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Posts posted by wayne67

  1. that one guy has it right. There are no relatives in Valyria because "Old Valyria" is in ruins, there's been at least one reference to "the Doom of Valyria". There may be plenty of others in Essos with some degree of Valyrian blood, but the Targs were the last dragonriders and Maester Aemon is the last known living Targ other than Dany. He has met who I believe to be his great-great-nephew, Jon but of course neither is aware of their relation.


    Well I think it's odd that Stannis daughter could have a book detailing dragons and dragon riders from 300 years ago and noone thinks to look for any books about dragons out in Mereen. It doesn't have to be Valerian family members but it's like Sam knowing about random arcane lore from reading lots of books. I'd imagine something got passed down during the generations. Valeria may have had some Maesters that weren't Targareans that might have been saved from the royal purge.


    It's just odd that noone ever mentions even attempting to find a way of how the dragons were controlled in the past. It's like having a giant catapult and only getting it to work erratically because the builder is dead and you don't even bother looking for a new one.


    Maybe Dany should look for one of those people who can control animals with their minds... Whatever they were called...

    • Love 1
  2. It's odd how much my opinions on characters have changed upon watching the show after such a long absence.


    Dany was at 11/10 in my ratings and has dropped down to a 7, she's a great strategist when it comes to blood and death but she's not that great at administration of a kingdom. Which was her stated intent in staying behind so she could practice ruling over 1-3 cities? and gain experience at leadership before heading off to Westerosi to reclaim her birthright. At least she knows she has a lot to learn, which is better than most of the rulers we see about. Unfortunately while I appreciate the sentiment of learning how to rule, the failure with the dragons makes me question why she hasn't asked any of her relatives back in Valeria for some "how to train your dragons" books. *sigh*


    Tyrion used to crack me the hell up with his witty banter but went downhill for me with his endless nonsense with... his ex whose name I can't even remember any more. He's down to a 7 now... Let's hope he livens up the dull Dany practicing ruling over a small kingdom with some witty banter and some excessive drinking and whoring with Dario whenever he arrives in the city whose name I can't even remember.


    Varys is down to a 7 too from 10, he's now a glorified babysitter.


    Margery is still a 10 :P You go girl


    Arya is still a 3 for me... petulant teenager with a hit list... It's like Karate Kid and Heathers all rolled up in one tedious package


    I think the biggest surprise for me was Sansa, she's gone from a 3 to 7 ... I'm now actually curious what Sansa is going to do, her plot seems to be finally heating up after years of slow build up...


    Cersei is basically the only -10 character left, she's so awful as to be compelling in a "you can't be serious, can you?' way.


    I apologise if this post was barely coherent.


    The episode progressed the plot forward by a tiny increment... The world has gone upside down and I'm liking Sansa more while liking Dany less. It's madness... It's GOT.


    I really should do a rewatch of season 4 so I can try and remember all the other characters and cities...

    • Love 2
  3. (one I can take a crack at!)

    Because Ten.2 was regenerated from Handy, he was mostly Time Lord with a little bit of human thrown in while Donna was fully human when the meta-crisis happened.  She only got the knowledge of a Time Lord, plus a regeneration energy defense mechanism, but not the brain of a Time Lord.


    But ten 2 explained that he will age like a human getting old like Rose ... Can you have a brain of a Time lord with a human physiology ?


    Instead of becoming senile after 13 generations he'll go senile after 3 decades...


    Also Rose is technically hooking up with a newborn clone... That is all sorts of weird and creepy.


    The ratio of Time Lord-ness is a hand's worth compared to Donna entire body to add to the human equation. Ten 2 should theoretically have a Time Lord hand


    I'm more confused as to why the Daleks cared about keeping Adelaide (from Waters of Mars) alive when they were planning on setting off a reality bomb...


    A lot of these plots make no sense without an awful lot of fan wanking

    • Love 2
  4. I'm still puzzling over how Ten 2 with the mind of the Doctor in a human body functioned when Donna Doctor apparently couldn't survive intact.


    It's probably best not to think about that as a consolation doctor was weird and The Doctor falling in love with a 20 year old made little sense.

