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Asp Burger

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Posts posted by Asp Burger

  1. Yeah, whatever the current writers can do well (and they are doing some things well, IMO), they haven't managed any of these short-term returns efficiently. They wasted a lot of the time they had with Rebecca Budig by tediously putting off the scenes people wanted to see, and around the time Hayden's story started getting good, it was time for her to go. Jane Elliot's visit didn't have enough impact. Her first two days aired out of order, and Tracy's departure was so underplayed that it didn't even seem to happen. Réal Andrews's return was confusing. I still have no idea why Taggert was reintroduced visiting Mike at Turning Woods, which proved to have nothing to do with his story. Just a dumb red herring? The revelation that he was married just leaves unanswered questions about when it happened in his timeline (has Portia always been a PC resident?), and killing him off was a downer for a fairly popular character who had got away cleanly the first time. 

    The best you could say if you liked those actors/characters (three out of three with me) is that it was good to see them again for a while. 

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  2. Spinelli's being spotted and caught so easily no doubt vindicates Sam's impulse to do the legwork herself. She definitely would have done better, unless the surveillance required following Delores up or down stairs. Then Sam would have stumbled, fallen, struck her head, and been rendered unconscious until Jason came to save her.

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  3. I think it's going to be similar to the one about the dreams of Ava. It delves into her past and is supposed to be catnip to fans who love her, and "juicy historical surprises" are promised. But some other characters are mentioned in the teasers for that day, such as Nina and Nelle, so there seems to be at least a little forward movement. Bobbie gets unsettling news. (Hey, maybe the juicy historical surprise/unsettling news is that Carly is no relation to her! Nah.) 

  4. Sam was actually tut-tutting, "Not a good look for a married woman!" about her parole officer? First of all, based on what we saw, the dinner with the councilman might have been innocent. Second, as if Sam's led a moral life at any point? They really don't make it easy to like her.  

    I think they are writing Nelle with something like maternal feeling. I don't think it's entirely about putting the screws to the Corinthoses and Quartermaines. 

    TJ hasn't been so focal to a story in seven years, and he's offscreen for all of it, except for a couple of pictures on a phone. In related news, Haley Pullos is grating to listen to in these scenes with Molly frantic and demanding answers. So, yes, I now find all three of Alexis's daughters annoying. 

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  5. 3 hours ago, nilyank said:

    More people are stuck at home so GH may get some viewers back during this time.

    That may be happening, although I don't know in what numbers. I saw a Facebook post from a friend I didn't know had ever watched. She just commented that it was comforting to come back after ten years and see so many of the same faces.

    Someone who had been away that long would see a lot of complete holdovers (same actor and character both) in the main cast. Laura, Sonny, Carly, Jax, Jason, Sam, Elizabeth, Alexis, Maxie, Anna...maybe Michael, depending on how precise "ten years" was. Chad Duell is coming up on a decade next month. In fact, his taking over from Drew Garrett was announced ten years ago tomorrow. Plus a lot of the recurring people: Bobbie, Scott, Lucy, Kevin, Monica, Ned, Olivia, Robert, Mac, Felicia, Diane, Epiphany. I'm not sure which group Spinelli is in, but he's another veteran from the aughts.

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  6. Too. Much. Violet. The little girl who plays her is cute, but when they're giving me scene after scene of adults fawning over her, and the scenes are making points that are so obvious and drawn out, it's having a negative effect. It's like the bad old days of Emma in the Sabreeeeena period.  

    In the midst of all that forced cuteness, Anna and Finn talked about setting a wedding date. You know what that means. Rebecca Budig must be making another return.  

    I still like Ava and Nikolas, and that scene at the hospital couldn't have gone better if Ava had planned it. It's so Elizabeth to defend someone she's mad at because someone she hates is horning in on her act.  

    I usually think Steve Burton does okay with what he has to do, but he was off his game in those scenes in Sonny's kitchen. He was playing Jason's "thinking" and "realizations" about Cyrus and the PCPD in a broad, telegraphic way. It was almost funny. All that was missing was a cartoon light bulb over his head.  Maybe the moss is Steve's acting kryptonite, and that's why he tried to shove it away.  

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  7. 1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

    Behind Ned were two books, one labeled A-H, the other L-Z. That is not the whole alphabet, Show. What have you got against I, J, and K?

    The "J" volume has the hated Jerome family in it. The two closest letters are contaminated by proximity.

