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Posts posted by hypnotoad


    I'm glad I'm not the only one who didn't like the décor.  I had been waiting to see the inside since it's stunning from the outside.  I think the house seemed almost suffocatingly claustrophobic


    Yep, my same thoughts. However I will say this: I do appreciate that it seems like Eileen has done the decorating. I mean for better or worse, it seems like a home that a real person put together rather than hiring someone to do it for her. If that makes any sense.



    Much like her sense of humor Brandi isn't all that interesting without shocking or hurting someone.


    Brandi isn't funny at all. That comment she made in her TH about all the husbands cheating on the HW's and then she said 'just kidding!' Just stupid and lame. I bet she thought it was hilarious.


    I also did not think VVP was flirting with Brandi. I thought he was just trying his best to lighten the mood, get through the evening and get Kim and Brandi the hell out of his house. He also looked a little shell-shocked as though he was trying to figure out if Eileen's salary for this show was really worth it!

    • Love 7

    I just don't see him as taking up lovers capriciously because that sounds like he's bedding a new woman every night, just for sex, and he does seem to have deep (albeit waffling) love for these women


    Agreed. Plus, I feel like the changing of spouses overnight stuff is largely due to the change all soaps have made in the last 10 years or so regarding romance and couples (the last soap couple that I watched where the writers actually took time with it was Olivia and Natalia on GL. That story went for a year before they admitted their feelings. Of course, it being a romance between 2 women contributed to the slow down). Back in the day it was a build up - couples sometimes didn't even kiss for months! Now it's all insta-couple, insta-love. Ridge was a waffler yes absolutely agree, but he has rarely been portrayed as a one night stand kinda guy.


    I don't require decades of togetherness either, but Liam/Hope/Steffy and Liam/Wyatt/Hope triangles never worked because they just ran back and forth instantly. There was no way to invest in that nonsense. I felt like Hope was engaged and married to Liam and Wyatt at the same time it got so ridiculous!



    Ivy and Liam have dated like a whole three months (at least) before jumping in the sack, and even Bill is being seen trying to woo Katie back.


    Amazing isn't it? Even more surprising, Ridge and Caroline haven't jumped in the sack yet and have only made out a bit. They even have some cute shyness going on. I enjoy watching couples when some actual time and care is taken with them and I can get invested. Honestly right now, B&B feels like love in the afternoon. None of the other soaps even comes close with their couples.


    I cannot believe how much I am enjoying this show. I can only hope it continues this way despite the return of one of my least favorite soap characters ever: Brooke.

    • Love 4

    I thought the guy who played Ridge seemed rather attractive in the 7000 ep as others have said. What the hell are the wardrobe and make-up people doing to him?


    I know! I mean I think he's attractive period, but the wardrobe people seem to hate him. I've said it before and I'll repeat it: it feels like he's been wearing the same damn suit since he arrived! Needless to say, he looked even better in that behind the scenes stuff.



    Half an hour was too short for this milestone event, IMO.


    It was very short, plus no interviews with cast members past or anything which was a bummer (I think). I don't quite understand why 7000 eps iis such a big deal. Haven't all the soaps currently on the air hit that number? And really the soaps that CBS most recently cancelled (GL and ATWT) were way over that. It seems like an odd thing to celebrate. 50 years of GH sounds way more impressive!


    She wasn't portrayed as a character in her own right, just an assortment of qualities that made her the anti-Hope.  It was so lazy.


    Though, to be fair, Hope wasn't much of a character either! It seemed to me both were brought on in attempt to continue the Taylor/Brooke war. Only Brooke's daughter was more like Taylor (and by that, I mean early Taylor. Not the Taylor who slept through slept through the whole Forrester family just like Brooke. I think Taylor, in the beginning, was supposed to be the opposite of Brooke. Unfortunately, she ended up just like Brooke but never got called out on any of it) and Taylor's daughter was like Brooke. Oh the irony. Or something. And then of course, they had to be in a triangle with a waffler. ZZZZzzzzz.

