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Asp Burger

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Posts posted by Asp Burger

  1. I'll admit I've never loved the character Jordan, with either actress. Law-enforcement characters on this show are almost always boobs, and Jordan gets worse writing than most. But Vinessa definitely had more charisma, presence, and chemistry with her main love interest. About the only thing I'd give her replacement in the advantage column is that she comes off as "harder," and it makes sense with the character's history. But I care less about her. Much less. When Drew ran over her kidneys, I wouldn't have minded if that had been the end of her. 

    It's ridiculous that they wouldn't give VA that one tiny concession. It's how you treat someone who doesn't matter at all. She gave them four years, she did have fans, and I know she did the best she could do with the role. 

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  2. I listened to the Stone Cold/Jackal podcast with guest Marcus Coloma. I may have helped the cursor along in bits that were just BA and SB. They talked for several minutes at the beginning about SB's preferred coffee order. 

    The interesting parts of the Coloma conversation: They covered his move from Northern California to LA in the '90s and all the young-actor stuff: taking acting classes, sleeping on a friend's floor, working crappy jobs, quitting the crappy jobs when something seemed to be working out, having to go back to them when it didn't work out, getting a Coke commercial that barely covered his SAG fees, etc.  

    When he read for Nikolas, they disguised the role by calling the character "Ethan." He didn't know he was auditioning for a recast. Actually, "Ethan" would have been a recast too! That reminded me a bit of when Tamara Braun (in 2000-01) thought she was reading for "Sarah," and her friends who watched GH told her she would be playing Liz's sister.  

    He said he had seen some of GH before. He loved Tyler Christopher's Nikolas, but didn't keep up enough to know that TC/Nikolas wasn't on anymore.  

    He got the green light pretty quickly from the producers and the network. Not a long wait.  

    He said he loves everyone he gets to work with. The ones he named were Ingo, Genie, Maura, and Becky. Wonderful people, so nice, talented, total pros, etc.  

    I'd never listened to a whole one of these, but Bradford is a pretty gracious interviewer. Steve can be overbearing. He goes on a "these kids today" tangent about how his (Steve's) son is always on an electronic device and doesn't appreciate the beauty of just looking out the car window. Steve did give a good note about staying off of social media, especially when you're replacing a popular actor. He said TC is one of his best friends, but he thinks MC is doing a great job, especially coming in and having so many pages right off the bat in his first soap. MC said that even if people are saying they don't like him, he's just happy to be in the conversation.

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  3. Those super-broad spoilers for next week do say that "Molly presses Jordan for info" and that "Jordan is beside herself," so some life-or-death situation with TJ would seem to be a good guess.  

    Most of them were so boring that I didn't even want to bring them over. Things like "Maxie supports Peter," "Julian runs into Ava" and "Sonny makes his intentions clear," which could apply to any week.  

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  4. 3 hours ago, mostlylurking said:

    Molly seems to be more against weddings than actual marriage.  She said they don’t need a huge party to show their love, but that they can still have a great life with kids, etc.

    That's not how I heard her. She's against all of it. He even told her he didn't need a big party ("Yes, I would love if our mothers could be there, sure. But I want to solidify our commitment to each other through vows"). She didn't budge. Once the factor of an elaborate/expensive wedding had been removed, she started talking about how vows and making things official put expectations on a relationship, and that's when people break up.   

    Full disclosure, like @GHScorpiosRule, I don't care about this relationship very much. They're barely on, they haven't had any conflict that I remember since Rafe, and that was when they were in their "high school dance" years.  

    I thought it was weird when Alexis said, "You are not me. You are nothing like me." I think they write Molly a lot like a young Alexis, actually: an aspiring lawyer who's outspoken, a feminist, and somewhat neurotic. At least Molly is saying in advance that she doesn't want to get married, rather than bailing on it during the ceremony, like Alexis did with Ned 20 years ago.  

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  5. TJ first appeared in January 2012, and he and Molly started dating (an extension of their tutor/friend relationship) the following month. So, eight years is on the dot. From a character bio:  

    TJ agrees to help Molly make more friends by creating a fake social media account for her. He also throws a wild party which ends with Molly's house being destroyed and her passing out from alcohol poisoning. TJ admits to throwing the party without her knowledge and Alexis forbids them from seeing each other. However, TJ and Molly start dating in secret after the party in February 2012.


