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Posts posted by wayne67

  1. You know something? I like that different broods theory. I do not know of a single species in which the egg colors in a clutch do not match. For example, one hen might lay white eggs and one might lay brown, but I don't think there is one specific hen that lays some white eggs and some brown ones. Whichever color she lays, the others will be that color too, because she only has one set of genes determining that.


    So if two of them are female, good. The first generation of offspring would still be dragons, which does have its own set of problems, but at least they wouldn't be joffrey-lizards.


    Joffrey Lizards made me laugh so hard... Could you imagine a sadistic dragon ? I mean they're already cold blooded but Ramsey level sadism in a DRAGON... That would be even more dangerous than a renegade White Walker army.


    From what little we know about the eggs, they were very old and petrified so they may have come from very different lineages through the aeons and for whatever reason they didn't hatch. Perhaps they were leftovers from a stolen brood and it turned out they needed dragon fire to wake them up or just lots of fire... and noone wanted to get that close to the dragon lair to study dragon breeding to figure out that sort of stuff.


    Now I'm thinking the eggs need a backstory because they are far more interesting than several of the characters. lol

    • Love 4
  2. Speaking of which--are the dragons all boys? How will we perpetuate the species without a sister? Unless we fill in the gaps with frog DNA...


    For one reason or another I assumed Drogon was a boy and the other 2 were females. Though I don't actually know if that's what they're aiming for. I guess Dragon Incest and Egg laying is a possibility in the future. Then again I guess we don't know that the dragons are from the same brood so they may only be step children and I've now officially put too much thought into dragon procreation.

    • Love 5
  3. ANYTHING with dragons!


    True that. I'd be great if they remembered this was supposed to be an epic fantasy and dialled down the soft core porn/ long winded political intrigue a couple of notches.


    Scenes I'd love to see. Dany visiting her 3 cities on dragonback to remind the people that she's the Mother of Dragons. She could have the people meet her outside the walls...


    Or Dany has a scene where she introduces all her advisors to her dragons. This is Jorah, you're not allowed to eat him now because after he saved my life I'm going to pardon him for his earlier treason. This is Daario he is the leader of the Second Sons and Mommy's special friend... This is Meissandre, she's my translator and best girl friend. This is Tyrion Lannister, his house helped slaughter mine but I'm choosing to overlook that because he's witty, don't set him on fire he'll probably explode from all the imbibed alcohol. This is Grey Worm, he's the only Unsullied worthy of the name and of an actual name... NO biting, no burning and no roughhouseing.


    Or Dany teaches each of the other dragons to accept passenger. Jorah and Daario perhaps ? to serve as escorts? Maybe Tyrion + Dany + Dragon riding so the internet will explode from the combined fandoms ? lol


    Or better yet Dany can start ranging out further with her dragons to bring in the Dothraki and then do aerial surveys of WEsterosi and run into Arya's direwolf and they can all get to know each other and Tyrion can have a pet Dire Wolf for laughs.

    • Love 7
  4. Why would somebody risk balancing on a dragon while shooting arrows when the dragon can breathe fire on your enemies? Makes no sense.


    Well as evidenced in this episode Drogon can only shoot fire in one direction meaning his flanks and rear are vulnerable to attack so if he had a bit of ranged support he could burn people in one direction while she shoots in the other...


    Also I'm picturing a scene where Dany is standing next to Drogon and they're having a training session where she fires arrows at 'acceptable targets' so that Drogon knows what targets are good targets to burn alive and which ones are bad.


    For instance she could fire arrows into men with sons of harpies masks or men with swords and not into painted targets of children so Drogon doesn't burn children alive again in the future.


    Also learning to shoot a bow would allow her to be a ranged attacker keeping her out of the general fray of battles without looking all damsely while fighting breaks out. If she wants to be the warrior Queen of the Dothraki again she should learn how to kill people that defy her. That said... Where are the bloody Dothraki ?

    • Love 2
  5. Yes I know, I'm too lazy to look up the actual term for it but pedophilia is basically understood to somewhat cover all sexually deviant behavior with underage children. While I'm on the subject, why was the madam so shocked at this request from Trant. I can't imagine that in a place like this that caters to all tastes that this is the first time that she would get such a request.


    It's an army of mercenaries. While they might not like what's going on, it doesn't affect their paycheck one way or the other so they just stay silent about it and let that crazy dude kill his daughter.


    I took two things from the fighting pit scene that I wasn't supposed to.


    1. Dany's a bit of a pyro.

    2. When forced to choose between saving her people and saving her dragon, Dany chose the dragon. Not very queen like.


    To be fair... People are a dime a dozen in this story... There are like hundreds of characters with names. There are 3 dragons in the entire world. I think Dragons have a higher priority especially since they're metaphorically her children and those other people are only sort of friends...