  5. Anyone else hoping that Pied Piper finds out about Captain Cold and decides to be their Dark Cisco building them better weapons... I'm hoping Captain Cold upgrades his weapon from a single direction gun to a frost wave attack method... Seriously how many villains know about Flash's super secret identity ?

  6. That would have been the only realistic option Cisco would have had at that moment. And as for the absolute zero weapon that he made, I would have assumed Wells/Thawne would have disabled it the first opportunity he got. When Cisco first mentioned its existence Wells/Thawne did get angry.  I'm sure it had more to do removing any possible threats to himself than keeping Barry safe.


    He did seem more concerned about Barry's safety. I'd imagine it's because he needs Barry to complete some sort of time Paradox to ensure his own survival. Or at least that's my headcanon at the moment until show canon replaces that guess.

  7. Errr... I do bash Joe. Repeatedly. He's the absolute worst. He's a paternalistic, misoygnistic ass who treats his daughter like attractive furniture and actually tries to pimp her to her brother so she'll stop dating his partner.


    Yeah I'm not a fan of Joe's keeping Iris in the dark mantra. It comes off as completely unnecessary. Iris singlehandedly dealt with that clock guy... She's not a wilting flower. I'm not saying she should put on a costume and pitch in but as someone who would be really upset that Barry would die if Flash died in one of his poorly thought out battles should at least know that his life is in risk more or less constantly. For one it would propel their relationship forward in one way or another and provide more reasons to include her in the plot.


    As for what makes her so special. I think that's a frequent complaint of female characters (rarely some males) in the middle of love triangles. For instance Bella off Twilight. Why do either of those guys like her ? I sort of get why the werewolf dude likes her, he knew her when she was young and she went away and got 'hot' but Edward's a 100 year old vampire, he's bound to have gotten around looking like that.


    Or Elana in Vampire Diaries or Marissa in OC or Laurel. Sometimes some characters don't resonate with the audience and we're left with the question why are these super hot rich guys fighting off this fairly bland person.


    As an audience member I don't get why Barry is in love with her. That's not a disparagement on Iris but more on the writing because I've been given no explanation for why Barry imprinted on Iris other than that she was there fulfilling some emotional need when his world fell apart but I'm not getting much else that's a healthier motivation.


    I liked Iris for the first four or so episodes despite some niggles over her saying "I'll just make stuff up" or "I wanted you here so you could translate this science stuff so I didn't need to research", (paraphrasing a bit) but then Barry confessed his love for her and then nothing made sense from there. She apparently rejected him off screen and is living with one guy while passive aggressively sabotaging her best friends relationship so he wouldn't move on without her even while she's half way married to some other guy. I do not get behind that.


    The Barry Iris relationship started with them kissing under threat of death while in other relationships and whatever happens with time travel rewrites that will be how their relationship went from just friends who lived together for some unspecified period of time while they grew up to male and female who want to pursue their sexual/emotional feelings ... I don't like that. I can not root for that. For me that's why I dislike it. Also the keeping your best friend/love interest in the dark always irritates me.


    Also what happened with Iris's mother ? Did she wander off into a black hole ? Is that why Joe is so protective of her ? CONFUZZLED.

    • Love 4
  8. Not careers, specifically. But all three women are going to college, without the help of anyone else.


    Except for presumably those scholarships that MIT gave Britanny, Santana's parents providing money (I have a vague memory of that being a plot point) and I assume Quinn got a scholarship since last I heard she had no parents supporting her after that giving birth thing...


    Also my point was that I have no idea what any of those characters wanted to do with their lives, career wise. Did we ever know what Quinn was studying ?

  9. It took me a long time to get around to watching this episode mostly because at one point I liked the show then found it amusing in broken kind of way then just watched it because sometimes the songs were good and the humor was amusing in a dad joke kind of way. Funny for not being at all funny like those puppets...


    This episode was mostly dull. It was kind of weird seeing the 30 year olds playing their 25 year old selves playing 15 year olds in the first episode with that one scene where they were young again for realsies in the DSB song. The second with all the flash forwards strained belief as they didn't even make any effort to show them having aged or changed over 5 years... 