    • Love 6

    Frankly, the fact that Brooke has been promiscuous doesn't mean she never gets to stand in defense of anyone ever, c'mon that's a bit silly.


    I didn't say that just because she's been promiscuous. I said that because Brooke has been the cheater and always excuses her nonsense because of destiny. She's hardly the character to hold anyone accountable for cheating. I didn't say she wasn't allowed to stand in defense of someone. Her judging Caroline or anyone for cheating? Hilarious. Her defending someone? Sure why not. 


    Though in the scenario spelled out by the spoiler, who exactly is Brooke defending?!?

    As per the post, the idea instead seems to be that Brooke is going to be going after Caroline for being a cheater. Sounds potentially judgy not defending.

    But perhaps being silly, I misread that.

    • Love 3
  6. Maya tells Brooke what time it is with CaRridge then Brooke can see her daughter-in-law for the duplicitous bitch she truly is.


    Yeah because Brooke is certainly the character who should spend time judging anyone about their romantic entanglement choices. The mere idea makes me laugh and laugh. Also it would make Brooke the biggest hypocrite who ever hypocrit-ed. Because destiny and all that.



    And it wasn't A COUPLE OF KISSES!!


    It looked like a couple of kisses to  me. People are capable of being attracted to another person more than their spouse, but then pushing that attraction away for the sake of their marriage. I'd wager it happens every single day somewhere. Caroline wanted to work on her marriage despite that attraction to Ridge.



    Why is everybody soooooooooo understanding of Caroline's fetish with Ridge?


    I suspect they are understanding because every single character on this show has been through something similar! Furthermore, Rick's reaction was to act like a complete arsehole instead of dealing with the it like a grown up man. Plotting, scheming and stabbing your father in the back rarely engenders understanding or warm feelings. Just saying.



    This is also the girl who (back in the 90's) used to wish she looked like Hunter Tylo.


    Hey, I can't say that I blame you original recipe Hunter Tylo was absolutely gorgeous. What she's done to her face is a crime.

    • Love 17
  7. i thought this episode was awful. Brandi was absolutely hideous. I've disliked her from the moment I started watching the show (to be fair this is my first season with this show) and my opinion of her has gotten worse as the season goes on. Her endless rude drunken behavior is tiresome. I'm not a huge fan of the decor in Eileen's home - it does seem like a bit much. However, I would never walk into that house and tell her it looks like Psycho and American Psycho. Mostly because those two movies have nothing to do with one another and the comparison makes no damn sense, but more importantly because I'm not a rude asshole.


    Since I am a newbie to this show, my only knowledge of the past is from what I read here. I've thought Kim seemed a bit off all season. She often seems weird to me. Much like Lisa R, i could tell Kim was messed up immediately when she got in that car. I felt bad for Lisa as she tried to just get through that ride and get out of there.


    What I saw during the poker party was Kyle slowly realizing what was going on and not really believing it. i thought she was trying not to flip out and didn't seem quite sure how to react. I didn't think she was trying to keep Kim in front of the camera. I also don't believe Brandi was trying to help at all. That bitch has no business sticking her nose into Kim and Kyle's relationship.


    Poor Eileen and Vince. They have a party and half the guests turn up drunk and belligerent.


    And because it can't be said enough: shut up Brandi you classless horrible person. She is just gross.

    • Love 16

    That is the biggest issue Rick has with Ridge - that he never acknowledges, much less apologizes for the things he does to hurt people.


    Except that's not what the writers have Rick expressing at all. He keeps bringing up how Ridge hurt his mom and that's about it. So I will stick to grow up Rick because mommy had a lot more to do with your alleged sucky childhood than Ridge.


    And certainly Ridge did go back and forth between Brooke and Taylor, but it sure wasn't like this mess with Steffy/Hope and Liam and Liam/Hope/Wyatt. Ridge was with Brooke and Taylor for many years. Brooke not only willingly went along with it, but her other relationships were certainly not any more stable. Plus, why doesn't Rick focus on his actual father too?


    I continue to love the Caroline/Ridge scenes. Rick watching was hilarious and typical soap stuff.


