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Posts posted by wayne67

  1. She said Iris is struggling to figure out how she feels back. 


    I think we're all struggling to figure out what Iris feels about anything... Everything she says conflicts with what she does and I have no idea who the character is at the best of times.


    I liked her characterisation early on when she was allowed to have fun moments with Barry without weird love triangle nonsense now it feels overwrought and confusing.

    • Love 1


        I think the whole Barry Iris thing is squicky but why is Barry flirting with Iris as The Flash squicky? I mean she's still emotionally cheating on Eddie regardless of whether Barry is doing it in a costume or not. Is it the fraudulence aspect ?


    I think "emotionally cheating" is a bit far, unless you consider anyone who has ever fangirled over or was charmed by meeting a celebrity (or even just someone really attractive) to have emotionally cheated.




    I'd give Iris a free pass on the Oliver thing because she just randomly saw him at the coffee shop.


    With The Flash she has spent weeks thinking about him and reporting on his activities meets up with him in secret and engages in flirting all without telling her actual boyfriend. It's one step away from actual cheating. There's already the lying and meeting in secret and the quasi relationship tones of "I don't think I should see you any more" that The Flash said to end it.


    Oliver was fangirling over a hot celebrity, The Flash was something much more (IMO).


    These threads are getting so confusing to keep track of. I feel like I'm having the same argument over three different threads. Should we have a Barry/Iris/Eddie love triangle thread, though adding Eddie's name feels kind of superfluous at the moment.

  3. Since Iris' life was threatened, I think Barry should tell her. Also, Barry flirting with Iris as the Flash pushes this from just being his secret to squicky territory for me.


    I hold it more against Joe than Barry about Barry keeping The Flash secret secret. I still don't understand Joe's motivation in keeping that knowledge from Iris as it doesn't make her any safer as she still got kidnapped by Metal man.


    I think the whole Barry Iris thing is squicky but why is Barry flirting with Iris as The Flash squicky? I mean she's still emotionally cheating on Eddie regardless of whether Barry is doing it in a costume or not. Is it the fraudulence aspect ?

  4. Barry and Iris do have a relationship. Its called friendship. And really if he can reveal his identity to villains and share these special secrets with people he met 9 months ago there's no excuse for not telling his lifelong best friend. Especially since Reverse Flash threatened her.


    Well to be fair the last villain he exposed himself was his school bully he was gloating over as he sentenced him to life imprisonment. It did turn out to be a short life though as that prison sucks.


    There's lots of reasons to not tell Iris that he's the Flash, sadly not any good reasons. For instance he can pretend to be someone suave and confident while wearing a 'rough trade' outfit and flirt with Iris. He wouldn't be able to do that if she knew who he was under that suit.

    • Love 1
  5. That still drives me nuts. In 6 seasons they have yet to learn that practice and planning/preparation is so important.

    When you look at it you could say that Mr. Shue's mishandling of the Glee Club and competitions was actually what ruined Rachel's work ethic and led to her bad choices at NYADA & on Broadway.


    I found it hilarious that Will thought he could moralise to VA as if they valued his opinion. Those guys want to win, they don't care about lessons about morality or being better people. I think Mercedes is the only person that has the right kind of work ethic, she wanted something and she got denied and she struggled to find her own way to do what she wanted and kept at it. Rachel tried Broadway and got bored, Sam did modeling for a New York minute and was done, Kurt interned at Vogue and wandered off back to Lima to help Rachel for reasons that are beyond me.

  6. Since they need 12 members to perform, why aren't they going after Unique to rejoin?


    Because they're not going after anyone to join the Glee Club because they're too busy at the moment 'mentoring' Rachel through her rough patches to bother. I'm sure at the last minute they'll grab some random people at the end of the season to win Sectionals with to undermine all the hard work and discipline that the other teams have been engaged in for however long to prove HEART is more important than having a team together to practice together more than a week before a competition.

    • Love 2
  7. And you know they'll never tell us if she got any credit... perhaps it got cut? Oh wait - maybe her partner (forgot his name already) will give her props for it when she finally starts doing real reporter work?


    I know it's so frustrating if they want me to take Iris's career as a reporter seriously they should tell me whether she wrote a first page story or whether the photo she took was used while her 'mentor' did the actual story. If she did get any credit for the photo, it should up the stakes about her visibility in the metahuman community increasing and becoming more of a target to get to Flash or at least cause a few conversations to happen like with Joe about how the Reverse Flash threatened her life or how Barry is shocked/amazed/hurt that she was meeting The Flash without telling her.


