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Posts posted by hypnotoad


    He managed to be macking on Brooke's son's wife while simultaneously cheating on her sister. How is this even possible?


    I supposed it happened in much the same way Brooke managed to sleep with her daughter Bridget's husband, her daughter Hope's boyfriend and her sister Katie's husband. This show is nothing if not wildly incestuous.



    He's not even a bio-son and Eric has said more words to him this month than he has to Thorne his entire life.


    Bio or not, Eric raised Ridge as his son. I don't like the favoritism either but I don't see what bio has to do with anything. I mean Eric should never so obviously favor any of his children over the others, but was he supposed to suddenly change his feelings for Ridge because of that lame ass story with Massimo?



    To that end what kind of a brother tries to steal his own brother's wife.


    No one can be stolen. Caroline kissed Ridge willingly. Again, not saying Ridge was right just saying both Ridge and Caroline had something to do with what happened, it isn't all on Ridge.


    I've watched this show on and off for a number of years, but I certainly haven't watched from the beginning. I don't tend to have particularly strong feelings about any of the characters. I couldn't stand Ridge as played by RM because he was just so bad. I can watch this Ridge because I like TK. I loved him on Port Charles and AMC.


    I watched the woman who plays Maya on Guiding Light and she wasn't a good actress (in my opinion) on there and she hasn't improved at all here. I don't think she and the guy who plays Rick have any chemistry. I'll take Caroline/Ridge any time over having to watch Rick/Maya in a tub yet again.

    • Love 10

    And I don't think she ever meant to hurt Rick, which is the exact opposite of what Rick is trying to do to her...maximum damage. There's that saying that the opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference, and Rick is anything but indifferent right now.


    I'm not saying Rick doesn't love Maya, but she should be paying attention to his reactions to Caroline. Because you are absolutely correct, Rick is not indifferent to Caroline at all.



    I absolutely despise Ridge


    I didn't much like RM Ridge much at all, but I do like TK Ridge. I also think he and LG have great onscreen chemistry. I hope the show isn't foolish enough to throw that away.


    I'd really love to see everyone walk out of Forrester and leave manpain baby pants alone with Maya. Rick just bugs the ever loving crap out of me. He is such a whiny baby. Listen I get it, his wife cheated and yes, he gets to be mad at her. Stand up to dad and say no I'm staying married to a woman who cheated on me with my brother and be a man! Instead, he's like a little kid.


    I know Ridge has always been a whiny ass too but right now Rick is front and center so I get to be sick and tired of his nonsense.

    • Love 7

    feel like Ron got all pissy with all the criticism that not one PC citizen mentioned Bill Eckert since this whole Fluke shit started, and he just threw it into a script.   And my god, JZ scares the crap out of me.


    Yeah all the Bill Eckert mentions definitely felt like RC having a hissy fit. I still think Fluke is Bill though.


    Oddly enough, I thought JZ looked better today than she has in ages.


    She is supposed to be an awesome business woman, so show that to me rather than the worn out giggly sex kitten act that has been played out over and over again.


    If I have to have Brooke on my screen, then this is what I prefer to see. I'm not a fan of the character (as all of you might have guessed from that first sentence) nor of KKL because I've been dead tired of the sex kitten nonsense for years now. I've never found Brooke compelling or interesting enough to be the be all and end all for so many male characters on this show.


    In the past, I would totally believe Brooke would come back to town and Ridge would be panting after her again. Now? I'm not so sure. This isn't the same Ridge.


    The one pairing of Brooke's that I enjoyed was with Thorne. Now I wouldn't mind a re-do of that while Brooke is situated as CEO.

    • Love 5
  5. I know all of these woman - the ones that have been on the show the longest - have issues with each other (and as Eileen or Lisa R or maybe both said they all have a point of view). I'm reading a lot of this happened, no this happened stuff. But since I didn't watch any prior seasons, my head spins trying to keep track of all the information. So for me, the old stuff doesn't mean much.


    I prefer Lisa V just based on what I've seen so far and I really dislike Brandi. That's it. Not to say I don't find some of the Lisa V stuff ridiculous because I do, but overall I'd rather listen to her than Brandi. I find Brandi desperate, pointless and gross.

    • Love 6

    Isn't there a rumor that Brooke is going to have a meaty new storyline?


