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Everything posted by chewycandy

  1. I seem to remember some screaming and shrieking ala Milania in the first season. She seems to have developed into a good kid though, I agree. Why TWINS? It's bad enough when new people are introduced and you can't keep them straight. And then one is also Teresa. WHY? I thought I wouldn't miss Caroline, Jac, and Kathy, but...yeah, I do. I also can't with Amber's raggedy hair. Or Melissa's dead eyes in her "let's bring sexy back, girls" clip.
  2. There was a scene where Noelle was around two Americans, no Brits--and there was no trace of her faux accent. She also really doesn't have it in her THs. I can't stand her and her pursed lips. Between that and the smoking...hello, mouth wrinkles. I like Caroline. I think she's pretty and I like her voice, not the accent, particularly, but the cool and confident way she speaks. Noelle tries to adopt her style and intonation and fails, obviously.
  3. Basically Carole's only line in this episode was "I dated Ralph Fiennes."
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