    Or her "mentor' stole credit and he respects her slightly more but the newspaper doesn't care.


    That ship has probably sailed.


    Didn't Eddie want to start a task force before Iris told him about the Flash meetings ? which was reinforced when The Flash tried to kill him. I may be misremembering though.

  8. "doesn't understand how information can be spread worries me" -- um really? LOL - I'm sure she understands how information can be spread...

    I guess Barry doesn't understand how information can be spread either - as he's discussed his feelings for Iris with nearly anyone who will listen. Cisco and Caitlin knew about Iris before the pilot even aired.


    Was his crush on Iris revealed in the Arrow cameo he did before the pilot? I haven't watched Arrow in forever so I honestly have no idea.


    Barry sucks at information gathering and keeping. Everyone but Iris had suspicions he had feelings for Iris.


    The only reason Barry's big secret hasn't been revealed is Plot armor and a lack of consequences inherent in this show.


    However Barry's crush being revealed by someone else would have relieved him of the burden and allowed him to keep his proverbial hands clean whereas Iris not telling Eddie makes her look suspicious by the lies of omissions necessary to keep it a secret. It makes the relatively mediocre emotional issue into a full blown secret.


    Moving on from Barry and Iris for a second.


    Has Iris told Eddie about her mysterious meetings with The Flash ?

    I wish this show would bother to tell us if she got any credit for that photo because that should have had major ripples.

    • Love 1
  9. Whoah - Iris doesn't know that anyone else other than her and Barry (and I guess now Linda) know about the confession. It's not like any of them actually have talked to her about that... so for Iris, I can kinda get why she's keeping it under wraps. Even just mentioning it to Eddie might prompt Eddie to force Iris to choose between them... she's really between a rock and a hard place.



    I know Iris doesn't know that (Henry, Caitlin, Cisco, Wells and Joe)  knows but she essentially confessed to a random coworker that Barry was hung up on her... That person is a reporter who is now dating her best friend who also works with Eddie which she knows.


    Linda could rock up at Barry's workplace and accidentally reveal the secret to Eddie without even knowing who he is. That Iris works at a newspaper and doesn't understand how information can be spread worries me. Also Eddie is a detective, he might detect some odd tensions that weren't there the last time they double dated so it just seems like Iris is holding the Idiot Ball by keeping Barry's confession to herself.

  10. Barry not being able to move on right away would have made me more sympathetic to the idea that he just couldn't resist telling her and causing all these problems. If he could move on so easily, he should have just done so. But more importantly, it would impact how I would feel about Iris' reaction.

    If Iris still thought Barry had feelings and had not moved on, I would be inclined to think that she needs to have a conversation with Eddie. I would also probably expect her to put some distance in their friendship, out of respect for Eddie.

    Of course, if she does have doubts, she should tell Eddie, but I'm not sure she does or realizes she does or is ready to admit she does anyway. And she may even think any fleeting niggles don't matter, since nothing is going to happen since Barry has moved on.

    I really wish Barry hadn't told her. There was very little chance of an upside considering the timing.



    I'm not crystal clear on the timeline but hasn't it been a few weeks since Barry confessed feelings to Iris?


    Or are we supposed to believe that Reverse Flash, Captain Cold and Peekaboo all menaced the city within a week ?


    It seems implied that Barry has been busy training to increase his speed for weeks not days ... Or maybe that was just my impression ?

  11. Yeah - but there is NO way to do this without making an even bigger mess. And as cynic said (and I said some time ago in this thread), Barry seemingly has moved on - and he did it pretty fast - so what's there to talk about?

    This is another reason why Iris is in a tough spot. Barry had YEARS with his feelings, while Iris got like a few days before she had to make some kind of decision because she already had a boyfriend when Barry confessed.

    He should be alone for a little while until he's really over Iris - but I know that sounds old fashioned... or he should just "date around" and be clear he isn't looking for a commitment - but that might just make him even more emotionally unavailable. Because he didn't deal with his feelings for Iris.


