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Posts posted by wayne67


    I think it would be a mistake to jump right into an apparent worldwide threat like hundreds of attacks happening regularly.  That said, I do expect at least one mauling per episode.  


    I don't require hundreds of animal attacks but it would be nice to see one of these animal fatalities. We got implied death by dog pack in Slovenia and referenced death by lions in Botswana and that's about it. I'd like to see something actually happen. Hundreds of human deaths would leave the show too cluttered but so far it's been 30 fatalities and more people die from lightning attacks than that.


    I'm not sure why our intrepid humans are concerned exactly.

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  2. I'm wondering if the Military thought about a sniper attack ?

    It'd be nice to know there was some testing to see what his range is now that he's all grown up.


    It feels like they are trying to cram Ethan back into his bot box after he became part of the cloud. I don't understand how being captured by anyone would be a problem. Why can't he just upload himself into the cloud and take over their military hardware and tell them to leave him alone already. He stood toe to toe with a telepathic,telekinetic alien sibling but he can't deal with mean military officials?


    I call Industrial bullshit on that nonsense.



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  3. Seriously, everyone with a TV or internet connection has heard about Katherine Chappell, and she stopped just short of wearing jewelry made of Meow Mix. If a pride of lions killed off a whole busload of tourists in an unprovoked attack it would be on the news 24/7.


    I hadn't heard of Katherine Chappell and I have tv and an internet connection. I did hear about the guy in Texan who sacrificed himself to a crocodile in a display of utter stupidity or unbelievable bravado.


    I'm curious if cats, lions and dogs worldwide are going to join in the fauna revolution or just the Cats in Bretwood, the dogs in Slovenia and the lions in Botswana.


    If it's species worldwide telepathic communication the humans may be in trouble. There are an estimated 600 million cats, 500 million dogs and 30000 lions.


    I'm Team Animal all the way. I'm just hoping the death toll rises above 30 so I can take this worldwide threat a little more seriously. So far it feels like one of those superhero movies where the world is in peril by the supervillain and yet no named characters die. Or like Buffy every other season finale.


    I'm really hoping we get some action at that Day Camp soon to ramp up the tension. As far as how the cats know about it. I guess one of those house cats remember their child being missing every year at that time or was taken along to see them in a cat carrier.


    I really want to see some coordinated animal attacks. So far all we've got is a referenced 22 deaths by lions and cut away scenes and random dead bodies.  It'd be good to see the animals actually being violent and or scary, other than loitering around in areas being slightly menacing..

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  4. Were The Doctors Tracy's masters because Kanimas need a master? Or has the show forgotten that too? I really wanted the sheriff to be going on a date with Melissa. They've had such a great easy chemistry for years, but I guess the show has to continue to pay lip service to people IRL relationships. That worked out so well with Alison and Isaac. We finally saw a fight where Kira didn't suck. Hooray. And finally, I wanted Derek to mosey on in when everyone was paralyzed on Deaton's floor.


    Maybe the Doctors are testing out Kanima hybrids, magic crow blood + Kanima DNA = Kanima with Night Terrors. It's unclear.


    This episode felt mediocre to me.


    Where are Kate, Peter and Derek ?

  5. One and Jace wore different clothes.  Even if Android needs to be up close to detect lying, it's a bit of a cheat to have her notice that "One" had different hair, but not that "One" seemingly changed his clothes twice.


    P.S. Is Android lonely?


    To be fair last time the Android saw One he was leaving with 3 to find space hookers and sell weapons. It's not too unlikely that the Android thought it was because things got messy one way or another and changed clothes while the other clothes were dry cleaned (or whatever the space equivalent is). Or the android doesn't actually care about their actions after she got rebooted to default settings.


    As to loneliness she? may not have an idling program any more or trying to be helpful due to her main programming.

  6. Wow Alak found his balls and escaped General Genocide all on his own. I'm so proud of him. I am curious if he'll be less cranky once he finds his baby in the house.


    The Omec are fascinating. I like that Papa Omec is being more considerate of risks than in his first episode where he was expecting the 'lesser races' to capitulate to his demands.


    Perhaps the town of Defiance would like an army of Doc Yewel clones. Imagine the snark of a clone army ...

  7. Yeah the way Harvey got Forstman made no sense. The dude didn't actually admit to a crime. He said "that may be the truth". That's not an admission of guilt, it's a complete dismissal of Harvey's claim.