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  6. I just don't see them going out of their way to bring Drew up at this point. His son and his former love interest are history now, as is the memory-transfer business, so the whole Billy Miller era can become one of those soap speed bumps. If the show is still attracting new viewers, they will ultimately assume Jason is the father of both of Sam's kids. The writing already encourages that with the way "Danny&Scout" get bundled in the dull Jasam discussions. 

    If Drew ever did return, played by any actor, he could get the instant re-granting of importance: onscreen reunion with a SORASed Scout, reconnection with whichever members of Team Drew are still around at that time (Monica, Curtis, Franco, etc. ). But presently, my read is that they see him as a character who lifted right out and isn't part of future story decisions.  

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  7. 13 hours ago, SiouxB said:

     I know that Franco is not generally liked but I felt bad that he gave Elizabeth an anniversary gift and she had nothing for him...also, I was a little stunned that somebody would not know what a chapeau is (you don’t need to speak French to know what that is)...

    Herbst played it like Elizabeth was flustered and having a brain-freeze, because then she immediately twigged that it was a hat. But yeah. "Chapeau" is not advanced-level French. 

    I did find Friz cute yesterday, and I'm neutral, neither a rooter for them nor one of the people who find their scenes unbearable because of his serial-killing past. That said, paradoxically, I was thinking more about his serial-killer past than I usually do, because OG Franco was all about the games and the clues. I don't know if Writers intended it, but it did use a character trait from his dark past in an innocuous way. Good work, I guess. Both actors were charming in the way they played the scenes.  

    Liz and Gia as "friends"...I remember them more as rivals who got under each other's skin. Even post the Face of Deception war, I never thought they got to the point of closeness independent of their relationships with two brothers who spent a lot of time together. Taggert's previous description that they ran in the same circles is closer to the mark. But fine, not worth splitting hairs over. I did like Taggert and Liz's interaction and the update on Gia's whereabouts.

    Wasn't Gia already back on the lawyer track when Andrea Pearson took over the role, though? So did she quit again, try several other things, and then go back to law yet again?  

    I don't disagree that the Cyrus story is a little messy in the way it's pulled all the characters in, but it's delivering some nice suspense. The long hold on Taggert leaving Sonny's office and the silhouette following him, seen through frosted glass, was a nice touch, as was the reveal on the "Uber driver."

    I was never buying that Dev was headed for boarding school. I could see Show cutting him loose if they thought the actor or character was not working, but we'd probably get introduced to some other guys in the Joss/Cam/Trina set first. 

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  8. 23 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    Is Sam a priority for Jason?


    22 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

    Has Sam ever really been a priority for Jason?

    Hey, let's be fair. That time he had to go over to her place and threaten to kill her, she was top of the list! 

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  9. 46 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

    I'm fuzzy on the timeline but didn't Big Kristina get blown up in Sonny's warehouse between the time Alexis slept with Sonny and Krissy was born? 

    Yes. Sexis sex was in April 2002, Alexis learned she was pregnant about a month later, Big Kristina died in August of that year, and Little Kristina was born in November. 

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  10. The scene with Elizabeth and Willow was the first time I ever really perceived Elizabeth as older and with more life experience than another female character. I never felt that way about Elizabeth/Kiki, for example. Even when she's in scenes with Lulu, and I intellectually know that Liz was in high school dealing with rape trauma while Lulu was a little girl with black hair whose brothers were teaching her to ice skate, they seem like peers.

    I like it, though. She was in a weird ageless zone for a long time, and these writers have embraced the idea of her as the mother to a near-adult, someone who's had a lot of ups and downs and has some hard-won wisdom. Let her shoulder some of the "town matriarch" duties. Anything to keep Carly from horning into everything.  

    I do like the chemistry between Becky and Nikolas III (or V, if we count Chris Beetem and Nick Stabile). I always enjoy Franco and Ava together, so that setup of the obvious plotting for Ava and Nikolas was my favorite part of the episode. 