    I thought Brooke seemed far more confused about the Maya news than actually calling her out. Her head may blow off her shoulders when she hears about Ridge and Caroline!

    • Love 8

    It's like these writers decided that we have to minimize whatever is going on with Ridge and Caroline by making Rick this walking, talking lunatic with a split personality.


    Writers take sides every single day in books, tv shows, movies and plays. Writers choose the direction a story will take and how the characters will act and yes they do steer an audience in a certain direction. Now perhaps not always quite as obviously as in this storyline, but still writers have biases and take sides.


    Since I've always thought Rick is an asshat, this behavior doesn't strike me as a big change. He's always made poor decisions, has always tended to be a whiny baby and has anger issues.


    Should his family members at least understand why he is upset with Caroline? Absolutely. Does he have the right to be upset and hurt? Again yes. But the thing is, he ends up losing sympathy because he lied and schemed to get the company. He used Caroline rather than standing up to daddy.


    Rick's continued whining about his childhood and Ridge being at fault for this and that is also tiresome. Perhaps he should take an honest look at his mommy instead. She is the one forever chasing her destiny and she willing participated in Ridge's waffling. That doesn't mean I don't understand Ridge's part in all of it, but come on.



    He didn't start yelling until Caroline yelled at him


    True, but he was being a dismissive asshole, throwing his 'ultimate power' around for no good reason. Rick was rightfully unhappy that Ridge skipped the meeting, but take it out on Ridge not everyone else.



    I don't think Ivy or Maya are model material, but if the people like Ivy, then that is what a good CEO goes with. Not who is sucking his dick.


    Exactly. If I'm supposed to believe that the public is that involved with Forrester and the Forrester models, then I think the company should be going with the person who the public is responding to.



    Has Rick forgotten that he told Caroline to move on? Has Rick forgotten that Ridge asked him several times about his feelings for Caroline? That is what happens to losers Rick; they lose.


    Hee. Yep, the man-child needs to shut the hell up. Also? I don't really think it's legal for him to fire Caroline because she kissed Ridge again and Rick doesn't approve. Of course, this is soap opera land so it might be perfectly okay at Forrester!


    Ally and Oliver are really cute!

    • Love 9

    From what I've seen on some of the boards, it seems that even people who dislike Brooke somewhat liked her then.


    I am one of those. I cannot stand the character but when Brooke and Thorne were together, I could at least tolerate her if not almost like her! The folks in charge though inexplicably decided it was time for Brooke to grovel and chase after Ridge again (and I mean with really no warning or reasoning) and that brought an end to the Brooke/Thorne romance. I was sad.


    Bill coming back to her. With no interference from anyone else


    I'm going to agree with this. I don't think Katie was in love with Ridge as much as in love with the idea of bugging Brooke with Ridge. I like Katie and Bill together. I think DD and HT have a really nice chemistry and they banter well. Plus, Katie actually smiles!



    but mostly the actress gives me nothing. No, not true, she does smug well but IMO that's about it.


    Agreed. She doesn't seem to give much to her scene partners either, I mean beyond that wide eyed blank look. I'm not sure she does smug all that well either.



    Regardless of what happened in the past, I don't see how Rick has the right to ask Caroline if she's still kissing Ridge when he's shacking up with Maya in the family manse. The hypocrisy is quite glaring. I am with Rick on one thing; I am tired of hearing people say he loves Caroline. That's not love.


    Yep, Rick lost the right to ask those questions and get upset with the answers the moment he started shacking up with his mistress. He told Caroline to move on and now she's finally made the decision to do so. And as tired as I am of other characters insisting Rick still loves Caroline, his reaction to her moving on is telling. But still it's time for the Greek Chorus to shut up already.



    The weird thing is the show has been so great lately, it's going to be a buzzkill when Brooke shows up again. It's been refreshing without all of her repetitive "man dramas."


    Agreeing with this too! Actually getting away from Brooke AND Hope and their man dramas has been great for this show. Sadly, Brooke is returning. I do want the writers to finally have Brooke grow up. I don't need that to mean she can't have any romance, but it would be nice for them to drop the 'destiny' nonsense and have her be an adult. I could deal with a Brooke like that. In fact, have Brooke reunite with Thorne. I liked them years ago and it might give Thorne something to do!

