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Posts posted by anonymiss

  1. Fishing and eel-hunting also take work --in fact, killing eels requires bravery --both of which seem a bit scarce among that group of 7.

    I think Dani (the kickass omnivore one) would have been able to take that eel if Luke weren't in the way trying to hug it to death.


    Really not a fan of Team Twice as Useless. The social loafing effect comes into play even more now and is not exciting to watch.

    • Love 2
  2. It's funny how meekly Blake squeaks out his self-aggrandizing claims because he doesn't believe them himself. His attitude is ugly but his dress was pretty. It was young, fun, and pretty in pink. I was glad to see the Bottom 3 from last time (I'm including Edmund who was in the bottom for me) rebound so well to being among the Top 3.


    I agreed with and appreciated Zac's specific technical praise, especially for Hanmiao's and Kelly's super cool, beautiful looks.


    Much better episode than the premiere and am cautiously optimistic about the season.

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  3. Idk if I'm alone here, but I just don't get the physical appeal of Adam.  I never see him as anything but scruffy, scraggly, unkempt & possibly unclean.  And that topknot thingie?  Ew.  Look, he seems pleasant enough, if enormously dull & unopinionated.  I know, I know, it's personal preference.  Seems like every thread on each ep, there are a bunch of comments from those who say he's sexy.  Shrugging hard cuz I'm just not seeing it.


    What the hell was Heather's comment to Bethenny on choosing to act like bitch about?  Guess I have to watch again cuz I didn't understand her point at all.  Bethenny looked baffled.  I was too.

    I've been baffled from the beginning about Adam's supposed hotness. I actually find him quite unattractive with his small eyes, long scrawny nose replete with scrawny shapeless body and then that scraggly hippie hair. I'm also mildly traumatized by this guy who stalked me and had that long unkempt hair and hippie style so whenever I see Adam I recoil. 


    To each her own, obviously.


    Heather makes me cringe the most because she's the most naturally unsexy, uncool, and unfun but not OK with it. It's like seeing a strict old-fashioned mother trying to keep up with her daughter's friends. There's nothing wrong with being the stable, mature one, yet she's so embarrassingly tryhard in proving she is fun and cool, too. I can't with the outdated/inaccurate slang (it's not "bye bye") and "Holla Honey" sounds so desperately uncool.

    • Love 2
  4. Shawn was too naive to live but I was moved by his scene with James. The acting and writing for it was especially good, mostly because of Omari but the guy who played Shawn held his own. He's not bad but I agree he and Naturi don't have chemistry. The only weak link they have is La La but thankfully her screen time is proportionate to this. 

    • Love 5
  5. Blake seemed like a real dick on the preview show, but not so much here. Maybe it's coming later.  Or maybe it was just to get cast. Lindsey (who didn't seem so bad in the preview) seems to have taken up his slack though. 

    And to think this precious lil' hipster warned us in the preview that she's the victim of people misjudging her as this privileged mean girl. We must have it all wrong, too.

    • Love 3
  6. Lindsay, Gretchen, and Alexandria seem to be cut from the same supercilious, entitled, mediocre muslin. (Alexandria being the most talented of the terrible trio, though.)


    11th-time's-the-charm guy had an ill-fitting amateurish cape costume dress. Looked like she just needed the vampire makeup to complete the Halloween costume. Clearly, they kept and praised him for the compassionate angle.


    Busted Christian Siriano's geometric dress wasn't that busted, esp. compared to the cape costume LBD they struggled to manufacture praise for.


    Ashley deserved the win. I have that look in my closet but not quite. Her little details made it look much more special and "designer" than my fast fashion one.


    The ultra cheesy, contrived comments they have the designers make during the Product Placement Beauty Crap Segments aren't the slightest bit natural or restrained anymore. I think one girl actually squealed, "Mary Kay, you're doin' it!" 


    I've seen every season but this is the first time I've fast-forwarded to the runway. Lifetime manages to make it more bloated each season.

    • Love 3
  7. OH I totally forgot about that: I do not trust Olivia. Girl has early fame ho written all over her. With her cheshire grin, she seemed way too comfortable and delighted to be on TV. I suspect she just wants to be a Braxton and that her parents are OK with this for the same reason. If this marriage happens it could be her first of many come ups.


    And as OTT as Traci was being, I didn't like how this child was starting to sass back at her when she interrupted them in the bed. And at the restaurant when Traci stopped being vulgar and just spoke from her heart, saying she wanted the best for them and implored them to wait b/c marriage is hard work, her son gulped. She finally got through to him a little bit, but then he said he couldn't "please everyone" so was going through with it. That's when Olivia glowed and pet him. It seems she was rewarding him for doing what she's pushing for.

    • Love 2
  8. Those white dresses for Toni's show are everything--they all looked their best in them. Traci's performance itself was unremarkable.

    I laughed when Towanda saw Tamar's kiss and "I love you" speech to Logan and immediately decided to mimic that with her son but he rolled his eyes and ran away from her. I also observed Towanda's lowkey seething rearing its head again when Tamar was celebrating her "round the way girl" fabulousness and having the scoop (shared with Toni, which is more evidence of their closeness) before her.

