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Asp Burger

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Posts posted by Asp Burger

  1. I was on a GH break then. When vampires and pickle relish took over the show for a while there, I got on the barge for about two years. But I'm with @FilmTVGeek80 on this point, based on recap skims and the video evidence. I have nothing against Sabrina in that clip, other than TC's stiff line readings. She sounds as though she'd support whatever Michael decides, and she's clearly just nudging him along a train of thought he's already on.

    And come on, it's GH. Of course the destination was always going to be Sonny and Carly getting back in Michael's good graces, with AJ rarely mentioned.

    • Love 2
  2. I'm still not at a point where when Lucas is in a scene, I know who he is until he says something that clarifies it. When he was shown on Wednesday's show with Sam, before he started putting his two cents in about Julian's worthlessness, I was trying to go through process of elimination. It's a combination of his spotty air dates and the "basic, nondescript handsome guy" quality of the recast. He's still "Who-cas."

    • Love 9
  3. I would not hope for Alexis/Jax scenes anymore. Honestly, I think this is a big reason they've written this closeness with Valentin in, ever since Valentin found out he isn't really a Cassadine. She already had Finn as a male friend with whom she had never had a romantic/sexual relationship. Now she's doubly covered.   

    NLG and IR might be professional and get through scenes together if they were forced, but my guess is that no one at GH wants to push it or really sees the need, when there are so many others for each of them to have scenes with. So I just don't think Jax will be one of the characters trying to make Alexis great again.

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  4. DeVry isn't holding back. When a fan said said she had skipped the last two episodes, he said he didn't blame her, and that it was "painful." I don't think he meant in a "harrowing greatness" way, either.  


    In cheerier cast news, Anderson and Burton had Marcus Coloma back earlier this month for a "seven questions" video. The clip is easily found on YouTube. Their questions could have been better (since he plays a prince, they ask things like "Who's your favorite Disney prince?"), and Bradford's microphone is way too loud, but MC's likable personality makes it decently enjoyable. At one point, he's talking about watching a lot of old Nikolas clips to get a sense of the character's history (but not trying to do a TC impersonation), and he says, completely without shade, something like "I watched some really old clips. Steve, you must have been about 25 in some of them."

    • LOL 10
  5. 17 hours ago, Bringonthedrama said:

    Btw Valentin, you're quite delusional if you think Charlotte has been a good girl this year. Such thinking is why she's a spoiled brat. 

    Seriously. Her misdeeds in the 2020 calendar year include the anti-Sasha vandalism at Crimson, causing the accident that injured Jax, and putting the snake (which she stole Valentin's credit card to buy) in Ava's purse. I guess we're supposed to think she was a perfect little angel when the show was off the air and then when she got back-burnered, but even if so, she put herself in quite a hole in the first three months.  

    I noticed that Carly said she's started noticing how much Dante is like his dad since he got back to town. Yeah. Brooding, secretive, morose, haunted, and psychologically unbalanced. No wonder she's newly fond. 

    The difference is, Dante wasn't always like this. He has had very recent traumatic experiences including torture and brainwashing to account for it, and his wife wasn't in an explosion because of him. Sonny brought a lot of his misery on himself with his way of life. The only part he was blameless in was the stuff about being put in the closet as a kid, which was getting really old when he was still complaining about it at 40. (Not that I'm dismissive of childhood abuse and trauma as a serious thing people never really get over, but he certainly didn't have any impediment to seeking help for it, and he preferred to wallow and use it as a justification.)

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  6. 8 hours ago, Melgaypet said:

    But he and Laura are kind of boring, tbh.

    They are. When they got together, it just seemed like, "You're over 50 and unattached? So am I! Let's date!" 

    But -- I already said this in the episode thread -- I don't think GF has been good in romantic stories in her maturity (which I'll define as the 1990s return to the present). I also suspect she likes doing love scenes even less than Chad Duell does. There was a period there when Stefan was around, Scott was around, Luke was around, Stavros was obsessing over her; she had a lot of relationship and potential-relationship stuff going on. GF was younger at that time than Rebecca Herbst, Laura Wright, and Maura West are today, but she just acted...past it. I wasn't seeing sparks with anyone. Just "comfort." (Or "discomfort" in Stavros/RKK's case.) 

