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Posts posted by anonymiss

  1. From their physical appearance, one would think that Laura is stronger than Hayley. However, Laura let Tyler do all the heavy lifting, literally. The wheelbarrow and the extra brick and the raft. Hayley at least helps Blair sharing the load.

    That contrast stood out for me, too. Laura's smugness about how Blair and Hayley are "nimrods" that it would be "the worst" to lose to (along with her needless potato spitting idea) makes me not root for her. I wish Blair & Tyler could win. 

    • Love 2
  2. Meghan's first performance was fantastic! (I missed Amazing Grace because I just can't with that song.) She was singing deftly (like Christina's most dynamic and soulful performances in her prime). She worked the hell out of the stage, too. And her outfit was flawless from head to toe. She's improved the most since the audition period in every respect. Christina was at the edge of her seat, wanting to jump up, but she didn't stand for India/Kimberly yet so had to suppress that.


    The most I've ever enjoyed Kimberly's voice was in the first verse of Free Fallin'. She had a lighter, very pretty tone. The package with her Mom interacting with Christina was heartwarming. I had to smile at Dirty Diana having the same staging as Christina's live performances of Dirrty. She even gave her some of the same choreo Christina uses for other songs.

    • Love 2
  3. Noah is definitely not one of those people who is hit by tragedy and thinks, "I don't want your pity."


    LOL at Derek in the dance again--on a throne, no less. Maybe he should take his injury as a sign he should stop overextending himself and let someone else have a shot for once. It should have been Sasha from the start. How does Derek (I'm assuming) find a way to style Nastia in the most matronly way possible, despite how youthful and pretty she actually is?


    Rumor and Val with Artem did the only real Paso of the night and did it beautifully. Her "rumba," however, was devoid of hip movement, just like her samba and stiff Bootylicious dance.


    I didn't care for Riker's overwrought "emotion," especially at the end of his dance. Stick to comedy, kid. (And covering up your competitive dance experience.)

    • Love 3
  4. Matt & Rochelle totally bore me too. They got off to a bad first impression with me in the early episodes where she would be acting like he was the one at fault when she was the one screwing up with the tasks and decision-making (not remembering the dance moves, insisting on remaining at the ice rink challenge they weren't able to execute on). I would have rather had seen Matt & Ashley stay. His competence marred by his lack of impulse control and her patience combined with their support of each other is more interesting.


    Blair was newly hot in that moment he was handling Hayley with aplomb, taking charge in Spanish, and leaning against the taxi with his tanned arms folded (which nicely exaggerated their size). 


    I was appalled at Tyler and Laura's high-handed behaviour! First they unnecessarily hasten the spoilage of the potatoes and then they SPIT on them. It was like they were spitting on her, and, as visitors to her country, her culture. To add to the insult, Tyler pressures her into high-fiving them for it! They reeked of superiority. Oh and not to mention how Tyler had his violent outburst after their failed attempt, which further disrespects and intimidates her. Ugly behaviour aside, they remind me of watching a rom com or sitcom where they're the only two oblivious to how they're each other's True Loves, and then they get together at the end.

    • Love 2
  5. I really like her. She's funny. Her voice sounds like she's smoked about 2 packs a day for 30 years, has a little thug- elite thing going on. Love it. 

    This is one reason I like her. The Princess Di look is another. Very refreshing. The thing I don't like is her treatment of her bf and her not disciplining her bratty daughter.

    • Love 2
  6. At the time the work was being done, Mark was at the house working till nearly midnight many nights. He'd send out snapchats and IGs of whatever he was doing. Derek was doing his book signing tour at the time but did go back to LA when possible for filming I guess. I think he helped out as best he could given his travel schedule.

    I thought, "Derek is getting someone else to do his share of the work here, too!" I liked that Mark said something like, "We should call this Mark's Excellent Flip with occasional appearances from Derek." Heh.

    • Love 2
  7. I like Luke's son's retort about Jade being a mistake, not Maddie.


    I'm surprised Juliette and Avery didn't just do it in the elevator--it seemed like that's what she meant by doing something she's never done before.


