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Posts posted by wayne67

  1. Why are we trying to make it make sense?  I mean, Vocal Adrenaline is supposed to be their biggest rival, and they're close enough that Will can take a job coaching them without seeming to abandon his family, yet they were never in competition against them in Sectionals...


    You know what, this is too much.  I'm just going to walk away before I give myself an aneurysm.


    We watch Glee. Obviously we're gluttons for punishment.


    I was just curious how important Sectionals were supposed to be. I'm just going to pretend it's a qualifier and move on to wondering if any of this is leading to something.

  2. No, the bed bug panic and the HIV panic were both directly related to his dirty dirty affair which he was ashamed of. 


    In its description, it says this show is about three gay men navigating life in San Fran but in reality, this show is about Patrick.  We learn about other characters but more than not, people who enter Patrick's life are to shine a light on his characteristics and tangentially their own characteristics. 


    His coworker friend seemed to take even more extreme measures against Bed bugs than Patrick. I can understand why those two are friends.


    I know more about what Dom wants for his life than I do about Patrick. I don't know what Patrick wants to do with the rest of his life. At one point the other guy wanted to be an artist.


    Patrick has no goals that I know of. If he's supposed to the main character with everyone orbiting him I'd expect to have some greater insight into his desires, I mostly know he has issues with basically everything. lol

    • Love 1
  3. Isn't it Sectionals -> Regionals -> Nationals?


    I have absolutely no idea. That's how little the Glee Competitions have meant to me over the last 6 years.

    • Love 2
  4. The only way I buy this Glee club winning any kind of competition is if it happens a la Drop Dead Gorgeous. 


    Perhaps Sue will dose the snacks with laxatives in the last episode to try and rid herself of the Glee Club and instead they bring their own snacks and the other teams come down with a crippling case of the shits. It would seem like a fitting victory for Rachel and her team of her misfits to win without putting in any great effort.


    Wasn't there a thing before Sectionals ? Or is Sectionals the city wide event ?

    • Love 1
  5. Whatever the actors are feeling about Klaine, the coupling has no apparent heat on screen. YMMV though.


    I had to remind myself that Blaine and Kurt got married last episode and were presumably on their honeymoon during this episode because their wedding was so unmemorable I had actually forgotten it had happened.


    I think this was a little noob heavy so that the Originals felt tacked on. Then again the Originals always feel tacked on to their old highschool Glee Club so I guess it's just a thing that never sits well for me.


    If only the Originals had some sort of bond with the new kids that made them feel more attached to their success or failure instead of ... "This is the place we all met and exchanged various body fluids throughout highschool oh hey new kids, we don't know you but hey want to boost the ego of your 20 year old teacher or be subjected to a random marriage proposal... SHH don't speak we don't care who you are. Here's a random assignment, go now so we can go back to talking about ourselves now. Thanks."


    The most depressing thing is this Glee Club will probably end up winning by default because the other teams are run by morons/last minute replacements now.

    • Love 1
  6. But the thing they've had him the higest strung about, the things he's the most uncomfortable with, aren't related to mundane things.  They're related to being gay, class, his family...etc.


    Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar but I don't think shallow is what Looking is going for. Everything is carefully chosen to say something about the characters.


    To be fair the only consistent non gay trait he's had is being a level developer. Something mundane like fixing the CGI in the game was quickly overshadowed by his boss flirting with him. His whole life on screen boils down to being gay and he seems to have the least experience in doing gay stuff probably because he used to be a fat geek.


    Patrick is uncomfortable wearing leather, do we have to assume that he has leather shame? Personally I just think Patrick is a shy nerdy introvert that is super neurotic and he's not comfortable around all the super breezy slutty gay extroverts that populate his life. I don't think that necessarily makes him ashamed of being a gay WASP. Patrick seems to have issues around intensity levels, he's either super reluctant about something or he's super intense about stuff. I don't think we've seen much of a middle ground for him except when he's just chilling with his friends and even then they mock him quite frequently for his failings. YMMV


    Why is Augustine not paying any rent ? He's got a job now. Even if he couldn't cover the whole amount, it'd be nice if it didn't feel like he was leeching off his 'too nice' friend. I am glad that they toned down Augustine a little, he's slightly more tolerable now.