    • Love 6

    Hopefully, Maya will tell him to stick where the shun don't shine!!


    I think Bill should keep his nose in his own business and shut his mouth for sure, but he couldn't care less what Maya says to him. Come to think of it neither do I.


    Was Maya really trying to bust on her sisters field of study (as if she knows anything about it)? Well I guess a college education is meaningless when compared to sleeping with the CEO! It's a much easier climb to the top I guess.


    I liked the conversation with Katie and Caroline. Sure, Katie was far too understanding but since she ended it with Ridge like an adult, it was nice to see her continue that with Caroline. I just mean it's a real change of pace for this show which tends toward childish more often than adult behavior.


    Liam worked his butt off? When? All those hours he spent chasing after Hope?!? Come on.

    • Love 8

    we all know that the court of public opinion needs next to nothing to go on before they start judging.


    True enough. Though I still have a lot of trouble believing the 'public' (of this show) actually cares a bit about this design house and the scandals there. I mean really? I can't think of a single design house in real life where I would know a single thing about romances there etc. I don't see much in the way of coverage for those places for that kind of information. New designs and collections? Sure. Romance and affairs? Not so much.



    Ridge/Caroline walk to start their own company


    I would love to see another design house to challenge Forrester the way Spectra was always around. Of course, Spectra thrived on ripping off Forrester designs and all that, but Sally tried to branch out from that many times. Shoot didn't everyone from Forrester run to Spectra for a job at one time or another?!? I think it would be fun to have a rival house and the stories that could come from that conflict. I really dig that B&B has gotten back to the work place so much recently. I always find soaps more interesting when some of the stories revolve around work (even though the work places are hugely un-real life like!).


    I don't think Rick needs to be tip toeing around his designers by any means or acting like they are not replaceable. I just think he needs to lay off the Napoleon act a bit, I mean referring to the CEO job as 'the ultimate power' is just a little too crazy pants for me.


    The scene where Ridge ran into Rick's office on Friday was kind of stupid and I really didn't get why he was yelling. Rick asked for designs and that was it. I suspect it was just done to have Maya run in to defend her little baby man. Needless to say, most of it made no sense to me.



    So Ridge has slept with all the Logan sisters?  Eric has slept with too many women to keep track of?  My brain.....it hurts.


    I don't believe Ridge ever slept with Donna. So he was with Brooke and Katie. Eric was with the Logan sisters mom first, then Brooke and then Donna. He hasn't slept with Katie. Ridge made out a bit with Bridget who he thought was his daughter for a while (turned out she was Eric's). Brooke also slept with Ridge's brothers Thorne and Nick. Brooke also slept with her daughter Bridget's husband Deacon. Brooke also had an accidental one night stand with daughter Hope's then boyfriend Oliver. Let's see, Rick was with Taylor (Ridge's ex wife) and I believe one of Ridge and Taylor's daughters (or maybe both).


    Folks with a better grasp of the history of B&B can probably do a better job than I have done!

    • Love 4
  14. I do wish TK was dressed better as Ridge because it seems like he's been in that same suit for over a year. However, I thought some of the changes in Ridge were because of his time away and great pain from the text break up with Brooke. Like he was in Paris thinking 'I'm going to lose this mullet and take up poetry and perhaps I can become a better man.' Seriously though I thought the time away and experiences there allegedly led to a changed Ridge so perhaps that's supposed to be reflected in his appearance and so forth? And maybe I'm reaching just a bit.

    • Love 3

    Making them out to be such closely bonded siblings all of a sudden after what she did to his parents, especially his father, is rather stomach turning.


    Are you timplying that RC doesn't know the history of GH and lurve it?!? Because he totally does and thusly he knows Lucas would embrace Carly! Embrace! Because ... Carly is love and is a wonderful mom and all that stuff.

    • Love 2

    They seem to have forgotten that she has gay parents anyway.  Speaking of, shouldn't at least one of her moms have come to LA to just be with her?