    • LOL 6
  8. 10 hours ago, threebluestars said:

    Chase/Willow/Michael/Sasha is giving me Ned/Alexis/Jax/Chloe flashbacks. Although the old school one had an even stupidier premise (Chloe had to marry to keep her company and chose marrying her cousin over her boyfriend lol), I actually had a lot of fun watching it. This one ... I don't think is going to be all that fun.

    I wonder if Nelle will play the Aunt Getrude role, flinging doors open and shouting "I knew it!" when she's expecting to find one of the original couples having sex.

    • LOL 1
  9. I had to rewatch the Tram kiss after reading all the comments here, because it didn't really strike me. In fact, I'm embarrassed to say I didn't remember that they had kissed, which is telling. But yes, it was awkward. The angle made it clear that they were just pushing faces together with closed lips. It looked neither romantic nor affectionate. More like a grim duty.  

    The problem with Portia is the setup, or lack. It's bad planning. Trina first appeared in June 2017, and the current Trina actress has been regularly playing her for a little more than a year. They should have eased a mother in, maybe had her playing a part in hospital stories that aren't all about Trina. I mean...the hospital stories there have been, gunshot victims or whatever. We could then have known her for a while before Taggert's reintroduction, maybe had some hints about who the ex-husband was. Maybe we'd have seen Trina and Portia talking about Trina getting the gallery internship when that subplot started.   

    Instead, they cast a soap vet and had her show up one day throwing attitude around and being anti-Ava, while fighting with half the town for space up Sonny and Carly's asses. We have no context for her other than that she's Trina's Mother...who, oh by the way, is a doctor who's been at General Hospital forever. No matter how one feels about Ava, it's alienating.

    • Love 10
  10. That's just soaps (and TV generally), though. Some characters live in houses/apartments that look too extravagant for whatever their jobs are, or they're dressed too expensively or appear to live lavishly, and then money woes come up to serve a story point. To some viewers, it's still a sore spot that Liz and Lucky became Last Exit to Branford poor in the mid-aughts just to make Liz receptive to carrying a baby for Jax and his then-wife, the deceased daughter of Mike and Janine.  

    • Love 2
  11. The contents of Sonny's "shipments" are like the mysterious briefcase in Pulp Fiction. People have been theorizing for decades and we're still no closer to knowing, and we probably never will.  

    If the show is ever canceled, they should tie it up in the final episode and have it be something outlandish. Have the last scene show various endangered species being freed from crates. All along he's been trafficking in exotic animals. Many of them lived on The Island. While in transport, they were eating moss. 

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  12. 5 hours ago, Gam2 said:

    Today, it’s a wrestling match, throwing each other all over the room and tearing off each other’s clothes. That may indeed be how people make love nowadays but I’ll stick to my kind. It was tender, gently and caring. 

    Oh, I would question how much it reflects reality, in this time or any time. That wild, slamming-into-the-walls, clothes-tearing stuff is good for drama and entertainment, but I'd bet money that real-life sex is more often either the "tender" kind you describe or else something kind of awkward. Which can also be caring. 

    Almost no one saw this movie, but there was a movie called Margaret with Anna Paquin about a decade ago. She plays a teen who loses her virginity to one of the Culkin actors. It was just about the most realistic first-time sex that has ever been put on film. Everything about it, the before, during, and after, was so real. The movie was written and directed by Kenneth Lonergan, who made You Can Count on Me and Manchester by the Sea

    Which isn't to say I always want that to be the version shown. I do think there's a place for both the realistic and the "heightened." 

  13. I think Luke is a great, iconic character of soap history, but he's tapped out. The surviving characters in his orbit are better for not having him around now. Yes, I will still feel that way if they bring Lucky back, played by anyone. In his last years, it was more like we were supposed to be grateful still to behold Soap Acting Legend Tony Geary; we were not seeing stories that argued for the continued vitality and relevance of Luke Spencer. 

    I don't have a sense of how much of a spike in viewership a long-term TG return might bring, but it's not anything I hope for. 

    • Love 8
  14. 1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    Taggert wasn't married when he was on this show 20 odd years ago. He was single. And he was also dating Daria(?) at the time, I believe.

    And after the Dara relationship had run its course, he was dating Hannah Scott, once she was revealed as an FBI agent and Sonny had moved on to Carly. Taggert, Hannah, and AJ had a triangle going in 2000-01, almost up to the time she moved away.  

    That does leave a couple years in Taggert's run when I guess he could have been involved with Portia offscreen, in Port Charles. Once the Hannah relationship was over, we didn't get much about his personal life, other than scenes with his sister. Like you, I had assumed Portia came later, but it's all a bit vague.  

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  15. Remember when the big summer promo was something that didn't end up being much of a story? Liz with two of her eventual baby-daddies, circa 2002.  

