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Posts posted by anonymiss

  1. Towanda's way of being supportive is being there, doing research for you, assisting you, etc.  I believe she was great moral support for Trina as she went to court with her.  Beyond that, I don't think Towanda is capable.  She doesn't strike me as all that emotionally sensitive.  Well, except when she's had enough of being ignored.


    Mmhm, she was there for Trina and there for her screen time too cuz what else is she doing? 


    I was glad to see Mama E on The Real's Mother's Day episode looking impressively fit and fabulous--the best I've ever seen her look. I guess her recovery has been going really well.

    • Love 1
  2. Towanda really is horrid. Her smugly saying, "I hope everyone is as supportive as me" speaks to her grasping at anything like this for superiority and worth because she has no other means of it. And this is her idea of "supportive:" 


    "Yeah, you DID marry a bitch." AKA "I told you so."

    "I never once thought Andre would do what Gabe is trying to do to Trina" AKA "I'm better than Trina."


    And then barely containing her merriment during Trina's breakdown. Her mouth kept twitching into a grin and her stupid faces were those of an amused detached spectator rather than caring sister. Trina sobs, "I feel so stupid and dumb!" So Towanda makes her feel even dumber, "Why you feeling dumb!? There's no reason to feel dumb!"


    Contrast that to Toni's somber support and Traci and Tamar's blood boiling out of protectiveness and Tamar being moved to tears with Trina.


    I LOL'd at the Andre flashback where he told Towanda, "Good riddance!" HAHAHAHAH

    Maybe Towanda feels secure enough to show her relationship with Andre now that she can feel above Trina and her choice of man.


    I hope there will be more levity to this season. This ish is depressing!

    • Love 6
  3. Justin makes me feel like I'm watching someone speed through every red light. Totally reckless and scary to watch.


    Yes watching these people is boring because they're completely unrelatable. 

    • Love 3
  4. It's natural for Bethenny to bristle at Heather since Heather was aggressive and insulting to Bethenny from their first meeting when she made a big deal out of LuAnn "creating" SkinnyGirl with Bethenny. She wouldn't drop it and insisted Bethenny "owes" LuAnn a new car, etc.

    • Love 12
  5. Matthew bugged me on CK cuz he was so smug and obviously doing the most to try out for this show both appearances, and sure enough, here he is. But now that he's on I am kind of rooting for him to get it together since I like his cooking style (hey I love gochujang too) and he's fun to laugh at with the "I want to reach millennials" schtick.

  6. I get that Penny *now* apparently is a "big deal" chef at a new restaurant/club owned by 1 of the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, but *back 3 years ago* I think she was still just a "wannabe" in the culinary world & I don't think she had *any* business questioning whether she, or her "professional elders", if you will, knew how best to use a spice/herb/

    seasoning in a dish. Her attitude in that damn Talking Head burns me up every time I see it!

    Penny is the kind of villain I can love to hate, or maybe just love. She's audacious but competent--her food was always praised. I liked that she wasn't a Pollyanna with that fake cloying attitude and voice like many of the women on the show are expected to have. (I laughed at her unapologetic villainy like when she said with a shit-eating grin when asked back to help her competition, "Am I working at a leisurely pace? I'm just methodical.") So I wasn't disappointed Symon's mistake forced the Chopped producers/judges to deviate from the script--if only for a moment. 

    • Love 1
  7. And this is exactly how they do it. They eased Valerie Bertinelli in by making her a judge here and there, and a celebrity competitor, then a co-host on those short "baking championships," and now she's a network regular. Art's on the track, as is Jet Tila.

    This is why I imagined Elizabeth Falkner being asked back this season but saying, "Screw that." She knows the score by now.

  8. I feel awful for Trina, especially when she opened up a tiny bit about what things are like for her now with Gabe saying things like, "You ain't shit. Anyone else you're with will cheat on you, too." That gutted me.


    She's in such a tough position, too. Like you guys mentioned, they are trying to do this damage control spin for her with all this "Gabe is crazy" stuff and showing select footage but not the footage where Trina is giggling to Gabe about getting on her knees for another 10K in her video, etc.


    Towanda I see is still scrubbin' it up and taking her only sense of accomplishment in being the one who has the gossip first. Maybe Andre finally got a J-O-B, but when will she?

    • Love 3
  9. I thought I'd feel more about Val's time arriving but I'm strangely unmoved. The best dance pairing won but, aside from that principal, I've never been emotionally invested in Rumer because she was always good so I find I feel much more relief than excitement by her win.

    I'm also surprised by how much better I found Riker due to dancing with the pressure off and the freestyle being a repeat. For the first time I agreed he was totally crisp and in control, like Julianne always raves. Still could've done without him this season entirely, though.

    It was amusing seeing Riker's reaction when Allison basically said on GMA, "From day one it was so easy with Riker, like he could dance already!"