    Also where were those dudes hiding ? In the conference room ?

  8. How dare that mean prosecutor try and convict someone who committed a felony. <sarcasm>


    Harvey is so self righteous he seems to forget that criminal prosecutors try and convict people who are caught committing crimes and not everything is about HIM.


    GODDAMN IT. This show used to be fun and entertaining and now it's just Harvey being cranky that other lawyers try and do their jobs or being annoyed or dismissive of his underlings. Harvey would make a terrible boss.

  9. Rachel, Harvey and Mike bug me with their sense of entitlement . Rachel expecting to be rewarded for pulling an all nighter to fix a mess she helped to create by not informing Louis of all the relevant details of his new client. Harvey for being whiney about a professor who wasn't 100% perfect when he's only adheres to rules about 12% of the time, mostly for his own ego and gratification. Mike for having a go at Harvey every 5 minutes for one thing or another, seriously if Harvey doesn't want to take a case it's Harvey's decision, not his.




    Louis needs to dial it down a notch already. I'm left wondering why Donna super secretary didn't think to inform Louis about the details of the client as she passed him the file.


    I'm powering through this show now because I want to get it over with but it's becoming increasingly difficult for me to like any of these characters.


    Does Jeff Malone actually do anything at that law firm ? Does anyone other than Harvey and Louis do anything ?

  10. You know I'm fine with Jessica being cold, practical and manipulative at times (which I often find entertaining and awesome) but that does not make for being a good boss. If she's incapable of displaying sympathy or empathising with the ambition of Louis she should make use of a Human Resources personnel to handle the constant interpersonal bullshit that threatens her firm. These people wouldn't have to handle so much shit if they weren't constantly blackmailing lawyers, bankers or clients to settle cases.


    As for Donna she has shown that she can reciprocate friendly actions after Louis helped her recite lines for an entire work day she helped him with his stage fright but she also LIED TO HIS FACE REPEATEDLY about Jessica's bf, about Mike's law degree. Why should Louis trust her ?


    Louis has done a lot of shitty things because he's insecure which might have been helped if any of these people treated him with the respect he deserves from his tenure at that firm. It was nice having Louis taking a stand against Jessica's cover ups for Harvey.

  11. I find Louis to be far more sympathetic than either Harvey or Mike.


    They seldom win their cases based on the merits of their actual case but because they did something underhanded to intimidate a lawyer or client.


    Have we ever had an actual verdict on any of their cases ? Do we even know what sort of lawyer Harvey is supposed to be ? Civil ? Criminal ?


    When Jessica is complaining about someone doing something unethical my eye brows lift in contempt. Doesn't Harvey commit a crime or an ethical violation every other episode and her response is usually don't tell me about it (Just like Edward Darby) or what trouble has Mike gotten us into now ?


    Now that Lewis has fired himself for her. Please tell me that she will fire Mike as she has no reason to continue employing him because Lewis the only other person who actually tries cases is gone and won't be asking her any questions which was Harvey's excuse for letting him stay.


    If Jessica really gave a shit about covering the firm's exposure she could get rid of Mike now. I really don't like how far all these characters have sunk. Lewis and Katrina seem to be the only ones with actual positive growth. 


    Mike is still a self involved whiner, Harvey is a egocentric asshole, Donna is still a manipulate (but 90% awesome) secretary, Jessica is still a terrible boss/manager and Rachel doesn't make any Goddamn sense as Harvey's associate.

  12. I don't think I can even hate watch this show any more.


    Julia cares more about finding out from Barbie their relationship status than figuring out what the hell Melanie is doing. '


    It's nice to know that the town will follow anyone who talks . *sigh*

    • Love 5
  13. I found Harvey annoying when he was arguing with the attorney general where he was saying that if he was seeing a dirty lawyer it was because he was looking into a mirror. Completely invalidated his previous acknowledgement of his unethical and ILLEGAL actions.


    He bends and breaks the rules and laws and then act all offended whenever anyone else does anything dodgy.


    Seriously he spends so much time whining about other people actions. BORING.

  14. Scott's power lies with his pack, so he started to win when they showed up.  Which is a good thing, since they all stood around being useless while he was being drained. They stilol haven't learned any team-up methods of fighting!