    Trina's new man seems like an actor but maybe that's just how he is. I always feel like I'm watching a charming rom com with his lines and delivery.

    I hope they (by "they" I mean Towanda towards Tamar) never beef about meta reality show business again (i.e., being sour Tamar got her own show with Vince) because I feel like I have my show back now.

    • Love 4
  9. I don't like seeing someone get badgered, but if anyone had it coming....


    Even before that scene, Bethenny's lines were all zingers for me, very Season 3 Bethenny. She's at her best genuinely pissed off (i.e., from something that affects her real life) and at a fashion show, it seems. This time instead of LuAnn being read for filth, it was Ramona. 


    It's understandable the dresses would be brought up again because 1. It was a fashion show so the reminder is ever present 2. Whenever a major wrong has been committed, it's natural that the offender's past offences are re-examined and can become magnified.


    I agree Ramona is tedious to watch. No one cares that she's in heat--or pretending to be for Mario's sake. (Isn't that Sonja's schtick although it's definitely genuine and evolving now too.) Even easy, breezy, beautiful (but bland) Kristen wasn't as boring this episode.


    LuAnn's ensemble was the only one I really wanted.

    • Love 10
  10. Can't Angela just say she was and still is playing Jamie for information?


    I can't stand how neatly everything falls into place for our (anti)hero because everyone is so dumb. I need to see Ghost outsmarted and then come out on top convincingly.

    • Love 1
  11. I preferred Traci's sound check look to her performance one. Annoyed they dragged out her performance till the next episode but there was a lot of good S1 classic stuff in this episode. It felt like old times where they would tease each other and laugh together or argue but it wouldn't be hatred and then they'd come together as a family. It felt good.


    I understood Tamar's bitterness when Traci was getting support for saying the same thing she'd been begging for, and still didn't really get. Proud of her for bouncing back and being the bigger person to support Traci.

    • Love 5
  12. Bethenny and LuAnn did the same thing in the 1st…2nd?…season though - they questioned Ramona's dating "rules" and at least Bethenny made a crack about how they were as dated as Ramona's Jane Fonda aerobics attire.


    I'm at the point with Ramona that I don't even think it's necessarily an opinion that the woman's socially graceless and clueless - more like a statement of fact.

    True. I think it feels supercilious with Carole because of how she bragged about her flirting style when she first met Adam, and then we were treated to her embarrassing display of throwing herself at him (this is how you do it, ladies). Then she remarks that Ramona has "no game," ostensibly unlike her cool moves, including asking if her rib cage is distracting her date.

    • Love 1
  13. I remember when Carole was "more cool" when she was dating the Aerosmith guy. I remember he visited her on a vacation with everyone, Sonja claimed he hit on her, and Carole was really embarrassed and apologized to him about the ladies. She definitely acted like, "We are way too cool for these people." She also talked about how they had an open relationship. During that season and when she was dating the musician is when I really thought she was trying super hard to be cool. She seems more down to earth now and not as snotty as before. And she is dating a guy (Adam) that she is comfortable introducing to her friends, which is very nice to see. 


    I would argue that going from a major rockstar who is incredibly successful and SUPER cool (Aerosmith, hello!) rich as hell, and connected to everyone, plus made marks in history when they merged their rock with Hip Hop (Walk this Way) with Run DMC (this was MAJOR) to a young random guy who is struggling to make it as a chef by cooking for rich women (LuAnn) is a move down. Front row seats and VIP access for Aeorsmith concerts vs. food. Sex with a rockstar has to be amazing. Especially considering that Carole does not appear to eat more than 2 times  week, I think the food thing is lost on her. So she might be a little embarrassed to be dating someone who is a nobody vs. a famous influential man like she has in the past. 


    Also, a google image search came up with some old pics of Carole during her marriage, also some pics of her with JFK Jr. (nothing with the wife). She was anything but cool in old pictures. Very very very plain and conservative looking. No make-up, simple hair. She has definitely reinvented herself, and she actually looks a ton better now after all her surgery. 

    Cool summary. ;) I also think she considers herself cooler-than-thou by how she looked down at antiquated Ramona's attempt at flirting and made it clear she considers herself an arbiter of "game," of which she scoffed that Ramona has none.

    • Love 5
  14. I've never questioned that Carole and Carolyn were close.  What I found strange were the claims that Carole doesn't have a single picture with both of them.  I really dislike having my picture taken, but I have pics of myself with every close friend I've ever had.

    I have no problem believing Carole but it also wouldn't shock me if she exaggerated because she's not above a disingenuous portrayal of herself (as Carrie Bradshaw or Forever 21 School Girl replete with ridiculous outfits like what she wore to B's new home).


    That said, though, I remember before the proliferation of digital cameras and sharing platforms, I would be resigned to assuming I wouldn't even see photos I was in with friends let alone receive a copy. 

