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Everything posted by monakane

  1. Does anyone think that Jax was in on Tara's murder? He wanted her out of the way and he gave his mother that cover story so he could hide it from the club.
  2. The writing seems to be about the shocks and the torture porn instead of character development and story advancement. I'm hoping the story gets more emotionally satisfying as the series concludes. I don't mind the shocks and the violence, but I need them to advance the characters and the story. Last night's episode didn't do that. Katie was fantastic last night. The most interesting part of the show was when she was talking to Tara. It gave me chills.
  3. There are no good options for them. No one -- including Tara -- ever put their well being first.
  4. IacEdoll, great analysis! I know that by the end of the season, he will have figured out it was Gemma. I can't wait for the final confrontation.
  5. I think it was because she had only been buried a few days prior. It can take up to six months to get a headstone installed. There is the production of the headstone and the grave has to settle.
  6. Tara was a character I didn't respect. She had the skills and education to do some good in the world and she threw it all away for a thug. She didn't deserve to die and her death was horrific, but I don't mourn her. I always had a hard time believing that someone like her would want to live that kind of life. Her story never seemed realistic.
  7. I'm at the age where the cat calls have stopped and I don't miss them. They made me very uncomfortable when I was younger and I would try to avoid places where they were an issue. I loved Jessica's report. It was spot on.
  8. Puddy - I will never think of that tragic event without Bunchy's voice in my head.
  9. I think he saw her and will be using her as some kind of leverage with Ray. I'm hoping Ray will cut a deal with Cookie in exchange for not letting his daughter testify. I'm hoping that deal includes Cookie shooting Abby.
  10. That is why we Philadelphians say Philly.
  11. Bunchy and Terry watching a show about the potato famine. Bunchy: Isn't Ireland an island? Terry: Yeah Bunchy: Why didn't they go fishing?
  12. True, but they were more compelling to watch and Carmela was consistent. Maybe it's because Edie Falco is a better actress that I found the character unlikeable but not unwatchable. I can't stand any scene with Abby in it. She's so insecure and whiny.
  13. I think Bill is remembering his past life because he is going to choose death to be reunited with his family. I think Caroline may also be a ghost. I actually find the flashbacks to Bill's former life the most interesting part of the episode. I still hate Sookie.
  14. Stephen has been on fire this week. This is why I'm sad to see him go. I don't think he'll be able to do the same type of satire on CBS that he does on TCR. I'm afraid his new show will be lukewarm monologues and interviews with celebrity bobble heads.
  15. Perfect! You're right. It will become a trope. I love this show. It's not perfect, but it is creepy and original.
  16. I stopped watching last year for the same reason, particularly what I felt was Jacqueline exploiting her autistic son for a story line. Putting any child on reality television is bad parenting and I don't want to be part of the exploitation.
  17. Good episode. I was hoping we were finally wrapping up "Who Killed Walt's Wife", but it looks like that plot will continue. Branch is looking rough. It's nice that the actor is getting to play against his pretty boy type. He is doing a good job showing Branch's unraveling. I hope they're not going with a romance between Vic and Walt. I'm ok with Vic having strong feelings for Walt, but I don't get anything other than a paternal interest from Walt. As much as I love the actress, I'm tired of the Vic drama.
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