    I haven't missed Brooke a bit. I'm rather bummed out she's returning.



    Or, this will be the new conflict she and Bill deal with - she takes her nephew's side while he takes his niece's side


    I think that's the way it will go. Plus, I think it'd be more interesting than Katie and Bill having issues because of Brooke.


    I do like that B&B has so much work conflict stuff. I try watching GH and Y&R but both of those shows hardly have any characters who work any more. The work stuff is far more intriguing than watching Hope trying to decide who she wants to be with day to day.

    • Love 7
  7. Time Enough At Last is a favorite of mine. I also love The 7th Is Made Up of Phantoms, The Odyssey of Flight 33 and Third From the Sun. Truthfully, I pretty much like all TZ episodes except for the 'comedy' ones. I never find them funny and usually end up skipping them during athons!


    I LOVED watching Eileen work out paddle boarding.


    I loved her comment about eating a donut and working out at the same time!



    I want to see real chemistry not forced made up nonsense. .


    Me too. Unfortunately, forced is what Bravo seems to prefer. I have to say, I thought the very first scene of Lisa R and Eileen seemed very forced. However, since then when I see them talking and sitting together, I actually believe they are friends.


    Kim seems very ... wobbly in a lot of her appearances.


    I wouldn't called Brandi trash because I just don't like the terminology (just a me thing), but I still question how she fits in on this show. She just seems like the weakest link desperately searching for something to keep her relevant. I picture her sitting at home trying to think of crude things to say during filming.

    • Love 3

    Please tell me that Brandi doesn't throw wine at Eileen simply because she is explaining how she and her husband fell in love while they were both still married to other people. Oh-my-fricking-God, newsflash Brandi: sometimes relationships sour; and sometimes people meet their next partner before the previous, outdated relationship has fully expired.


    It looked like Brandi does throw wine at Eileen. What a dumbass.


    I'm sure most of us would agree cheating isn't a great thing to do and would hope people would separate from spouse or significant other before moving on to someone else. Unfortunately, that is in a perfect world and most people aren't perfect.


    I get that Brandi has issues after her rotten hubby, but she sure has no business judging anyone else's relationship especially since she doesn't even know Eileen and Vincent! Shoot they've been married for like 15 years so that whole 'homewrecker' charge is a bit dated.


    Shut up Brandi, just shut up.

    • Love 1

    Eileen is a really good actress and I'm loving her TH.

    I don't really consider LR an actress anymore.


    Completely agree with both. I enjoyed LR back in the day on Days (though I was much more a Carly/Bo girl than Bo/Billie but that's a whole different discussion!), but haven't seen her on much since.


    Eileen is making this show worth watching for me. She's funny and I love her TH's. I like LR's honesty too. She has to hustle for whatever she can get. That's the way it is.


    This episode was waaaaay too much Brandi. She is insufferable. She really needed to be wearing something that covered her girls up. Good lawd.


    As a new viewer, I'm as confused as Eileen and Lisa R over this Brandi/Lisa V feud. I was gathering from here (and from asking my sister) that it was something about tabloids etc. Now Brandi says it has something to do with her ex's mistress? What the what the?!?


    I'm enjoying most of this show overall but Brandi is simply awful. I sure wish she wasn't on here.

    • Love 3

    Fuck you Julian. You can pull a gun on Jordan but you can't shoot Fluke? Idiot.


    But Fluke is threatening Julian's family! How could shooting and killing Fluke stop that?!? Oh wait ....



    I swear, if one more fucking person tries to SHAME Anna over locking Faison up, I will root for her to burn the whole damn town to the ground


    Right? That crap is so tiresome. Sure RC the whole audience will believe Anna is a monster for her actions! She's really the bad guy not all the mobsters and serial killer! She no better than them now! Get the fuck out of here with this nonsense.

    • Love 4
  12. The cast is certainly too big and that is an issue, however my biggest gripe is none of these storylines make a bit of sense!


    This Luke/Fluke thing has been going on for over a year and can anyone actually explain what is happening? Can any of us explain all of the mob stuff? Why is Obrecht even around anymore? How can she have more family scenes than any other character on this show? Seriously we are still having a recount on the mayoral race? Ric is suddenly in love with Liz again? When exactly did Helena have time to brain wash Jason? Why hasn't Scotty gotten a DNA test with Franco? Why does Ron have to write the police as so incompetent? Why does no one have a job? Why does Spencer have lines that make him sound 50? What exactly is Jordan supposed to be doing?


