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Asp Burger

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Posts posted by Asp Burger

  1. 16 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    there's still the problem of Sonny and Carly being shoved into stories they don't belong simply to meet their minimums.

    Genie Francis is another who must now have high minimums, because Laura is everywhere and in everyone's business since GF's most recent return.  People don't complain about it much (here, anyway) because of the character's historical importance and popularity, and the writers did at least come up with the mayor position to make it more reasonable. (But does she have an actual office? She always seems to be at the police station or some local business.) 

    I'm neutral on the topic, but I do admire GF for getting such a sweet deal for herself.  

    • Love 4
  2. 5 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

    Today is the first time in a long time that I found myself actually looking forward to the next day’s episode. And for multiple reasons! Good job, new writers.

    I feel like in the context of the times, I shouldn't be happy that a team of two female head writers has given way to a team of two male head writers, but it's all in the specifics, isn't it? 

    I have been one of Chris Van Etten's boosters here. I think he's smart and sensitive and someone who has a genuine love of this poor life-supported genre. His pairing with Shelly was oil and water. There were some good things in the "post-Jean" time period, but it was a show with a split personality. I've been encouraged by more recent developments too, since Dan O'Connor became the co-head writer.  

    Edited to add: Was that warbling ovary singing "What Child Is This?" for about 20 minutes while Chase and Finn had their discussion of the joys of children?  

    • Love 4
  3. 7 minutes ago, seasons said:

    Hasn't the wiley thing been over a year now?

    "Wiley" (Jonah) and actual dead Wiley were born in late July 2018.  So, yes, quite a bit over a year, but reveals of baby-related secrets on soaps often are slow cooking. It took two years for Sonny to learn Kristina was his.  

    • Useful 1
  4. 10 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Not necessarily. Boris's been "dead" and that's probably the last/most recent picture he has of Spencer. Plus someone, Valentin, I think, mentioned him being a teenager or something.

    Also, for Show's purposes, they would choose a picture that wouldn't confuse the audience. Bechtel is the incumbent face of Spencer. We would look at the picture on Nikolas's phone and think, "Yeah, that's Spencer." This wouldn't keep them from replacing him in a few months if they wanted to introduce a new Spencer (either older or about the same age) who can be full time.

    I don't think they will, though. FV seems too attached to this kid, to the point of settling for whatever he can get from him. 

    4 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

    At 14, Nicolas Bechtel does look much younger than Joss. 

    It's a marginal point, but he'll be 15 soon. 

    If the latest pictures on his social media are legitimately recent, he looks exactly the same as the last time Spencer was in town. 

  5. 35 minutes ago, TVbitch said:

    It almost seemed like foreshadowing for when Sonny and Carly break up, Sonny is going to be chummy with Ava, further devestating Carly.

    I wonder if we'll get a replay of Carly's greatest hit: showing up at another woman's home or workplace to warn her that she had better stay away from the guy Carly used to be with, but presently isn't. 

    • Love 4
  6. 9 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    I had to turn on the CC during the Alexis-Sam conversation because they were both whispering.

    I didn't have that capability, and I just gave up after two attempts to understand one of Sam's lines to Jason in the first scene. I still don't know who's giving her the occasional mean look. It sounded like "Dawn Eaton." Then she moved on to Nelle being her cellmate, so it wasn't Nelle.

    Where is all this going with the repeated comments about Michael being exhausted, stressed, and rough-looking? Is peptic ulcer disease going to be the new spina bifida? 

    Carly, bitchily to the guard: "I know all about confidentiality!" Then she runs right to Chase. So what she knows about confidentiality is that some people will break it for her. I miss those early days when Chase treated her like a lunatic.  

    Max Gail has always done a good job with this Alzheimer's story, and it has to be tough to play this month after month, because it's so real for other people his age. The "worse and worse" quality dragging on indefinitely is true to life, and so is the repetitious nature, but I think it's been mined beyond dramatic value. It's already had two or three good stopping points. 

    • Love 5
  7. 9 hours ago, Gam2 said:

    I finally have to say that I don’t believe Elizabeth is in love with Franco for one hot second. She seems believable when she’s interacting with her kids or folks at the hospital but I get nothing between she and F. She just always seems sad or morose or depressed. Please let Franco pass on.

    I have to disagree on that one. Whatever the writing issues, I do think Becky and Roger Howarth have good chemistry, and she has a great track record with her character's major and minor love interests. The only pairing Liz has ever had that I thought was a complete fizzle, where I didn't buy it and wanted her and the actor far away from each other, was the Jacob Young Lucky. With the other two Luckys, Jason, Ric, Nikolas, Matt, AJ, Drew, and Franco, I thought she believably sold it, even when I did not like the relationship itself. (I was on a break for Ewen.) 

    • Love 9
  8. Now that you mention it, Ulkis, there is some odd stunted growth with Maxie and Lulu. I'm not sure how old I'm supposed to see them as being. They were obviously the show's "young women" when they were both assistants to Original Kate in the Devil Wears Prada cash-in, but we're more than a decade down the line now, they've both lived through so much, and...they're still positioned as young women. It's weird to see actresses of 35 and 39 playing characters who don't act any more mature than Willow, Sasha, and the departed Kiki. 