    To be fair, in the best romantic early-aughts GH fashion, Jason and Zander did join forces to shoot her.  

    Liz is cursed. Fifteen years later, there were ads that had us thinking there was going to be a Franco/Liz/Griffin triangle, and that was even less a thing. 

  16. It's been a long time, but as I recall it, Scott was resorting to unethical measures in his anti-mob campaigning, and Taggert became an obstacle to that, because even though he hated Sonny and wanted him to go down, he wanted it done by the book so it would stick. Scott decided to get rid of Taggert, and was going to set him up as a "dirty cop" of the kind Scott was crusading to rid the PCPD of, and Taggert was disgusted and decided to take a job on the other coast. It was half-assed, the kind of story they tell when an actor isn't going to be there much longer.  

    • Useful 1
  17. 2 hours ago, sacrebleu said:

    Chase and Sasha will commiserate over Michael and Willow bonding and the two of them will cheat first (most likely after a night of drinking) thereby making Michael and Willow the victims.

    Totally. Droopy Dog and Snow White, a match made in heaven. I can't think of a worse pairing dramatically. They're both written as such perfect people that it's hard to imagine them even needing to use the bathroom.

    When your scenario unfolds, everyone will turn on Sasha because Michael stood by her when no one else did! The snarling Carly telling-off speech -- probably delivered in public -- writes itself.  

    By the way, Katelyn MacMullen's Instagram is an interesting experience. Usually, soap actresses are all glammed up for the shows and "no-fuss pretty" in photos taken off the set. She's the opposite.  

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  18. 6 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

    Really? Jacob Young had to be de-aged? I never thought he looked too old; my only problem with him was all the yelling.  

    Young (b. September 1979) was 20 when he got the role, so he was around the right age. He is two and a half years older than Jonathan Jackson, but I don't think they de-aged him. Like you, I didn't think he was too old. It was everything else about him that bothered me, starting with the yelling and progressing to the limited facial expressions.  

    2 hours ago, Kiki777 said:

    I liked that silver skirt Alexis was wearing but...  don’t you have to dress up at the opera?  Or have I seen Pretty Woman too many times?

    Nah. You can get dressed to the nines, but you don't have to. They welcome everyone. Most people just go for "respectable," and Alexis and Neil hit that mark.  

    That was the late Montserrat Caballé, Freddie Mercury's favorite opera singer (and duet partner), that they played a little bit of when we saw them listening to the music. The exact part used starts around 3:32.  


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  19. My problem with the Neil/Alexis dilemma is that the character who's most at risk is the one we're logically less invested in. Neil's been on for a little over a year. A pie chart display of his onscreen doctoring would have Alexis taking up most of it, a smaller slice of Kristina, and a tiny, barely visible slice of Brad. He's not Monica or even Finn, in that resetting him with some other occupation (telling us he's now a best-selling self-help author, for example) would be a huge shift in character identity. So his woes with the licensure board are one of those things we're supposed to care about because they tell us to. I guess the success of it depends on how much you like the actor.  

    When Alexis was facing disbarment four years ago for her breach of ethics in the Carlos/Julian mess, and ultimately was suspended for a year, it was a better story, even though that was a worse period for the show's writing overall. The stakes were higher. Alexis was also a lot more upset about the possibilities than Neil appears to be. 

  20. Does anyone have sex anymore? 

    No, that isn't a board poll. I was just thinking it seems like ages since any couple had a "love scene." I mean one of those classic soap ones, the montages that were as explicit as they could get away with on daytime. Nikolas and Emily had a bunch of them when Tyler and Natalia were in the roles, and Maurice did them with various partners when Sonny was in his prime (and for some time thereafter).

    Am I forgetting something, or are those just a thing of the past on GH? It seems like more recently, we just get the postcoital lolling about in bed.  

    I'm not necessarily complaining, but under the last couple of writing regimes, the show has definitely become steam-free. 

  21. 1 hour ago, ulkis said:

    Friz could use a major shake up right now. I'm not even talking necessarily a break up but just them dealing with a Lucky who is in town would be more interesting than anything else they've come up with in the last year and a half for Friz.

    Where they seem to be headed in shaking things up for Franco/Liz is a revisit of Nikolas/Liz, with the story starting now involving Ava's plotting. There's probably a year of material in that. Becky does have chemistry with Marcus Coloma. I was looking at the clip of their reunion at the hospital in January, and they already had a nascent fan base in the comments (re: her saying she had to try not to faint, and his replying "might" while looking at her a little more dreamily than one usually looks at a platonic friend). 

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