    Why can't we have any love in the afternoon? There are a few couples that actually have chemistry like Lucas and Brad (I actually had to look up the character names because it's been so long since we've seen them) but when do we see them? The answer: never. I personally like Alexis and Julian but now Ron has just written them into the ground. They repeat the same conversation over and over and over. I simply refuse to count Spencer and Emma as love in the afternoon.


    This show is an utter and complete mess. Nothing makes sense. The characters have been dumbed down to a painful level.

    • Love 10

    When we got back in our car we both remarked on the fact that every person in there besides my husband and one other man -- and it was a big lunchtime crowd -- was obese. Even the children. I said, "I was one of the smallest women in there!" We were both sort of shocked by it, and no, we didn't censor ourselves from talking about it because it was reality.


    And I'd say there's a big difference between having a discussion about obesity and calling people chub chubs but that might just be me. Again, I don't have a huge issue with what the girls said, they are teens. I think Lisa R could have easily said 'don't refer to people that way' or something like that. My issue tends to be with the lack of mothering on display.



    Brandi stillcame across as one dimensional


    Are we sure she has one full dimension?

    • Love 4

    I'm not even especially angry at Rinna either.


    I'm in no way angry at Lisa R for what her teens said. Shoot, I know teens say that kind of stuff a lot. I am amazed though that she didn't at least say something about it. My mom would have flashed me her patented look which would have stopped me in my tracks. The thing that bugged me even more about these kids and their mom was when Lisa R said she wanted them to go with her, they were all no like there was an option! Holy crap Lisa you are the adult and the mom - tell them they are going! Again my mom would have shut that junk down.


    I enjoyed this episode because at last Eileen was in the mix more. I loved the looks on Vince's face during much of Brandi's nonsense. I enjoyed the stories about acting. I watched that episode of Magnum PI on Netflix and yeah Kim was not very good with the tennis!


    I'm brand new to this particular version of Housewives and so I don't know anything about whatever it is Lisa V and Brandi are going on about. And frankly I don't care who did what: I'm team Lisa V only because I cannot stand Brandi! I can't even figure out why she's on this show. By that I mean who is she? Her actor husband cheated on her and divorced her and that's pretty much it, right? At least Kim and Kyle have known family, were both actresses and from what I gather here Kyle runs a shop of some sort. Lisa V and her hubby have all their business stuff. Yolanda is an ex model and has a somewhat famous hubby. Eileen is currently on 2 soaps and her hubby used to be an actor and tennis player, Lisa R used to be on soaps and has a famous hubby. Where does Brandi fit in to this?


    I guess I'll figure out more as I go, but so far Brandi makes my skin crawl.

    • Love 7
  15. I'm fully aware that Caroline has done the same crap as Maya. Storywise, neither one is better than the other (though personally I tend to think messing in someone's marriage is worse than messing an engagement).


    However, I don't like the actress who plays Maya. I watched her on Guiding Light and thought she was terrible all of the time. I think she's awful here too. That wide eyed look is not acting to me. Not at all.


    I wasn't a big fan of the actress who played Caroline at first either, but once Caroline took that swan dive my opinion has changed. I think she's terrific.


    For me it comes down to performance and I'd rather watch Caroline any day of the week. I want her as far away from Rick as possible. Frankly, I'd rather Maya dumped his whiny baby ass too.


    Caroline and Ridge all the way for me!


    I haven't missed Hope a bit. Brooke either. It's a pleasure  to  watch this show with neither of them around.

    • Love 9

    Didn't the PCPPD ever hear of disabling a vehicle by shooting the tires out?


    I know it happens a lot on movies and TV shows, but truthfully it isn't that easy to do. Plus, I'd assume the police are taught to shoot the same way we were in the Army: center mass.



    She could be a much more organic antiheroine, but they keep handicapping everyone else to make her shine and give her all the spotlight - see also: Nina, Franco, any number of other RC/FV stars.