    Geez, Chase. Willow said she needed some space, and the very next time we saw him, he was frantically running into the hospital asking Liz if she'd seen Willow. I know he's one of the nicer people on the show, and he has the advantage of looking like Josh Swickard, but those smothering, "too much of a good thing," fix-it types can be exhausting.  

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  11. I have mixed feelings about the new O'Connor/Van Etten team reviving the trope of a mob war for the territory. I wouldn't have thought it was something I wanted, because it was practically all Guza was interested in writing, and we got one iteration after another. But if we're stuck with Sonny and Jason as central characters, I guess I'd rather their criminal enterprises be driving a story once in a while. It was weird when when the only current evidence that Sonny was a mobster was offhand comments from people like Josslyn and Oscar, and the most menacing thing we ever saw him doing was pushing his coffee brand on local businesses. This actor who plays Cyrus, Jeff Kober, is another good find, and I like the twist of a character who's already in prison but is still powerful and dangerous. I also like that his introduction involves other characters. I could wish for a more interesting and sympathetic actress in the role of Jordan, but I was already wishing for that.  

    • Love 2
  12. Teasers for the week of March 2, from Soaps.com:

    Multiple casualties are admitted to the ER at General Hospital.

    Laura is confrontational.

    Sonny demands answers.

    Brook Lynn is anxious.

    Michael looks to Ned for support.

    Alexis offers legal advice.

    Jason confronts Curtis.

    Willow has a hard time facing reality.

    Chase looks to Michael for advice.

    Ava visits Elizabeth.

    Jordan is furious.

    Spinelli presses Obrecht.

    Alexis runs into Nelle.

    Anna corners Obrecht.

    Finn bonds with Violet.

  13. 1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

    Pissy Michael is a lot more fun. He gets very petty, and that's entertaining to me.

    Bingo. To expand on that, this responsible nice-guy type who's always in control of his emotions and tries to do the right thing is the worst way to use Duell. We see that on the rare occasions when he gets to do something else. I thought he got off to a great start in the prison scenes with Carter, when he was terrified. He was good when he rebelled against Sonny and Carly and was saying hateful things to them. More recently, he was really good when he was pretending to be a drunk to help Jason escape jail in the neighboring town, during the DoD investigation. 

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  14. 11 minutes ago, AuxArx said:

    And Trina is Taggert's kid?  Didn't see that coming.

    I haven't seen today yet, but I'm relieved to read that. There was a cheering section to get Trina into the same family via Nikolas and Gia, and I would have hated that. By the time Gia left Port Charles, she and Nikolas had been over with for most of a year and involved with other people, and it's not as though they were written as pining for each other, so offscreen "goodbye sex" would make sense. I remember when the Tyler Nikolas shared a scene with the second Gia (a rarity), and the characters acted so distant with each other.

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  15. Carly's fans used to boast that she was so intuitive and could "see right through" people. Boy, if that were ever true, it's really gone by the wayside, hasn't it? When she said, "Nelle didn't come here to say goodbye," I thought she was going to say, "She's up to something."  But no, "She came here to get under my skin. She's nothing if not predictable." She really thinks she's at the center of everything. She hasn't been important to Nelle in years.   

    Réal Andrews does still seem to be dealing with or recovering from health issues, with the gingerly gait and all. I wonder if his return was in part to give him a steady gig so he could pay down medical debt. A lot of actors are un- or underinsured. I know I'm wildly speculating, but if that's the case and MB had a hand in it, I'd give him some karma points. I know they're friendly.

  16. 6 hours ago, ciarra said:

    Ridiculous how Nelle can sell shares that technically are not hers yet, and Valentin suddenly has "his own money" to buy them with.  He must have siphoned off money from the Cassadine account, because wasn't he some sort of fisherman in Greece, when they first intro'd his character? 

    It makes sense to me that he's still well funded, even now that he has no access to the Cassadine money. Between the WSB and his Port Charles years, there were supposed to be years of criminal-mastermind doings with contacts like Cassandra Pierce, "Liv" Jerome, others we haven't met. I'm sure whatever he was involved in was lucrative, and he probably had a lot squirreled away in various accounts. What was he going to spend it on? Billy Joel tickets aren't that expensive. (Edit: I didn't see that @nilyank already covered this.) 