    • Love 4
  6. Well now that she knows how to A) ride a dragon and B) probably won't have as many people asking for her to compensate them for their livestock maybe she could learn how to shoot a bow or something. That way she could be regal and what not while shooting arrows from on top of a dragon...

    • Love 3
  7. I've already watched the last ten minutes like 4 times already. I don't care about the rest of the episode. Mostly because it was boring. Dorne is boring. Arya and her long winded revenge on minor characters is boring. Stannis has and always will be boring.

    • Love 4
  8. I think the Sons of Harpies scattered after Drogon burned most of them. I didn't see of them left after Dany left and it was probably safer for the others that Dany left as she would be the main target of insurrection though I'm still not clear as to why they murdered random civilians.

    • Love 4
  9. Hope that Wun Wun does not step on Davos accidentally...Jon Snow should tell Stannis that Castle Black is not Costco....The Iron Bank should hedge their bets again by lending money to the White Walkers and Dany.


    Do White Walkers need money? Do they actually need anything? I mean other than cannon fodder in the form of zombies.


    I'm so glad Drogon made an appearance and roasted some Harpies... Though I'm still a little lost as to who they're supposed to be ? Hired mercenaries ? Previous Pit Veterans ? Religious Fanatics ? If only Dany had unmasked some of those dead Sons of Harpies from the last confrontation and started asking around so I'd have some idea of who those weirdos are supposed to be.


    I'm fairly sure the Harpies will be regrouping after so many of them got burned/eaten/killed. May give the others time to get back to the other 9000 unsullied. Maybe those Unsullied that came with her were the Unblooded that SlaveMaster warned her about. *sigh* soldiers do not make for good defense against masked insurrections.

    • Love 2
  10. Blaine keeps information and people compartmentalized.  Suzuki may not have realized until Lowell's death that a head injury could kill a zombie.  Taking over Blaine's organization could be done, but it would take research and time.


    Looking back at the episode where Lowell showed Liv the zombie menu, the name Meat Cute wasn't on it.  Did Major actually tell her that the place Dupont worked was called Meat Cute after he saw the business card?


    Yeah super compartmentalised where Suzuki knows where he works from and the 5 people he orders about. He was at the shop. I'm fairly sure he could kidnap one of those dumb drivers and get all the information necessary about the clients. It's not like Blaine's organisation has layers upon layers of security. Major just walked into Zombie headquarters...


    I don't think it requires genius intellect to figure out that something without a head won't be much of a threat. Zombies may not have much in a blood flow (which makes you wonder about how sex works...) but fire burns all flesh. We haven't seen zombies have super healing so a few minutes of experimentation would provide some answers to can zombies bleed...

  11. Suzuki could secure brains for himself, but if he breaks with Blaine he has to worry about Blaine's reaction, which may involve a power drill, and going it alone.  One of Liv's biggest problems at the outset was her isolation.  Suzuki is part of a community, dysfunctional as they are.  And if he kills Blaine, he has to worry about the other zombies going rogue and exposing them all.


    He's a cop with a gun. I'm sure he could take over Blaine's operation or dismantle it. Blaine is the only real brains in that group. He doesn't because... Plot...


    He could distribute guilt free brains to clients and take out all the violent thugs in the organisation and stop them from expanding which is Blaine's big deal. He keeps making new zombies to increase his customer base. I doubt Lt zombie would do that.

    • Love 3
  12. Don't forget Rob went swanning off with his mother in tow to lead armies with no real combat experience against Tywin Lannister a veteran commander and he did quite well before he was ambushed and killed.


    His Direwolf did more for sorting out internal politics than he did.


    At least Ramsay has shown previous experience at dealing with entrenched enemies in fortified positions eg the Ironborn.  He also has combat experience and flaying experience. I'd imagine he'll provide some entertainment.


    I'm not sure why having a spare heir would be a major threat to Ramsay. The rugrat would have to live for 15 years first before he'd even have a chance at ruling anything. By that time his brother would be like 35 if he manages to survive all the other people who probably want his head NOW.

  13. WRT Clive's bosses, one of them is Lt. Suzuki, who is himself a zombie and has picked up on Liv being a zombie. So presumably, he has a sense of how she's getting her leads. (Why he isn't also getting morgue brains and solving crimes is a little bit of a mystery. Maybe he likes the fresher brains Blaine's supplying him.)