    Completely agree. I enjoyed Dr O to start but since she became the CoS, I can barely stand seeing her around. The CoS makes zero sense and having her morally outraged at Anna is even sillier. Look I get it, Anna took the law into her own hands blah blah blah. That hardly makes her as bad as Dr O, Faison or Sonny.


    Sonny got beat up in prison. Awesome. Of course this is probably how he'll get out!

    • Love 2

    Unless the reveal is equivalent to the identity of Keyser Soze, I'd rather have a solid story than one with masks and awkward twists


    Yeah, there is no chance at all that this Luke/Fluke mess will end up as anything solid. Fluke is Bill Eckert and I think the character made it rather clear on Friday's ep with his bit about not wearing a mask. Now will RC keep this nonsense going for months more? Of course. One question though: how can Fluke keep Luke tied up like that with no bathroom accommodations? I mean Luke should be quite ripe at this point!



    I think this story is dumb, but Jason doesn't have special powers that would let him resist brainwashing.


    Jason was also never a high priced assassin with ninja powers and yet Helen was talking as if that's exactly who he was! There have got to be a lot more worthy candidates out there for brain washing ninja duty than Jason. Jason was nothing more than a borg thug.



    Can she compel the Sonny/Carly love away?


    I can't go along with this. I'm standing by what I've said before: keep Sonny and Carly together so their stench doesn't ruin other characters.



    I guess the main thing for me when watching any soap is suspending my common sense when watching


    I've done my share of suspending disbelief over the years when it comes to watching soaps. Everyone who watches these shows has. I've looked past weather control machines, clones, aliens, devil possession, an unabortion, vampires running around the show Port Charles and yet not being on GH which took place in the same town (and same hospital), people time traveling through paintings and I'm missing a lot in this list.


    As wacky as most of the above stories were, there were characters involved that were well written and that I cared about. There was consistency to the stories even if they were out there - and generally speaking the stories had a beginning, a middle and an end. There was planning involved. Edited to add that along with these wacky storylines there was usually good grounded stuff going on elsewhere on the canvas.


    Personally, I'm not willing to excuse RC's lack of vision and planning and just say 'well soaps tend to lack common sense.' I think that's what he counts on: the audience just shrugging it's collective shoulder and going along with it.


    And yet I keep watching, hoping it will improve. Sigh.

    • Love 2

    This show has absolutely lost its soul.


    It has no heart or soul. Someone posted a few pages back that Kiki is a character with no personality - there's no there there. I think you can say that about this show in general. The storylines have no sense of direction or planning. Is Felicia the new Mayor? Who knows! What happened to Kevin? Who knows! What's going on with Lucas and Brad? Who you ask? What's going on with Carlos - is he going to sit in prison forever even though everyone knows he didn't kill Connie? Who knows! The show completely lacks ... everything soaps used to excel at doing. Viewers should be feeling something ... anything besides contempt and nausea.


    This entire Fluke/Luke thing makes no sense at all. First Fluke wanted to bring down Sonny by way of ELQ (what?!?). Now I don't really remember why he needed ELQ but you can't tell me it would be so difficult to take over Sonny's business when the moobster is so terrible at his 'job' in the first place. Then again, I don't know why Fluke had to pretend to be Luke to take over ELQ, why not Tracy herself or Ned? You know someone actually in the family. And if Fluke needed ELQ to launder the money from illegal operations, why didn't he take over Sonny's territory and just use the coffee business to do that?


    Oh and RC? Not surprising Fluke is actually the Luke at the Q mansion, everyone guessed that - including The Nina's not baby. 

    • Love 6

    I got the impression that Lisa Rinna was instructed to pay court to Eileen in their first lunch date and that ED may have requested some bowing and scraping


    Granted we haven't seen much of ED yet, but she doesn't strike me as someone who needs bowing and scraping. I do enjoy LR a lot. I'm watching for LR and ED. I've never seen this Real Housewives at all before these episodes.


    So far (of the other housewives) I'm interested in Lisa V and Kyle. Brandi is very whiny though I'm not entirely clear what her deal is. I'm sort of meh on the others.

    • Love 1

    think Michelle Stafford is a great actress and wildly charismatic, and these two actors have fantastic chemistry and any lingering doubts I had about the two were completely erased today.  Loved them, loved them, loved them, loved them

    I watched that mess today and came away with a completely opposite view! I cannot stand MS and I don't think she can act at all. At all (repeating one of her favorite things!). While I think RH and MS have some chemistry, it doesn't make up for the characters they are playing - not for me.