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  7. Yes. He peers through the window, with big fake-looking snowflakes falling on him, and that's when we start hearing Epiphany singing "Silent Night" on the soundtrack. Then there's a montage of other Port Charles Christmas stuff. When we see Chase again, some time has passed and he's drunk and crying at a bar. Finn comes in, and we see Finn mouthing the words "Let's get you home, little brother" while Epiphany is concluding with "Sleep in heavenly peace."

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  8. 1 hour ago, Mirabelle said:

    I remember back in the Tamblyn era Jason told Carly she didn't have to be friends with Emily but if they were going to fight, Carly had to fight out in the open and if he ever found Emily in a dumpster reeking of alcohol he was through with Carly. I like to think that conversation stuck with the character. I'm probably the only person who remembers that moment though. I haven't been able to find it on YT.

    I remember Jason's "Emily/dumpster" threat to Carly. That was sometime in spring 1999.  It was a good period for the show, even though Hannah was on all the time, and no amount of billboards and print ads could make her happen.  

    4 hours ago, statsgirl said:

    I don't think that Michael is mad that Chase and Sasha gave up their happiness for Wylie, I think he's mad that now that Willow knows the truth, she's going to pick Chase over him because she's not an idiot.

    To me, that means the odds favor Willow staying with Michael, at least for the foreseeable future. If Willow were about to return to Chase, they'd never show Michael lashing out angrily and saying Willow was going to go back to Chase. They'd have Michael emphasizing the strength of his and Willow's commitment to each other, and Chase saying he knows he has no chance, so that Willow's choice would be "surprising." 

    So my guess is that Sasha is getting Brando as her consolation prize, and Chase is getting someone else, and Snow White is riding Eeyore to happiness. Chase -- not being a Corinthos -- will be one of those GH characters who have to "live with the consequences of [their] actions." But no one will think he's a bad guy, and in time he will have Michael's friendship again and will be absurdly grateful for it.  

    • Love 2
  9. Ironic that the show began with Julian being informed that he'd missed the bus. Every bus has found him for years.  

    I'm not going to miss that character or DeVry, and it hit me today why. Julian has for too long played one note: beleaguered. He was never enjoyable as a gray character, because he never had any fun (contrast him with AJ -- either actor). The desperation of DeVry's acting in this last lap is just a more disheveled version of his usual setting. It isn't different enough from how he's acted all along when in constant fear that someone would find something out and he would lose everything. And he didn't have much to lose. Okay, he had Charlie's. But as far as relationships, everyone except Ava and Kim (when she was there) treated him with contempt. I'd say it's been 60 percent the writing and 40 percent DeVry, but no tears here.  

    Julian to his good Samaritan: "You're not gonna catch anything from me." Unless he's COVID positive and the other actor catches something because they're face to face on a bench about four inches apart. 

    I really like Brook Kerr as Portia. She doesn't do big "look at me" acting. She just seems like a normal competent adult getting by in this crazy town. 

    Unpopular opinion: I don't think Chad Duell looks bad at all, physically. I do think the smart play for writing would be to let Michael's halo get tarnished by making more of his entitlement. Chase is the much more sympathetic of the two guys. It's a good point that Michael and Willow suffered far less than those who "conspired" against and manipulated them, and Chase can hardly be described as happy lately. So Michael's rant and violence today were disproportionate and small. 

    Temporary Taggert was put in a tough spot, getting dropped into a story at the worst time, with no "marking time" scenes to build up to it. He was also filling in for someone with a very distinctive look and voice. I thought he did a good job playing a bad hand. I might enjoy him as some other character, but I realize GH might have a cap on the number of bald black middle-aged actors they have at one time.  

    An "Aunt Gia" mention. So many mentions of the departed lately.  

    One thing the current writers are doing very well is writing to Genie Francis's strengths. Laura in this latest return has been better used than in decades. It's funny to say this about someone who's half of a supercouple, the supercouple, but I don't think GF has been good in romantic stories from the 1990s onward. Now, as the mayor, as a talk-to for all her many connections, as a parent, as an antagonist to the current big bad in town, she works really well. And her marriage to Kevin is wisely being kept in the background. I don't need scenes of those two cuddled up on the couch murmuring endearments.

