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Posts posted by anonymiss

  1. Well this was better than last year's finale but had the same fairy-tale realism where Poof! the girls all get their happy endings.


    I loved, "Be the walker, not the dog." Could have used a friend/advice like that at that age.


    Marni's voice is affected to sound "pretty" but it's just thin and shallow, like her.

  2. I must say, after reading all the misogynistic hate Charlotte is getting, I might have to root for her to go all the way to the finals. She seems like a level-headed girl with a good sense of humor who's able to poke fun at herself. She's obviously not the best dancer, but she's not beating herself up over her mistakes and understands she needs to work in order to improve.

    I'm all for women showcasing their beauty and sexuality (go Peta!) but I don't think it's misogynist to hate Charlotte's bimbo package because she hasn't shown any attributes to root for (yet). She didn't give me anything to know about her other than what you can tell just by looking at her. And that is nothing special to me because countless other blondes did it before her. So just basing it off of that I haven't written her off but I don't think she will survive and that's too bad because Keo hasn't even begun yet and she also has potential to be good because she can move and has a dancer's physique.

    • Love 1
  3. Joe & Tim were smacking their lips over the spicy soba noodles but they didn't let Antonia taste that. Would have been easier to bolster the seasoning on their Asian menu than doing a desperation one from scratch.


    I definitely agree I'd love if they could expand this show and somehow do both pitches and have more than Tim & Joe as the restaurant sharks. It's good now but it's clear they really are using their own money and they don't have a lot to go around.

    • Love 1
  4. That "Animals" battle was great. Awesome energy and I love love love Rob. He's legitimately talented beyond his sob story but it also connects with me.


    Damn Christina, she sounds so great not trying, sometimes better than when she is!


    I wish Pharrell had given Sawyer a different song that would have showcased the grittier parts of his voice, like his audition song, which slayed me. He has the voice and natural conviction well beyond his years. I do wonder if Adam would've been the best coach for him.

    • Love 3
  5. I hate that they sometimes get stuck on some relatively ordinary singer like they are with Caitlin. Adam saying she could win, etc. She's not the best, not even close!


    Clinton was really great and better than India whose runs are sloppy and tone is too masculine for my taste.

    • Love 1
  6. Next on DwtHoughS, their nephew, niece, next-door neighbour....


    Do not care for Riker and his stupid hair and no-name band. Love Witney's "Give me a fucking break" expression when Erin was asking him the requisite cover-our-asses questions.


    Charlotte is not the first woman in showbiz to have a porn star rack so she can get over herself now. I hope Keo gets a decent chance but I don't see many women voting for her.


    I love Robert. Anyone who's seen him on Shark Tank wouldn't be surprised by his childlike effervescence. He always has fun there, too. I hope he does well and goes further than Mark.


    OMG can we not with the amputee contestants. Maybe they can do a para spin off since they're stuck on this. It IS inspiring, but it's also saddening and emotionally explotative. 

    • Love 5
  7. I loved Ray saying about Marnie: "You're gonna make an honest woman out of this trollop!" He has some of the best lines.

    And I loved Jessa's declaration of her Jessa-ness: "I'm not going to be apart of your game. I fucking run game."

    • Love 4
  8. Mary Jane is not likable, not perfect at all.  I don't think she's meant to be.  She's very flawed.  Though it is kind of annoying how men are always falling for her I guess.  

    Gabby has an attractive figure but her face is average, imo, so I'm skeptical when men are falling at her feet and enjoy her abrasiveness. She's either indignant-bitchy or stiff and unconvincing as a news anchor. Gabby doesn't have the news anchor cadence right. I can't help but think if a more dynamic actress were sprouting these lines I might be able to root for her and love her as a boss bitch rather than just a bitchy bitch.

  9. The gloving thing I hate but the guy behind it went over with me better than I expected. He was very earnest. I would have gone with Mark & Daymond, too. Pretty much always if Mark has an offer, he makes it the best.


    "I'm really surprised you didn't squeeze their hand further." Heh. Never change, Kevin.


    Funny how Mark seemed to relate when they were ragging on bra lady about her getting a grossly inflated valuation.