    It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation for Iris. If she tells Eddie, they may have an argument about Barry and her spending time with him, which would probably blow over eventually but she's choosing the cowardly option of not saying anything, withholding that information from Eddie. Considering that there's at least 5 other people that know that Barry confessed to Iris that's he's in love with her by now keeping that secret from Eddie is just making an awkward situation into a SECRET that's bound to come out at the worst time RUINING their relationship.


    I just don't want a soapy blow out between Eddie and Iris about secrets.


    It wouldn't even be an issue but we're supposed to assume that Iris is developing feelings for Barry retroactively after the confession so keeping the potentially growing feelings for another man from Eddie comes across as self serving and duplicitous which I'm sure isn't the intention at all.


    I really wish they'd write Iris better because this is making the endgame coupling of these two seem as toxic as Klaine from Glee what with the living together as teens thing and Joe acting as a surrogate father for Barry and everyone keeping pointless secrets from Iris.

    • Love 1
  12. I think it's pretty unrealistic to expect Iris to tell Eddie anything until she actually knows how she feels herself. What is she supposed to say? "Hon, Barry told me he loves me. I've never thought of him that way, but I'm going to spend some time considering his offer and if I decide that I don't like him, then we can go ahead and move in together. Cool?" Seriously? I can understand telling him if and/when she actually realizes that she has developed feelings, but to torpedo her relationship and break Eddie's heart on a possibility that may never happen seems crazy, especially now that Barry has been so quick to move on. Apparently Barry's feelings weren't that strong if he dropped them so easily. If he could move on just like that, he should've never told Iris in the first place! And if you think Iris is being dishonest by not disclosing doubts that we don't even know she's actually having (or is consciously aware she's having), then Barry is being even more dishonest to Linda since he actually does have feeling for Iris and knows Linda doesn't want to pursue dating a guy who has feelings for someone else and yet he is begging her to give him a chance. I feel bad for her. He's using her to get over Iris and really he needs to deal with those feelings without the rebound crutch, because that's just unfair.


    She could mention that Barry the guy she spends a lot of time with alone told her he loved her and that she feels weird about it. Since he's her partner and she should be able to tell him things since apparently they're at the stage where she meets his parents at a fancy dinner I don't think it's that unrealistic to at least mention the weirdness.


    The upside would be that Eddie would get some screen time and we could find out how he feels about the whole thing because he's got even less of a POV about the love triangle than Iris does.


    Barry is trying to move on with his life so he's burying what he feels are unreciprocated feelings. I agree it's unfair to lie to Linda about his baggage though. He should just try dating like a normal person...


    He would rock it on the speed dating circuit ;-)

    • Love 1
  13. Remember after Barry confronted Iris about what she said to Linda and he said, "You told her I was in love with you!" or something like that... and Iris said, "That is NOT what I said... wait - did I?"

    I honestly don't think Iris is aware of her feelings really at this point - if she did sabotage Barry, it wasn't consciously. But that's what happens when you are in denial of your feelings - stuff comes out kinda beyond your control.


    That's the biggest problem with this whole triangle. Iris doesn't know how she feels, we don't know how she feels and Barry and Eddie are clueless as how she feels about Barry so it makes it hard for anyone to know what to do about the situation when the person who decides between the two men is equally clueless.


    It would help if Iris had a single friend from college or highschool that wasn't Barry to talk through the problem she's having. Or at least confided in her father, though she doesn't know that her father already knows and approves of Barry's love which is why I find Joe annoying at the moment but that's a different conversation entirely.

    • Love 1
  14. LOL - you gave me a huge chuckle there.

    But I think that's what's so complicated here. Iris was in a relationship, so any confession on Barry's part was going to put her in a tough spot of having to consider two men at the same time. I guess Barry couldn't totally avoid that - but I don't think it's quite fair to insinuate that Iris is playing with both guys at once... I think one of the main reasons we might not have seen Iris say anything yet is because the writers are walking a fine line with her and not wanting her to look unfaithful to Eddie - who is - in all fairness - her boyfriend.

    But wouldn't it have come across as equally bad if she'd said she needed time to think? What about Eddie? Then it would look like she'd basically been in sort of an emotional affair the whole time with Barry if his love confession made her need time to think. That time to think would be her considering a relationship with another man, which you don't do when you're already in a relationship with someone else.

    BUT - I agree that it would have been great to have seen Iris respond to him with words one way or the other.



    You're welcome.