    ETA: He freaked out about bed bugs which was only tangentially related to gay butt sex.

    • Love 2
  7. Season 1 Patrick reeked of it. He had bottom shame.  He had gay shame.  He had class shame. When he spoke of coming out, he talked about how it was like his parents saw him going from straight to into "buttfucking."  Those were his words and not words his parents used.  At the end of the fifth episode last season, he said he might like...in the future...  It was Richie who said "fuck you?"  Patrick couldn't ask for it.  He couldn't say it. 


    Richie listened to Patrick.  He listened to everything Patrick said.  And when Patrick shared his previous bottoming experiences, Richie wondered if Patrick had bottom shame and Patrick admitted he might.   But he didn't judge him for it.  Not the way Agustin mocked him.  Not the way he mocked his own 'gay voice.'


    When that episode aired, it was praised for talking about bottom shame because it's real. It exists.  It taps into society's need to have defined gender roles even in same sex relationships.  It touches the undercurrent of misogyny in not wanting to be "the woman" as if that made someone less than.  Those undercurrents can seep down into a gay man (and even woman)'s psyche.  And Patrick?  Is exactly the kind of guy whose psyche would be affected by that kind of thing. 


    Patrick was giving off so many vibes, I think it was perceptive of Richie. Not thinking it would be akin to Jon not realizing anything is going on with Kevin & Patrick.    Oh yeah, Patrick also admitted it.


    He's bottoming now so that must mean he doesn't have it anymore, right?  Maybe.  But I think the biggeset bragging moment he had this season was when he was talking to Dom about his evolution into "power top."  He's giving into what feels good but the boy definitely still has the issues.


    I don't think Patrick has gay shame or bottom shame or any particular shame. I just think he's high strung...


    When he described his previous bottoming experience it came across as he was more uncomfortable about the process and judging by his reaction to the random in the pilot trying to have casual sex with him I don't think Patrick is all that experienced with gay sex or relationships.


    Richie may be the first time someone took the time to get him in the right mind set and took it slow. Now that there's not so much expectation around it, he's more comfortable doing it but he's not comfortable comfortable about it because he's super uptight about everything as evidenced by the later episode where he's stressing about how much colonic to use to be fresh as a stream for Kevin.


    As for him admitting he MIGHT have bottom shame. I took that as Patrick being his usual hypochondriac self and jumping on anything to get stressed about.  Casual one night stands don't tend to put that much effort into working through your anxieties about sex, they just want to root and go. YMMV


    Patrick is a red hot mess of anxiety and insecurity. Which isn't that surprising considering that everyone seems to treat him as an entitled WASP or a country bumpkin. It's hard to know who you are when everyone is trying to tell you how to act and psycho analysing you at every turn so you don't even get a chance to figure out why you do things. Sometimes a cigar is just a big unwieldy cigar.

    • Love 2
  8. Well to be fair that is how they were brought up thinking that is how a glee club was run.   Except for Rachel's first and nice mentoring session with Jane no we haven't seen that. 


    True... but then they both went to a premiere performing arts school and Kurt stuck around and is doing teaching as part of some qualification so you'd think they might bring some of that back to Glee Club.


    Kurt could be showing them how to improve their vocal range with voice exercises and Rachel could be teaching them some basic dance moves in order to improve their choreography.


    Though I suppose at this point I just have to assume that all these kids somehow know how to arrange their own choreography and synchronise it with random dance/music partners every week with little to supervision from their 2 to 12 Glee Club advisors.

  9. Fair enough. But how have Jamal and Hakeem personally wronged Andre, to the point where he arranged people with guns to rough up Jamal while Andre's wife was gleefully outing Hakeem's girlfriend? I can completely understand Andre not liking Lucious or Cookie, but what have his brothers ever done to him? This is why I feel he acts like a perpetual victim, even when he isn't, and he gets absolutely no sympathy from me.


    And I would like nothing better for him to quit Empire, go with Boo-Boo Kitty to Beretti's and try to destroy his father's family business through old-fashioned, ruthless corporate warfare, not by using his brothers as collateral damage to get back at daddy and advance himself.


    To  be fair... Andre thought Jamal's posse was a bunch of wannabe gangstas who didn't have the stones to do anything serious. Or at least that's what he told his wife who I assume he tells more or less everything based on what we've seen.