    • Love 8
  10. 17 minutes ago, Winston Wolfe said:

    Did that really happen????🤣😂

    ETA: Just caught it - "a little ditty about Jack & Diane. Two American kids doing the best they can" LOL.

    Here's how Soap Central's recap put it: 

    On the docks, Jason met up with a guy who had seen a woman in a diner after the "accident." Jason confirmed with the man that it was, in fact, Carly. Jason asked the man, "Did she order a chili dog, toasted bun, double order of cheese fries?" According to the informant, she had. Jason then knew what Carly had done. Loaded with information, Jason showed up at Carly's door, telling her he knew she faked her death and that Sonny should know. Carly was stunned. [...] She breaks down and confesses and tells him the whole story of how she went wide on the curve and her car hit the water. She was numb and cold and could barely move but somehow she got out and got to safety but has no idea how long she was in the water. She said she found a summer cabin and she broke in and stayed there a few days because she was drifting in and out. She said she went into town to find a pay phone to call her mom but then she saw the newspaper about her being missing and decided to stay away longer to get back at Sonny. She said when she heard that they had found "her body" she went back. She swears she didn't fake her death but she did stay missing longer than she actually was. Jason is furious and tells her that Sonny will be very angry and that if she doesn't tell him he will. 

    But we were by then well into the Guza/Pratt GH, so there weren't really any consequences for her. I suspect that that was largely a McTavish story that got a shift in the handoff. 

    What she wanted to "get back at Sonny" for was having sex with Alexis.

    • Love 1
  11. Megan Ward! Bring her back somehow, Show. I don't care if it isn't as Connie/Kate (who got wrecked when KS took over).   

    Clonazepam was the big cliffhanger? <snort> Maybe if she started taking large amounts of it every day for years, she could join a support group and meet Stevie Nicks, but I don't think the injection alone was going to send her into wig-on-a-stick territory. Nice suspense, though, with the visual of the liquid with brake-fluid coloration.  

    When Josslyn rhetorically asked what kind of parent would fake their death, were we supposed to be thinking about Carly having done this when Michael was little? I know her car accident was legitimate, but then she stayed away and let everyone worry about her and get to the point of having her funeral. Jason later did some digging and found out she'd been suckin' on a chili dog outside the Tastee Freez in a neighboring town.

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  12. 13 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    "New York City, New York." Oh, Show. If you have "City," you don't need the state. They can't get anything right.

    Hey, any viewers who thought there may have been other New York Cities in Wyoming, Oklahoma, and South Carolina can rest assured they were properly oriented.  

    Kirsten Storms was good in the scene with Sasha, and I liked the use of her history as Lucky's supplier. We also got a reminder that Lucky is "forever in recovery in Africa, or something."  

    "They sent a detective?" "Yeah, I happened to be nearby." Nice lampshading. We knew it was going to be Chase at the scene of the staged DUI. With Valerie off canvas, he's the General Hospital all-purpose cop.

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  13. On 12/12/2020 at 10:30 AM, Hater said:

    Kelly is out of JaSam and is still sleepwalking. The scenes with Carly yesterday were snoozy like @GHScorpiosRule  said above. I used to like her with Billy's Jason and she slept walked with him too.  She had some moments during the cat poop story, but she's always been low energy and I don't see that changing simply because she's out of that pairing for now. 

    Agreed with all. I vividly remember one day coming here and transcribing what I thought I had heard in a lovey-dovey scene for Monaco and Miller (he was still playing Jason) just for the comedy, because there was not a single line I was sure of from either actor. They were both slurring and muttering. She's been low energy for years, with everyone. There was a period when anyone who brought it up risked a shaming from her fan base over her alleged scuba tragedy, but I don't get "partially deaf" from watching and listening to her, as much as "mostly checked out." Once in a while, as in the cat feces storyline, she doubles her effort and gives a "6" performance, but she'll be back in the 2-3 range eventually.

    • Love 8
  14. Everywhere I look where people are talking about GH, Sam is getting dragged this week. I'd estimate eight comments to the effect that she needs to get off the show, the character has been ruined, or she no longer makes any sense, for every two comments that are sympathetic to her position. I'm curious about the intended play here.

    1 hour ago, statsgirl said:

    Dr. not-Cousins

    Or "Dr. Second-Cousins." Ha. 