    That was one of the most annoying things. Scott was literally getting the life drained from him while his friends stood around watching . Not one of them thought hey that dude has his claws in Scott therefore we could use our fancy belt sword or super strength to knock him away from Scott.


    I could excuse them if they at least tried and Scott powered up before they could stab or strike random guy but this reeked of plot contrivance so that Scott could sort of win a fight. Typical of Scott someone tries to kill him and he doesn't even bother to hold him to ask any questions about WHY.




    I think I might be done with Scott and his stupid pack. I still don't know how pack mechanics work or why everyone hates Omegas so much.

  15. So the government decides it is a good idea to kidnap the first semi sentient robot child who had managed to help stave off an alien invasion and survive a bomb by uploading himself into the internet and try and teach him to kill people or use his sentience as a template for battle bots. Really ?

    Do they not realise that teaching robots to kill humans is the first step towards creating SkyNet. If the robots decide to murder the humans I'm on their side... The humans in the show aren't endearing at all.

    • Love 6
  16. Ah Scott and his infernal habit in believing the best in people. Reminds me of Goku except Scott has only died once for trusting someone he shouldn't have.


    Oh well it's not like leaving psychotic bad guys around would come back to bite him in the ass. Not like Peter or Deucalion or Gerard or Kate or any of the other random hunters murdering Omegas would hurt anyone... That said I wonder what Deucalion, Peter, Gerard, Papa Argent, Jackson, Isaac, Cora, Derek, Aiden and the remaining Alpha Gang are doing ? I found it so annoying that Straight twin died proving himself a member of the pack and then his brother wanders off into the world after their whining about the outside world wanting them dead. Poor Aiden he is so going to be killed for being an Omega by either Hunters or other Wolf packs.


    I really wish Scott would get a clue...

  17. I read the first book in November 1998 after I completely wrecked my knee in a football game. I was layed up in the hospital and my mother bought me a copy in the gift store. I never was a huge fantasy fan but it completed hooked me from the prologue. So I've been waiting for the series to finish for 16 years.


    Ouch. What's it like waiting 16 years for a book series to finish ? Do you find that you're more interested in fantasy now ?

  18. I was mildly surprised when Ghost revealed that he was responsible for Kanaan going away to jail but it just made me curious if KANAAN knows that or whether he just wants his criminal enterprise back under his control and wants to eliminate the current morons in charge.


    Ghost has totally lost control over all the situations, he murdered friends on Kanaan's info, lost prestige in the drug community, has the Fed's hot on his partner's tail (literally in the case of having Tommy's gf in custody), sleeping with the enemy who seems to be getting a clue that her man may be a GINORMOUS LIAR which considering he's a married man cheating on his wife with an highschool flame would have been obvious to a 5 year old. *sigh* Ghost can't even keep track of his own money, launder money, realise money that is spent by random ho's and on ballers may come back to bite him in the ass. Cheating on his wife who knows what's what in the criminal enterprise and if adequately pissed may cap his ass herself.


    I always find it frustrating when the supposed criminal mastermind turns out to be a total wannabe.

    • Love 4
  19. I like Amanda also. I was glad that she got to find out the truth about Pottinger. She did not know that he was wired to explode so he is to blame for blowing up the weapons not her.


    I'm fairly sure Pottinger told her that if she shot him they'd all blow up so she shot him and said "guess not" (paraphrasing) and shot him some more without asking any more questions about it until she had pumped him with enough bullets to kill him. He told her, she didn't care, the place blew up. I'd say it was both their faults , his for setting it up and hers for ignoring Pottinger's warnings and ignoring Nolan.

    • Love 1
  20. Did it annoy anyone else when the vet referenced the singularity bomb being a wormhole ?


    Good work Amanda not only did you destroy all the weapons you came for and murdered 5 people essentially in cold blood you didn't even extract an actual confession. *sigh* I miss early season Amanda where she was capable and managed to do stuff though I suppose she is a good kneecapper.