    Andre is following his father's example where he's pitting the two musicians against each other to see who is more worthy of the prize of the empire meanwhile ignoring the only son with actual qualifications to run a business himself. He's a bit more ruthless about it but he's learned from the terrible example of Lucious who uses his check book like a leash on Jamal to keep him in line and disapproval on Andre. Hakeem gets no consequence for public urination, undermining the family name and dissing the president for being a sell out.


    I'm not saying Andre is guiltless, he is showing a sort of reckless disregard for the emotions of his family but... on the other hand they don't seem to care at all about him except as a convenient way to get money out from under the IPO stringent scrutiny so I can't exactly cry too many tears for them getting caught in the crossfires of the machinations that Lucious himself set in motion.


    If Lucious wanted to pick a successor based on merit, Andre is the only person that is really qualified but he's more interested in granting the keys to the kingdom to those with musical talent which for the moment excludes Andre.


    Unless Andre fights dirty then he has no chance of being the head of the company and will probably be stuck working under his younger artistic brothers.

    • Love 3
  10. I'm confused...


    Lucious pitted his sons against each other for control over his company... and then he gets pissy when one of his sons tries to show his actual skills by organising a relatively benign corporate takeover. When he told them to fight it out for a multimillion business empire did he want them to play nice ?


    Andre has put his whole life on the line by providing an alibi for his father for a murder he committed and Vernon provided a fall guy for Binky's murder and yet Lucious treats these people as if they're pests because they're trying to take care of his messes.


    If Andre thought he was better than any of these people he would have just got another CFO position at another company. I can't blame him for not holding his parents in high regard, his mother ordered a hit and sold drugs and makes scenes at business meetings. His father is a gigantic hypocrite concerned only with his own image.


    Lucious was the one trying to placate the white media. Andre isn't the only one that's sold out to the "white man".


    Lucious murdered Binky, Andre's actual father figure (supposedly) Lucious has no right to claim the moral high ground on anything.


    If I was Andre and I was being this sidelined by my own family, I'd get a new job and detonate the business right under my selfish douchebag father and be done with it. Reveal the fraud and Lucious's medical condition and have the Empire crumble in his father's face then reveal that the alibi he gave for his father was false and have Lucious spend his last days paying for killing his best friend.

    • Love 4
  11. We got Rachel basically saying she didn't know anything about the kids still and proceeded to do nothing about it again.


    This whole season feels aimless. These characters don't have much of an inner life because they're often so busy interfering with other people's love lives or gravitating to that Choir Room to grow as people.


    The New New Directions have some potential as new characters but they're frequently overshadowed by alumni that refuse to break free of their highschool lives or their selfishness.


    Considering that Sectionals are apparently 2 weeks away and they don't have a full squad and it doesn't seem like Rachel or Kurt has spent any time on camera teaching these kids anything about actual singing or dancing just assigning random artists for these people to work through on their own.

  12. part of the point of Romeo and Juliet was that their particular brand of seizing the moment was unhealthy and ultimately resulted in both of their deaths.

    I love how this part manages to escape people's attention.


    I think a lot of people focus on their glorious passion for each other that they died for love... forgetting that they died more as a result of stupidity and miscommunication than actual love.


    Klaine never communicated, don't like living with each other and have trouble with the concept of monogamy and they decide to get quickie married while sober for... Seize the day...


    God I hate the YOLO mentality.

  13. Another episode where new members show up with barely any effort expended by any of the 4 coaches of the Glee Club.


    Another week where they mention that Sectionals are coming up ignoring that they don't have enough members to compete and even if they did they wouldn't have had enough time to get to know each other let alone learn how to harmonise with each other.


    Rachel is a terrible teacher, there's like 6 members in the Glee Club, how hard is it to spend 10 minutes with each of them each day.


    Oh look another half baked romance sub plot, at least it wasn't propped up by a random 3rd party on camera...


    The plot is non existent and nonsensical and I can't take this show seriously while Sue randomly assaults students in the hallway. I found the mini dictator amusing but only because it was a break from the Old people showing up every week for increasingly contrived reasons.

  14. I thought Andre was playing Russian Roulette with himself...


    I just rewatched that scene and Andre squeezes the trigger and there's a click of the empty barrel/cartridge and I figured that's what was going on.