    Saying "I need time to think" isn't an indication that you are going to return that person's feelings but it does acknowledge that you're thinking about the possibility of considering them in a new way.


    There is the problem of Eddie, the problem becomes double edged for Iris, if she continues to date/sleep/live with Eddie she should be faithful to that or at least tell Eddie that she has doubts but if she doesn't acknowledge that there's potential for something with Barry to anyone than Barry is free to move on. Which is why I feel worst for Eddie, he doesn't even know he's competing against Barry's alter ego and Barry himself all at the same time. Iris is choosing to keep Eddie in the dark. At this point Iris is coming across as wanting Barry to still love her while continuing on a relationship with someone else more or less in front of Barry.


    Or at least that's the way it seems, maybe in the next episode they'll reveal that Iris has told Eddie that Barry told her he loved her and she's conflicted about it and it will absolve her of some of the blame of the triangle.


    At this point the only person that has been sort of honest about their feelings was Barry initially. Now it seems like everyone is lying to everyone else. Barry is claiming his love is all gone and Iris is claiming she had no ulterior motive for oversharing to Linda.

    • Love 1
  15. On this we're agreed but I think the WAY he confessed also shot himself even further in the foot.

    But I'm sure it will resolve itself soon.


    I doubt it'll get resolved for several seasons. They tend to drag these relationship drama triangles out forever long past my patience.


    The problem with Barry's confession is that it was a last ditch attempt to try and stop Iris from progressing to the next level with Eddie. Iris didn't respond and moved in and on with Eddie with nary a pause to say anything at all to Barry about it.


    Barry lobbed the emotional ball over to Iris, she hung onto it and Barry thought the game was over and went over to try and play a new game with a different player. Now Iris seems to be bringing back the ball once Barry has started a new game with Linda all the while having frequent games with Eddie.


    Ok that metaphor sort of fell apart at the end but Barry didn't ask anything probably because he just confessed to a decade long crush and freaked out and left before he said anything else he might regret or to give Iris a chance to process the news alone.


    The next time Barry saw her she proclaimed that she was moving in with Eddie apparently undaunted by Barry's love confession.


    While it might have been unfair to lob the ball into her court without notice, the least Iris could have given him was a response of some sort even if it was "I need time to think". Apparently we couldn't get that so it just comes across bad that she continues on with her relationship with Eddie while processing her feelings for Barry silently and being passive aggressive about him moving on.


    If Barry had demanded that she respond immediately or break up with Eddie immediately or that Iris should love him back he would have come across as even worse. He just expressed how he felt to his supposed BFF, he demanded nothing of her and he got nothing back so he moved on. It's about as mature as Barry could be given the nature of their relationship and the Eddie situation.


    Considering the amount of times he had nearly died from the Pilot episode to his love confession maybe he thought time was too short to keep that particular secret when he had a new STUPIDER secret to replace it.


    Iris is stuck as the worst person (IMO) in the triangle the Waffler, the person with all the power to decide which man/woman to choose and doesn't for AGES while the Trusting Bf continues on in the relationship unaware of the doubts building below the surface and the Pursuer pursues someone else to the annoyance of the often narcissistic Waffler.


    Though Barry isn't much of a pursuer, he's kind of a wimp emotionally. He doesn't like taking emotional risks.

    • Love 1
  16. On the other hand Barry had come back from a near death coma and had this on his chest for years. If we were going to give him the benefit of the doubt maybe he wanted to say it before it festered any longer inside him before Eddie and Iris got any more serious.


    Unfortunately he completely blew the execution and didn't even wait for a response before leaving and apparently didn't even bother to follow it up so I can't give him that benefit of the doubt for the love confession.


    It's deeply annoying because we already knows the 'hero' gets the girl even though at the moment I don't think he's mature enough to be in a serious relationship.

    • Love 3
  17. I like Bieste and Puck. (And Sam, to an extent.) 


    And despite doing crappy things to each other Puck and Finn were pretty good. Blaine and Rachel aren't horrible either. Sue and Becky. There's a few platonic friendships that are fine. 


    And really, Sam and Rachel aren't bad. It's just weird because it's out of nowhere. 


    Ironically, Brittany and Santana have a pretty solid relationship. Which is funny because it only exists because fans want it. 