    • Love 2
  15. Traci is ridiculous. She's holding on to all this hostility, so when someone wants to present her with an award, she skips that event to join her sisters who she says never support her. She claims she wasn't drunk, but it was still the same lazy performance just with a whole lot of spice added. Yeah, show everyone how good of a budding star you are. Prancing around the stage all intoxicated with holes in the butt of her stockings; ridiculous. If I was Toni, I wouldn't waste my time either. Traci may have a voice but she's got nothing else beyond do wop. 

    I haven't written off Traci because she impressed me w/ her singing the National Anthem when Trina also performed at the same event. She sounded and looked good and was beaming with happiness and pride afterwards. Something happened that threw Traci off her game when she had her stuff together--Towanda's gleeful public humiliation of her when she spread that rumor about her husband's child with another woman? 


    She was a drunk mess at Toni's concert but I can chalk that up to her being depressed and drowning her sorrows over the above and everything else she listed all adding up to the conclusion her sisters have never rooted for her or accepted her.

    • Love 2
  16. From the previews it looks like Toni is going to give Traci a solo spot but I don't like the way she shows her supposed support. Rather than patient compassionate love that gradually builds confidence to allow someone to grow, she throws them on the spot, so it feels like, "So, put up or shut up. Now you can't say I didn't try." She did it to Trina before, too. The only one who would have been fine with that is Tamar because she has never stopped preparing and believing in herself and is the youngest so not demoralized and saddled with family responsibilities yet.

    The flashback at Trina's last Gabe divorce announcement revealed that Towanda was biting Tamar's behaviour again with the over-the-top dancing for this second toast. She's the ultimate tryhard and real wannabe while Traci is just the outcast.

    Love Tamar's recording look--reminded me of janet. Good to see the sisters and Mama E all there with her. It really was night and day compared to how she was with her first album. It was impressive seeing her articulate and embody her growth as an artist and woman. Smirked at how Toni, newly confident again after her recent latest Grammy, couldn't resist playing producer. And then hearing useless Towanda pipe up for the first time only to parrot Toni's suggestion.

    Enjoyed Trina and her new man at the family dinner. This scene and their first date have been rom-com entertaining. He really has an unexpectant charm and quiet confidence. I noticed how Towanda tried to smile big despite the flicker of envy and unhappiness after he swept the family off their feet and then topped it off by turning to Trina and saying, "I think I already found what I need."

    I was cheering for Traci after side-eying her for never taking responsibility for her choice to miss her award ceremony. Everything she enumerated after that I forgot about. She's been keeping score and I hope she makes her sisters own up to how they outcast her. Points to Traci for rubbing Trina's back and saying, "I'm rubbing Trina's back and what's that I feel? A backbone?" LOL

    • Love 2
  17. I could see Dorinda's point about Heather's acceptance of the apology, I think it's the response "I forgive you" as if she's the benevolent one. It would have been nice if Heather apologized as well for hurting Dorinda.

    I enjoyed Carole and Dorinda in this episode and I'm looking forward to the trip to London. 

    Agreed and also to this point:


    Beth continues:


    As far as Dorinda's apology and Heather's acceptance, I understand Dorinda's point. Accept it and move on, unconditionally. Heather had a vibe that was still hanging on to the apology. It seemed the acceptance had strings.


    How so?  Dorinda asks for forgiveness.  Heather's reply:  "I forgive you.  It's that easy."  End of scene.  Then we have Dorinda's TH about Heather being 'arrogant' when accepting an apology.  Hm......  What vibe?  What strings?

    I suspect Bethenny was speaking from her own recent experience with Heather's sanctimonious spirit when she chased her down to apologize for not wanting to be friends with her and Heather still couldn't drop it. The first thing she did was turn around and talk shit about B to Carole & LuAnn by the fireplace. It took a couple more apologies (and hugs) where B had to seek Heather out to get Heather to drop it (and she was formal in her tone of acceptance then, as well, just like what Dorinda may have been referring to). This was when Heather never offered any apology of her own for being the aggressor and stated unwanted busybody. 


    Adam is the rail-thin male equivalent of Carole as far as body type goes and I don't find that hot in men (or women) but I see his facial features are nice so I get it. I wonder if he is, at least to some degree, motivated to date Carole to get his name as a chef out there and kickstart a potential celebrity chef career.

    • Love 4
  18. I'll totally miss Matthew because he is very good TV and seems a passionate and skilled chef. He has that natural camera quality that Jeff Mauro always had but, unlike Jeff, he is a developing immature kid. Maybe if we met him down the line as a mature responsible man with his own family (like when we met Jeff) he would be able to realize his full FN Star potential. 

    • Love 4
  19. Holly has the best interaction with Angela. First, "You dumb bitch." Now, "Give it the fuck back." and "Be real: who wants to fuck a good guy."


    Love how they made something lethal like practicing firing a gun feel like a romantic date idea.


    Tommy was proposing and they would have been engaged but it's cute how he had no idea the official terms to use.


    Oh god, my own mother would probably give me the same soul-sucking yet practical advice Tasha's mother gave her.


    That ending was The Sopranos' Adriana's revenge on Christopher for me. The way Holly did it is what Ade (R.I.P.) should have done.

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