    • Love 2
  10. I was definitely more interested in what Mia Z and Pharrell created than the suspense of who will be crowned The Voice. I like Pharrell reminding future contestants why you should go directly to the producer-coach.


    Kelly also reminded everyone how awesome her voice is. 


    Loved that Christina sang and that it was in her element of bluesy soul-singing. I was impressed with her rendition of that song when she was a child but it was such low video quality so this was a treat and made me happy I stuck it out till the end. And her impressions skit was amazingly shady. I wonder how much input she had (if at all) in the content! Her Cher impression was the best.


    I really feel they should do away with the Idle practice of making the person who wins have to sing when announced the winner. Sawyer looked super awkward having to sing when he just wanted to celebrate with his family. It also feels totally disjointed for the audience to not get to hear from them at all after winning.

  11. Rumer and Val gave me the only beautiful dances of the night. I was, however, distracted by her cover of Britney's "Toxic." It wasn't bad at all, just different, so I was evaluating how I felt about that when I just wanted to focus on her dancing.


    Noah and Sharna gave me beautiful production and Noah did improve with his "transcending dance," as Bruno put it. I've resigned myself to whatever happens with them. Their efforts are at least more honest in their emotionally manipulative, gimmicky intentions than Riker in his "I just learned to dance and am really a star" ones.


    I can't stand Riker's lanky body jerking about frenetically--he's so unaesthetically pleasing! It doesn't matter if he's doing everything right--it looks wrong. It always looks ungraceful and, yes, they were noticeably out of sync in their soulless, emotionless freestyle.

    • Love 3
  12. Koryn opened the show with her best performance. That's how you cover a song that's been covered a ton of times--with total control and with her own style. This was the only song she's done that suits her. Those placid church songs do nothing for her voice, but everything for her votes I guess.


    I'm fine with the foregone conclusion of Sawyer winning. I had to laugh, though, at Christina's shading the way The Voice works in her praise of Joshua. She basically said: "Your growth has been so wonderful to watch--unlike other artists who might be in the same category as you and don't change but continue to flourish." Heh.


    Christina was a lil salty the whole night with the constant references to when Koryn was on her team and when she sang that song first, but she kept it cute. It does suck that she didn't perform and the rest of the coach performances were dullsville.

    • Love 1
  13. I'm so glad they acquired Marcus. I tried the series premiere but couldn't take Malarkey seriously. I've binged the 2nd and 3rd seasons for Marcus, almost left due to Nigella's harpyness, but stayed for Ludo. I remember first seeing Ludo on something at least a decade ago and he left a favourable impression. Then he popped up as my fave's hubby on the Apprentice and I fondly recognized him then and am so pleased he has a regular platform now. He's so much fun to watch. 


    I will give the British version a go and see if I change my mind about Nigella.

  14. I just read somewhere that this will be Noah's third marriage - WTF?


    Oh. That actually explains a lot.  I've seen that look of 1000% devotion in other guys who fall in and out of love severely and frequently.  


    Me too, but considering he's the type of guy who throws a tantrum and thinks it made the other person "look bad," I suspect he's not the one doing the leaving.


    I laughed at the gall of Allison who says things like, "The reason Riker deserves to be in the finals is because of MEEEE! This is only my second season so it could be MY only chance--to get a Hough-y ringer like this again!" That's the "It" factor Val didn't want to call out when he said, "Riker has 'It.' I don't know what 'It' is, but he has 'It'!" 

    • Love 8
  15. All these little girls and boys and grandparents with crushes on Sawyer. I like the kid but the bloom is off the rose considering he has a free ride to the win. He can be great but his likeability is disproportionate to his talent and that sucks.


    Meghan is the only one left I enjoy and don't have to fast-forward through.


    LOL at Christina saying Joshua put her to sleep--but lest you hold it against her, she "loved" it!

    • Love 3
  16. I hate Noah. He feels entitled to your pity and the win, like he legitimately deserves it. He deserves accommodation in life in general but not preferential treatment on an elective dance competition where we are his captive audience. Thank goodness for fast-forwarding.


    If Val played Christian Grey that awful movie would actually have lived up to the hype. I barely noticed Rumer in that dance because of Val in that role. Her Bruno dance was gorgeous. That's when Bruno's flair for the dramatic was able to shine.

    • Love 6
  17. I am way far behind on this show. I am starting to worry that a character that we like is going to end up being the liver doner.

    I have to ask this here, forgive me for being off topic. Is this what Empire is like? I didn't watch the first season (not my thing and when they say I MUST watch something I shy away) but I'd do it if it is. I value what you guys have to say on the matter.

    Empire is awesome and fast-paced with a lot of cliffhangers. The finale was contrived as all hell though like Nashville's first season's finale (and ever thereafter).

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