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Everything posted by ApathyMonger

  1. I wish this had been a longer episode, or that it had come earlier in the season. I could easily have watched a double-length version of this episode.
  2. Oh, interesting. I'll probably have to pick that up.
  3. Possibly my favourite episode of the season. The deleted scene of Chris Pratt explaining the plot of Sudden Death helped: http://www.nbc.com/parks-and-recreation/video/deleted-scene-andys-sudden-death-song/n45355/
  4. What a weird episode. I wish they'd done a different remake, as I love the original Cloudy, but I think it was chosen by viewer poll. It was nice to see Janet Varney, Alan Ruck, and Lindsay Sloane turn up at least. I've been wanting Michael Weston to return for years, but his use here felt like a waste. Maybe if they get a ninth season he can return for real.
  5. Pop Culture Happy Hour, from NPR's Linda Holmes, seems like it could be a good choice if she's not listening already.
  6. Fables is great, but probably should have ended a few years ago when they wrapped up the main storyline. At least it's finally ending soon; I hope they don't mess it up.
  7. I could have done without the Fred Armisen stuff, but otherwise I liked it a lot.
  8. I'd heard of this episode before (from this article), but I loved hearing you talk about it. Those clips were fantastic.
  9. It's something I'll probably catch up on in several years when it turns up on Netflix.
  10. According to Wikipedia, JK Simmons played Hook in the 1991 Broadway production. I'd like to see that again.
  11. I only started listening to MBMBaM in the last week or so, and have been catching up. Incredibly funny.
  12. Yeah, they had ten nominees in 2009 and 2010, but apparently changed it because Winter's Bone managed to sneak in to the 2010 nominees.
  13. For those who've seen Season 3, Moffat and Gatiss did a podcast with Empire: http://www.empireonline.com/news/story.asp?NID=39814 If you don't have an hour to listen to it, there's a slideshow of some of what came up here: http://www.empireonline.com/features/sherlock-series-3-secrets
  14. Maybe my favourite mini ever. K-9 got an actual TV series a few years ago, but it looked terrible in less interesting ways: Here's the original 80s pilot: The opening credits are exactly as Dave said, with Sarah-Jane and the dog never shown onscreen together. I especially like how they reuse the same shots several times in just that one minute.
  15. The bleeped scene was fantastic; Ackerman's facial expression completely sold it.
  16. I'm still not keen on them getting together (I think it would be a bit too much like Tom and Ann on Parks), but it was another good episode.
  17. I liked the pilot a lot, but I kind of want to wait until the rest has aired and just binge on them. Stupid Netflix has me spoiled.
  18. That was great. Very much looking forward to this season. I hope they change the opening credits to something more Miami Vice-y, but as they added Lucky Yates' name in this episode, I guess it's unlikely.
  19. I'm not sold on Pretty Deadly yet (I'll get the collection), but I enjoyed East of West. It's by Jonathan Hickman though, which is an acquired taste. I love his series The Manhattan Projects too. The last new series I read that I really liked was Nowhere Men, from Eric Stephenson and Nate Bellegarde. You can read the first issue for free here: https://www.imagecomics.com/comics/releases/nowhere-men-1 Lazarus, by Greg Rucka and Michael Lark is very good too. Also, for fans of the Adventure Time cartoon, the comic series written by Ryan North is fantastic.
  20. Odd that Marnie gets mentioned in the synopsis but was in only one scene. Was there a subplot cut? Adam was great in these episodes. I love his irritation with Shoshanna.
  21. I'm not at all convinced the Moriarty resurrection is real. I hope it's not. I did mostly love the rest of the episode. Freeman was great. For those wondering about the whole fake housefront for the trains to go by, there's an article on it here: http://www.urban75.org/blog/the-fake-houses-at-23-and-24-leinster-gardens-bayswater-london-w2/ I think it must have been going around Twitter or something a few months back, because I guessed what it was straight away when Sherlock told Mary to look at the houses.
  22. I haven't watched yet, but for those interested, Ep 3 is already on Hulu (and elsewhere, I assume): http://www.hulu.com/helix
  23. I've never been willing to pay for Never Not Funny, but it looks like it's moving to Earwolf and will be free from now on: http://www.earwolf.com/show/never-not-funny/
  24. Looks like S6 could be the last: http://tvline.com/2014/01/08/justified-last-season-6-ending-fx/ I keep forgetting we're on S5 already. It doesn't feel nearly that long since the series started.
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