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  21. I've read it too, there's also another story called The Rogue Prince about Rhaenyra's uncle/husband Daemon, which leads up to the point where the Princess and the Queen starts. If you want the Dance of the Dragons ending and aftermath, you can check the Targ section of the World Book. But no, I wouldn't really say any of that is that indicative of the main series, since it's dry history and the premise is that GRRM is writing with a maester's voice. I mean, the main series is not great literature, but as fantasy I find a lot of it pretty engrossing. I grew up on Harry Potter, so I kinda feel like it's a similar, but much more adult experience. If you're interested in novellas while waiting for the show to end before trying the main series though, I'd recommend the Dunk & Egg series. It's about the adventures two characters incidental to the main series, Maester Aemon's little brother Egg and his boyhood pal Ser Duncan the Tall. There's a compilation of the three novellas written about them so far that's due to be released in October, and graphic novels of the first two stories are also out. They're much lighter fare than the main series and should assure people that Evil Santa isn't really a true nihilist.


    Back to the PoVs, if you skip all the Starks you're only left with Tyrion and Dany in Book 1. Those two, along with Bran, Cat, Ned, Jon, Arya and Sansa are the only original PoVs. Theon goes from background to PoV in Book 2 and Davos is added, then Jaime goes from background to PoV in Book 3, and Cersei, Brienne and Theon's sister do the same in Book 4. Mel has one such chapter in Book 5, and another character has two or three such, but naming him would be a books vs. tv spoiler and I'm not sure you want that. 


    I'd probably enjoy an all Dany & Tyrion book... I'm not a big fan of the Starks, I don't really get their appeal as the only thing I find interesting about them is their direwolves and not enough to wade through pages of them and their talk about honor and revenge. Reminds me too much of a Zuko monologue. At this rate it'll be another 7-15 years before the book series is finished and I might be dead before then so I'm not too worried either way.


    IMO, Arya and Bran POVs can drag for long periods of time, but Sansa's are actually pretty compelling, as she has a direct view of what is happening in King's Landing.  Plus, a lot of things that happen to her are more dramatic in the books, such as her first period.  Catelyn can be frustrating, but her POVs are interesting, too.  I found Jon chapters tedious until A Storm of Swords/A Dance With Dragons, but Theon's chapters are good, and his Reek chapters in A Dance With Dragons are riveting.


    I LOL'd at Sansa's period being dramatic. I'm guessing that she has to hide it from Cersei so she doesn't have to suffer the attentions of the men folk. I'm still wondering if Bran will be important in the show or not or in the books. Would be funny if Bran overtakes Dany and Jon in the chosen one games and saves Westeros from internal and external conflicts with human warging. Force them all to get along.


    A question for those who have read the books. When did you start reading the books and how long have you been waiting for the conclusion of this series ?

  22. R&L would be Rhaegar and Lyanna, there's an age difference there even if she chose to run off with him, since she was 14/15 and he was in his 20s. But IA with you that it's not the age difference that makes Dany/Drogo rapey. I mean, she was losing the will to live, so I don't think it was just about saddle sores making the sex painful.


    Yes, the Dothraki do rape the Lamb Women in the book and Drogo treats Dany's saving of them as some silly pregnancy whim that he's going along with to humor her, because their son is prophesied to be an even greater warlord. Drogo's speech in the previous ep about killing Westerosi men, raping their women, and enslaving their children to win the Iron Throne for his son is also straight from the book.


    On the PoVs, skipping them really only works for Dany and Davos, everyone else appears in someone else's PoV at least once. 


    I was thinking of skipping and or skimming the chapters featuring Sansa, Arya, Bran and Catelyn heavily. I might skip Rob, Jon Snow and Theon's POV chapters if I find them as tedious in the books as I did on the show.


    I figure even if you entirely ignore consent issues in Dany and Drogo's early sex life, it's highly probable that as the Dothraki Warlord who leads an army of warriors of men who butcher men and rape women he probably partook in rapine and plunder before he assumed leadership. Since the Dothraki value strength I assume Drogo gained the leadership by killing lots of men including the previous Khal and raping a lot of women. I just find it curious that the fandom ignores that probability and casts him in such favourable light. Maybe it's because he died fairly early in the series and Dany got attached to him...


    Still think it's a fairly low bar to "ROMANCE" but whatevers :P lol YMMV and what not


    I've read Princess and the Queen or Green and Blacks by George R R Martin which may or may not be considered a prequel novella or maybe a rough draft of Game of Thrones.... My question is for those who've read both the GOT series and this short novella is if the writing is comparable ?


    For those who haven't read this it's like 88 pages of dragon on dragon warfare. It's kind of intense but has lots of characters and towns mentioned and might be interesting for those who want more dragons... That said I found the ending kind of unsatisfying which makes me wonder about the ending of the GOT saga.

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