    Glee is so bad for continuity and any grasp on logic. Will wasn't that great a teacher and I don't think he'd be an awesome principal. It would have been nice if we ever saw Will teaching instead of giving pep talks, most of his lessons involved random artist with a 30 second vague explanation and then apparently leaving the children to arrange their own choreography for songs they had selected. The only time I can remember Will doing anything resembling teaching was when he was demonstrating to Roderick and the footballer dance moves and he seemed mildly frustrated when they didn't get it the first time.




    Glee definitely had some great moments but they became more and more infrequent relying heavily on music and emotional manipulation to excuse terrible plotting and character development.


    Oh well it's over now.

    • Love 2
  10. I always found it too seamless. They went from this awkward Kurt had a crush, Finn couldn't handle it, to okay with each other, to brothers, without any problems.


    Frankly I found it creepy that Kurt manipulated their parents together so he could spend more time with his crush considering that they spent all that time together in Glee anyway. I wouldn't want to share a room with someone like that at all. Then they tried to sell it as Finn being homophobic to bypass Kurt's weird obsessive behaviour.

    • Love 3
  11. I find it funny that Klaine's marriage is not even visible on screen after this episode. It's like Glee had them marry and then completely forgot their supposed to be handsy newlyweds...

  12. Personally I like Patrick and Kevin. They have their issues and are working their way through the awkward patch.


    I doubt they'll last forever as this is a soap opera of sorts that will probably have the characters in different relationships every other season for years (if it survives) before it settles in everyone having a long term relationship.


    That said... That workplace confession was excruciating for a lot of reasons. Mostly because it felt like a complete overshare. Oh well.


    That Gloryhole guy was kind of ridiculous. You're going to comment on a couple of gay guys looking too similar when you've made an app for gay guys that hook up through glory holes to socialise afterwards, having porn stars in the background made his moral high horse routine especially bonkers.


    People who hook up in gloryholes have an easy way to socialise afterwards it's called conversation such as "That was hot, let's do it again elsewhere."

    • Love 1
  13. I find myself distracted by all the random career outcomes when a character like Sam goes from being a stripper at one point to wanting to being a one and done model and then all of a sudden wanting to be a football coach when there has been no telegraphing of any real interest in that activity before this season.


    Personally I'm less concerned about whether their success is earned or unearned or realistic or unrealistic and more about whether their success is mildly interesting.


    Rachel's success as Funny Girl was boring and took up a lot of season 5 and now her abandoning that career opportunity has taken up a lot of season 6 with no self awareness for the actual reason for her career flailing.


    I don't mind that Britney is somehow a super math genius as long as it's seldom referenced and doesn't take up too much time as it's completely eye roll worthy.


    Similar to why Sue's illegal antics are amusing in small doses but a whole episode of her psychosis just breaks the suspension of disbelief for the fact she's still employed while she's assaulting students repeatedly.

    • Love 1
  14. The choice between another Broadway role and going back to NYADA is just such a dumb one.  Why are the writers even setting this up?  It's just an unrealistically stupid set-up and it feels like cheap storytelling.  Rational people don't spend $50k in tuition a year to go to performing arts school if they're already getting strong opportunities at real professional jobs.  It's not like Rachel is some legacy kid with tons of connections or money.  If it's the right opportunity, you take the job and leave school to return at a later time if you really want to.  Performing arts school don't really teach you the business side of things anyway.  Not enough where you don't need an effective team around you anyways.  That's why people have managers, agents, lawyers on staff.


    The worst part of this story is also having Sam "try to be the voice of reason".  The guy that couldn't get into a school and sniffs jock straps.  He's the last person anyone should be getting advice from.



    The curriculum isn't the only thing that is important about a performing arts school. When Rachel was part of the Winter Showcase that was supposedly a big deal and a way to get noticed by people who invest in those Broadway plays and in performing arts.


    There are also valuable connections to be made from a performing arts school such as a nod from Whoopi could get her into various audition rooms. Similar to Mercedes having the inside scoop on an audition for Rachel but on a larger scale.


    As for the job we don't really know what it entails or how well it's run, the other members of the cast or how well it's done. NYADA on the other hand is supposedly a great institution to hone your craft.