    I was thinking all along, "Why doesn't Rayna just open her big fat chequebook?"


    I'm glad Teddy survived another day. 

  8. Witney and Alfonso are overexposed by the show. I understand they are the reigning champs but am so used to seeing them that it's no longer delightful. 


    Maks' audition was exactly what you'd expect it to be. It made me laugh esp. since I don't find him attractive. He's got an apelike masculinity and personality which isn't my thing. (His brother, on the other hand....)


    I miss Julianne as a pro. 


    It was funny how Lil Kim couldn't say the "four bad ass chicks from the Moulin Rouge" line when there's so much T&A on the show.

    • Love 2
  9. He is not like Bristol, the situation is. People are voting for him for reasons other than his dancing. Amy Purdy did a better job actually dancing, although to be fair she was less disadvantaged, physically, because she had both knees and both arms. Noah really can't do much in the way of actual dancing. I appreciate what he's done and what he stands for but his presence on this show seems unfair to the others. Of course, it's always a popularity contest and lesser dancers have always outlasted better dancers, but with Noah it's a whole other level. It's not like Bill Engvall where people just took a liking to his personality no matter how weak his dancing was. I think a lot of people feel compelled to vote for Noah simply because of his courage and situation, despite his inability to actually dance. And it's uncomfortable watching the judges fall all over themselves to praise him for what little he's doing and Carrie Ann really took it too far this week.

    He is like Bristol in how they share the rah rah America vote.

    • Love 2
  10. Sawyer is anything but another WGWG (for that, see: Joshua). Sawyer sounds like he's genuinely from another era, from the 60s or 70s. It was cute to see the blushing awkward teenager in him come out in front of Gwen.


    Meghan is my favorite female singer left but I can't agree with Beatles' ballads sung with that vocalist gusto.


    For whatever reason, I don't enjoy when people reinterpret Creep. Maybe it comes off cheesy and even Thom Yorke won't do it. I agree that Christina sounded good doing a bit of it acapella, though.


    I've never been impressed with Koryn. I don't like her tone. There are so many vocalists like her or better. She eviscerates songs rather than telling any kind of story. It's all about what big notes she's hitting--something Christina is accused of but really fits Koryn, as she lacks elegance and emotion in her singing.

    • Love 7
  11. http://www.beautylish.com/a/vxgzv/kevyn-aucoin-makeup-lesson-contouring

    Or do a Google Image search on 'contouring makeup'.  

    I don't know who does JLo's, the Kardashians' and Christina's but they must spend over an hour on it.  That's probably why I think they look great.  I'm admiring the artwork moreso than them.  I bet some of these celebs can walk around totally anonymous if they wear no makeup. . 

    Christina and Kim Kartrashian have used the same contouring expert makeup artists Scott Barnes and Kristopher Buckle. On the show, though, she'd be using Nashville's makeup people, wouldn't she? I didn't see anything amiss about her makeup or major contouring really. She looked mostly white and luminous. I think it was the highly arched, dramatic eye makeup to pull her face up and make it look more angular (to slim after the recent baby weight) that made her look very artificial and doll-like.

  12. Are people worthy of protection, by reason of DNA, when they spend nearly your entire life lying to you about the most fundamental things, while risking that you will end up being raised by strangers or in an institutional setting? Procreating does not in and of itself render someone worthy of protection. Elizabeth and Phillip are hideous parents. They deserve nothing.

    I don't think Elizabeth and Phillip are hideous parents. I had hideously abusive parents. I would have given anything to have caring parents like at least Elizabeth and Phillip are. They lied to give her the perfectly normal suburban family but SHE was the one who insisted on breaking the illusion. She insisted on the truth because, thanks to their parenting, she's well adjusted enough to believe she had a right to it at 15. She was asserting her independence like any confident, healthy child would do at that age, but like her parents knew in lying to protect her childhood, she couldn't handle it. They are not ideal parents, but far from hideous IMO.