    WRT the Blaine problem, there was a discussion as to what to do about him between her and Ravi, after Blaine came in to see what Liv knows. If even on sniper brain, Liv couldn't kill Blaine, and as they discussed Blaine can't be imprisoned, they don't have that many options. Eventually, Liv will have to cowboy up and kill Blaine, methinks. 


    I think we've seen Liv start at least one autopsy.


    We don't fully know what Max Rager is up to. Was the zombie outbreak an accident or not? We can only speculate for now.


    Nothing on this show makes much sense.


    Lt Zombie could be getting fresh brains from the morgue too. He's already covering up teenage homicides, I'd imagine lost brains wouldn't come up much. It's not likely that a corpse will be exhumed for the purposes of checking their lobes. I have no idea why Lt Zombie is putting up with Blaine.


    As for Liv she made a bunch of excuses to Ravi after she didn't bother to poison him. It's not like I expected her to kill him right then and there but she could have asked for a contact number, an address or asked if he's been having difficulty finding brains lately. She could at least be building up to recon or something. Instead it's like she's just waiting around for someone else to do all the heavy lifting and it's so frustrating. Reminds me of The Flash where Barry just hung about SAYING he wanted to free his father but putting very little actual effort in clearing his name, not even the basic stuff like getting his case reopened or getting him an appeal lawyer.




    Max Rager has no reason to make zombies. Despite Resident Evil and Umbrella Corp; Zombies are not profitable. There's no profit to be made from making zombies unless you're making them for the army and even then... they seem like more trouble than they're worth. These guys are soft drink manufacturers not an EVIL multinational conglomorate with a bioweapons division.

    • Love 1
  14.  I can pretty much guarantee it will go nothing like you predict. Maybe it will be a "stupid" plan, but calling something "stupid" without even having a clue what it is, is stupid. 


    Rob took Jamie Lannister with a pincer movement. Dany took one of those Essos city with 3 men trojan horsing inside the walls. Dario walked into her camp with orders to assassinate her.


    For all we know Ramsay could be planning on using guerilla tactics to hit and run Stannis army pestering them in small engagements, he could want those men to slaughter them in their sleep, he could be planning to use them to infiltrate Stannis' camp, he could be trying to sneak in to assassinate Stannis, depriving the army of their purpose and paycheque.


    Ramsay could be planning anything... and we won't know how stupid it is until he does it.

  15. I get that he must think it's a byproduct of being psychic, but you'd think he'd have more questions about that. Maybe he doesn't want risk jinxing it.


    Well, she doesn't know what to do, and she's trying to figure it out. I can sort of respect that.


    You'd think one of his bosses would be slightly interested in where he's getting all his leads.


    Have we had any indication post Lowell death that she's actually thinking about the Blaine problem ? All she seems to be doing is trying to stall Major's investigations into the problem to cover her secret. If I missed some indication that she's been thinking about it, I'd be happy to revise my opinion of her but I can't remember anything of the sort.


    You know if Liv really wanted to help her zombie cohorts she'd hook her fellow zombies up with cushy morgue jobs where they can eat brains and help cops on the side. Does she actually perform autopsies ? Because it seems like Ravi does everything at that morgue including trying to find a cure for HER problem.


    Ravi is my favorite character in the show. Actually I think he's the only character I actually like in the show. I only tend to like Major when he's hanging out with Ravi.

    Major wouldn't be hanging around so much if Liv didn't tell Ravi to go spy on him for her...

  16. Wouldn't that make her pro-active then? She was trying to go after the people responsible for making zombies, not just going after the aftermath. Blaine can't go around scratching everyone, an energy drink can reach millions. People are saying she's doing nothing. She is, just not all the time because she has to solve murders and gets distracted by the other personalities she ingests. Major doesn't have that problem. 


    I find the actor playing Major devoid of charisma and that makes me not care about him, no matter what he does. If he were played by a better actor, I might've found what he's doing heroic and exciting like some of you do. But I need more then just an actor doing something on screen, I need to feel for them and want to root for them. I get nothing from Major, not even hatred. He's just there for me. 


    They didn't actually make zombies, they contributed one ingredient that caused people to have rage blackouts... Then it was mixed with tainted drugs and had a really bizarre effect causing zombies. Liv didn't actually have a plan when she stormed into the CEO's office other than lying about being a police officer which would probably get any confession she got from him useless anyway in a court of law. Max Rager is unlikely to cause any more zombies to be made hence why Ravi was so concerned with their limited supply of ingredients to make zombie rats.


    Blaine is actively turning people into zombies and harvesting teenagers for their brains. NOW. She knew one of his victims, hell she ate his brains and SHE STILL DOESN'T DO ANYTHING. That makes me hate her way more than Major and his generic love interest status. For the record I don't like Major but at least he's doing something to try and stop teenagers dying while Liv is just ... tripping on brains every other week.