    I would love to see both her mothers or at least one of them return to town. It would make sense given all the upheaval in Caroline's life recently. But once characters leave town on soaps, no one still on canvas seems to remember them!

    • Love 4

    Take his trifling, dirty, waffling, woman using ass to the cleaners ala Sami Brady or Carly Benson.


    Maya = Sami Brady or Carly Benson is a compliment?!? I'm really confused by this because neither of those characters are particularly ... positive. Also? Maya would have to be around for a lot more years for her to come close to making an impact like either of those characters. And yeah acting-wise KM would have to improve (in my opinion naturally and being fully able to judge an actors work from one show to another) by A LOT to come close to Alison Sweeney or any of the many actresses who have played Carly over the years.


    Or perhaps the comparison is because Maya was sticking her nose in where it shouldn't be and shouting at someone when it really wasn't her place (she's not the CEO and she's not really in charge of anything ... she's the mistress and head model). I guess that is a very Sami or Carly thing to do. The shouting for sure.



    they almost went for it. Almost. It was strange because it really worked with the actors. It was just so unbelievable that the show was going there, and that it even went as far as it did.


    I'd have to agree with this. That whole Ridge/Bridget thing was working in terms of the actors chemistry etc but I couldn't quite get past the whole 'he thought she was his daughter' thing and I was glad the show dropped it. I was shocked the show dropped it, but ultimately glad.


    I for one sure hope they don't go with any Ridge is Caroline's dad stuff. I really like this Caroline/Ridge romance because I think it's so unexpected. It's like the show tossed the actors into a couple of scenes and suddenly this chemistry was discovered and instead of ignoring it, the folks in charge decided to roll with it. Despite the many issues the audience might have with it like the age difference and so forth. Soaps do too much of forcing couples these days instead of letting things happen organically, so I enjoy seeing a couple that clearly wasn't pre-planned. Would I have preferred them not starting out as the cheaters and all of that? Sure, but that's a soap for you! Plus, it happens that way a lot in real life too. It isn't nice but it is what it is.



    but has McCook been written out for a long duration?


    I'm wondering about that too because didn't Eric say he wasn't going to go once he found out about Rick's plan of evul?!?



    Rick said the has "the ultimate power."  I always thought "ultimate power" belonged to world leaders, but what do I know???


    That was hilarious. He sounded a bit like Dr Evil. Ultimate power. Hee. It's a fashion house!



    IKR? To hell with poverty and crack head parents; Eric Forrester Jr. was having a bad day in Aspen.


    And it was all Ridge's fault!

    • Love 8

    But even though Rick is Eric's biological son, Ridge's horrible children let Rick know every chance they had that he is a LOGAN (the humanity!!!!), forgetting who his father is


    I think all this stuff is really stupid. Whether Ridge's kids like it or not Rick and Bridget are both Forrester's and Logan's. And whether Rick likes it or not Ridge is a Forrester because Eric raised him as his son. I don't care if Ridge is not genetically a Forrester - he is a Forrester (plus I just hate that whole retcon with Riidge's paternity anyway and secretly have never really believed it!).

    • Love 5

    I feel like you're carrying baggage from your previous relationship on whatever soap she was on.


    And if I am so what? It doesn't change what I see on screen on this show: I think she's awful, wooden and has no charisma or chemistry with any other actors. I'm actually quite able to tell the difference between the show (GL) she used to be on and this one. In my opinion, she hasn't improved one bit.



    Caroline's bio-dad? Did her moms go to a sperm bank? Could Ridge's sperm have been in that sperm bank? Could Ridge be Caroline's daddy?


    As gross as this show tends to be with it's romances, I don't think it would go this far. Though I don't think we know anything about Caroline's bio-dad, I can't think of a single reason it would somehow be Ridge.



    This whole screwing in your parents bed thing is just so nasty.


    I completely forgot about this crap after seeing all the lovely Ridge and Caroline scenes. That was some fucked up stuff there. And Maya doesn't find it the least bit weird and off putting? Because me? I would be out of there!