    He was playing dice with his life so to speak hence his cry of rage and relief afterwards because part of him wants to die because he feels so adrift but there's a stubborn part clinging to life.


    Or maybe it's just me ?

    • Love 11
  15. It feels like the characters are so static.


    Iris feels like the one having the most growth but mostly offscreen so a lot of it comes across as haphazard. Student waitress with secret boyfriend to semi serious reporter with live in boyfriend.


    Barry continues to fight like an impetuous 12 year old with no combat experience despite multiple engagements against metahumans and super criminals.


    Cisco still geeks out over gadgets and code names unconcerned about the shadiness of his boss despite several strange interactions and accusations


    Caitlin... has negative growth...

    • Love 3
  16. There have definitely been times when people have been tortured/kidnapped in an attempt to extract the secret (Pete Ross from "Smallville" comes to mind), and presumably the person would not be tortured/kidnapped if they didn't know, or their torture and kidnapping would last far shorter. 


    One of the classic ones would be the notion that Aunt May's health is so fragile that she would keel over and die if she knew the secret back in the Stan Lee days. Fortunately, she seems to have been alright since being in the know since, what, the 90s? 


    Whatever the case generally, it totally doesn't make sense in the context of the Flash, where Reverse Flash and Girder have both already kidnapped or threatened Iris and where Capt. Cold and Heat Wave kidnapped Caitlin. 


    Especially since Iris is already assumed by the reporting community to have an 'in' with Flash considering she took a photo of his face and had a blog about him that may have included special content from their interactions.


    Iris is already associated with The Flash, in theory she gave him his name so it's not like being ignorant of his actual identity protects her from torture or kidnap. If she was in the know then she could be informed when Barry loses a fight against a super villain and she could take whatever precautions were deemed necessary to deal with the situation.

  17. Patrick's drunken speech was so hard to watch, his friends should have dragged him off after the first couple of sentences because he was making himself into a drunken spectacle.


    I feel sorry for Kevin and Patrick because they really can't seem to get their shit together and work through awkward issues without losing the plot entirely. It's both endearing and frustrating to watch.

  18. I'm team Kevin I guess because I like Russel Tovey on the screen and I think Patrick and Kevin would be a cute couple if they ever could/would dump their collective emotional baggage.


    That said I think Kevin is being a gigantic ASSHAT to his current lover Jon and Patrick needs to stay away from the alcohol during tense situations involving multiple ex's.

    • Love 1
  19. I think Team Flash's relationship worked during the first half because they were all new and mashing together. I think by now we should have had some serious moral difference between these characters. By episode 14 of Arrow we knew where everyone stood morally on an issue where as in this show they all seem to have the same moral compass.


    For me I don't mind Team Flash but a lot of the time they feel like unnecessary baggage as there's no real tension within the group even during moments when they should. Barry for instance figures out that Tony was freed from his prison and snides at Wells who strokes Barry's ego and its swept under the rug. Caitlin points out the dangers of Barry attempting whatever random pointless thing he's doing that day and Barry ignores her. Cisco allows super weapons into criminal hands and he gets grief from Wells for all of a minute before they all move on with not a ripple in the relationship afterwards. Wells spends basically every episode lurking in the background adding very little of note until his big dramatic scene at the end of the episode to cast shade on his character's motivations.


    Rinse and Repeat. *YAWN*


    I want some depth, I don't care about the comics because I haven't read them. I want interesting characters to watch.


    These people I don't even like most of the time. Barry feels fine telling everyone he meets that he's got super powers except his BFF for PLOT. Barry is super smart until he needs to deal with a metahuman and then he's a complete dunce for PLOT. Caitlin is grieving for Ronnie and runs into a version of him and proceeds to act like it's another Tuesday because shipping/plot/ poor acting? There's a basement particle collider that hasn't been scrapped for parts by the government after it caused city wide mayhem and death. Oh and it's filled with metahumans who apparently have no rights which doesn't bother the 2 members of the police force at all or anyone else.


    Unpopular Opinion I'm bored of Wells and his scene of shadiness per episode. It's played a major part in about 12 episodes now and noone other than Joe and Pied Piper thinks Wells is odd at all. I don't understand how you can spend 8 months watching over an unconscious Barry and not ask any questions of your boss? I don't even know if these people are getting paid for working with/on Barry.