    At this point Rachel is more of a one trick pony, she can stand and sing but she doesn't have the commitment to improving her dance skills or rounding out any of her other skills to make her mesh into a performance.


    From what we've seen on screen she has argued with directors about styling choices, suggested unwarranted rewrites, blown off a cast party to hang out with her friends, broken a contract, bailed on a successful broadway play after a month because she was bored and has been in a terrible tv show. Also she complained endlessly about the understudy process even though it's an industry standard, sabotaged a PR opportunity for the show by freaking out over Santana's inclusion as an understudy and to cap it all off she basically gave a big F you to Whoopi who gave her a second chance after she choked during her first audition because she didn't NEED HER OR THE SCHOOL after getting a job.


    If this show had any grasp on reality Rachel would have been blacklisted or at least would have a reputation as a HIGH RISK.  At this point we are supposed to cheer over Rachel's success after a single audition that happened offscreen after learning no humility or anything.

    • Love 2
  15. Exactly. It's just like "diva" -- a "diva" is a black woman (always a black woman -- who sings well. And the people who use it know it has a negative connotation: a "diva" is a woman (always a woman) who feels entitled to the best of everything.


    Woops. I've apparently been using that word wrong for years. I blame Glee for making me think Diva was someone who was talented but demanding . I've been using it to describe Rachel for the last 3 seasons of that show.


    Sometimes for Blaine, though mostly when he imagined everyone as puppets...


    I'm still wondering what kind of race they were running in the boardroom. Becky made a big deal about Creedmore's bar graph being temporarily bigger than Empire's .


    Wasn't Empire a diverse business empire ? With hotels and clubs and stuff? Or is it just going to focus on the music business ignoring those other things ?


    I would really like some explanation for why publicly listing the company would make Anika a billionaire ?

    • Love 1
  16. Maybe Carmen heard that Rachel was offered that other musical and told her she could come back to NYADA as a test? I mean, that's still unrealistic but at least it is slightly logical.


    Weren't there a lot more Warblers than we saw in this episode? They must have had more than 12, since in the invitational it was only mentioned that New Directions was under the minimum.  But there weren't 12 of them singing with the New Directions. Maybe some of them died in the fire and they thought that was less important to mention that when we could have Becky screaming at Sue.


    Perhaps other Warblers merely went to other schools unconcerned about competing for a meaningless trophy. Who knows with this show. I don't think logic is a primary factor in why things happen here.

  17. I think I shall call the New Warbler Directions by the easiest combination of their names I can think of... New Wardir pronounced like New Order...


    I did LMAO during the air battle guitar especially when it was revealed that in the 'real world' they were two middle aged people making weird faces at each other to music while flailing around a stage to the mild dismay of assembled random students and alumni who never LEAVE.


    It's like Klaine haven't come back from their honeymoon and are straight into old boring married people territory already. I guess the honey moon is over.

  18. How many chances has Carmen given Rachel at this point? Too many. 


    I think this would be the fourth ?


    There was the original audition where Rachel choked (1st chance) then everyone went on about how talented and amazing she was in typical propping fashion and she was given another chance and got into the super exclusive performing arts school NYADA.


    3rd chance was when Rachel was given the opportunity to make up for her missed performance at the schools mandatory song/dance thing ... Which she could have done easily if she hadn't sabotaged the whole understudy process.


    And now we are on Rachel's fourth chance where after bailing on the school saying she didn't need them because she already had a job performing she's been invited to join NYADA again for reasons that were never explained or explored.



    I don't really see why Rachel should go back to NYADA. Presumably the point of NYADA is to break out on the Broadway scene and get cast in musicals. Rachel has already done that and is getting offers.


    I think Rachel's former dance teacher at NYADA explained succinctly why it's important to have a rounded education at a performing arts school. Cassandra explained that she was talented and was all set to be the next breakout star before she lashed out in anger in a public venue and her career crashed and burned.


    Modern day performers need to be schooled in the art of public relations, taught coping strategies for dealing with rejection and bad reviews and have the regular routines of scheduled performances and deadlines so they are prepared for making the most of their opportunities.