    • Love 9
  13. I love Christina and appreciate the layers in her voice on Shotgun. You can actually hear the beauty of her voice when she's not straining and shouting. I do agree that her and Luke don't look good or natural together and I prefer him (if I have to see him at all) with Sadie. That was believable, that was gradual. Christina is very short and her skin is very youthful so Luke looks especially orange and "leathery" next to her.


    Layla is growing up before our very eyes. That was a point of growth for her to realize that Jeff's anger was a defence mechanism to cope with his insecurity that she would leave him, too, once he got invested in the relationship. She was the bigger person to recognize and resolve that conflict. I like that she has all this love to give from having it stored up from that loveless marriage with Will and they're giving Jeff layers that fit with this. 

    • Love 1
  14. I was so glad Christina toned down her X-Tina-ness at the Bluebird.  She does have a good voice when she doesn't over-embellish as is her wont. 

    MTE. I also liked the huskier speaking voice she put on for Jade. Christina has the best acting chops of her MMC pop star alums.


    It's tiresome having Juliette regress into the brat she showed she no longer is. It just seems too easy and like they don't want the character to bloom the way she otherwise would; like they know Juliette/Hayden has more charisma than anyone else and would outshine Rayna easily if they stop holding her back with contrived nonsense.

    • Love 2
  15. I'm beginning to wonder if this is the first time on DTWS that the Star ringer has more ballroom experience than the pro?

    My problems with Riker/Ryker are the same as with Nastia. They might both have good quality of movement but I can't tell because it's frenetically thrown together. I guess the pros feel that if you can do it faster, it's showing a mastery of skill. But all it does is make it hard to see their frame or the steps. And I wonder if that's the point some times. Nastia knows better than anyone from gymnastics that the faster the music and the more you bounce around, the less your technique shows.

    I just want to yank Ryker by his chin and shave his hair off.

    Agreed. And I was so disappointed when Riker inevitably went back to being Riker. I've enjoyed every second of his Capt. Jack Sparrow.
  16. Robert's timing is a bit off, but he made every step.  Patti and Noah don't even have to step.  Let's give better scores to the ones who do not move.  What rot.  It does appear that Robert has almost no sense of rhythm, though.   


    This was also an all-time unfair advantage in music for the team dances.  What can be easier and more forgiving then "Wipeout?"   At least there was an exact tie in points.

    Yeah Noah's "dance" was his best so far I think but I still can't stand that he's getting 8s for being "a great guy," which is what comprised Len's critique.


    Also agree about the Team Dance songs. Derek literally phoned it in and their work was helped tremendously with such a danceable song. The second I heard that mess Iggy was "rapping" I couldn't focus on the dancing as much because of the foul taste in my mouth. 


    I was impressed with Chris for putting in the work and earnestly giving his best showing so far. It's tough for a complete beginner. Although, his fiance's vacuous face constantly being shown grates.


    I loved classic, cranky, truth-telling Len as he brought Derek down to earth for his tango. I cackled when he told the crowd, "Oh shut up." And when he told that other Hough family member that he dances like how he cooks: "throws everything in and hopes for the best!"

    • Love 2
  17. Looking at these iTunes rankings, I find it very odd that Meghan didn't crack the top 10. I thought her performance was top-10 quality and that the country contingent would support her at least. I wonder what it would take to push her to the next level if it wasn't last night's performance. Does the country contingent only dig guys and young girls? Is there no place in country music for her type of gritty soul country?

    I agree. I don't respond well to country but this was my kind of country: more blues and rock and roll than folk and bluegrass. It was the first time I've liked her and was maybe the performance of the night for me, too.


    I had to laugh at Christina having her team sing all the songs she's covered: A Song for You, Run to You, Something's Got A Hold On Me. So I couldn't help but contrast them and didn't like their versions as much, except for Kimberly with Something's Got A Hold On Me. She really did well but I agree with those who don't care for her Fantasia-like tone.


    I loved, loved, loved having the accomplished producers there. The technical, substance-driven commentary is everything and I want that over the redundancy of having more artists come on to mentor for the pre-lives shows.

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