    The Nina ripped a baby from another woman and now she and the serial killer are off an adventure and somehow I'm supposed to be ... charmed?!?


    Did Tracy really bitch because Luke had a shower? He's been locked up for a while and I somehow doubt anyone cared about his hygiene, I think a shower was in order.


    Did Luke really act all appalled when Dante mentioned causing the death of Patrick's blanket child? Ummm, yeah Luke because you super cared about running over and killing a child while you were drunk.


    It's way past time for Dr O to exit stage left.


    Shut up Olivia.


    Shut up Kaka.



    I fully sympathize. No matter what she's done, she's a woman who was drugged by a psychotic freak, forced to give birth and then had her baby kidnapped


    Completely agree. I'm not really a fan of Ava at all (nor the actress who plays her). Ava has done some shit to be sure, but I feel for her with this baby situation. Plus, The Nina is beyond awful so it's easy to be Team Ava when it concerns the baby.

    • Love 3

    I'd think they'd be better off as a mid price hotel but hopefully the owner knows the area and clientele.


    I lived in Daytona Beach for a couple of years and really they would have been better off going with mid-price.


    The Streamline is really best known as a gay bar at least here in Daytona. I always thought the rooms were basically there for hour rentals or something! Maybe the new ownership can turn it around.


    These hotel owners kill me. 'I know nothing about hotels but I'm going to renovate this place and I'll hire a buddy to be the general manager who has never been a hotel GM.' Awesome.


    I'm sure Ridge/Caroline will get together and then 1.5 seconds later Ridge will be chasing after Brooke. That's the way every Ridge relationship goes. Poor Caroline will get crushed like a bug and Brooke will barely have to lift a finger lol.


    I don't think I agree with this. The current Ridge and Brooke have no chemistry. Now maybe the writers will just settle on Ridge/Brooke because that's the way it's always been, but I think it would be a mistake. Ridge and Caroline may not have been planned as something more long term, but ending them now would be stupid in my opinion. The actors have a spark and that 'it' thing that tv shows and movies search for between actors. It would be a waste to toss that away.

    • Love 3
  23. Dr. O is not a gray character. She is a cartoon.


    As are a lot of the characters these days. RC wouldn't know what it means to write a gray character to save his life. Plus, not every single character should be gray or black. In my opinion, a soap needs good guys. And not just good guys but good guys who get to win more often than not.


    RC (and Guza) may have believed they were writing a daytime version of The Soprano's with the Sonny gummy bear mob, but neither have/had a clue how to do that. Tony Soprano was not presented as some romantic lead, hero character. Oh he had some moments where you might forget what he was, but the writers always made sure to remind us.


    Sonny is declared a good guy, honorable, good father etc by all sorts of characters. Only in the GH universe is this possible. He's a mobster! Mob guys are not people with hearts of gold. Oh I know Sonny is a 'good' mobster because he doesn't deal drugs. I mean forget all that shooting and killing that goes on, he doesn't deal drugs!


    We barely see the hospital anymore which is ridiculous for a show called General Hospital and to add pain to that we are stuck with Dr O as the Chief of Staff. Really?!? We've gone from a good, strong character like Steve Hardy as COS to Dr O - an insane murderer and stalker. That's excellent progress.


    The Nina drugged a woman, stole her baby and now she's off on an adventure with Franco the serial killer where I'll bet romance will bloom. Really?!? This is what passes for romance on this show these days? I remember Robert and Holly marrying for convenience and then falling in love. It was a wonderful storyline. A potential Franco and Nina pairing? Pffft.


    I honestly don't know what I'm watching on this show. I don't understand what RC is trying to do because nothing makes sense: we barely have a Quartermaine family anymore, but Dr O's family keeps getting bigger. We have a kiddie romance with Spencer spouting lines about Emma being the love of his life. We have Luke/Fluke which stopped being interesting almost as soon as it started and we aren't any closer to a resolution. Add the many characters who are simply not necessary and it all sucks.


    Also, why is Carlos still in prison? I assume he still is because we certainly haven't seen him or heard that he was freed.


    It's quite sad to see how low this show great show has sunk.


    Anyway, Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

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