    UO: I kind of like the idea of a Cassadine war in which neither Valentin nor Nikolas is "good," but they have people in town who care about them anyway (Nikolas having more than Valentin). I don't find Nikolas's behavior since coming back to be that much of a departure. He was pulling a lot of shady shit in the Christopher/Stabile period, when he overlapped with "Drew" (Jason at the time). 

    • Love 2
  9. On 12/6/2019 at 8:08 PM, dubbel zout said:

    FRANCO IS NOT DREW. I get she's grieving the loss of Drew, but the way they've written that is horrible for the character.

    Is she? That would be the generous read, but I haven't seen much onscreen grieving for Drew from anyone. Both Monica and Kim acted more like it's a shame they lost the one who was nice enough to have around but had limited function, but fortunately, there's a spare with all the really important stuff on its memory card,

    • Love 1
  10. I have to remind myself that Griffin wasn't "short term" the first time. He was there for three years, involved in a lot of stories, but he didn't make much of a mark, did he? It was funny when he had his last scene with Sonny and Carly and they weren't sure if he had said goodbye. Even his leaving town was ineffectual!  

    • LOL 2
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  11. 12 hours ago, ulkis said:

    They've never had to make up reasons to keep Alexis away from Cassadine stuff for almost 20 years now. I think they just did it to give NLG some filler crap.

    I think they've been keeping Alexis away from Cassadine stuff for 20 years at NLG's request. She commented to one of the soap magazines (around Sexis time, 2002) that when Alexis was embroiled in stories about the Cassadine fortune and secrets in the '90s, it was her least favorite material, even though she liked Constance Towers and Stephen Nichols. She all but dismissed it as a Dark Shadows ripoff. 

    What she obviously does like and would push to be part of (and I do think she has some say in the direction of her character) is "down to earth" material. So she likes stories about a straitlaced lawyer attracted to corrupt men, a professional woman battling cancer and alcoholism, a mother's difficult relationships with her adult daughter(s), the therapy scenes, etc. That's her preferred lane.

    • Love 1
  12. I remember when ER was in its early seasons in the 1990s, really the height of HIV/AIDS transmission fear, when there were fewer and less effective treatment options for someone who had tested positive. The show actually dealt in a sensitive way with a main character who was HIV-positive, but while that was going on, there were way too many casual relationships/one-night stands/flings that resulted in pregnancy (or at least a scare) among the main characters, on a show about doctors and nurses. It was hard to buy that they were all so careless, but I just had to handwave it. It was a quasi-soap. 

    That is quite a Port Charles baby boom in recent years, with a lot of small children still running around. Maybe they're going to recycle the Guiding Light with Holly's mass kidnapping of every child in town.

    • Love 1
  13. 12 hours ago, pinkandsparkly13 said:

    So annoyed by Brook Lynn today. I was totally on Lulu's side. She doesn't know anything about the situation and has no right to judge. Even her precious "Uncle Sonny" told Lulu she had a right to move on if she wanted/needed to, and that was before Dante filed for divorce. Someone oughta tell her how the upstanding Dante cheated on Lulu with her cousin. Although she'd probably just laugh about it and what not. 

    I couldn't stand the way she was acting either, but I have to say she was infuriating in a very realistic way. There are people like that, unfortunately, who know nothing about a situation but still breeze in and say things that make you wonder if they buy their gall by the crate.

    I just hate the selectivity. Poor boring Lulu gets all this dumping on her, but no character would ever come back to town after an absence and say to Sonny, "You put Mike in a home? Oh, I could never do that to my parent."

    10 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    I just wanted to SLAP Monica. For ONCE, in how many years? They actually had turkey that wasn’t burned and other food, but because she’s gone down the delusional train of thinking Franco as the real Drew-which he’s NOT! Of course she had to arrange it so they were stuck ordering pizza.

    I really had a hard time buying that development. Stupid Monica. Also, obviously, that settles it. Olivia > Cook(s). 

    The Quartermaine thwarted-Thanksgiving tradition has long been one of those things I just don't find as funny as they want me to.  

    9 hours ago, Cheyanne11 said:

    Leo is clearly going to grow up to be a serial killer.  Did you get a look at those dead eyes?  Be afraid, Quartermaines.  Be very afraid.

    Afraid? They'll probably welcome it with open arms. He'll have to work for a long time to match the body count of the golden boy! 

    8 hours ago, statsgirl said:

    I hope Kendra is dead now, having died as stupidly and as pointlessly as she lived.

    The Kendra story ended up in that unsatisfying in-between place. There was both not enough and too much, and they either needed to do it better or not do it. I think if they had cast and written Kendra better and really developed her as someone with more going on than a vendetta against Alexis, but that being her main agenda, it might have worked. But the character and the portrayal were very one-note. That actress really did look like the Kiefer actor, and she was okay at being hateful and menacing (and fake-supportive), but her schemes never made a lot of sense and weren't intriguing enough to try to figure out. Just something to keep NLG occupied, I guess.   