    • Love 3
  10. LMAO at how Jenny plastered on the fakery at the mat. Jelani seems cool and kind of cute, too. Her competitive spirit is right all day but not the "my shit don't stink" attitude. She was rolling her eyes last challenge at Jelani and muttering things like, "I hope he can manage this part at least."

    • Love 2
  11. I agree this was my least-favorite episode. 


    I did like how Lucious made a selfless show of trying to be the hero but then Malcolm swooped in and got all the credit for saving Cookie.

  12. Derek Luke "I failed my commander, I'm in love with you." 

    That scene was straight up porno cheesy and I loved it.


    And Hakeem to Yoko: "The older the berry the sweeter the fruit" LMAO


    They really need to savour the next season.

    • Love 2
  13. I'm enjoying Meghan and Nick Jonas more than I thought I would. 


    I think Christina is wearing blue contacts that make her blue eyes look even more blue and supernatural. She looks like she stepped out of an X-Men comic a lil bit.


    Too bad they had to montage people. Anthony is great but wasn't big on anyone else. Can't wait for Sawyer. Actually, I forgot I really liked the two women rocking out to "Gimme Shelter." That was not at all what you usually see and I loved that.

  14. That girl who sang Christina's song,"Impossible," didn't have the power and depth for it, but it wasn't bad. Christina looks like an older version of her Genie in a Bottle self--that's how she looks with light makeup, which she used to shun. The only work she may've done is a treatment of fillers when she debuted her weight loss in The Voice Season 5 press conference in that pink dress. Her cheeks had that characteristic puffiness. 


    This was a boring episode. The talent was so overhyped. Can't wait to see the best of Pharrell's team (he has the best contenders I think) and some of Christina's. 

  15. The way everyone participated and respected Hannah the Substitute last episode was a total fantasy and the way the female student idolized her this episode is another. There are teachers that inspire that in students but I don't see Hannah as one of them.


    The parent plot and dinner scene was very Woody Allen and I liked that better than the other stuff. 

    • Love 10
  16. I didn't like thIs episode because Mimi Rose doesN't feel real anymore. I agree this feels much like a setup to make Adam regret leaving Hannah and Hannah to be the one who is over it by then.

  17. He . . . didn't really do that.  It was just a joke.  And only a very, very, very, very slightly funny one.  But mostly bad.

    The best thing about it was Christina trying not to roll her eyes but then begrudgingly pushing her button with her foot and then taking that time to stretch out her legs and arms.

    • Love 2
  18. As to Hannah's attractiveness, Lena Dunham is intentionally subversive on this point. Average (or ugly) men with their own TV shows have been paired with hot wives and girlfriends for decades, and she wants to cast hot guys to play opposite her. Why shouldn't she?

    Yes I gladly suspend any disbelief because of this.

    • Love 2
  19. I mentioned this in the first ep thread, but I seriously think that Christina has seen the Gwen and Shakira seasons and is now embracing the "team love" and banter that she seemed to be "above" in past seasons.  I didn't sense even a tiny bit of bitchiness from her in either ep.  We'll see how it goes.

    Perhaps, but I'd attribute the change in her attitude more to intrinsic factors of working on herself versus wanting to model herself after others. She was exhibiting this renewed outlook (and appearance) in Season 5 (before Gwen). She'd just had her first ever vacation from the show and said this allowed her to refocus and get re-inspired. She was depressed at the start of the series (newly divorced and for the first time in her lifelong career her music was received poorly) and is just much healthier and happier now (got engaged, had a baby girl, and picked up her 6th Grammy).

    • Love 2
  20. Frustrating to see the most out-of-shape couple consistently choose the athletic/physical tasks and then having to watch them suffer and fail miserably. After they switched and the guy said, "Yup. An eating challenge is right up our alley...." that was the closest he'd say to "I told you so" since she seems to be the decision-maker.


    Jackie is annoying when she tries to flirt because she does it in a bimbo damsel-in-distress style. It makes me think: "No wonder you're single."


    I felt bad for the male lawyer at the mat after she quickly asserted, "This is a FRIENDSHIP" because he looked like the guy in a movie scene where the morning after he sleeps with his friend, she says, "That was a mistake" and he replies, "Oh....Yeah. Definitely. Totally agree." 

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