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Everything posted by twilightzone

  1. It was stupid, sloppy and arrogant. They didn't even bothered to talk to Terrance, who was right to call them out at the house meeting. Terrance might as well go out fighting. Michael was already worried about what Kyle was going to spin to the jury. Michael and Brittany needs to be put up for the 2nd eviction. If he wins veto, she goes - along with her gaslighting, fake compassion.
  2. M/B only fessed up because they wanted to get back at Kyle, whom they felt betrayed by. With the house split, they saw that Kyle had iced them out. They weren't necessarily looking out for Taylor and Monte.
  3. I don't think Michael will flip on Turner and get blood on his hands. Alyssa would be the easiest option. Monte and Taylor would push for her over Terrance.
  4. That was a typo. Went back and corrected it to F4.
  5. Michael wants Monte in the Final 4. If he keeps his word to Turner, most vulnerable would be Terrance and Alyssa. It will be a Jasmine type of eviction - where it's just time for them to go.
  6. They have the save jury house segment for next week. That's when the next bomb will be dropped when Kyle has to confront Indy, Jasmine, Joseph, whom he claimed was part of a Cookout 2.0 conspiracy. Before that, he will be doing a bunch of post show interviews with the press. That should be interesting, to say the least.
  7. The Feeds are hardly a reliable source. Regardless, this have been hammered to death. Let's move on.
  8. I actually never said that. Regardless, it's irrelevant, since whether the above is even true. Done. End.
  9. She should be in it win. And that means at some point she should be willing to take Michael out. If they get to the Top 4 and it's her, Michael, Brittany, Monte. Taylor should be working with Monte.
  10. I have enough confidence to say that Taylor won't win the Final HOH against Michael. The feeds are hardly a reliable source. Even so, $10k is not worth the stress, hassles of all the extra weeks in the BB house.
  11. Smart money says that Taylor will not win the final 3 HOH over Michael. Source?
  12. Let's be real, Taylor is not going to beat Michael in the F3 to win HOH. Jurors and HGs get pay the same.
  13. Finishing 3rd is the worse spot to be in. You're pretty much forgotten by the media. She gets paid the same as anyone else in the jury. And she will likely lose AFP to Joseph.
  14. Anyone winning HOH should know they need to break up M/B. I would rather Taylor go out on a blaze of glory - then just get dragged along week after week. I think her blind loyalty to M/B will end up costing - not just the game - but AFP. Joseph is #1 on BB Daily. Monte is #1 on Jokers.
  15. You said you want Taylor to win - what is her strategy to get there?
  16. Michael is not in to give Taylor the $750k. The furthest she can get with her blind loyalty to M/B - who rarely even talk game with her - is 3rd place. The worse spot.
  17. But she no chance of winning or getting to the Final 2 - without getting Michael out. In as far as loyalty? He was ready to cut Taylor lose after her disastrous HOH and have a Final 4 with him, Brittany, Kyle, Alyssa.
  18. I don't think she has a strategy to get there. Taylor actually has an opportunity to reshape the game. The problem is that Taylor is the hold out regarding striking against M/B. Whereas Monte, Turner, Alyssa, Terrance are ready to take them out - as anyone should at this point. I think Taylor will be devastated to learn that M/B wanted to dump her after her horrible HOH. Remember the plan was to have a Final 4 with M/B and Kyle and Alyssa.
  19. But he will have press after the show, especially as a winner. And he will be asked about Kyle-gate. And I think he will own up to what he did and make amends. I don't think he will shift blame or make excuses. I don't he's this cold hearted monster that you portray him to be.
  20. I am not talking about social media followers or influencers. Michael has been blasted in the press for holding back on Kyle-gate. He will have to address his actions in post show interviews - and would be smart to get ahead of. Especially as a Public Defender, whose job is to help the under represented.
  21. But if he was smart and expects to win the $750K, he will have the deal with the press after the show. Look at what happened with Daniel and Nicole. They were ripped to shreds in interviews of what happened with Taylor. Acting as if you could care less about the other HGs, is not a winning strategy.
  22. I am not talking about the jury. But Michael needs to take responsibility for what he did - considering that Terrance and Monte were upset at the house meeting. Start with his own apology tour. Sit down and have one-on-ones with Terrance and Monte. Michael has talked about being discriminated for being gay. Yet where's his compassion when it comes to other marginalized groups?
  23. But the obvious big move that he could have made - and chose not to - was out Kyle-gate at the time. Instead of holding on to it for several weeks - and letting it come back and bite him. He only said something because the team split and he felt Kyle iced him out. It wasn't out of his concern for the POC in the house.
  24. He is a comp beast, but he has yet to make any big moves in the game. And considering that Kyle-gate came back and bit him. He was always more of a follower vs a strategist with The Leftovers. Evicting Daniel during his HOH was already set up by the alliance. And Jasmine? One of the easiest evictions.
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