    • Love 1
  17. Liv's a zombie who stabbed a guy with the knife that was through her hand. She can handle getting shot and stabbed without any damage to her person. Yes, she can get shot in the head but unless they are sniper or know she's a zombie, people don't usually aim for the head, they aim for the chest, the biggest center of mass. Much like Major did with Julian. Which wouldn't hurt Liv in the slightest. 


    Major's stupid because he keeps going after these people that beat him up easily and threw him like he was a rag doll. He knows they are serial killers (and now zombies), yet he gets in the trunk of their car like he has a death wish. I get why he's doing it but it seems like he has no regard for his own life while doing it. He can't get justice for those kids if he's dead. It's luck and plot convenience that's keeping breathing. 


    Liv was knocked unconscious and if that enforcer wasn't so weird and rapey he would have thrown her overboard with a concrete block around her ankle. Only thing that saved her from being fish food was plot contrivance and that was her running off with no help chasing an organisation responsible for the rage blackouts.


    Speaking for her being stabbed in the hand. By all human logic she would have been checked out by a paramedic/doctor after being in a violent murderous altercation and guess what she would have been exposed as a zombie. Yet she keeps getting into these situations where she could be exposed as a zombie and noone cares about her actions maybe leading to a zombie apocalypse because of reasons?

    • Love 2
  18. I'm wondering if that's part of being zombie, where she doesn't really care about human life unless she's eaten the brain of a victim and gets their personality. The Police Lieutenant doesn't seem to care about all the dead bodies. Liv may be eating already dead people but she's still eating people to survive.


    I do think she said that from watching movies, she's seen that zombies have a pack mentality. It could be a protect your own kind unless they are an immediate threat to you, then you take them out. She could want to take out Blaine, but can't because she identifies more with him then with humans. If Blaine was about to kill Major or her brother, that's when Liv will be able to kill him. 


    She apparently cares enough about murder to go out and solve non zombie related murders for Clive. Who never really bothers to ask her any questions about how she got her visions or even has a partner or boss to sit in on his interviews. Dude has no oversight at his job... which is weird.


    And yet she seems to be very lazy. She doesn't help in trying to solve her zombieism letting Ravi spend all his free personal time solving her medical problem. She doesn't even try and investigate the string of murders that Blaine is responsible for even after he walks in to her workplace after killing her bf.


    Major is doing all the heavy lifting for her when it comes to Blaine and he's doing it alone because Ravi and Liv both are LYING TO HIM. If either of them just laid it out that there are lots of crazy zombies and he shouldn't go out on his own to try and solve it, then I'd be on the Major is stupid train but Liv goes out all the time on her own chasing murderers with guns who with a single clean shot to the brain could kill her too and noone bats an eye at her recklessness but Major gets called stupid for trying to stop the murder of the teenagers in the city.


    Why is Major stupid for endangering his life for trying to solve multiple homicides and yet Liv is not criticised when any of her many felonies could land her in jail where she'd be deprived her source of brains and could start a zombie apocalypse ? It's confusing for me.'


    That said Liv has killed one person (it didn't stick) and killed 2 zombies so far. When is she going to do something about Blaine and his murder for money scheme ?

    • Love 5
  19. Theon's cage was a gilded one. Sure it looked nice from the outside but he still wasn't allowed to wander away from his captors. He wasn't allowed to visit his family. He was at the mercy of the Starks as to whether they'd hold him accountable for his father's actions. He was deprived the chance to learn of his family and his culture. He didn't even know he had a sister...


    Robb was deluded to think that after 9 ? years of being their human hostage/bargaining chip that he'd be a good dog and go fetch his father's support for Robb's war.


    If Theon was treated as a real noble or a real ward then Ned would have gone to some effort to find him a suitable match for marriage. However when all is said and done Theon would have been the Ward of the Starks until Balon died and maybe beyond that. That's not a wardship it's imprisonment with no chance of parole.

    • Love 2
  20. I'm still wondering what justification Clive has for taking up so much of Liv's time with his job... I mean he's a fairly lousy detective. Liv acts like someone off their meds pinballing from one extreme mood swing to another. So many dead bodies... so little time.


    Major may be charging in reckless but at least he's TRYING something to deal with Blaine whereas Liv doesn't seem to give a rats ass about all the dead people in Blaine's wake. Never bothers to ask for an address for that meat place, doesn't even bother to try and get Blaine's info. Makes absolutely no effort to avenger Lowel.


    So frustrating.