    In closing, the Emme Rylan method in a single screen capture:  


    • LOL 1
  14. 19 minutes ago, sacrebleu said:

    Bobbie really should be front and center here, ( her son vs her grandson) but I don't think JZ and her Botox frozen face could handle it.

    Her performance in the "Wiley abducted by Shiloh" episodes is representative of what she's capable of when given anything beyond the talk-to scenes she usually gets, or cattiness to the likes of Julian and Nelle. She can whine loudly and pant heavily, but she can't suggest emotion we actually see, other than by widened eyes...and that doesn't even count, because they're always wide.

    • Love 4
  15. Delving into the famous 2011 firing and rehiring of Rebecca Herbst... 

    Specifically, the claim at the time (before they reversed the decision) was that it was necessary for the character to make a "storyline-dictated exit," and that Elizabeth would be involved in something over the next few months that people would not want to miss. 

    I've always wondered how they had planned to write her out. What was going on at the specific time she was originally supposed to have made the storyline-dictated exit? Was it Jake's "death," coming not long after Liz had been institutionalized? I do recall she was hallucinating him, and she made an error at work that almost had dire consequences for Siobhan. That resulted in her being suspended. I wonder if the original plan was for her to lose her license, or maybe go out with the wig-on-a-stick method. I just have a hard time seeing a simple "leave town/fresh start" exit, with the character's storylines in the first half of 2011.  

    All three of Liz's men who were on-canvas at that time had other partners. Jason was with Sam, Lucky was with Siobhan, and Nikolas was doing whatever that was with Brook. But if they surveyed that scene and thought she was the most expendable of those four women, they really miscalculated.  

    • Love 4
  16. "Sonny reassures Kristina" for the Tuesday show tells me there's going to be a car accident (or similar) that puts Alexis in the hospital for longer, possibly in a coma. Kristina has barely been on since her part in the DoD story ran its course. I'm assuming everything's going to come to light about Kiefer and Kendra, and Sonny's reassurances are in response to predictable "It's all my fault!" histrionics from Kristina, with more of Lexie's patented moves.  

    I like Risa Dorken and am glad she's coming back. I don't think the character's stories were great, but she's likable and energetic and seems to want to be there. When I'm watching her, at least I'm not getting pulled out of whatever's going on with questions like "Does she hate her job?" or "Is she sick?"  

    • Love 1
  17. 5 hours ago, yowsah1 said:

    If Laura Wright were to quit GH, that to me would be a sign that GH is going to be cancelled.  People at GL talk about she picked up on the signs of it's impending doom and got out early. 

    No shaky-cam scenes in the production office's restroom for her! 

    • LOL 1
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  18. 3 hours ago, lala2 said:

    I just read that Willow is pregnant. Why? What is the point of making her pregnant? 

    So when the baby-swap story finally limps across the finish line, and she realizes that "Wiley" is no relation to her, and all that stress was over nothing, she'll have some consolation. I guess. And Nina can be envious of her all over again.  

    Why does Donna exist? What was the point of giving CarSon a baby at this stage in life?

    It got all of us talking about spina bifida, and it memorialized the beloved makeup artist. Also, Sonny is a great father, and Carly loves children with her whole heart (not just a part of it).  

    • LOL 3
  19. Rebecca Budig did rock that goodbye scene with Violet. I will miss Hayden. I don't know if RB has anything else going on career-wise that would hurt the chances, but I won't be surprised if the character is back again soon. I can't say I feel they used all of her time wisely in this temp return, but she was getting better material toward the end (minus the time-wasting day of her looking at Kim's apartment). I especially liked her and Rebecca Herbst as sisters, as I had the first time around.   

    Where did Nikolas find that guy to pretend to attack Hayden anyway? Nik has been away for years; it doesn't seem likely he'd have an underworld network ready to hop to. Did he look in the Yellow Pages under "Hired Goons" and put that on Jax's credit card as well?

    At least he got his money's worth. From Hayden's perspective, it did look like a real fight. I suspected even yesterday that he was behind it, though, and when he came back and played rescuer, I was sure.  

    Thanksgiving: I'm thankful that CvE and his new co-head writer are doing some good things. The episode earlier this week with all the Stella was an unusually solid complete episode. And I'm thankful, honestly, that the show is still on to complain about. The devoted viewers of Another WorldGuiding LightAs the World TurnsOne Life to Live, and All My Children, some of whom grew up with those shows or inherited a love of them from their parents, don't get the occasional enjoyable episode anymore, or the fun of bitching when the show isn't great.  

    • Love 7
  20. 1 hour ago, tvgoddess said:

    If it's KM, I'm closing my ears because I don't want to hear the screaming of the Jasam stans. But I also want to laugh in their face.

    Her fans on various boards are saying it's absolutely impossible, because she's one of ABC Daytime's most prized and favored stars and has a long-term contract. But the writing and some other factors do give one reason to wonder. (Or "hope"). 

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