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Posts posted by wayne67


    Really? Because he's certainly 1) telling her things are back to normal and 2) showing up at her job constantly shoving Linda right in her face.


    It's also Linda's workplace. Iris doesn't have much of a leg to stand on as far as jealousy goes... she does have a boyfriend after all which this show is happy to ignore so Iris can continue on meeting a vigilante in secret and drooling over Oliver.


    Barry is single, he's allowed to date, just because it's a little awkward dating one of Iris's coworker doesn't mean it's Barry fault. Linda was a random he met at a bar.

    There's plenty of stuff to be annoyed at Barry about. I'm not sure Barry dating and complaining about Iris really constitutes a massive friendship betrayal.


    Keeping The Flash as an alterego a secret from his BFF is a much bigger WTF for me.

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  2.  As opposed to telling Iris about a girl he was dating ?  That seems like a needlessly complicated plan to me.


    I think we have 13 episodes of evidence that Barry doesn't really plan things even when civilian lives are at risk so I doubt he had an elaborate plan to make Iris jealous of some random woman he met in a bar.

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  3. The problem with the theory that Barry's trying to make Iris jealous is evidence that you guys already presented. The fact that he didn't tell Iris that he was going on a date with another girl. Wouldn't that be the best way to make Iris jealous. Even if we chalk that up to forgetfulness then why wouldn't they go on a date to the coffee shop where he knows that Iris would be?


    If Barry was trying to make Iris jealous shouldn't he be happier to have succeeded? If the entire relationship with Linda was just a ploy to get back at Iris shouldn't he be doubling down on that emotion for whatever rather than dissing Iris? Maybe he had a subconscious desire to rub his emotional progress in Iris's face but when the relationship with Linda hit the rocks he went after Linda.


    That said I really wish they'd stop with this stupid love quandrangle.

  4. I feel like Wells is a giant red herring. I know he's reverse flash, but I just don't think he's the only one.

    Just like Barry went back in time and was there when his mother died - I wonder if there is another version of Eddie running around?

    Eh - I dunno.

    I do think there are some major scenes coming up with Eddie soon - 18, I think?


    Yay Eddie may get some screen time in 5 weeks ... woohoo ...


    I assume Wells will be a red herring but at least he has some screen time to sell the possibility he'll be evil once he secures Barry's timeline or something.


    Eddie has nothing going on plot wise even though he's connected to 2 main characters via partnerships (love and work wise) and also works with Barry the main character.

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  5. What's so dumb is that they've had seven episodes where they could have at least tried to create a narrative around the two couples being viable but they've chosen not to because time is better spent with. Sue, Becky, and Vocal Adrenalin.


    Hell they could have used that stuck in an elevator to at least talk through some of the Klaine issues. Eg Blaine telling Kurt that he had sought therapy for his OCD like tendencies about keeping everything a certain way in his living environment and he's learning to let go more.


    Of course it's far too late for that and Blaine is a cheater again and it's all so terrible at this point I can't even work up the energy to care about them. Which is a shame because an actual romance between two gay men in show choir could be interesting but they turned the entire relationship toxic and kept getting them back together without learning anything from the experience. It's too frustrating for words.

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  6. So Dave bought a clue and realized Blaine was only giving him dat ass because he was kind of messed up and needed therapy. Meanwhile, Kurt is still giving up his ass to the old guy because he refuses the endgame thing he's stuck with next week. Good luck with the wedding next week. Nothing will make sense, but that's been true for a long time.


    I think the Glee Club all needs therapy and to get very far away from Will . They're all maladjusted people who think singing and overwrought speeches fix everything and in the Glee Verse sometimes it's true.


    There are so many dodgy relationship and Klaine and Samchel are just competing to bury their respective pasts under the rug for a nominal 'happy ending'.

    • Love 4
  7. Wayne67 - if there's one thing we can definitely agree on - it's that we shouldn't have to work so darn hard just to understand Iris' pov. It feels very manipulative on the part of the writers - rather than give us Iris' pov, they keep it from us to draw out the drama.

    It's like when a writer keeps the "lovers" apart due to a silly misunderstanding that could easily be cleared up if folks talked to one another - had a simple conversation. I hate manipulative writing like that.


    The sad thing is the drama isn't even interesting. It's all very highschool drama. I love her, she loves someone else, I move on, she's now interested. For a show about super villains and super powers I don't want to see boring repetitive love triangles that I can see on basically every stupid show especially since I'm not overly invested in who gets with who.