    • Love 2
  21. Theon was a prisoner of the Starks. He was mocked by a whore and an old Maester for having delusions of standing. He had no servants, he had no place and as far as I can tell he owes the Starks nothing for being relatively nice to him. As for Ned, he chopped the head off the first guy to survive a White Walker attack because of his obligations to kill deserters.


    Theon ran rampant the first time he was let off the proverbial leash and he suffered badly for it. He didn't even get his own doggy because noone cared enough to give him one.

    • Love 1
  22. Clearly I'm thinking too much about this.


    I'm mentally stuck on whether White Walkers can all raise the dead and if all the White Walkers were originally human and were 'touched' by the lead White Walker as a baby. A race of necromancers. Imagine if they went to Winterfell and started raising all the dead there.


    Do we have any idea how intact their targets have to be ? Those White Walkers could probably march about picking up the dead from the mass graves of Arya's tavern visit or Robb's wedding or Stannis's routing of the Northern Wildling army...


    Imagine that. The White Walkers marching south and picking up 4000 corpses courtesy of Stannis. It'd be hilarious.

    • Love 2
  23. Probably the later, which is a historical help to establishing democracy though eliminating all those nobel military forces and the castles that make rooting out nobles hard, although the kings doing it did not intend the reduction of the power of the nobles as a way to make the common man more powerful. I say that because there has been no mention of anything like the Enlightenment movement (sort of strange name for modern democratic ideas that are anti church power as well) without the Enlightenment the common folk are going to want a queen not democracy.


    Maybe they'll transition to a constitutional monarchy?

    • Love 1
  24. The entire time I was scared to death the giant would get turned and good lawd would the Crows and the Wildlings be fucked! I am getting my undead lore mixed up. So apparently you don't have to be bitten or scratched by the Wights or anything to turn. You have to be killed and then risen by a White Walker? Is that how it goes? 


    That woman wildling leader was amazing but I knew as soon as she put her children in that boat and told them she would see them soon she was a goner.


    I am not finding an inch of sympathy or compassion for Cersei. I want to drink her tears. Hell, I want to compose a song to them "Tears of a Cersei" and have Bronn sing it. She really raised some extreme sons. One was an absolute hateful psychopath and the other a complete jellyfish. 


    I am just gonna come out and say it - Tormund is hot. So is Ser Jorah who is an older elegant gentleman. 


    I was wondering about a Giant Wight... in between thoughts about how exactly you get half Giants... I think of the White Walkers as necromancers who use the Wights as their disposable meat army. I think the Wights can stay functional even as skeletons at least judging by how those skeletons killed Brans tour guide.


    Although the argument can be made that the Wildlings just got metaphorically raped...on a massive scale.


    I think they got conscripted or shanghai-ed to join the great White Walker army.


    So anybody killed by the Whitewalkers and their wights can be resurrected as a wight themselves.  But do they continue to physically decompose?  Like the sight of that awful boy with the exposed ribs?


    Also, has there ever been any mention of the Whitewalker's motivation?  Or do we just assume it's the desire for total domination, like every other character of GoT.


    Maybe the Whitewalkers want to bring about the next great dynasty of Westerosi where all men are equal under the White Walkers. There would be no infighting under the great Whitewalkers. Despite their murdering ways they seem quite unified in their goals.


    Lannister, Targaryen, Baratheon, Stark, Tyrell.

    They're all just spokes on a wheel.

    This one's on top, then that one's on top.

    And on and on it spins, crushing those on the ground.


    They're not going to stop the wheel.

    They're going to break the wheel.


    I wonder if Dany is going to put herself out of work by installing democracy or is she planning on breaking down the nobility structure ? eg dismantling all the great houses.

  25. "I fucking hate Thenns."  Yeah, I liked her, too.  That's Arya in fifteen years.  I'm wondering if she's supposed to be Tormunds wife.  They didn't act like they were intimate, but they both just happened to have two daughters.  The actresses' accent sounds like she came off the set of Vikings.  She reminded me of the actress Lauren Cohan, from The Walking Dead.


    I heard it as "I hate men."


    Finally the White Walker Army does something. I'm imagining that they've spent the last 3 years picking off the stray Wildings one isolated settlement at a time gathering their army of dead which is why they've taken so long to march south.


    I really liked Karsi, so of course she died. lol I don't think we're allowed nice things.


    Dany and Tyrion verbal sparring was quite entertaining especially as the stakes for Tyrion were very high (as they usually are when he gets kidnapped).


    Is this Tyrion 3rd or 4th hostage situation ? There was that time with the Stark Matriarch, then as captive of the Vale's free folk, then as Jorah's captive and then captured by slavers. Am I missing one or several ?

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