    JY is just terrific as the tyrant. He can bring cold and distant like nobody else.


    He was great on All My Children whenever JR was doing his evil thing. I'm hating Rick, but am really enjoying JY. i think TK and LG are totally bringing it too acting-wise. Honestly, this is the most interested I've been in this show in years.



    After getting everything he set out for; full control of FC's, Maya, humiliating Caroline, betraying his father, taking over the Forrester Estate, disrespecting Stephanie; he still whines! Once again, with Ivy, we are forced to listen to the mantra; Ridge hurt my mother, Ridge has ruined my life, Ridge's mother loved him too much...and blah, blah, blah.


    Co-signing this for sure. So over Rick and his whining.

    • Love 8

    I'm hoping the spoilers aren't exact or that it plays put differently on screen.


    Spoilers hardly ever play out the way they read in print. There usually is a lot more going on.



    then try and pass them off as a paragon of virtuousness


    I don't feel like Caroline and Ridge are being presented that way. And this viewer at least is well aware that their actions set this mess in motion. However, everyone here has pushed it to the next level. Rick in particular. Instead of plotting against Caroline and his father, why not just stand up (like a man) and say yep not going to stay in a marriage with my cheating bride.


    Rick reminds me of my brother so much sometimes it kills me. No my brother isn't a megalomaniac CEO but it's the whining part that gets me all the time. My brother likes to tell his wife (ex and current and ex gf's and probably everyone he meets) about what a terrible childhood he had. He makes it sound like we were living in a gutter and no one cared about us kids. I'm not sure where he was living his childhood because those memories are so far from the truth it's frightening.


    Rick goes on and on about Ridge and his mother like all of it was Ridge's fault and as though he has no memory of anything else. I know Ridge sucked. I get that. But Brooke was there willingly. Even when she was in solid relationships with someone else like Thorne, she always went back to chasing after Ridge. I'd also guess that a lot of Rick's issues are his own, you know like that whole mess with Amber.



    he is a punk, always letting his women fight his battles.


    That whole scene was ridiculous. I wasn't even sure why Ridge was all yell-y (was there a particular reason for that when Rick was asking for designs?) but then Maya sweeps in to defend her diaper wearing man child. Just make it stop.



    I see Ridge and Caroline as sweet, and fresh, and real, and bright, and I see Rick and Maya, as troubled, and angsty, and phony, and dark.


    Right there with you. I'm sure the writers will find a way to ruin my fun with Ridge and Caroline, but I'm going to enjoy it while I have it. Rick and Maya bore me and I see zero chemistry. Plus, the woman playing Maya can't act anymore than the guy playing Carter.

    • Love 13

    That said....OH MY GERD!!!  I finally got my Caroline and Ridge kissing like they both needed some fresh air in those deprived lungs!  "Say what you want"   Yaaaas!  I don't care 'bout nuthin' else


    Agreed. Caroline and Ridge were terrific today. The actors have chemistry and I'm willing to see where this goes. I have no issue with the age difference at all. With all the inter-family romance on this show, age is just a number as far as I'm concerned.


    Though I have to admit to being confused by that gun in Rick's hand - totally out of the blue! What the what the?!?

    • Love 12
  22. But ... Ridge could be Caroline's destiny!!!


    I don't think I stated my case very well. I don't want to make excuses for Ridge and Caroline at all because yes kissing = cheating.


    I just meant that Rick is going out of his way to continue his 'vengeance' and I'm over that. Caroline hasn't been calling Rick over to see her and Ridge working or whatever. Rick dumped her and has moved in with Maya, he could just file for divorce and leave Caroline alone. Instead, he keeps bating her. His actions make it look like he is using Maya to keep getting at Caroline rather than just wanting to be with Maya. Ya know?


    Not sure if that is any clearer!

    • Love 12

    I'm willing to believe Nik is playing a long game of trying to get control of his finances back from Helena. If it all leads to Stefan, I won't complain.


    The only Cassadine I wouldn't mind seeing on this show is the one RC will never bring back.

    • Love 2
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