    Iris got into a relationship with Eddie off screen and pursues that relationship 95% off screen. 99% of Barry and Iris's relationship is supposedly implied as him crushing on her. It does not lend weight to their epic love triangle. It's just coming across as overwrought nonsense.

    • Love 1
  8. I think there is going to be something interesting with Eddie coming up.  I don't know what - but it's gonna be something.  He can't have that name for nothing.  I kinda wonder if the writers are going to let him fade into the background a bit and then do something shocking with him later.


    Also - I don't think Iris is "over him", but I definitely think she's confused - if she was over him, she would have traipsed off with Barry when he came to interrupt her dinner plans with Eddie and his family... 


    The problem with that is that if they leave Eddie off in the background doing whatever for an extended period of time by the time he does something supposedly shocking most of us will be like "Who's that guy again" and then after a moment it'll be like "Oh yeah Iris apparently lived with him without throwing a house warming party for her friends and family".


    If Eddie turns out to be evil for whatever reason, I don't think it'll come across as some shocking revelation or betrayal it'll just be some other nonsense piled onto the altar of poor set ups. They've been teasing Well's dubious intentions every other episode. Eddie barely even gets to interact with his actual girlfriend or partner so anything he does will be like "oh he still exists" rather than something meaningful.

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  9. Well, I thought it was super weird she did nothing with the picture and now that I realize it was on the front page I think it's weird they didn't discuss it or that there was zero reaction from Barry to her sneaking that picture on the sly when he came to her about something else...


    See if Barry was annoyed that Iris took advantage of the Flash to further her own career at his own expense that could make for interesting drama with his pointless secret alter ego but instead it's just another non event. It's interesting that she failed the number 1 rule of reporting... She didn't protect her source. Depending on whether she got credit for that photo exposes her to tonnes more risk.


    If not it wouldn't ingratiate her to the Flash. Then again The Flash is her lying BFF so nothing she does has consequences for their secret relationship.



    I actually took Iris' surprise less as evidence of her skills as a journalist and more as evidence that her boss sucks. For all we know, Iris basically talked to HR on the phone, got offered a job as a trainee and was told to show up at 8am. She may not have had the opportunity to discuss what her boss actually was expecting. At my work (which granted isn't a newspaper), you interview for a position and know what the general description is, but you don't see your actual boss or get a specific assignment until you get there.


    For all we know Iris didn't ask. We don't know anything we haven't seen on screen or hasn't been mentioned. It could have been solved if she said anything during those scenes with Barry complaining about reporting because it seems to imply that she expected something else to be the case. It's a mess because I shouldn't have to work this hard to figure out the details of a major character's major life event.


    It's like her reaction to Barry's love confession. I'm stuck guessing at her reaction which seems to be a complete blank denial.

  10. If there was one thing that stood out to me (and it was in the background) was Spencer, who had thus fan resisted the "gay" label now embracing his place as a member of the LGBTQ community with his willingness to come to Beiste's defense. And then having him dancing around the party in a pink tutu and cowboy hat.


    I don't know if Spencer was supposed to be supporting Beiste because he now features in the LGBTQ rainbow now, I read it as more being defending his football coach from assault from outside forces. Then again Spencer is such a hodge podge of characterisation I have no idea what's going on with him.


    Spencer schemed to have Beiste fired so he could be a quarterback and then joined Glee because he was being sort of blackmailed into joining by Sam who held the quarterback position over his head. Spencer states that he doesn't want to be thought as gay by joining Glee even though he thinks of himself as a potential rock star but now apparently is fine with wearing a tutu and having pictures taken of the festivities. If this was a better show I could maybe fan wank that he was growing as a person and opening up to possibilities as being part of a team. However since they made the last 2 week/ Glee lessons about propping Rachel then I'm forced to conclude that they just dropped his post modern gay thing of "I'm a footballer who happens to be gay" and turned him into a gay footballer.

    • Love 1
  11. I think Cailin is supposed to be that person. She tends to call him out on his Iris fixation and she's normally the dissenting voice whenever he tries to do anything too crazy. However, it's hard to take her seriously when she's starting to act more and more like Cisco.


    Caitlin seems like she's the person that points out the flaws in Barry's plans but Barry doesn't really listen very often so it lacks real meaning. Caitlin can't inflict any consequences for Barry's failures, she often seems to console him after his failures.


    She pointed out that he could have died from the bullet but he doesn't take her seriously and he doesn't modify his behavior at all. When someone points out your flaws and you don't care about it, that's not a consequence. At least Oliver got to shoot him with arrows even though that had little long term impact. Caitlin just patches his wounds and essentially tutts over him like a mother... It's a disservice to both characters.