    I don't know about Puck and Finn, Puck was going to let Finn take the fall for his baby, then there's the hooking up with Quinn behind his best friends back and the thing with Rachel not long afterwards.


    Sam and Rachel aren't bad they just have nothing in common other than singing which Sam doesn't take as seriously as Rachel. Rachel can't even be bothered listening to him talk about himself for more than 10 seconds.


    Becky and Sue are all sorts of twisted mostly because of Sue, Sue has turned Becky into a clone of herself but minus the rare moment of human compassion. Plus there was that whole Sue covering up Becky's firing of a gun in school and the replaying out of a relationship that Sue had with her sister with a student and continuing it on past her schooling. It's all sorts of creepy.


    Britney and Santana have their own issues, Britney seesaws between mathematical genius and an overgrown 12 year old who talks about sex at inappropriate moments to everyone. It makes Santana doting vaguely condescending love on her kind of 'off' for me.


    I don't remember anything particularly offensive about the Beiste/Sam/Puck relationship (other than the lack of boundaries between the teacher/students) so I guess we have them to add to the list with Kurt and Elliot.

  18. I think we can all agree that Barry's love confession came at an awful time and was more about him than Iris. Sadly though Iris's lack of reaction is probably more the fault of the show than either character. It just makes everything more difficult as we don't really know what Barry is trying to fix.


    Did Iris stop talking to him, were there awkward glances? was it buried under a ton of denial ?


    We don't know and probably will never know what is up with Barry and Iris. I think they rushed Barry's confession and it's weighing down the show with an overt love triangle that makes the 2 major players look terrible. I feel sorry for Eddie who has done nothing wrong but trusting these two people. Poor Eddie, he's going to need more hugs or drugs to feel better.

    • Love 2
  19. Yea, but the point was that Kurt/Elliot worked it out, clarfied they could be great together and by the end Elliot could even joke to Kurt about his sex life with Klaine. Elliot had a bemused take on the crazy Glee kids.

    I can't think of any other platonic friendship/relationship on Glee that was that balanced in the end.

    BLAM doesn't really count because Blaine wanted to fuck Sam, so there went the platonic.


    True they ended on a good note and I guess that's as good as it gets in the Gleeverse


    Plus BLAM doesn't seem to be a thing any more so another random relationship shoved under the rug.

    • Love 1
  20. So a kiss now constitutes "cheating"? I think that's stretching it a bit. Wasn't even heavy petting so I am not sure cheating really applies. Regardless, Dave knew Blaine wasn't ever really "with" him since the get go, it was only a matter of time. Blaine seems to be the only one oblivious to that fact.


    I'm fairly sure hiding interactions with your ex implies that you're not in an open relationship which usually precludes kissing other people. Is heavy petting even a thing in the Glee Verse, usually everyone has sex or kiss, nothing in between kissing and sex. Or is foreplay not a thing in this universe ? Lol


    I did find it funny that Dave assumed it was only a kiss. I was like "Um what makes you think they would have stopped at kissing Dave?"

  21. I thought Elliot/Kurt was probably the best, a platonic friendship but that was probably because they were stuck in the minor narrative for just a handful of episodes.


    It ended on a sort of okay note but there was a whole section where Kurt was jealous that Elliot was talented and would steal focus from his band as a result of him always competing with Rachel for song time.

  22. I'm hope the show ends with Rachel dying and we actually see her flying to heaven and being given a pair of wings by a Finn look-alike.  Artie can die with her and walk again, and we'll learn that he'll spend eternity with 72 virgins who look like Kitty.  Sue can slip on a banana peel and die.  At least I'd laugh. 


    I love that idea. How about the gas leak in the choir room kills them all and they all have one last terrible musical number together while their corpses rot. THEN And only then do they learn the New Noobs names and maybe they'll even let them have some solos.


    They probably still have that whole heaven background so it's not like it'll require much effort and would cap off this crap fest forever.

    • Love 1
  23. They've already planted the seeds for Eddie/Iris/Barry for when the time comes to push that rivalry forward.


    Sadly The Flash nearly killing Eddie has been completely overlooked so if they wanted to really build up some tension they'd explore that. Love triangles are boring motivations as evidenced by Headless on Sleepy Hollow and the Ichabod/Katrina/Headless triangle.


    If Eddie goes dark side I want it to be for a good reason not because he's hulking out because of a jilted love interest.

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