    The world building feels very shallow...

    • Love 5
  20. The police know lightning fast guys exist now and they don't seem to care to apply it to a 15 year old murder; otherwise they would have probably issued a warrant for the Flash for Nora Allen's murder already. And I think that after years of trying to convince the police he wasn't lying for his father, Barry wouldn't try to get his father out of jail by lying for his father. 


    Now that I think about it, it seems like someone (possibly Iris?) would say "OMG, Barry you were right! Your story makes sense now! The Flash did it!"


    That's an interesting idea since Iris apparently wanted to blog about The Flash to give credence to Barry's story about the supernatural/unnatural and give hope to the city. Maybe now that she is on the paper she could report on The Flash and somehow relate that to Nora Allen's death. That could create drama for Barry, his alter ego blamed for his mother's death. I mean Iris has seen The Flash acting psychotic at least once before, maybe she could think he had some deep seated psychological issues along with his messiah complex and report on that .


    Or Barry could run and punch things without thinking things through some more... I'm sure the latter is far more likely sadly.

  21. How would that be presented in court? I'm pretty sure that evidence wouldn't pass the Frye test. The only way he can use such info is the way he's currently using it.

    I do wonder what his endgame is with regards to getting his father out of prison. Even if  the man in the yellow suit confesses on tape to being the murderer it's not like Barry can put him in prison or use said confession to get his father out since that would lead to quite a few questions that I'm sure that Barry doesn't want to answer.


    I suppose he couldn't present it in court but considering he works for the police and Joe who was the lead investigator believes that Barry's Dad is innocent, they could reopen the case to investigate it further using the magic mirror as leverage.


    I'm also confused by Barry having a wall of investigation in early episodes apparently never revisited the crime scene to see if he could use his new skills to find something that might have been missed in the original investigation.


    Also The Flash could appear at the police station to prove that lightning fast guys do exist and maybe lend some credence to 10 year old Barry's claim that the super fast yellow guy did it. Or The Flash could dress in a yellow suit and confess and speed away before being arrested.


    It feels like Barry says he wants his dad out of jail but I'm getting no indication that he's trying that hard to free him. Probably a writing failure.

    • Love 4
  22. I'm kind of lost as to why Barry isn't using the magic mirror projector to free his father as it is evidence that his father didn't kill his mother...


    I mean the police know there is The Flash around since there's a photo circulating throughout the press now.


    I guess Barry would rather fiddle with time than free his father by introducing some doubt in his conviction...


    One of my biggest issues with Barry is his actions make no sense when compared to his supposed motivations. He apparently wants to free his father but expends very little energy on screen to tracking down who Reverse Flash is. He supposedly loves Iris but he makes no real effort to pursue her as a romantic interest after blurting out his love confession. He is supposed to be a scientist but he appears to have no interest in studying his own altered physiology or fiddling about with the metahumans in the basement.


    I don't get Barry. He doesn't really make much sense.

    • Love 6
  23. I'm expecting the Klaine Marriage will go as well as Josh and Lily from Popular with their high school marriage. Married too young with no idea what to do next.


    That's my headcanon for these idiots getting together. Bring on Gay Divorce :p

    • Love 1
  24. Well, I pick and choose when I think she's actually telling the truth (like I don't think she was literally going to kill that chicken in the choir room). But she had a legion of Latino fans wanting her autograph and taking pics with her, so I'm gonna assume she really did sell Queso Por Dos to Univision. Which, actually isn't that unbelievable for Glee, given the popularity of YouTube personalities lately.


    The problem for me is with the way Britney has been characterised she could have sold the show for a million dollars or a jelly bean because she acts crazy/childish and has genius math brain so either option isn't outside the realm of possibility for Glee. I try not to think too much about the supposed lives of these characters because if I pick at a thread their whole lives unravel.


    Blaine doesn't have a dad, he's an immaculate conception ... lol

  25. Did anyone else think the subtext of Mike response to Tina's proposal was 'they're all crazy getting married this young, I'm not and I don't want you to be either.'


    I kept waiting for him to say "How about we resume dating like normal people before getting married?"


    What is up with people proposing when they aren't even in a relationship with the other person.

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