    • Love 1
  12. Maybe they are - I'm sure they couldn't have guessed that some fans (not saying you are doing this) would practically be demanding proof of her journalism skills, lol.

    Like I said - I think they've mishandled how this has come about, but maybe they'll get it together better now.


    I think the fact that Iris was as clueless as we were about her function at the newspaper proves this story line is a mess. Iris apparently took a job as a reporter without actually asking any questions about the job. That's what makes me laugh at her 'reporting skills' more than anything. Of course noone took her seriously because she hasn't actually done any reporting before. Blogging is not the same as reporting, there may be degrees of intersections of skills, eg writing style but it varies so much with investigation skills such as corroborating information, asking questions of bystanders, liaising with the police and journalistic integrity.


    I do find it funny that the picture she took of Flash ends up on the front page and they don't even have a conversation about it. If Iris is supposed to be Barry's BFF why isn't she telling him this major news instead of his father showing him the newspaper where I can't even read the byline to figure out if she got credit for the photo or wrote the article.


    I don't really like investing in maybes personally. I want an actual trajectory that makes sense. I have a similar problem with Barry, he doesn't seem to be growing as a person much even with major life changing events.

    • Love 1
  13. I think I can counter this. hmm.... Since Peekaboo derives her powers from lights, he had to stay around the lab in case something went wrong like she escaped.


    He could have just knocked her unconscious for a red hot minute. I mean he's going to ignore her civil liberties anyway why pull any punches when completing his mission. After all the bf was the one who shot him. Hell he could have taken a sedative with him and just jabbed her at any point.


    That's why the Barry fights are always so lacklustre to me... They consist of running and punching. He works with super scientists with a million dollar setup and he just punches people at super speed over and over again. How boring.

    • Love 1
  14. Beiste is Will's friend, so that's at least one friend his own age. Would Emma count?


    I don't think they are actual friends. I think they were friendly coworkers. I don't remember the last time Beiste and Will interacted in any sort of friendship capacity. Emma doesn't really count as a friend for various reasons.

  15. I thought Unique giving Beiste advice was fine. She knows better than anyone else what the experience is like.


    I don't think Unique is qualified to give advice on the matter as Unique's experience is completely different. Beiste is post op and has gone through tonnes of offscreen psychological assessments and is coming back as a man to a school teaching highschool football. Unique is... I don't know what Unique's story is any more to be honest since they jettisoned the character.

  16. As many problems as I have with the show, I'll just hand wave Peek A Boo's bofo disappearing as Peek a Boo being the more important prisoner so they just let him go while worrying about securing her.


    As for the thing with Iris I tend to believe it's not so much that she's jealous of Barry as much as it's that she wants to be the woman that Barry's paying attention to esp at her job.


    I've always wondered how the hell that Eddie doesn't have a problem with the stuff that Barry does with Iris. I know  he was jealous early in their relationship but Barry has gotten worse since then. I'm not expecting him to be a caveman but at least have a talk with Barry.


    Except Peekaboo and The Flash just sat there sharing an awkward depressing moment noticing that her bf ran off... It's not like Barry couldn't superspeed her to a prison cell or a basement for the literally 3 seconds it would take to run up and down the streets to catch an injured human and cart him off to jail.


    Iris talks about her reporting job enough at her other job? or the other place she used to work discussing personal stuff with her BFF at reporting job would just be weird. Iris's story is so patchy it's hard to tell what's going on with her. Is she supposed to be studying still? is that reporting job full time? Did she quit her waitressing job?


    As for Eddie he gets even less of a POV than Iris because he's the placeholder bf so he comes across like Cyclops in the Xmen movie franchise, a dull impediment to the supposed romance between people who've never ever dated. Which is a disservice because Eddie and Barry have actually had a few nice moments together with the boxing lesson and the trivia night. Despite The Flash nearly killing him once.


    Eddie seems to be fading into the background, he doesn't seem to care about the Flash task force or about his girlfriend flirting with a costumed hero or Barry being all super weird with his girlfriend.


    At the very least Eddie should tell Barry off for disrespecting Iris.


    Ugh. I'd be willing to overlook Barry's flaws if he ever had to deal with the consequences of that flawed behavior.

    • Love 1
  17. I never thought Will intended to keep the jacket forever, so I prefer to think that he gave it back. I doubt we'll ever find out for sure either way since I think it was supposed to be symbolic more than anything else.