    Chloe Lanier has really looked like a knockout since the character got sprung from prison. When she was with Michael, her styling was so drab, very "student life at BYU."   

    I hope this good writing period continues. Even the stories I'm not that into are not hard to watch. Except for anything involving Sam, and that's largely on Monaco.  

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  17. Week of February 24: 

    Michael enjoys his morning.

    Monica receives good news.

    Jason is of comfort.

    Nelle digs her heels in.

    Carly delivers a stern warning.

    Sam unleashes on Julian.

    Jordan brings Laura up to speed.

    Nikolas confides in Liz,

    Joss gets surprising information.

    Carly is alarmed.

    Alexis thinks about what might have been.

    Trina and Cameron head out on their first date.

    Spinelli comes through.

    Willow shocks Michael.

    Sasha needs to do what is right for her.

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  18. The show actually opened with that Jasam theme music, with Sam sobbing and a chemistry-free Jasam clinch. I seriously wondered whether I could go on.  

    That music sounds so listless and tired that I'm now thinking of it as "Kelly's Theme," à la "Nadia's Theme." It could become an ice-skating standby, for skaters who do as little as possible and get the lowest scores.    

    10 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Oh Lord. Please tell me that that black lacy thing visible on Ava’s chest was a camisole and not her BRA for all to see!

    Also, when she said that now Nina was free to pursue a relationship, and she was leaning over Nina's chair with the camera getting the cleavage shot, a new viewer might have thought she meant with her. Weird blocking and wardrobe choices aside, this is now my favorite female friendship on General Hospital since...um....have I liked any others in the last ten years? Robin and Liz? Diane and Alexis? But this is my favorite one that we're getting to see regularly. The actors have a lot to do with it. I don't think any writing would have made it work with Stafford's Nina.  

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  19. 2 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

    For the past two years, he has been playing the role of Chet Driscoll on the hit ABC daytime drama, General Hospital. He should not be confused with the co-head writer of the show who has the same name as him.

    The two Chris van Ettens together:   

    Van Ettens.jpg

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  20. 8 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

    3. I thought I also saw a few sparks between Carly and Brando, and I am not opposed. I’ve always liked Laura Wright, and she deserves a storyline that gives her more to do than defend Sonny or fret about her kids.

    I think Brando will be Lucas's new guy...or Brad's, if he survives the spilling of the Sekrits. He's in the right age group, and there was something about the specific way he denied he could possibly be the father of some woman's child. Like either "I'm unable to father children" or "I'm not into women."

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  21. My discovery of today: If you watch General Hospital online and adjust your video player settings so that it's running at 1.5X or 2X the default speed, most of the actors (notably Finola Hughes and Laura Wright) sound as though they're on coke or speed...but Kelly Monaco just gets corrected to a normal energy level.  

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  22. 18 minutes ago, ulkis said:

    Eh, why would Carly tell Nelle she hired Brook to break up Lante? When would that come up? Did Rick, Alan or Monica ever tell anyone about Alan trying to kill them?

    The house-dropping is something I'm fairly sure has been referenced once or twice in Quartermaine arguments, those scenes where several of them were yelling at each other in the living room. I've never perceived it as a family secret they take care not to bring up, more like something terrible that has become "colorful lore" with the passage of time. I'd be surprised if the likes of Carly and Michael (both of whom were close to Nelle) didn't know about it, as one of the big events in the A/M love-hate relationship.  

    I agree that Nelle's knowing about Brook being hired to break up Lulu and Dante is more of a stretch, because when Brook was between actresses and out of town, the characters on the show seemed to forget about her as quickly as most viewers did. But in general, I can hand-wave a character like Nelle knowing about things that went on in town before her time. Especially when she had the confidence of someone who runs her mouth all the time. Dante overlapped with Nelle for a couple years. It isn't that tough for me to imagine him showing up at Sonny and Carly's for a brief visit, and Carly monologuing to Nelle about her whole history with him, how she hated him at first, et cetera. The only thing she loves more than the sound of her own voice is a rapt audience.  

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