    • LOL 14
  15. No! "Silver Water Long-Term Care Facility" is never going to happen. It will always be The Facility That Jax Found™.  

    It's interesting that Dante said Sonny and Carly had put Michael there "a few years back." That's the way they're playing it? It was 12 years ago in actual time, and Michael is an underqualified thirtysomething CEO now, so I'm thinking more time is supposed to have gone by in PC World. I know I should stop trying to figure these things out.   

    I like Dominic Zamprogna's present look. He wears it well. I think he's clean-shaven in his picture in the seizure-inducing opening; however, I don't know if that's a more recent picture.

    I thought Sam's "I hope everything works out" re: Franco's new medical problems was a good writing choice. It would be in character and understandable for her not to be able to say "I hope he'll be okay." But she's also talking to a woman who's worried about her husband, and she doesn't want the other people in the Family Webber-Baldwin to suffer, so...middle-ground choice.

    • Love 10
  16. 1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

    If he has no scruples murdering Julian, he shouldn't have any killing Ava.

    I don't love anything involving Sonny, but the way they've handled his relationship with Ava in recent years -- roughly the post "magic face-burn fix" period -- has been pretty good, IMO. I think he is better than Carly about realizing (if grudgingly) that Ava is important to Avery, and Carly can't supersede that relationship. Ava also encouraged Avery's relationship with Mike, and he was appreciative of that.

    Also, she's not really being "Ava of the notorious Jerome Crime Family" anymore. She's running her art gallery and playing Lady of Wyndemere, neither of which roles presents any conflict with his business interests. With all of that together, it makes sense to me that they're in a period of détente.

    Now that Julian's on the way out and the "Morgan's return" anvils are falling, there will be even less reason for him to want her gone, although I'm sure he and Carly will play the "No thanks to you!" card when/if Morgan turns up alive.

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  17. Kelley and Danny seemed like fun on RWNO.

    Kelley was the obligatory person that season who started evading the cameras, and she was also in the relationship with Peter the local doctor for most of it. So she's mainly memorable from her season as Danny's gal pal. I guess she had a few other memorable scenes, like her fight with David when he insisted on rapping on their TV show. (Edit: Oh, no, not rapping. How could I forget? "Flowing"! The "Come on, be my baby tonight" song.) 

    Until today, I hadn't seen those March photos of Kelley/Danny in Belgium (right before everything started to get...2020). It's nice to know they're still so close, 20 years after doing the show together. So often, the "friends forever" talk in Real World finales turns out to be fake. But look at these two, actually taking a vacation together. 

    They still look good. He's changed more than she has.

  18. That scene on Friday's show with Nina visiting Sasha and telling her she still cared about her should have been touching, and I feel that the writing and Cynthia Watros were doing their parts. Sofia Mattsson, not so much. She was just...flat. In general, it's a meaty part that isn't going for much. Conniver with a heart of gold, glamour girl, two near-death experiences, coked-up scenery chewing, and through it all, she's always just kind of "marked present." 

    Honestly, the main reason I can't even get involved in these debates over the Michael/Willow/Chase/Sasha quad is that they all inspire apathy in me. They're all good-looking people, but they're not a very sexy or romantic bunch. Chase is the most appealing of the four, because the actor makes the character seem decent and likable, but I'm never as interested in his love stories as I am in his family and work stuff.

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  19. There was a lot of board discussion about that during the great pizza-oven debate of summer 2017. If realism were of the most concern, the solution would be for this husband and wife of around 60 and 50 respectively - both people of means, since she's a business owner herself -- to get their own place where Olivia could go wild with acquisitions and decorations without stepping on the toes of Monica or Monica's employees. Alternatively, they could have moved into that guest house where Ned used to live. The set is long gone, but they could make another one.  

    But the hard truth is that the Qs are now of secondary or tertiary importance. It's more practical to cluster what is left of the family into the mansion and show them getting on each other's nerves. It keeps alive a fragile link to a past when this family was the show's center.

    • Love 5
  20. 3 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

    The worst Michael will get is fat.

    Hey, I'd be down for a "Betty on Mad Men/Lee on Battlestar Galactica" story about Michael gaining weight. They could have stress make him resort to binge eating. Some latex jowls would go well with Duell's current look. The characters who called AJ fat could be haunted and disturbed as the chins of the father are visited on the son. Do it, writers.

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