    I'm sure his teacher having his jacket is way more meaningful than his mother having it... I'm going with it's Spencers

  18. I would totally watch that show and now I'm sad that it will never happen.


    It would be over in a flash... lol


    On a semi related subject does it bother anyone else how inconsistent Barry's speed is ? At some points the Flash Gang is like you have to work to break the speed of sound when he disappears from sight frequently.


    How did Peekaboo's bf escape him when he had been shot 10 show minutes ago.



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  19. The first time he cheated he still was allowed to sleep in Kurt's bed that night and was called a good person and hero by Sam not long afterwards. And now the boyfriend he was living with and who he cheated on simply shrugs, smiles and sends him merrily on his way to Kurt with his blessing.


    My headcannon is that Dave was sick of getting Blaine's hair gel all over his hands and was happy to see the back of him. I'm going with Blaine was an experiment for Dave in seeing if he liked alpha twinks instead of bears and is now ready to go hook up with an otter instead.


    Can I just say, gay terminology is hilarious.

    • Love 1
  20. There is literally know reason for Barry to think even sleeping with Linda on the desk in front of iris would be rubbing it in her face if he had no reason to think iris feels anything but friendship for him. Which he doesn't. Iris rejected him and stayed with her boyfriend. She doesn't feel the same about him. Why would she care if he is dating someone else?

    (I mean I know the only reason People think it's an issue is because comics and because the writers are going with the cheap trope here but BArry himself has no reason to think any of this would bother iris in the slightest).


    Thanks Shanna now I'm picturing Barry super speeding his way through sex with Linda on Iris's desk while Iris remains clueless about the act.


    Which would mean that he trusts Linda with his secrets more than Iris but that's a whole another bag of worms.

  21. The question becomes does Barry have to tell Iris about who he's dating?


    He was meeting Linda for a first date and she found out literally minutes before they went on a first date.


    At that point he'd only have I met this woman at a bar and she touched her phone to mine and left... or he left and we're meeting for lunch. It's not exactly groundbreaking news especially since he didn't seem that enthused about the prospect anyway.


    If we're going with the BFF aspect than Barry should have told Iris about The Flash thing months ago or that he was in love with her YEARS AGO when she wasn't dating someone. Barry doesn't tell Iris lots of things, at this point I don't consider him not telling her about a first date indicative of some vast elaborate plan to rub a first date in her face.


    If he really wanted to rub it in her face he'd make out with another woman. Then again at this point she's still in a relationship with someone else while he's trying to date after a year hiatus from the dating world so if she was his friend she would be happy for him moving on.


    At this point I don't think they're really friends anyway for a whole bunch of reasons.

  22. Will was having a lesson about tolerance and had Unique there.  Why would they do that at Mck too?


    No one is arguing if that is was a good storyline.  The fact is the writers wanted a lighter story due to the other   3 main story lines here and that was a party at Rachel house and since they had already brought up the house being sold they used that. 


    Will started that lesson because he was annoyed that VA egged two people he was friends with not because it had anything to do with VA's winning at sectionals.


    Glee's lesson plan was TRANSITIONS, which could have been applied to Beiste as Sam is supposed to be close to him. Rachel lived in New York for 3 years without needing songs to prop her up.


    As for what you bolded. I don't think that sentence makes actual sense. Pick a tense please .

  23. She did say no.  But people want to blame Rachel for everything even when it's five people pushing the issue at her...

     It's a set up to sing songs.  WTF of course nobody pointed a gun.  Nobody pointed a gun at everyone to "rally" around her either.  This argument is bonkers.


    Except they could have had the transition lesson being about either Unique or Beiste so the set up for songs being let's prop Rachel for the 6th time to deal with her emotional issues as if that's necessary doesn't fly for me.


    Instead of Sam being so concerned about Rachel not having her childhood home he could have used the Glee Club to support Beiste who went through a major change.


    Rachel is supposed to be guiding the New Nu directions to Sectionals with Kurt's help, which is why SHE FINANCED THE GLEE CLUB. That makes her responsible for their success since she set them up to fail, if she can't take her mind off her own problems to do that then I BLAME HER. You may disagree but that's my opinion and if you want to argue that, then argue your point instead of saying my argument is bonkers without arguing whatever your point is.

  24. Omg it is fiction and a comedy and five other adults seem to be in on the plan  but ok Rachel is the one who is wrong


    I'm aware it's fiction. Thanks. It hasn't been a comedy for a while now.

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