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Al Lowe

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Everything posted by Al Lowe

  1. It has. And I agree, it was a nice final episode after a pretty weird season. I believe it has, in fact, been renewed through Season 9, which means at least two more seasons are to come.
  2. I wish I had thought to make that call-back in the recap to Sister Evangelina's last act of service to a patient. The comparison is striking. I asking myself if they're purposefully trying to make a statement about how the bonds of community are dissolving through the years. Even if that's so -- to have a NUN ignore what looks like a neglected, battered kid? It's rough.
  3. In the UK version, they do show her arriving at the East End tube station with her suitcase and her fur after quitting the strip club.
  4. I missed this part of the ep because my TiVo cut off. WHAT? Paris, girl. Where are your friends? Multiple sources say they are actually NOT engaged, that she is merely his "social media person." Make better hires, Don! Then again, other things say they ARE getting married. Since he confessed to beating up his ex wife recently, maybe they deserve each other?
  5. I'm always an advocate for public libraries, so check there for the DVDs. They did Strong Poison, Have His Carcase, and Gaudy Night. But do not make the mistake of watching the ones from the early 70s, with Ian Carmichael as Peter Wimsey. IMO - terrible! Back to CTM - do you think we'll ever get a story with Sister Winifred? Do we know any of her history? I've seen the Ian Carmichael ones. I did not love them. I keep expecting some huge reveal about Sr. W, but thus far she is mere exposition device.
  6. I really hope do. She was awesome and they could use someone to pick up more of the district nursing. YES, She was the very best Harriet Vane. STOP THE PRESSES. When did this Lord Peter series air and where and how can I watch it right now this minute today?!
  7. The flower scene was cut for the episode that I saw. Is there anyone out there who could summarize it for us? Sister Julienne was arranging flowers (not fancy ones, probably a gift from someone's garden) in a vase when Sister Ursula came in and basically said Nonnatus House didn't have time, and was not the place, for such frivolities from now on.
  8. Totally. Jack and Rebecca's last exchange should have been her half-smiling and musing, "I wonder who you'd have met on that blind date," and Jack/Milo's immediate and ringing reply: "I never do." As a mate, as someone married for more than 15 years, you'd know each know in your gut if that were true. As Jack's mate, you'd know that's really why he loves you: because he's never doubted that he does. It might not be what you wanted but it could be enough; it looks like it will have to be. I 100 percent agree.
  9. Yep. The two of them are also cousins of Mickey Gilley, if you can believe it! Lewis and Swaggart are double first cousins, related through maternal and paternal lines. Lewis and Gilley are first cousins. Gilley and Swaggart are first cousins once removed. ~Aaaaaaand, that's what I like about the Soooouuuuth.~
  10. OMG, is this a show that only exists in your mind or something that is already on paper? Either way, I'M DOUBLE-DOG HERE FOR IT, because that is GENIUS.
  11. "A man who was sober for many years, and in that time, learned a lot about himself." What a sober, humbling, powerful perspective. It was a great gift that William exchanged with Randall and Randall's family (including Rebecca and Kevin). He was an artist, and they heard him. He had been a son, only, and they received him as a father. They were receptive to the wisdom spun from a difficult life, by a soulful man -- what William had left to offer the world, as he prepared to leave it. This makes all of Randall's family William's heirs. "This makes all of Randall's family William's heirs." That's lovely, and I wish I had said it.
  12. I can't believe y'all talked about Foyle's War without me.
  13. I read the article and I believe these events happened. However, I doubt Mike's reactions she writes about to each incident are true. One thing that struck me as odd (odder) was "My younger brother had melanoma, given a year to live. He is now recovered and doing great due to Scientology and the help of his many friends in the church." How did Scientology cure his cancer? Via E-meter? Via buying more BS Co$ literature? Since they are not allowed to take drugs/medications, I am beyond curious how he recovered when he was knocking on death's door. Oh, my goodness. The repeated use of the LRH-coined term "enturbulate" makes me so sad. If you have lived your entire life with no education except by these people, I don't know how you'd ever escape this nonsense.
  14. Ugh, I knew the "Shelagh" thing. It's been a while. Fixed! Oh, no! MY BAD. Sorry, all. Thanks for the fix, TA.
  15. I missed this episode and just saw the clip online of the Alabama science exam. That's my school, and the J-School building, from which I am a proud graduate, opened and closed the sketch. Roll Tide and all, but I did have to laugh at the accuracy. (No, seriously, Roll Tide.)
  16. Things I want to know: More about The Hole! I read about it in Going Clear and everything, but I still don't understand exactly WTF is going on with that. Like, do people consigned to The Hole FOR YEARS come out every day and go to work and then go back and have nonstop Fight Club every night before sleeping on the floor? Or do they literally stay inside a trailer 24/7, eating slop and beating each other up? How do they survive any scenario? How is he even walking around like a normal person after that? How, now that the reality of it has been made public, has there not been some kind of FBI takedown of this place? Also, how are all these uneducated people any good at ANYthing? How is their security so good? Their financial scheme? None of them even went to high school!
  17. OH, tiding of comfort and joy, this is the BEST news!
  18. Andrew was following the @PreviouslyTVNow live-tweet of the episode and responded to it a time or two. He seems like a nice guy.
  19. He was saying "I gained a grip of weight." It's slang for "a lot," though I have never heard it applied to anything but money, as in: "I got a grip of cash."
  20. I forgot about the guy on the bus. At first I thought he was some kind of Malcolm X hallucination, but the nutella was still on the seat so apparently was real and just got off the bus really quickly. Interesting about the strange dog and then walking into the woods. I wonder if he will be a recurring character? As for the big guy in jail, he reminded me of my late brother in law, who was white, a redneck from TN, and no stranger to jail cells himself! I can imagine a very similar explanation coming from him about why he needed to be balied out yet again! ETA - I just heard on a podcast that Donald Glover referred to this show as "Twin Peaks with rappers" and that brought to mind the guy on the bus. He may show up every episode and we may never learn a thing about him. Hilarious. The guy in the jail talking about "ain't seen him in 11 years" reminded me of my brother, a white West Alabama redneck. I know many, many such people, black and white, and really, I could not stop laughing because it was the realest moment of all. This interview DG did with Rembert Browne (who I love and who is also from ATL) mentions that scene and it made me love it even more: http://www.vulture.com/2016/08/donald-glover-atlanta.html
  21. I was hoping to convey both in context, because Morse was both!
  22. I can't live with y'all hating The Jackal. "Are you talking to me during The Jackal?" is something I say in my house with alarming frequency.
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