    While having a job in Broadway is a great achievement, that's only the first step, there's performing well under pressure, being gracious with other cast members and honoring commitments. Otherwise that one job will be the only job you have unless you have other people pulling strings for you. Though on this show Rachel has her friends sending her to auditions where she gets the leads without more than one audition. Yawn. BORING.



    The point of NYADA and other performing arts schools is not merely to prepare people for auditioning well enough to get a role but also to develop their skills to build and sustain a career. Some people can develop those skills on the job but Rachel has proved she cannot. She couldn't make it a month before she was bored with it all. Not to mention she never seemed to have a fundamental understanding of all of the different components of a production that contribute to its success.

    Really why should I believe the same thing won't happen again given that there is no indication she has learned a damn thing this year? Sure her time at back at NYADA might not teach her those things either but I think she has a better chance at developing staying power if she gets that education. Right now if she goes straight back to Broadway I think it is entirely likely she will be back in Lima within the year whining about how it all fell apart again.



    ITA Rachel hasn't learn any humility or dedication to a goal. She abandoned her goal of resuming her NYADA education the second she heard back about that audition. She will presumably abandon the Glee Club she funded once she flounces off to the next big thing that might amuse her in the short term.


    Any time I think I might like Rachel's ambition I'm reminded of her selfishness in refusing a young boy a puppy because it inconvenienced her.


    Kitty was hilarious.

    • Love 3
  19. I can't get enough of this show but can you imagine coming to Zoe when you are terrified about a physical symptom you are experiencing?  I'd rather be treated by Lucille Ball.


    I laughed so hard at this one... Zoe is a terrible doctor, she's always jumping to conclusions or breaking doctor patient confidentiality to gossip.

    • Love 1
  20. The scene where Cookie visited Titan's Muslim mother was so different from most of her scenes.  I loved it and thought it was beautiful.  I would like to see more scenes like that.  Not that I don't love Cookie in full-on rage mode.


    True I had forgotten that scene. Unfortunately that scene is tainted by the fact that Cookie was playing that woman to get close to her son to please Lucious for reasons I still can't understand.


    There was also that scene when she was singing to herself in the prison which was beautiful.


    I'm not sure how to express my wish for her character clearly. I guess I'd like her to open up a little more to her sons so they can connect to her more on a personal level. A lot of the time she's so busy scheming or micromanaging everyone and their relationships. It's hard to get a sense of who she is underneath.


    Maybe a scene with her and any of her sons where it has nothing to do with music, money or scheming.


    Perhaps we'll get that if she visits Andre and they have a heart to heart. Their relationship seems fairly distant.


    As for criticising a show. It really depends on how it's done. I think the show is doing well but I'd really don't want them to have to keep topping themselves every season to keep viewers interested because that can be a slippery slope to really hacky writing.


    For instance... 


    I want to know where Raven has gone and whether a paternity test has been done. Jamal should be more concerned about that at least. You don't want to get attached to a child and the child to get attached to you if it turns out you'll lose her when it's discovered you are no relation.


    How much did any of the family members know about Andre's condition?


    What is up with Vernon?


    How does becoming a publicly traded corporate entity secure musicians profit margins against the internet and downloading music ?

  21. Cookie reminds me of this guy from work... He's constantly "on", he's amusing sometimes but on the other hand he's exhausting to be around. I'd imagine Cookie would be the same. She could do with a few more quiet moments where she's not casting shade on everyone and everything to let her character breathe a bit more. YMMV

    • Love 2
  22. Have we ever seen Andre have a conversation with either of the other brothers ?


    I always got the impression that they weren't that close growing up as their interests would gravitate towards music and dreams of fame and success and his was more school orientated and taking over the business when he grew up. I imagined that they would have drifted further apart during his prolonged absences for college.


    I get the impression that Andre is only close to Rhonda and Vernon and everyone else... is out of the loop of the actual reality of his life. I don't see that as a race thing I see it as a result of diverging interests from his family.


    Lucious supposedly runs this multi million dollar business empire but only seems concerned with 'music' so I assume he has a bunch of corporate flunkies with decent resumes to run the other business aspects.


    I don't know. The family dynamics are twisted and tangled...

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