Covid. A youtube I watch got busted for being in Scotland (well and trespassing on someones land) when he is from England. I imagine it was just to dificult and they wouldn't be able to go home in between. Unless this year is like last year with the bubble?
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